MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 21 little aunt (1)

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"never mind."

When Qin Chu's shocked mind went blank, Lu Tong suddenly spoke.

He thought to himself: I think I am crazy, I can say such nonsense.

Lu Tong supported his knees, ready to stand up and go to the infirmary.

Who knew that Qin Chu grabbed him suddenly: "You don't count what you say?"

"What?" Lu Tong was at a loss.

Qin Chu was anxious: "Is this how you always do things, you don't work hard at all, and then give up halfway?"

Lu Tong: ...

Does he know he's mocking himself?

No effort at all? give up halfway? Isn't this Qin Chu?

"I said it casually, don't take it to heart. If I really want to kiss you, can you stand it?"

Recently, the relationship between Lu Tong and Qin Chu has eased a bit, and there is no conflict like the rumors on the campus website. But not good enough to hug.

Moreover, one A one O, Qin Chu is shameless, he still wants it.

It can only be said that we can barely stand together and talk for a while.

Qin Chu hesitated for a moment, and let go of his hand.

Lu Tong got his pheromone, and his condition is much better. But he was suspicious. Although this person didn't pay much attention to physiology class, he had never heard that Omega would be so dependent on Alpha's pheromone after receiving a temporary mark.

It's almost morbid.

"Then why did you text me to come over?"

Qin Chu spoke in a bad tone.

Lu Tong said: "At first I wanted something from you, but now I changed my mind. Otherwise... would you walk with me?"

Qin Chu sneered: "Do you think I want to go with you?"

Lu Tong "pulls out the pheromone" and throws it away after using up the pheromone, pointing in a direction: "Then you can run away by yourself."

Music suddenly sounded on the radio closest to the two, calling the students to line up on the playground.

Lu Tong raised his head and said, "The swearing-in meeting is about to begin. I'll go to the infirmary first, and then I'll go back to the classroom."

He looked at Qin Chu: "You... If you have nothing to do, why don't you go first?"

Qin Chu suddenly got into trouble and pulled Lu Tong to his side. Lu Tong was dragged staggeringly by him, and almost couldn't stand still, he reflexively grabbed Qin Chu's shoulder with both hands.

"It's fun to play with me, come and go as soon as you call?"

Qin Chu grabbed him, and Lu Tong was not something to mess with.

The two were very close, beyond any distance that Lu Tong could bear, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

The opponent came aggressively, Lu Tong immediately pushed Qin Chu's shoulder away.

"Qin Chu! Are you sick!"

When it comes to fighting, Lu Tong is a novice with no experience.

And Qin Chu didn't seem to want to hit him very much, he just found fault with him and vented his dissatisfaction.

Lu Tong was treated as an object of venting, and he was completely at a loss - who knows why this dog is unhappy again?

Qin Chu didn't beat Lu Tong up, but took advantage of his height and tied Lu Tong's hands so that he couldn't move.

His wrist was exactly as he thought, and he didn't need two hands—one hand could hold it.

Lu Tong was suppressed by the pheromone, and he couldn't get rid of Qin Chu no matter how he shook his hand.

The more I can't get rid of it, the more angry I feel.

He was born with a cold temper, and he had an extremely superior face. Although he didn't have many friends, there were not many people who troubled him.

Qin Chu can be regarded as the first person to create the world, Lu Tong was in a weak position for the first time, and his heart was extremely irritable.

He, Lu Tong, is full, so standing here can be used as a decompressor?

Lu Tong gritted his teeth and twisted together like he was twisting twists after he came and went and couldn't say a few words.

A scream came from beside the two of them.

Lu Tong was out of breath, and pushed Qin Chu's face away, "What's your name?"

Qin Chu grabbed his hand, "Do you think I can sing this soprano?"

Lu Tong said unhappily, "It's a dog barking."

The woman next to me called out again.

Lu Tong realized that he made a mistake in attacking the target in his last sentence. After pursing his lips, he took back the rest of the words.

Qin Chu laughed, "Who called?"

Lu Tong bared his teeth and said fiercely: "The dog is barking now."

The woman came later, she took out her phone and took a picture of Lu Tong and Qin Chu wrestling together, and ran away.

