MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 19 Rival

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Lu Tong directly vetoed it: "No."

Teacher Miao Miao from Miao Miao's class called Lu Tong and asked him to go to the office, asking him to bring back Xiaonan's recent physical record and eating schedule.

Because Qin Chu disliked the smell of milk on Xiaonan's body, he sat on the side with his mobile phone and started playing games.

Lu Tong pointed at Qin Chu who was playing games indifferently: "If he is a father like this, I have to leave him the second day after we get married."

The parents of Miao Miao's class glanced at Qin Chu and then at Lu Tong.

The young "little couple" have the temperament of "living together, and staying away" written all over their bodies.

The parents of Miao Miao's class didn't take Lu Tong's words at all at ease. She had seen a lot of young wives like this hard-spoken and soft-hearted.

Sui said: "Being a parent for the first time is like this. Just be patient with your children and husband."

Lu Tong twitched the corner of his mouth: "He's not my husband."

It's weird to say that.

Lu Tong consciously shut up, thought for a long time, and then changed his words: "We are not husband and wife. I am Alpha."

Parent of Miao Miao class: "I understand~"... What do you know?

Lu Tong simply ignored her.

Qin Shiwu looked at the little girl who was being hugged by Lu Tong, and his heart was sour.

He grew up so big, Lu Tong didn't hug him much. But now competing with Xiaonan for favor, it seems that he is not big enough. Besides, letting Lu Tong hug him now, from the perspective of human aesthetics, it is quite unattractive and indecent, so he gave up.

Qin Shiwu sat beside Qin Chu melancholy, sighing.

He opened a can of Wangzai milk and drank milk in a corner where no one was around to get drunk.

Qin Chu played a few games, and bumped Qin Shiwu with his knee: "Is there any more? I'm thirsty."

Qin Shiwu took out a can from his schoolbag.

The father and son each had a can of Wangzai. After drinking, Qin Chu started watching cartoons again.

Qin Shiwu leaned over to take a look, his father was watching One Piece.

When the plot was broadcast to Lu Fei’s elder brother receiving the bento, Qin Chu remembered that the following scene was a bit **** and not suitable for children, so he slapped Qin Shiwu’s head away.

"You are not allowed to look at this."

Qin Shiwu and his father's aesthetics are exactly the same, and he was interested in watching it, and immediately refused to accept it: "Why don't you let me see it?"

Qin Chu: "You are still young."

Thinking of Qin Shiwu's usual fondness for calling him "Papa", Qin Chu suddenly felt a little paternal love this time, and added: "Because I am your father."

After thinking about it, he took out the tablet from his schoolbag, opened the interface, picked a "Thomas and His Friends" to play, and stuffed it into Qin Shiwu's arms.

"Look at this, it will help you grow."

It's still in English.

Qin Shiwuqi's One Piece also didn't look at it, and stared outside the kindergarten.

A black Audi slowly stopped at the entrance of the kindergarten.

Qin Shiwu stared at it for a while, feeling familiar.

The car door opened, and a man got down from the Audi. It was Ren Yuanye.

Qin Shiwu said in his heart: The man who pried away the screw!

Later, he went to inquire about Ren Yuanye, squatted at the entrance of Lu Tong's community, played mahjong with a group of aunts from the neighborhood committee all afternoon, and got the news.

This Ren Yuanye can be called Lu Tong's childhood sweetheart. It's just that they are five or six years older than Lu Tong, and their relationship has always been good.

What is he doing here?

I have met Ren Yuanye twice in a row.

Qin Shiwu was like an alert kitten, the fur on his back was blown up.

Qin Chu noticed that the puppy next to him was not moving, so he paused for a rare moment, and turned his head to see that the other party's eyes fell on Ren Yuanye.

Qin Chu looked over and gave a "tsk".

"Hidden spirits linger."

"The road to enemies is narrow."

The two spoke almost simultaneously.

Qin Shiwu turned his head to look at Qin Chu, held his hand, and expressed deep agreement: "Heroes see the same thing."

Qin Chu: "Do you know who he is?"

Qin Shiwu: "Lu Tong's neighbor, he has played with him since he was a child, he is half a childhood sweetheart."

Qin Chu put the words "childhood sweetheart" in his mouth and chewed a few words, the more he tasted, the more irritable he became.

Qin Shiwu: "However, childhood sweethearts can't beat Tianxiang since ancient times. Don't worry, I don't think he has anything to do with Lu Tong."

