MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 15 Does it smell good?

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When he came to Qin Chu, he was desperate.

As a secondary differentiated Omega, the biggest difference between Lu Tong and other O is the inhibitor used during the estrus period.

Lu Tong himself was unprepared for his aggressiveness during his first estrus. Qin Chu, a blind cat, ran into a dead mouse and hurriedly stabilized his estrus with an inhibitor, but if he didn't combine with Alpha's pheromone, Lu Tong would Tong will soon force the second passion of estrus.

Underage Omegas can go to the hospital accompanied by their parents to receive their own Alpha pheromones, which are used to survive the estrus period.

Lu Tong is still four months away from becoming an adult. If he goes to the hospital to receive pheromones, he will have to tell his parents about his second gender. But after surviving the passion of this estrus period, he can collect it by himself when he becomes an adult, so as not to be known by others.

—Lu Zhiyan had always been very strict with him. If he knew he was an Omega, it would be even more difficult to go out in the future.

Besides, Lu Tong and his father are still in a cold war, and he will never bow his head first.

As a last resort, he thought of Qin Chu.

An Alpha who is currently the only one who knows his second gender.

Although the two met each other in just a few short times, the impression they left on each other was not very good.

But now, Lu Tong has no other way.

Just borrowing a little pheromone, Qin Chu should not be so stingy.

He thought about it all afternoon, and finally bit the bullet and came to Qin Chu.

It's just a temporary mark, if it's just for one time, it's not a big deal to him. Furthermore, he just thought that Qin Chu was a difficult kid to deal with, not to the point where he really hated him. As a second-differentiated Omega, Lu Tong skipped a section of his physiology class, and he didn't know what the temporary mark meant. In his eyes, it was probably similar to helping each other with classmates.

Qin Chu leaned back on the chair, and after listening to this slightly cold-tempered senior explain the cause and effect slowly, he asked, "Why should I help you?"

Lu Tong knew that Qin Chu was not so eager to ask, and immediately said kindly: "You do me this favor, and if you have any difficulties in the future, just come to me."

Qin Chu squinted at him: "Do you think this is a help?"

Lu Tong was stunned for a moment, and thought: What is this not helping?

However, seeing Qin Chu's appearance, he knew that he was out of action.

Originally, he had the attitude of giving it a try. If Qin Chu disagreed, he could only go to the hospital to match Alpha's pheromone.

Or if there is really no other way, you can ask Ren Yuanye for help.

Lu Tong stood up, and Qin Chu suddenly grabbed his arm.

"where did you go?"

Lu Tong said: "Where can I go, ancestor. If you don't help me, I can only go to someone else?"

After hearing this, Qin Chu felt a little uncomfortable.

It's probably because of Alpha's inherent possessiveness towards Omega. When an Omega came to beg for him, he subconsciously divided him into his own. Besides, he was the first to discover Lu Tong's second gender. This secret connection made Qin Chu faintly excited, as if this Omega that no one knew belonged to him alone.

"Who are you looking for? That insecticide-smelling Alpha that drove to pick you up last time?"

Lu Tong: "It's not pesticides, it's lemons..."

Qin Chu thought: You remember quite clearly.

He: "Are you so lacking in willpower? I don't agree, don't you know how to ask me?"

Lu Tong looked at him, as if there was a joke, and said, "How do you think I should ask?"

Qin Chu said: "Shout Brother twice to listen?"

Lu Tong: ...

"I went to the hospital."

"Hey, wait a minute." Qin Chu spoke again.

Lu Tong stayed in this classroom for a long time, and the pheromone in his body poured out from the back of his neck one by one, and got into Qin Chu's nasal cavity, temporarily affecting his judgment.

It smells so good, it's not bad to take a bite by yourself.

"I agree again."

"Then stay here." Lu Tong didn't seem to be very clear about his situation, so he did what he said. After Qin Chu agreed, he immediately sat down, turned his back to him, and asked, "Will you?"

Asking an Alpha if he can do it is basically equivalent to asking a man if he can do it. In such an occasion, it is full of hints.

Qin Chu licked his lips: "You will know if you try it."

Lutong is thin, with fair skin, and a long and slender neck, like the necks of ladies in ancient paintings.

Qin Chu lowered his head and approached him, and the pheromone of Omega Lengxiang surrounded the tip of his nose.

Lu Tong could feel Qin Chu's pheromone, which was exactly the same as the flower fragrance he smelled that day, but this time it was more aggressive, making him a little out of breath.

Lu Tong put his hands on the desk and couldn't help but want to run away.

—If not, forget it.

