MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 17 man's romance

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Qin Shiwu silently withdrew his gaze, not daring to challenge Lu Tong's bottom line when he was furious.

He thought about it, his mother is still steadfast in pretending to be Alpha in school, if he doesn't know how to praise him at this time, and reveals his identity in disguise, wouldn't his mother want to bear a grudge against him?

Qin Shiwu hurriedly changed the subject: "I know where to climb over the wall."

Lu Tong stood still, and Qin Shiwu led the way: "I turned over, there is no patrol from the student union, so it's not easy to be caught."

He said this because he was thinking of Lu Tong.

Qin Shiwu and Qin Chu are two people who are more **** than the other. They are big **** and little bastards. They are used to lawlessness in school. They are not afraid of Director He from the Political and Education Office, let alone a few student unions. of.

Qin Chu wanted to go out, but the students from the student union had to turn a blind eye, dare to come up and stop him?

Of course not.

Both father and son are habitual offenders, and the only novice among the three is Lu Tong.

Not only did he fail to climb over the wall, he even failed to climb over the windows of the classroom—the back door of the first and second classes of senior high school was broken. Push the window, displace the lock directly, then open the window and jump in.

They were proficient at this, but Lu Tong had never done it before.

All in all, overcoming the wall was a major event worthy of being recorded in history for Lu Tong.

If it wasn't for Qin Chu who still had something to do with him, he would never have skipped class.

But when he followed Qin Chu, Lu Tong felt a little excited in his heart. He has been obedient since he was a child, and he has never done such an outrageous thing. Apart from the excitement, there is also a hint of pleasure in revenge.

Avoiding the school teachers, Qin Shiwu crossed the basketball court and found an excellent location behind the teacher's cafeteria to climb over the wall. The wall here is low, and there is a stone under the corner for leverage and stepping. There are countless mottled footprints on the wall. Judging from these footprints, this should be a popular place for students to climb over the wall.

Qin Shiwu jumped up from the stone very skillfully, supported the wall with his hands, and flipped onto the wall with a light jump. The two-meter-high wall is skillfully like a decoration to him.

It was the first time that Lu Tong saw someone climb over the wall, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

It's not to be surprised about the thing about climbing over the wall, but about the person who overcame the wall.

He had paid attention to Qin Shiwu before. Although he had never met him, he had heard of Qin Shiwu's name: he was a well-known idiot in Class 12 of Senior High School, the kind that everyone could handle.

Since when did he become so proficient at circumventing the wall?

Just as he was looking at it, he was suddenly blocked by a figure in front of him.

Lu Tong looked up and saw that it was Qin Chu. The other party didn't know if it was blocking him on purpose, but it just happened to block his view of Qin Shiwu.

He wasn't sure what Qin Chu meant, so he simply didn't look at it—after the **** bit him, he seemed to recognize his master, and his attitude towards him was so strange that Lu Tong was speechless.

Qin Chu's movements were faster than Qin Shiwu's, and he flipped out in the blink of an eye.

Lu Tong looked at the stone in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Qin Shiwu patted his trousers on the outside of the wall, and took off the white dust on the wall.

As soon as he turned his head, Qin Chu had already jumped over from the wall.

Qin Shiwu:! !

Qin Chu was stared at by him dumbfounded, inexplicable.

Qin Shiwu pointed at him, as if Qin Chu had missed a hundred million, he tremblingly said: "Did you turn over alone?"

Qin Chu said coldly: "Otherwise? Do you still want to perform acrobatics?"

Qin Shiwu's lips moved: "No, what about Lu Tong?"

Qin Chu took it for granted, "He turned it himself."

...Zu Gusheng! !

Qin Shiwu was stunned for three seconds, and finally roared in his heart.

He couldn't believe it, Qin Chu just left Lu Tong next door? He, Qin Shiwu, was the first to climb over the wall regardless of everyone's obstruction. What is he planning? Isn't he just trying to leave the chance of presenting the treasure to Qin Chu!

Qin Chu wasted such a great physical contact to promote feelings!

Qin Shiwu stared at him angrily, almost turning his eyes red.

The words "I don't know what's good" and "Scumbag" are written all over his face. Qin Chu was so unreasonably slandered by him, when the former was about to grab Qin Shiwu by the collar to teach him a lesson, there was a sudden movement on the wall.

Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu climbed over the wall like most boys, they flipped over with a single jump, which is obviously a skill after they are proficient.

But it was the first time that Lu Tong climbed over the wall, and under the watchful eyes of the two, he slowly climbed up with his arms supporting his body.

A fluffy head suddenly appeared on the wall—Lu Tong was silently protesting because his hair was curled up in a bunch because he had climbed too hard.

...What's the matter with being a little cute.

The usually frosty Gaolingzhihua climbed over the wall clumsily. It was because of Qin Chu that he took the path of "breaking the law". Qin Chu felt a little inexplicably proud in his heart.

He looked at Lu Tong's protruding head, and took a step forward calmly.

Using both hands and feet, it took Lu Tong a long time to finally place himself on the wall less than 20 centimeters wide. He carefully placed himself all over the wall, then glanced beyond the wall—dizzy.

Lu Tong was born with hypoglycemia, a problem brought out of his mother's womb, and he always carried a few candies in his bag wherever he went.

The problem of hypoglycemia is usually not very diligent, but he didn't eat much at noon, and now he has tossed himself a lot. When he sat on the wall, he was obviously exhausted, and even his lips were a little white.

Qin Chu noticed this, took another step forward, and said, "Come down quickly."

Qin Shiwu paused, and suddenly said, "Lu Tong has hypoglycemia."

His reaction seemed to come to him suddenly.

that's the truth.

Qin Shiwu knew that Lu Tong had hypoglycemia because of a coincidence.

Sixteen years later, Lu Tong didn't spend much time with him. As a public figure, his daily announcements are almost full, and there is no rest time for 24 hours.

The only time when I remembered that I was still a mother, I went to have a meal with Qin Shiwu on a whim. That day, Lu Tong had just finished filming a Sino-foreign cooperative movie, and he slept no more than three hours a night for a month. Not long after going out with Qin Shiwu, he fell to the ground without warning.

This time, Qin Shiwu, who was still young, was frightened. He called Qin Chu, who immediately came back from the company and sent Lu Tong to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, he was photographed by many passers-by. The hot searches on the major search engines that day were all about his fainting, and it was precisely this incident that almost exposed his relationship with Qin Chu.

As a result, for a long time afterwards, Lu Tong did not get rid of the scandal of "being taken care of by the gold master".

Qin Shiwu remembered that he and Qin Chu were waiting for Lu Tong at the entrance of the emergency room of the hospital that day. When the surgery cart drove in, Lu Tong dropped countless candies in his pocket, some for himself and some for Qin Shiwu.

He put it in his mouth, obviously the candy was sweet, but he took a mouthful of bitterness.

After that, he never asked Lu Tong to go out with him to play again.

Qin Shiwu emphasized: "His hypoglycemia is quite serious, you should watch him, or he will fall down."

Even though Lu Tong felt dizzy, he couldn't see the road under his feet completely.

He tentatively put down one leg first, then retracted it.

Lu Tong squinted his eyes to measure the height of the wall, gritted his teeth and decided to jump directly.

Standing below, Qin Chu suddenly said, "I'll follow you."

Lu Tong thought he had misheard, and looked down, Qin Chu was standing not far from him with his arms folded.


Lu Tong thought.

Jump down and be followed by Qin Chu? He might as well come down by himself.

Originally, he was humiliated in front of Qin Chu, but now he is required to continue below, where is his face going?

As for acting in an idol drama, Lu Tong hated it.

He ignored Qin Chu at all, found a suitable position and jumped down.

Who knew that Qin Chu would compete with him, and as soon as Lu Tong moved, the Alpha pheromone in his body suddenly surged up—it was the pheromone that Qin Chu left in his body, and it spread throughout the limbs and bones in an instant. Lu Tong's legs were softened by Alpha's pheromone, and he fell off the wall in an instant without any leverage.

Qin Chu's position under the wall was just right, and Lu Tong just landed in his arms, unbiased, and slammed down, the frosty pheromone smashed a crack in his impenetrable city wall.