Lu Tong suddenly realized something and hurried to catch up.

Qin Chu: "Why are you chasing her?"

Lu Tong: "She took a picture, and I asked her to delete it."

Qin Chu didn't seem to understand why Lu Tong reacted so strongly, and because of this, Lu Tong speculated that Qin Chu might not know that there is a campus forum in the school.

This forum has opened up a brand new section for the relationship between the two of them. Every day, two groups of men and women don't read books, and hang out in it trying to get their contact information.

Most of the photos in the forum were secretly taken by classmates in the school.

Canteens, classrooms, playgrounds, clear, vague, everything.

This female classmate didn't know what she was doing for taking pictures, but uploading them to the campus forum brought endless troubles to Lu Tong.

As soon as he chased to the corner, the girl disappeared.

Qin Chu followed behind him, puzzled, "Why are you reacting so violently?"

When He Nian came out of class, he happened to meet Lu Tong.

He was forced to take a step back by the pheromone on Qin Chu's body. When he saw Lu Tong, his heart skipped a beat, and he pointed at them, "What are you two doing?"

Lonely and widowed, in broad daylight, what are you doing standing at the corner of the stairs, a blind spot that the camera can't capture?

The point is, why does Lu Tong have Qin Chu's pheromone smell on him?

Lu Tong asked him: "Did you see a girl running over just now?"

He Nian shook his head: "No. Why are you asking the girl?"

Lu Tong: "I'm chasing her. I have something to do."

This pursuit is not that pursuit.

He Nian was confused and asked in surprise, "Are you chasing a girl?"

Do you still need to chase girls? Isn't there a big push to throw yourself into your arms when you wave your hand?

His eyes fell on Qin Chu.

Qin Chu: "I will chase again."

He Nian: "...Wow. Awesome. Are you guys chasing the same girl?"

Lu Tong: "The same one, ran away. Get out of the way if you don't see it, I'm very busy."

He Nian hurriedly stood aside and reminded: "It will be the swearing-in meeting in a while, a friendly reminder, have you memorized the speech?"

Lu Tong: "Help me take a seat, I'll come later."

He Nian looked at Qin Chu: "Do you want it?"

Qin Chu: "Are you taking the first year of high school?"

He Nian recommended himself: "I have someone in my first year of high school."

Qin Chu: "Then you take it."

As soon as the two left, He Nian took out his phone and opened a campus group in No. 1 Middle School.

More than 800 people are online, and the profile picture is a candid photo of Director He of the Political and Educational Department. The small eyes have big confusion, which is very funny.

A beautiful indecisive man speaks: Big news! According to first-hand information, Lu Tong and Qin Chu were chasing a woman at the same time!

When this one came out, there were many bubbling people behind it.

Discussions started on twitter, and the speed of news spread was even earlier than what He Nian knew.

"You don't browse the forum? Qin Chu and Lu Tong fought on the small road behind the cafeteria? [Photo.jpg]" "I saw it too. It's hot, two A's are fighting for one O's, who is that girl? It can't be Chen Anqi Bar?"

"Who took this picture?"

"Although it has long been rumored that they are at odds, this is the first time we have actually seen each other. How is the battle going? Who won? Is the topic of who is the most A handsome guy in Provincial No. 1 finally coming to an end today?"

"Let me crush Qin Chu. Lu Tong looked so weak that he fell down after two punches."

"Then I will press Lu Tong."

The topic in the group has been distorted.

Lu Tong and Qin Chu didn't find the female classmate in the end. On the other hand, looking at the campus forums, the photos of their "fighting" had already been spread all over the place.

Lu Tong opened the campus forum, and Qin Chu came over to take a look.

"The uploading speed is so fast." He didn't think it was a big deal when he watched the excitement: "It said that we two fought because of the same woman."

"Is it honorable, Qin puppy, are you still reading it out, for fear that I can't read?"

Qin Chu frowned when he heard this, and completely missed the point: "Who is the puppy?"

Lu Tong: "Whoever answers me is a puppy."