The corners of his eyes were reddened by Alpha's pheromone, and he stood up and wanted to leave.

Alpha sensed his intention, and suddenly stretched out a hand to press his shoulder.

Lu Tong struggled twice, Qin Chu said coldly, "Don't move."

The next moment, two warm lips were attached to the back of his neck.

Qin Chu's pheromone completely enveloped him, and Lu Tong instinctively felt that he was being targeted by a predator, and wanted to repent. Qin Chu didn't give him a chance, opened his mouth, and bit his gland. Lu Tong snorted, and fell to the ground as soon as his body softened. Qin Chu helped him, but Lu Tong still felt weak all over, and the strong feeling of being possessed spread from the glands in the back of his neck to his limbs. He lay down on the table, and it took a while to calm down.

Alpha's pheromone invaded him in an instant, and for the first time Lu Tong felt that he was not his own, but belonged to someone else.

When Qin Chu left the back of his neck, there was a ring of tooth marks immediately.

He has two small canine teeth, which are pointed, and they are particularly obvious on the ring of teeth marks.

Lu Tong waited for a while before raising his hand to touch his neck, the tooth marks were so deep that he could feel them with his hands.

He hesitated for a moment: "This matter..."

Qin Chu: "Don't gossip about this matter and ruin my innocence."

Lu Tong: ...

Qin Chu looked at him condescendingly: "It's not free to help you. When I think of how to repay me, you can repay me."

Lu Tong: Why did I feel that he was a good person for a moment? This is a **** bitch...

"Don't I have to thank you now?" He gritted his teeth.

Qin Chu waved his hand: "Don't kneel, step back."

Lu Tong: "About my second gender..."

Qin Chu: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in you, and I won't fall in love with you just because I bite you." He raised his head and said, "I'm not interested in men, and so are men."

- Qin Chu's temporary mark is very effective, more effective than any inhibitor Lu Tong has used before.

However, in order to prevent others from smelling Lu Tong's pheromone from him, he would use a large amount of blocking agent every day to cover up Qin Chu's pheromone. This little kid is young, but the pheromones are strong and fierce, occupying his body and refusing to leave, emphasizing the presence of the other party all the time.

After the flag-raising ceremony on Monday, the school announced the specific time for the autumn sports meeting.

When Lu Tong stepped into the door of the class, Guo Chen, the sports committee member, slapped the registration form on his desk: "Our class is short of two people to register for the 1500 long-distance race, do you want to register?"

He Nian said: "Lu Tong doesn't report it, he has hypoglycemia, and he easily faints during long-distance running."

Guo Chen said: "Old Zhou said, everyone in the middle class has to sign up, especially Alpha. You are the only one in the class who hasn't signed up yet."

He Nian glanced at Lu Tong. He knew Lu Tong's second gender, and immediately grabbed the registration form: "Is there nothing else besides long-distance running? Lu Tong can't do long-distance running."

Guo Chen: "Leave the rest to Omega. There is no one for this long-distance runner. Lu Tong, why don't you give it a try? I remember you also participated in the long-distance race last year and won the ranking."

He Nian thought: Last year was last year, last year Lu Tong was an A, this year Lu Tong is an O!

He wanted to say a few more words, but Lu Tong thought it was troublesome, so he said immediately: "Whatever. Just fill in the long-distance running."

After Guo Chen finished the task, he said happily: "Okay. Anyway, you don't need to get the ranking, you can just run around. Our class is just to make up the number of people, and the most important thing is to participate."

Lu Tong took out a candy from his pocket, put it in his mouth, then took out a stack of science class notes from his schoolbag, and began to sort it out.

He never takes notes in class, he just likes to scribble and draw on the textbook. Moreover, all the new courses in the second year of high school were completed before September, and now I just keep doing papers every day, and then review the content I have learned before. The teachers of all subjects are rushing to make progress, and Lu Tong is in the key science class of the second year of high school. He is so busy all day long that he has no time to take notes, and this note is not from the second year of high school, but from the first year of high school.

He Nian took a look and was stunned: "Why are you sorting out your freshman notes? We don't need them."

Lu Tong: "It's not for me, it's for others."

"Who?" He Nian asked vigilantly, "Qin Chu? Are you two in love?"

Lu Tongdao: "If all the women in the world die, I won't fall in love with a man."

He Nian breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. It can be seen that you have no idea about men, otherwise you would have been in the position by virtue of your brother's beauty."

He suddenly remembered something, and said, "Did you know that the school's forum was blown up yesterday?"

Lu Tong seldom visited forums, so he answered casually: "It has nothing to do with me."

