MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 96 get it

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Standing in the shadow of the room is not hot at all, but it feels very comfortable.

No wonder some people like to sit in the shade under the tree, it turns out to be really cool.

I was thinking that Lin Chuan also came out, and said: "Would you like to go around the mountains, I will take you there."

, I was surprised when I saw Su Su's stomach: "Mr. Su, do you have it?"

Lin Chuan blocked Su Su and nodded, "Yeah." He knew that Su Su disliked his stomach a bit, so he was afraid that she would be embarrassed and blocked.

Su Su was indeed a little embarrassed. Before she left, she still looked like a young girl. She was just awkward, but the Lin family was happy. Mother Lin prepared a lot of things for the child, and then asked her, "Where do you plan to give birth to this child?" Although she knew she couldn't come back to give birth, she always had to ask her. of.

"I want to give birth there. I know a friend who is a nurse. She will arrange it for me when the time comes."

"Go to the hospital to give birth, that's more insurance. However, these shabby things shouldn't be used in the city. I packed out the clothes and pants from when I was a child."

"Ah? Okay, it is said that the old ones are better." Susu doesn't dislike it, just wash it. It is said that the old stuff is fine and will not hurt the skin of the child.

Mother Lin was very happy when she heard it, and said she would take it away after washing her. After breakfast, she asked about Lin Hai's situation again, Susu told them very simply, and took out the package to show Lin's mother: "This is what our factory produced, mother. You'll use this in the future, it's better than toilet paper."

"This thing is very expensive, so you can sell it."

"These are the defective products from the production line, you just use them."

"What's the use of this?" Mother Lin doesn't know it either, she's never seen it.

Su Su explained to her how to use it, and Mother Lin felt that it was very useful when she heard that she could not make paper balls. I also told Su Su a few embarrassing things that happened with toilet paper. Anyway, it was quite interesting.

At this time, Lin Chuan brought a small basket in and wanted to take Susu for a walk. Mother Lin said unhappily, "You want to take someone up the mountain?"


"There are a lot of miscellaneous things in the mountains, don't scare people."


"Also, she is a twin, so some fruits picked in the mountains can't be eaten casually. You have to bring them back and let me see before you can eat them."


Lin Chuan promised everything before he rescued Su Su from his mother Lin's hands. The two walked into the mountains while talking along the way.

Su Su didn't go too far, Lin Chuan took her hand all the way to the forest to pick some mushrooms, and then went to the creek to fish for some small shrimp. She didn't expect that there were so many things to do in the mountains. Although there were many mosquitoes and it was not easy to walk, she really liked this feeling. It's like traveling to any scenic spot in the past.

However, the scenery of the scenic spot has been artificially trimmed. Even if you go to any natural oxygen bar, don't expect to see things like mushrooms, because they are all sprayed, and you can't even see bugs and grasshoppers.

Now she has seen some species that she has never seen before. What kind of grasshopper, what kind of grasshoppers of various varieties and colors, and what kind of flat hooks, green and green, it was fun to play them in her hands as soon as they grabbed their legs. Once released, it can fly, but it has no lethality.

Su Su looked at Linchuan who was standing in the creek and fished out a few big prawns with blue seeds. She never thought that her life would be so colorful and rich, all because his reason.

Just here, Lin Chuan was startled, then took out something in the blue child and said, "What is this?"

Although Su Su was far away, she saw a sparkling thing in the aquatic plants he fished out. Isn't that his mobile phone. She immediately stood up and walked down: "That's mine..." Slam, stepped into the water with one foot.

Gang Linchuan didn't let her in for fear that she would get cold, but when she stepped in, she found that it was not cold at all. And she was wearing the sandals that she brought, not cold and not afraid of water, very comfortable.

Of course, I was more concerned about my mobile phone, so I hurriedly took it and wiped the water plants and looked at it.

There is no injury at all, and the more than 20 yuan mobile phone film surrounded by it really works. The most important thing is that this phone is waterproof, and I don't know if it can be opened or not.

I clicked the boot button with my hand and found it to be useless. Charge it up when you get home and see if it can be turned on.

"Your stuff?"

"I lost it when I fell last year."


"Uh, alarm, alarm."

There is no mobile phone in this era, and there is no network and it is impossible to make calls, so it can only be an alarm clock.