He touched the back of his neck, remembering that the last time he made a temporary mark, Qin Chu bit down with great force, and the teeth marks have not completely disappeared until now.

The more Lu Tong thought about it, the angrier he became, thinking that the photo of the two of them fighting had been taken. The key was that Qin Chu seemed indifferent, and he got entangled, as if he cared about this matter very much.

what is this?

Lu Tong sincerely got a little angry.

"I don't have time to talk to you."

When the news reached Qin Shiwu, after layers of processing by the people's artist, he finally got a love and hatred that combines deep sadomasochism, reunion after a broken mirror, two A's fighting for one O, stand-in lover, etc. story.

It can be summed up in one sentence: Qin Chu and Lu Tong singled out for a woman on the alleyway in the school cafeteria. The result is unknown, but neither of them caught up with the woman.

So here comes the problem.

Who is this legendary woman who captured the two major school girls in one fell swoop?

Qin Shiwu listened to everyone's discussions, and his phone was about to shatter.

...It's your sister... I captured your sister...

Guapitou followed the class team to the playground, seeing Qin Shiwu's expression was not good, he asked, "What are you doing?"

Recently, Guapitou didn't dare to talk to Qin Shiwu.

Since Qin Shiwu beat Gu Kaifei severely in the class last time, everyone's impression of him has changed greatly. In addition, he is not as gloomy as before. After his hair was cut short, he did not wear glasses, revealing a handsome face.

What's more, now Qin Shiwu doesn't pay attention to anyone, and hangs around Qin Chu in the class. The key is that it doesn't matter if he gets beaten up by Qin Chu, but Qin Chu actually acquiesced in his behavior.

what is this?

Isn't this just being covered by Qin Chu!

The arrogant ones in the back seat didn't dare to trouble Qin Shiwu for a moment.

Qin Shiwu looked back, and there was no sign of Qin Chu in the class.

His father is poisonous!

Qin Shiwu almost made his own father go crazy.

Although he was eager for his father Jackie Chan, he didn't expect Qin Chu to be emotionally enlightened and pursue Lu Tong in a short period of time, but there must be basic principles of life, right?

If you don't have a good class, it's fine to go to Lu Tong to talk about love, and you're on the right track. Are you looking for someone to beat him up? !

It's fine to beat him up, and now everyone knows about it!

My seventh uncle, his mother is a 24K pure-blood Omega without a trace of deceit! Didn't Qin Chu feel pity for fragrance and jade? Is the road so wild? What is a man who beats his wife? !

Qin Shiwu's feet fluttered, his dizziness fell into an unprecedented predicament while holding his forehead.

Guapitou asked cautiously: "Qin Shiwu, tell me if you have any difficulties, and I will solve them for you."

Qin Shiwu gave him a weak look, "Your father beat your mother, how to solve this matter?"

...Ask about Guapitou's knowledge blind spot.

"This domestic violence, you can report to the O Rights Association."

Qin Shiwu: "What if your father is underage?"

Gua Pitou: "This is a youth school idol novel, you are asking about a sci-fi theme?"

Qin Shiwu turned his head: "Forget it, you still don't understand."

A group of people squeezed and suffered, and met students from other classes on the road.

After the acquaintances greeted each other, they all stood on the playground.

The swearing-in meeting of Provincial No. 1 Middle School was held very grandly, requiring all the parents of senior three students to be present as much as possible. They are all sitting in the auditorium now.

Students in the third year of high school still need to walk in square formation and shout slogans.

Students like Qin Shiwu and his first graders and senior graders simply came here to make up numbers. Of course, some parents think that the college entrance examination must start from the first year of senior high school, and a small number of parents of senior one and senior two students also came to the scene.

The previous part was very boring. The only thing that interested Qin Shiwu was Lu Tong's oath on behalf of the sophomores.

He stretched his neck to look at Lu Tong, and Guapitou noticed him, and he gossiped, "Do you like Lu Tong?"

The second gender of Qin Shiwu's current body is an O, which is well known.

He: "I like your mother, are you willing to part with me?"

Gua Pitou shut up.