Qin Chu said indifferently, "None of my business."

Qin Shiwu said: "Why is it none of your business?" He paused and changed his words: "You're right, and it doesn't have anything to do with you at all."

He hated iron for being weak, and thought: This is a major event in life that has something to do with both of us! Father, if you don't catch up with my mother, our father-son relationship in this life will be over... In the coming year, you will become Uncle Qin, and this childhood sweetheart will become my father!

Qin Shiwu thought his name sounded good, and didn't want to change it to Ren Shiwu, but his father did nothing and watched Ren Yuanye meet Lutong Corridor.

"Brother Xiaoyuan?"

Lu Tong said hello.

Ren Yuanye said: "Why are you here?" He glanced at the kindergarten: "Why do I always meet you outside recently, what is the fate?"

Lu Tong replied: "I'm here to pick up Lao Zhao's niece, what are you doing here?"

Ren Yuanye said: "A friend of mine works here, and I happened to deliver something to him. Where are you going later, I'll send you."

Lu Tong thought of Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu——Qin Shiwu was fine, he came alone and didn't have a car, so he wouldn't refuse to send him back. The more difficult thing was Qin Chu, who came here by himself on a bicycle, so he might not be willing to be given away.

When he was hesitating, Qin Shiwu approached him.

Ren Yuanye was taken aback when he saw Qin Shiwu, and said with a smile, "Are you that classmate from Lu Tong last time? You left in a hurry and didn't have time to ask your name."

Qin Shiwu was not kind, so he said, "Qi Delong."

Ren Yuanye: ...?

Qin Chu followed, Ren Yuanye looked at him, and he said boldly, "Qi Dongqiang."

Qin Shiwu pointed to the little girl in Lu Tong's arms: "Qi Delong Dongqiang."

He paused: "Whose name do you want to ask?"

Lu Tong was speechless: "...Can I be normal?"

Ren Yuanye smiled: "Your friend is very interesting. I'll take the things to my classmate, and I'll find you when I come back later."

Qin Shiwu: "Don't worry about it, brother, we have an important schedule in a while, so I won't waste your time!"

Ren Yuanye said: "I'll be fine later, I'll take you back home."

He glanced at his watch and said meaningfully: "At this time, school is not over, right?"

Lu Tong's expression changed: it was the first time he was caught skipping class.

After Ren Yuanye finished speaking, Lu Tong and the others were left behind.

Qin Shiwu urged them to leave quickly, so as not to be taken advantage of by this Ren Yuanye. If he was asked to take Lu Tong away again, no one else would do it!

As a result, Ren Yuanye moved quickly.

Before Qin Shiwu had time to get out of the kindergarten, the other party called Lu Tong's cell phone.

In desperation, Lu Tong could only stand at the gate of the kindergarten and wait for Ren Yuanye.

After Ren Yuanye arrived, he drove out the car: "Let's go, get in the car. Do you want to go home or go to school first?" He glanced at the little girl in Lu Tong's arms, and said, "Go home first. "

Qin Shiwu would never surrender to his class enemies. He glanced at Lu Tong and said, "Do you really want to take a car?"

Lu Tong was baffled by what he said: "Why don't you take a car if you have one?"

After speaking, we will get into the car.

As soon as he opened the car door, his arm was grabbed.

Lu Tong almost let go of Xiaonan's hand.

He turned his head and saw that it was Qin Chu who was pulling his arm: "Let go."

Qin Chu: "Shall I see you off?"

He glanced at Qin Shiwu.

Qin Shiwu immediately received the news from his eyes, and immediately pulled Xiaonan out of Lu Tong's arms. Like pulling a carrot, Qin Shiwu resolutely got into Ren Yuanye's car after hugging Xiaonuan.

Seeing him close the car door, Ren Yuanye asked, "Has Xiaolu come up yet?"

Qin Shiwu hurriedly said: "He has a boyfriend to send it to him."

That's right, it was stamped unilaterally.

"Boyfriend?" Ren Yuanye looked at him from the rearview mirror and laughed, "Where did he get his boyfriend, why don't I know?"

Qin Shiwu cursed in his heart: Why did he let you know that he has a boyfriend?

Ren Yuanye: "You are still young. At this age, think about studying hard first, and don't just think about how to fall in love." He glanced at Qin Chu through the rearview mirror, and looked away: "Xiaolu made new friends It's a good thing, but is he an adult? Riding something so dangerous now?"