Of course, you can also take pictures, if it can be repaired.

"This alarm clock is really small, can it be good after soaking in water?" Lin Chuan knew that there was something strange about his daughter-in-law, but he believed her and didn't want to ask more. Although he is a husband and wife, he also knows that some things should not be pushed too hard, otherwise people will hate them if they are too possessive. Originally, he had been quite possessive since he was a child, and since he had a daughter-in-law, he has been deliberately restraining.

Su Su didn't know what he was thinking, but he was very happy to find his mobile phone. After cleaning it, he put it in his pocket and went home with Lin Chuan. When I got home, I ate dumplings stuffed with wild vegetables. It was really fresh.

"Delicious, why is it so fresh."

eat it."

"Okay, can you make dumplings then?"

"Yes, you can soak it for half a day after you fish it out."

Su Su was very happy when she heard it, and said, "Mother, get me a jar." Anyway, there is a car that can be taken away.

"No, mother, you can get some more, go back and give it away." Lin Chuan said while picking shrimp.

Su Su said puzzled: "Who are you sending?"

"Principal Guan and his wife, as well as your neighbor's male teacher, and then there is Bai Lingling's house."

Lin Chuan said something casually.

Then Susu felt that she might be a little stupid for three years, and she didn't think of taking it back to others. Fortunately, Lin Chuan remembered, it seems that he is not very straight, at least in interpersonal relationships. However, he was thinking of himself, which was nice.

Mother Lin also heard what they meant and agreed, and said, "When your father and the others come back later, let them go to the mountains to make some adjustments."

"Just let Lin Chuan go." It's really a fragrance, and I can't bear to let my eldest son go to work.

"Okay." Mother Lin really couldn't trust her eldest son, she always felt that he couldn't do anything well. But Lin Chuan didn't refute his mother, and in the afternoon he quietly went to get a carload of wild vegetables and came back.

The family spent half a day pickling the wild vegetables. At this time, the aunt came over. She inquired about Lin Donghe's situation and heard that he was very happy after setting up a factory of. He asked about Lin Donghe and his daughter-in-law again. Su Su didn't say anything, and said carelessly, "It's still like that."

The eldest aunt sighed and said, "It's also worrying to marry such a daughter-in-law."

Su Su said: "It will be fine." After all, is it the hero and heroine?

The aunt went back after inquiring. Before leaving, she took two packs of sanitary napkins back. She was very happy to hear that the products were made by her son's factory.

Mother Lin said: "You have to be careful when you are a joint venture factory. Don't make something happen."

"No, we are a joint-stock system." Susu smiled.

They are many.

Mother Lin didn't know about nature, so she didn't ask more questions, and they were about to go back after the wild vegetables were made.

"Call me before you have a baby, I'll go ahead."

"Got mother."

Susu knew that their idea was that it was normal for her mother-in-law to take care of her grandson, but she would not be happy if she did not let her go. Besides, she takes care of the child as a novice, so she can only let her mother-in-law go.

I think that my dormitory only has one room, and if my mother-in-law comes after giving birth, there is no place to live.

So be sure to discuss with Lin Chuan after you go back.

This time they took away the forty or fifty eggs and more than twenty goose eggs saved by the mother-in-law. It is said that eating goose eggs is very nutritious for pregnant women, so Lin mother exchanged the red cloth they used when they got married, in order to leave it for Susu to eat.

And then there is a big jar of pickled wild vegetables, go back and divide again.

After finally returning home, Su Su went to the factory after only one day of rest. Then she felt that she was slapped in the face, and she clearly told her family that there would be nothing to say to Lin Donghe, but when she entered the office door, she saw a person sitting there, sorting some documents, as if She's like a staff member here.

The man who saw her coming back smiled and said, "Comrade Su is here, sit down, I'll pour you some water."

Totally look like my own family.

Su Su looked at the office she designed, which is usually where she and Bai Lingling would sit when they came. Now, it seems to have become Qin Yueyue's own home. She was a little unhappy.

It happened that Lin Donghe also walked in, she said, "Lin Donghe, when will our factory documents be available to others?"

Lin Donghe's face was a little haggard, and after hearing Su Su say this, he said, "It's me, I couldn't reconcile the accounts, so let her help with the calculation."