Lu Tong's school uniform is neatly dressed, and others wear it like an ordinary high school student. He is wearing a school uniform, just like the youth idol drama in the movie, with a standard male protagonist's face.

Qin Shiwu didn't know why Lu Tong's grades were so good, why he chose to become an actor in the end. However, from the perspective of appearance, Lu Tong's path is not wrong.

He sighed, staring at Lu Tong with resentment.

Qin Shiwu seemed to have never known him very well.

Just when he was hurting the spring and the autumn, the girl behind him suddenly became excited.

Qin Shiwu turned his head and saw that it was Qin Chu who came up from the end of the class.

Not only the girls in her own class were excited, but there were also girls from the next class looking over frequently, their eyes lingering on Qin Chu.

"Attracting bees and butterflies." Qin Shiwu snorted disdainfully, "Why didn't I see you chase my mother after you have this ability."

Lu Tong finished his oath on the stage and came down from the backstage.

Wu Ke, head of the Propaganda Department of the Student Union, stopped him: "School girl, are you free tonight? Go out for a meal?"

Lu Tong stuffed the manuscript into his pants pocket: "Don't scream. When?"

"Don't worry." Wu Ke slapped him on the shoulder: "Let's do it before your door is closed. I will hold a farewell party for Lao Cheng at night, and he will go abroad next week."

Lu Tong looked at him: "Is he not in the third year of high school?"

"His grades are a fart in the third year of high school. If the domestic junior college score is lowered by 100 points, he will not be able to pass the exam. The family has some money, so go abroad for entertainment. Where can I go to study instead of studying?"

After Wu Ke finished speaking, he hurriedly said: "You have to give me face, I've blown the cowhide outside, saying that I must invite the school grass here. Those little girls in our class are waiting for my reply, you If they don't come, they won't come either."

"There is also a girl that Lao Cheng has a crush on here. Whether they can make it tonight depends on whether you come or not."

After Wu Ke finished speaking, a pair of eyes stared at him earnestly.

Although Lu Tong has few friends, Wu Ke can be counted as one of them. The two met in the top ten singers on campus in their first year of high school. Lu Tong was a good singer, and was pushed by his teacher to participate in this kind of campus competition when he was in junior high school.

The attached middle school he attended was a junior high school below the No. 1 middle school. After he was promoted, the class teacher who took him also found out about this matter, and signed him up for the competition without authorization in the first year of senior high school.

Wu Ke was still a small officer in the student union at the time, and he slightly lost to Lu Tong in the top ten singers, and took the second place. But he has a thick skin, appreciates Lu Tong, and pesters him to be friends with Lu Tong. After coming and going, Wu Ke really got acquainted with him.

When he was a sophomore in high school, he went to be the head of the Propaganda Department. He was dizzy with the busy affairs in the school. However, the nature of gossip is still there—Lu Tong never figured it out, how could an Alpha gossip like this?

Moreover, the first time he heard Qin Chu's name was from Wu Ke.

At that time, the Provincial No. 1 Middle School had just started school.

The summer vacation of the first and second grades of senior high school is only for ten days. Lu Tong participated in the physics competition in other provinces, so he missed the military training and the welcome ceremony for new students during the summer vacation.

As soon as he came to the school, Wu Ke rushed up and told him: Your position as a school grassroots is going to be lost.

It was Qin Chu.

He played a violin solo "Beautiful Rosemary" at the freshman welcome party after the military training, which instantly turned the entire campus forum upside down. No one could tell how well he played, but the spotlights caught it That face is there for all to see.

Like a **** coming down to earth, it amazes everyone.

"I remembered." Lu Tong said.

When he first went to Qin Chu's room, he saw the violin hanging on his wall. At that time, he thought that Qin Chu was hanging it to decorate the room, but he didn't think that he seemed to be very accomplished in violin.

Wu Ke said: "You don't know that in those few days, the whole school was discussing about Qin Chu. The female students in our class almost drove me crazy - I was in charge of planning the freshman party. The school committee in my class Swear to me that if I can get Qin Chu's mobile phone number, I will copy her homework for the second half of the semester."

Lu Tong: "I didn't pay attention."