He had never been hugged so close to anyone before. The sweet smell on Lu Tong's body kept penetrating into his body. Qin Chu's thoughts ran wild, and he missed the point and thought: Why is his waist so tight? thin? Is a man's waist so soft?

Lu Tong was embarrassed, and after struggling to stand still, he pushed Qin Chu away.

Thinking of Qin Shiwu being there, he lowered his voice and gritted his teeth: "You press me with pheromone? Are you sick?"

Qin Chu said sarcastically, "If you have low blood sugar, you have to dance by yourself. You are not the one who is sick? Are you going to touch me after you fall disabled? I'm not interested in taking care of you for the rest of your life."

Lu Tong blushed at what he said, but he had to admit that what Qin Chu said was the truth.

If he jumped out of the black-eyed state just now, he would be unlucky, maybe what the consequences would be. However, Lu Tong wanted to save face and would never admit that he was cowardly. He is still older than Qin Chu, how could he be cowardly? He sees?

So he pretended to be indifferent and said with a straight face: "You don't need to help."

All three climbed over the wall and were not caught by the school. The rest was to rush to the kindergarten.

Qin Chu found his motorcycle on the parking lane next to the school, and Lu Tong stared at it speechlessly: " ride this to school?"

Qin Chu pulled the helmet around and pulled it to death: "Is there a problem?"

As a person who has never driven a two-wheeled vehicle, Lu Tong does not comment.

Qin Chu seems to have more than one motorcycle. Lu Tong has no research on this aspect, but judging from the color of the car, this black one is not the same as the white one seen in the old Zhao's garage last time.

Lu Tong looked left and right, except for motorcycles, there were no other means of transportation.

Qin Chu got him out and asked him to go to the kindergarten with him, so he wouldn't let him take a taxi.

—That is to ride in his car?

Lu Tong has never been in other people's cars, and he is not used to being in close contact with people, but his straight male thinking is very prominent at this time: They are all men, what's wrong with riding in a car?

But he didn't think about the hint of an Omega sitting in the back seat of Alpha's car.

Lu Tong stepped into the back seat of the car, Qin Chu didn't seem to refute - then there is only one possibility: that's what he planned in the first place.

Qin Shiwu came up from the back, saw Qin Chu's motorcycle, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help touching a couple of them as he stepped forward, his saliva almost flowed on the motorcycle, it seemed that it was a common hobby.

"Cool, BMW double R!" Qin Shiwu touched the handlebar of the motorcycle and said enviously, "The 2009 model, I wanted to buy the 19 year model, you... my dad said I was underage, and I couldn't live or die Let. I think he wants to buy it himself, and if my mother disagrees, he will bully me!"

It was very strange for Lu Tong to hear his words, especially when it came to the issue of time. He mentioned 2019 as if he was recalling it, but now it is still six or seven years away from 2019. How did he recall it?

As he got into the car, he casually said, "What's so good about this thing?"

Without even thinking about it, Qin Shiwu replied: "You don't understand even if I say it, this is a man's romance! Do you know the promise that a man's motorcycle back seat is only for his girlfriend and wife?"

Lu Tong who happened to be sitting in the back seat: ...

His right foot stepped on the ground in an instant, and he slid down from the other side, one meter away from Qin Chu's back seat, and pulled away from the motorcycle by a distance of the Mariana Trench with a blank expression.

Qin Chu saw that he completed the three movements of getting on the car - 0.5 seconds later - getting off the car in a smooth manner, and raised his eyebrows: "Are you jumping a goat?"

Lu Tong: ...I'll dance with your sister.

The author has something to say: Xiaolu: Alert.jpg·

Qin Shiwu: Dad, I hate that you are a piece of wood!

At this age when the family is no longer burdened, the baby is really under too much pressure! I cried, how about you!

·I remember that I wanted to write about beautiful women on motorcycles the year before last (crossed out the beauty attack, and now I finally wrote it!

If the baby doesn't pay attention to what he says, with your mother's IQ, I'm afraid she will be suspicious! !

· Please leave a message 55555~~ and please collect it~~~·

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me as a Tyrannosaurus or irrigation nutrient solution~ Thanks to the little angels who voted for [Mine]: Changan 2; Tyrannosaurus rex is the best in the world! , 1 Amaimai; thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]: 10 bottles of Anlan; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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