He Nian muttered to himself: "They said that Qin Chu marked an Omega in the vocal music classroom yesterday, I don't know if it's true or not..."

Lu Tong tilted his pen tip when organizing his notes, and drew a horizontal line.

He Nian: "You are so courageous, you dare to mess around in school. I heard that the pheromone of Omega is quite pleasant, why didn't Qin Chu know how to restrain himself..."

Lu Tong turned the page with a guilty conscience: "You finished your homework, are you feeling flustered?"

He Nian: "No, I'm just curious. By the way, Lao Zhou asked you to write a speech. You are the sophomore student representative at this Wednesday's swearing-in meeting. If you want to withdraw the manuscript, you just write it down and memorize it."

Lu Tong nodded, nailed all the materials in his hands together, and prepared to go to the first grade classroom.

Although he agreed to help Qin Chu cheat in the mid-term exam, but with the level of the other party's mud that can't support the wall, I'm afraid he can't even understand the questions.

The note in Lu Tong's hand covers the entire science knowledge points in the first year of high school. As long as Qin Chu is willing to memorize it, he will go to Lao Zhao's house on weekends and give Qin Chu a two-hour small stove. hopefully.

From the laboratory building to building D, walking on the roof is the fastest. Class 21 is located on the fourth floor of building D. As soon as he walked up to the roof, he heard someone confess in front of him.

"I really like you, if you don't have a girlfriend, think about me."

Lu Tong retracted one of the legs that had stepped out. The voice was very familiar, like He Yuanyuan's.

He stood in the corridor leading to the rooftop, planning to wait until the people on the rooftop finished their confession before going out by himself. Looking from a distance, there is a man and a woman standing on the rooftop, the woman is He Yuanyuan, and the man is Qin Chu.

Lu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a little unexplainable dissatisfaction.

Even if he knew from He Nian that He Yuanyuan was chasing him because of Qin Chu, seeing her confess to Qin Chu with his own eyes was quite shocking. Lu Tong didn't see that he liked He Yuanyuan much, but he just felt unconvinced. They are also men, it seems that his charm is shorter than that of Qin Chu or what?

Why are all the girls related to him running to fall in love with Qin Chu?

"Wow, it's amazing. The live version of the rooftop confession, isn't it very angry, sad, and jealous, wishing to step forward and break up this pair of dogs."

When Lu Tong was engrossed in his thoughts, a boy's voice suddenly came to his ears.

When he turned his head, Qin Shiwu, who appeared at an unknown time, was staring at him with glowing eyes.

Lu Tong: "Qin Shiwu?"

Qin Shiwu said: "Why did you come here?"

Lu Tong: "I'm here to find someone."

The two had met at Zhao Yan's house before, so they were considered familiar.

Seeing his own mother, Qin Shiwu felt an inexplicable excitement and unreasonable kindness in his heart. He had worn it for a full week sixteen years ago, and he still hasn't got rid of this habit: whenever he sees Lu Tong, he wants to **** him. Roll in your arms.

When he approached Lu Tong, Qin Shiwu was suddenly taken aback, wondering: How could Lu Tong smell like Alpha?

Qin Shiwu was very sensitive to the smell of pheromones, no matter how much blocker Lu Tong sprayed, it was useless.

He sniffed on Lu Tong's shoulder, strangely, Lu Tong didn't push him away - he really hates contact with people, Lu Tong is a bit of a clean freak, and doesn't like getting too close to strangers, but Qin Shiwu is right. Uncharacteristically, he didn't refuse his approach.

This made him feel strange too.

"Does it smell good?"

When Qin Shiwu was discerning the pheromone smell on Lu Tong's body, a voice cut in.

At first he thought it was Lu Tong who asked him, so he answered honestly: "It smells good."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly realized that the voice was not right, and when he looked up, Qin Chu stood in front of him at some point.

His dad didn't look well.

Especially when he found out—from Qin Chu's point of view, he seemed to be holding Lu Tong in his arms.

The author has something to say: Baby: I want my mother to hold me

I hope you can leave a lot of comments! ! I want to read the message! !

Thanks to the little angels who voted for the Tyrannosaurus or irrigation nutrient solution for me~ Thanks to the little angels who voted for [Bazooka]: Tyrannosaurus rex is the best in the world! 1; Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: Tyrannosaurus rex is the best in the world! 2 pieces; 1 piece in the lower room, I’m rude, Jiumi, Ye Chen, Lupas xs, Aaaaaaayu, Amaimai; thanks to the little angels who irrigate [Nutrition Solution]: 6 bottles of Yaofu; 10 One bottle of three slags; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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