Wu Ke: "Of course you didn't pay attention. When you came back, everyone went crazy for a while. Later, Qin Chu showed his true colors and ran amok in the school. He was so fierce that he looked like a cold-faced Hades. Who would dare to provoke him? ? When you fall in love with him, you have to weigh yourself."

Lu Tong's body stagnated slightly, and he thought to himself: It's not that cold, isn't he just a fierce little bastard?

Wu Ke laughed, and suddenly changed the subject: "Did you know that there are people on the forum who beg you to play with him, just piano and violin."

Lu Tong had never heard such a strange request before, and replied, "I'm not good at playing the piano."

Wu Ke: "Don't be humble, excessive modesty is showing off."

Lu Tong asked casually, "What is the ensemble?"

Wu Ke rubbed his chin: "...a compliment of love?"

Lu Tong: "Dead."

Wu Ke said: "I won't delay your time, remember to come tonight. There is no late self-study tonight, so don't try to let it go."

Lu Tong: "Understood."

Forty minutes later, all the oaths and speeches from students, teachers, and the principal were over.

The remaining link is "letting the ideal fly".

Take the family as a unit to get the hydrogen balloon. This link is only for the third year of high school students, and the first and second year of high school students can leave early.

Of course, if you want to stay and consult with the admissions teachers from various universities, you can also stay on the playground.

Qin Shiwu is not interested in any university at all. The combined scores of him and his father are probably not half of Lu Tong's.

As soon as the speech was over, the students on the playground dispersed.

Basically, two or three gather to buy dinner at the school gate.

Qin Shiwu had very good eyesight and found Qin Chu at a glance.

Qin Chu was surrounded by some girls, standing not far from him. Some urged their friends to come up and ask Qin Chu for his contact information, while some were hesitant and wanted to come up to talk to him.

After all, it is still a bit difficult to meet Qin Chu by chance in No. 1 Middle School. There is such a rare opportunity, and no one wants to miss it.

Qin Shiwu got angry when he saw it, jumped up like a rabbit, and waved: "Let's go, let's go!"

A group of girls were driven away by him.

Qin Shiwu said: "Dad, do you have a sense of chastity! If my mother knows that you are so attractive, she will spit out blood!"

He is total bullshit.

If Lu Tong could really get jealous because of this, Qin Shiwu would be able to eat two more bowls of rice.

Qin Chu was used to Qin Shiwu calling his father in private, and he tried to correct him, but it didn't help much.

Besides, Qin Shiwu shouted if he wanted to. Anyway, he wanted to be a father to others, not a son to others. Qin Chu was very useful.

High school students, who doesn't have the desire to be a father to their peers?

Qin Chu: "Who is your mother? Just the trailer and no spoilers?"

Qin Shiwu pretended to be deaf and dumb, changed the topic very skillfully, and said, "I'm hungry, go buy something to eat at the school gate."

He looked around for a while: "Where is the Lutong man? He must not have eaten, let's eat together."

Speaking of Lu Tong, Qin Chu finally opened his mouth: "Why do you care about him so much?"

Qin Shiwu said: "He...we are also friends, isn't it a matter of course to care about your friend's health, diet and daily life!"

Qin Chu paused and said, " are right."

It's rare for Qin Shiwu to see his own father enlightened, and strike while the iron is hot, "You send a text message to ask Lu Tong to come and find us at the school gate. I'll go to the small shop at the gate to buy something to pad my stomach."

Qin Chu took out his mobile phone, and before he could send a text message to Lu Tong, his mobile phone vibrated by itself.

The caller was from an unfamiliar number, along with seven or eight text messages, each of which was unread. Qin Chu didn't even read it, and directly deleted the text message.

Qin Shiwu saw it with sharp eyes and asked, "Who is it?"

Suddenly there was a commotion beside him.

"Fuck! There's a Maybach parked at the gate of the school. It's a rich, luxurious car!"

"Take me to see, I'll see!"

"I'll go too, who is it? Other people's parents?"

"It seems that there is a woman standing at the school gate, waiting for me to get off, I will go too."

As soon as Qin Shiwu finished asking, there were groups of men around him, running towards the school gate.