"She's not from our factory, or did you invite her over to help?" Su Su said seriously with one hand on her waist. Even if they are a factory run by three people together, it doesn't look so formal, but it's the factory of the three of them, not Qin Yueyue's.

She is sitting in the office upright now, and she still treats herself as a familiar appearance like the factory manager's wife?

Besides, why was she not there when the three of them worked so hard to build the factory, and when it was beneficial, she came to join in.

So he said to Qin Yueyue, "go back, you don't need your help here."

"But you are really busy, and Lin Hai's education is not high enough to help you."

Qin Yueyue said a little aggrieved.

"He can't help us, we can hire an accountant." Su Su said directly, rude. It hurts her head and wants her to give her a good face, don't even think about it.

Qin Yueyue glanced at Lin Donghe and saw that he didn't speak for herself, so she left in grievance.

As soon as the others left, Su Su sat on the table and said, "I know that you are not happy to tell you this just now, but I don't trust Qin Yueyue's character that she is dangling in our factory. Although I'm a good talker, I can't allow others to ride on my neck and do whatever they want. The reason why I didn't pursue her secret calculations at school is because of my relatives' face. "Just after Lin Hai came in, he sneered: "I told you not to let her come, but as soon as people cried and made trouble, he brought people in. Not only did he give things, but he also helped them settle accounts. , and left to eat at noon and at night. Sure enough, they are husband and wife, and this factory is about to become their husband and wife. "

Su Su took a breath when she heard it, and then she felt a tightness in her chest.

It's not far, and I bought a few popsicles on the way, but when I came back, I saw Qin Yueyue standing under the tree at her house, looking like a little white flower in the wind.

Su Su knew that this woman must be looking for something for her standing here, so she said, "Are you busy?"

Qin Yueyue smiled and said, "I'm back, I really have something to do with you. Since you don't like seeing me, I'll make a long story short. I think you and another partner are regular workers. I don't have much time to manage the factory. However, it's too tiring to take a lot of time to look at it. Why don't you let Donghe pay you back all the money you invested in the past, and then make some compensation, and you can leave the factory to him. ."

Su Su felt her head smoking, she crossed her thick waist and sneered: "I've heard of Xie Mo who kills donkeys, but I've never seen you so shameless and skinless. Do you mean what Lin Donghe means?"

"This... Of course not, I'm thinking of you..."

"Don't say it's useless." Susu ignored her, reached out and called a passing college student: "Can this classmate do me a favor?"

The college student was here to deliver materials to the teacher, and stopped when he heard Susu call.

As the only highly educated beautiful teacher in the school, how could he not know him, he immediately said: "Mr. Su, what's the matter."

"You go to the front, turn left and walk 500 meters. There is a tissue factory. You go and call the manager of the factory. His name is Lin Donghe, and there is a small Linhai." No. Expose yourself completely to the enemy and always find a comrade.

Lin Hai's mouth is okay, but she is still facing herself, and she mustn't watch her suffer.

Qin Yueyue said unhappily, "this is our business..."

"Fart, I have nothing to do with you at all. The three of us worked hard to build this factory, and you haven't even seen a single shadow. It's time to teach you how to be a human being. " Su Su looked at Qin Yueyue coldly, since she even had this kind of idea, she would be pressured to think later. Don't even think about it.

"Susu, let's talk well, don't be so harsh as a teacher." Qin Yueyue said.

Su Su gave her a white look, opened the door and put the popsicles in her own kettle. It is said that it can be kept warm by placing it here, and it will not melt for at least two or three hours. In order to get angry, she ate one, and came out just in time for Lin Donghe and Lin Hai.

Lin Donghe knew that Susu was looking for him in a hurry, so he asked, "Susu, what are you looking for me for?" But looking at Qin Yueyue, who was standing there aggrieved and crying It seems to understand.

Qin Yueyue made the first move, ran to Lin Donghe and took his arm: "Donghe, I just think your two partners are working hard, so I want them to rest Take a break, and then I'll help you. But I didn't expect Su Su to be so angry and scolded me. "

Lin Donghe frowned and said, "Susu, what happened just now..."

"Lin Donghe, you invested more than 500 yuan in this factory, plus your hard work these days, I will give you a total of 2,000 yuan, please leave the factory and don't come here again. "Susu didn't explain that he arrived first.

"What?" Lin Donghe and Qin Yueyue were surprised at the same time.