Qin Shiwu said in his heart: Too much care!

When Lu Tong was dragged onto the motorcycle by Qin Chu, he was speechless for a moment.

"Why don't I have a good Audi and want to ride your motorcycle."

Qin Chu: "Haven't you heard that saying, I'd rather sit on the back of a bicycle and laugh than sit in a BMW and cry."

Lu Tong: "Are you a bicycle?"

Qin Chu: "The two wheels are almost the same." He: "You still have my pheromone smell on you, aren't you afraid that your brother Yuan will find out?"

Lu Tong thought to himself: So what if he finds out? What's the matter with him?

On second thought, it's not good for Ren Yuanye to find out.

As soon as he knew, Lu Zhiyan would be able to find out.

Lu Tong annoyed his father very much, so he felt that what Qin Chu said was not unreasonable.


He readily admitted.

In Qin Chu's eyes, that's not the case.

Don't want Ren Yuanye to know that he was temporarily marked?

Isn't that just liking him!

Depend on…

I really like it...

Besides childhood sweethearts? Or Bai Yueguang?

What is Lu Tong's taste?

That man A is like plain boiled water, what's there to like?

Qin Chu stepped on the motorcycle, his face was obviously dark, and there was no sign of his face changing.

When Lu Tong saw that the **** was moody, he was used to it. Simply don't bother to take care of his princess disease, let him get angry by himself.

After sending Xiaonan to Lao Zhao's house, Ren Yuanye looked at the time, and it was time for dinner.

After a toss, No. 1 Middle School has already finished school, Ren Yuanye said: "Go and eat something, I'll treat you."

Qin Shiwu didn't want to go at first, but he absolutely couldn't give Lu Tong a chance to be alone with this male A, so he dragged Qin Chu to go together after going through all kinds of hardships.

The restaurant Ren Yuanye found was near the school, and he thought well of Lu Tong, so he could go back to study by himself in the evening after eating.

The restaurant does not support menu ordering, and the waiter will bring what you want to eat.

Ren Yuanye and Lu Tong were walking together, Qin Shiwu watched from behind with gritted teeth, and he looked back at Qin Chu who was playing games on his seat, full of despair about the probability of his future birth.

He finally understood why so many parents like to scold their sons for being unworthy, and now he also wants to scold his father: unbelievable things!

He was so angry that his liver hurt.

Ren Yuanye ordered some of Lu Tong's favorite dishes, and suddenly said, "Xiao Lu, do you have anything to say to me?"

Lu Tong said: "It's nothing. What's the matter?"

Ren Yuanye shook his head and said with a smile: "I feel that there are some changes in you, if you don't want to tell me, that's fine. However, if you have anything, you can call me directly."

Lu Tong's expression froze.

What could change in him?

Isn't it just a matter of secondary differentiation?

Ren Yuanye was meticulous and knew him very well, so he might have become suspicious the last time they met.

Seeing the two of them getting closer and closer, Qin Shiwu felt more and more angry.

In his eyes, Ren Yuanye instantly became a male vixen who seduced Lu Tong for cheating in marriage. He was a **** and green tea.

Still laughing? White lotus!

Qin Shiwu sounded the alarm in his heart, and secretly said: The rank is too high! Brother got out of the horse to join the army in place of his father to solve the immediate troubles.

The waiter stretched out his hand to introduce a beggar chicken, and said, "Sir, this is our restaurant's signature dish, it's called..."

Qin Shiwu immediately squeezed between Ren Yuanye and Lu Tong, and pushed the two away with his own strength. He looked at Ren Yuanye strangely, and then at the beggar chicken. He grabbed the waiter's words and pointed at the An innocent beggar chicken, satirizing the male vixen: "—calling 'Being a chicken should be a bit of a woman'."

The author has something to say: Qin Shiwu: Dad! ! ! You tm give some strength! ! This is not how the king wears bronze! !

·By the way, please continue to leave a message~~~~Everyone~~~~~ Give some favorites! ! Leave a message! ! ! Otherwise, I will post a screenshot of the message to wb. If readers want to read the message, they can directly come to my wb to see it.

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me as the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~Thank you to the little angels who voted for [Land Mine]: A Maimai, Little Mo Daddy, Tyrannosaurus Rex No. 1 in the world! , Deer Pass xs1; thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]: 3 bottles of Mierliu; 1 bottle of Xiaoyi; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!