From their tone, it seems that a rich man came to the school gate, driving a Maybach, and a woman. Qin Shiwu could understand the curiosity of boys of this age, and it was normal for everyone to want to run over to watch the excitement.

However, his most urgent task now is how to get Lu Tong out for an afternoon meal, and he has no time to pay attention to the excitement.

Hu Si squeezed out from the students and found Qin Chu: "Brother Qin, Yang Lin from No. 4 Middle School is going to an Internet cafe to play games at night. I want to go with you. Shall I go?"

As soon as he stood still, he saw Qin Shiwu leisurely standing next to Qin Chu, his expression changed.

Hu Si was the one who beat Qin Shiwu together with Qin Chu on the day he traveled through time—one of his father's cronies.

Qin Shiwu snorted, and didn't embarrass Hu Si in front of his father.

Qin Chu: "What time is the evening?"

Hu Si: "I just had dinner, and I haven't played in a group for a long time. This time I'm fighting with the No. 4 middle school. Fuck, I didn't admit it after being beaten up by us last time, and this time I'm here to challenge us one-on-one. Dog, this I won't believe Hu if I don't whittle them down to bronze!"

Qin Chu hadn't gone to the Internet cafe to play games for a long time, and his hands were itchy: "Success."

Qin Shiwu said: "I want to go too."

Qin Chu glanced at him.

Qin Shiwu pointed to himself: "The strongest support in the national uniform, understand?"

Hu Si turned his head sideways, disdainful of Qin Shiwu.

Turning around, the school gate was already full of people.

He was used to messing around in school, and when he saw too many people, he became impatient to speak: "Are you sick? What are you doing here?"

As soon as Hu Si opened his mouth, the people in front of him heard the voice, looked back and saw Qin Chu again, and stepped aside one after another.

The onlookers didn't stay for long. The security guards at the school gate came out of the booth and dismissed the students, so as not to stand at the school gate and block the school bus to enter the school.

As soon as the crowd dispersed, the conspicuous Maybach at the school gate appeared.

After a while, the car door opened, and the co-pilot of the Maybach stepped out of a girl.

With flat bangs, black and long straight, with a dignified and arrogant demeanor, he looked at Qin Chu expressionlessly.

Qin Shiwu took a sharp breath and coughed violently.

Hu Sidao: "Are you sick too? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

Qin Shiwu coughed even worse.

This... This is not the reason why he has never seen a beautiful woman before!

The girl who got on and off the Maybach was none other than Qin Shiwu's little aunt: Qu Muyao.

Qu Muyao held a bouquet of flowers and looked at Qin Chu: "Why don't you pick me up at the airport?"

Qin Chu seemed to know the inside story, and said directly: "I have no obligation to pick you up, you have a broken leg or a broken hand, won't you come here by yourself?"

Qu Muyao smiled but said: "I called you countless times, but you didn't answer."

It seems that the seven or eight text messages and more than a dozen calls in his mobile phone belong to Qu Muyao.

Qin Chu: "I didn't hear that."

Qu Muyao: "Come and pick me up, this is what you should do." After a pause, she sneered: "Brother?"


After listening to their conversation, Qin Shiwu was stunned.

He stared at Qu Muyao, and couldn't believe it. The cold and arrogant girl in front of him, who spoke harshly and had a bad temper, was his future little aunt who would be obedient and obedient to him.

Yes, he knew that Qu Muyao and Qin Chu were stepbrothers and sisters—but sixteen years later, they got along happily, no different from brothers and sisters!

How come sixteen years ago, the two talked with guns and sticks, as if they were going to kill each other in the next second?


Qin Shiwu froze in place.

Sixteen years later, because of work, Qin Chu and Lu Tong stayed away from Qin Shiwu less often because of their work, and failed to take good care of him.

Qin Shiwu was almost brought up by Qu Muyao. In his memory, all he knew about his parents came from his little aunt's dictation, including the little aunt herself.

However, judging from everything he has seen and heard through time travel, his little aunt is obviously talking nonsense!

The stories about the past are all **** false!

What a gentle and sweet wife Lu Tong.