Lin Donghe frowned slightly and said: "Susu, no matter what the reason is, you can't do it this way. When we built the factory, everyone sacrificed a lot, so we thought wholeheartedly. Run this factory well. Seeing that it is getting better and better, is it really good for you to kill the donkey like this?"

"It's really not good, since it's not good why only you can mention it and I can't." Su Su sneered and looked at Qin Yueyue on the side.

"I didn't mean that..." Qin Yueyue said immediately.

Su Su said: "What doesn't mean that, you can't even get the money to supply us, I at least subsidized Lin Donghe."

"What's the matter?" Lin Donghe felt that something was wrong and asked.

Su Su said: "Your good daughter-in-law, she came to me and felt that Bai Lingling and I were working hard, so she should return the money to us and let us do what we should do." She Taking a look at Qin Yueyue, I want to see how the male protagonist solves this matter.

If he can't, then the factory will get it back even if he doesn't go to work.

After hearing this, Lin Donghe became clear in his heart, then looked back at Qin Yueyue and said, "When did you become like this, I always thought you were honest and wanted to live a good life these days, But now it looks like it's just empty talk. You're still the vain you, and nothing has changed."

"No, Susu has such a big belly, isn't it good for her to rest? I'll do any work for you in the future."

Qin Yueyue was crying and speaking with sincerity. She really thinks so, her man is promising, and she has built such a big factory. From now on, she will be the factory manager's wife, and she still cares about what those poor college students do. She was really poor and scared. With so many students in the school watching, she would be laughed at as long as she didn't spend any money.

Before, she was romantic, but when she went to college, she found that the money was still in her own hands.

I originally thought that Lin Donghe would be able to turn over after changing his identity this time, but he didn't expect that the Guan family was not kind to her, and she didn't dare to hold the Guan family's reputation in the school. Swagger, after all, Principal Guan is here.

When he was in the cold war with Lin Donghe, he heard that he was running a factory and it was almost successful, which made Qin Yueyue very excited. Even if the Guan family does not recognize her, as long as Lin Donghe loves her and is capable, he will make them look good sooner or later. So, she turned her eyes to Lin Donghe, wanting him to admit her and look at the scale of the factory.

Although three people run the factory together, they are also with the woman Susu. But it's nothing, just drive them away. Especially when she arrived at the factory and saw that the workers were serious about production, and then checked the accounts to find out that what sanitary napkins were selling so well, at least 700 or 800 yuan a day, and they would make a fortune sooner or later.

Since this is the case, Susu and the others will not be tolerated, because some of the money has to be distributed to them.

So, there is such an idea.

I just didn't expect Susu to be so opposed, it doesn't matter, as long as they are dissatisfied, they will part ways sooner or later.

I just didn't expect that Lin Donghe would say that to her.

I am dissatisfied, but I still have to coax this man. He used to coax her. Men are rich, and it really is different.

"You said she worked hard, when she went to promote our products at home with a big belly, where were you when she gave us food with a big belly, how can you say now? These?" Lin Donghe seemed to understand something at this moment, this woman is too greedy, and she is quite duplicitous.

Since he returned to the Guan family, her attitude has changed again and again. She used to want to draw a line with herself, but now she wants to get the factory. Lin Donghe felt that it would be fine if he was wronged, but the relationship with Bai Lingling would not be possible without Susu's support. Even if he has the ambition to swallow this factory, Bai Lingling can't afford to offend him, let alone Lin Chuan.

But this woman can't see the situation clearly, and she just wants to put money in her pocket. Such selfishness is very similar to her parents.

Lin Hai on the side supported Su Su and said: "Yes, you are too shameless. The second brother who started the business with my sister-in-law, he didn't say anything. Come here. What, go to your university."

Qin Yueyue looked at the three of them in surprise, and said, "how can you say that to me, I too..."

"Don't say anything useless, I'll go back to the village tomorrow and ask the party secretary for a divorce certificate, we don't even have a relationship." Lin Donghe never thought of divorce Qin Yueyue, and this is her today forced.

Qin Yueyue immediately shook her head and said, "No, Lin Donghe, how could you treat me like this, I have no problem with you. It's Susu, she sows discord. I'm just thinking of you , don't you understand?" Why never understand, if she doesn't do it, they have nothing when her parents come to ask for money.

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