What a personable and handsome Xueba Qin Chu.

What misunderstanding did Qu Muyao have about his parents' high school years? !

Or was her little aunt's personality extremely bad, and she simply said it out to amuse herself? !

...I'm afraid, Qu Muyao never thought that her precious nephew could have such a fantastic experience.

I don't know if my little aunt found out that she had traveled back to sixteen years ago, would she still make up things in front of him.

Qin Shiwu wanted to scratch the wall sadly.

When Qu Muyao walked in front of Qin Chu, the small heels she stepped on made a clicking sound.

Hu Si glanced at Qin Chu, then at Qu Muyao, surprised and amazed: This woman knows Brother Qin?

— Never heard Qin Chu mention it before? Where did the girl come from, she looks weirdly good-looking...

Hu Si took out his mobile phone and sent a text message directly to Chen Anqi, asking her to come to the school gate.

He briefly told about Qu Muyao at the school gate, and then asked Chen Anqi to find an excuse to come over. Chen Anqi has been chasing Qin Chu for a while, and she is more sophisticated than He Yuanyuan. She knows that if she wants to get Qin Chu down, she must first get rid of a few friends around him.

Hu Si was attracted by her, and the two have a good relationship now.

Sometimes when something happened to Qin Chu, Hu Si was the first to report it to Chen Anqi.

On the playground, two people received the text message.

The content is to ask them to gather at the school gate as soon as possible.

One is Chen Anqi: Hu Sifa sent it to her.

One is Lu Tong: Qin Chu sent it to him.

When Chen Anqi went to the school gate, she turned to the restaurant next to the teacher's cafeteria and bought two cups of milk tea to take there.

Being prepared, he also found a reason to meet Qin Chu.

Lu Tong saw the text message—deleted it blankly.

He was speechless: "The weasel has no good intentions in wishing the chicken a New Year."

When Chen Anqi arrived at the school gate, Hu Si gave him a wink.

"Qin Chu!" Chen Anqi beckoned: "I just saw you, do you want milk tea? I bought an extra cup."

She walked to Qin Chu's side, and after she finished speaking, she turned to look at Qu Muyao.

Qu Muyao glanced at Chen Anqi, and smiled at Qin Chu: "Your taste is not very good."

Qin Shiwu nodded solemnly, and echoed in his heart: "Little aunt, you are so right!"

When Chen Anqi saw Qu Muyao, she was instinctively hostile towards her.

Her family background is good, but she is far behind a rich lady like Qu Muyao in terms of clothing and temperament.

When they stood together, it was obvious that Qin Chu, Qin Shiwu and Qu Muyao were people from the same world, while he was inferior and couldn't fit into this atmosphere.

Qu Muyao: "The Omega pheromone in your body is hers?"

Qin Chu: "None of your business."

Qin Shiwu and Hu Si stared at Qin Chu at the same time.

He has Omega pheromones? The two moved their noses without a trace, but they didn't smell anything.

Lu Tong's pheromone was like the first snowfall, cold and frosty, just like his people, extremely indifferent.

The smell of his pheromone is not obvious, but it can block all the corruption and hustle and bustle of feasting and feasting, making people's heart calm down instantly, as if surrounded by thousands of snow mountains, and even the soul has been washed once.


This is the only word to describe it.

If you are not sensitive to pheromones, it is difficult to capture the smell of Lu Tong.

Chen Anqi was not surprised.

She had heard that Qin Chu had "countless" ex-girlfriends, and she could deduce that Qin Chu's age, rich family, and a handsome guy, how could it be possible that he had never been in a relationship?

Chen Anqi doesn't care whose pheromones stay on Qin Chu's body, she just needs to be Qin Chu's last girlfriend.

Qin Shiwu said, "Well... I think... why don't you find a place to sit down and talk about it?"

He looked at his father to the left, then at his little aunt, and always felt that the two of them would fight in a second.

Qu Muyao sneered: "So it's not. Your love life is quite rich." She paused: "Your father told you to go home for dinner at night. I'm tired, so I have to leave now, get in the car quickly."

Chen Anqi asked Hu Si: "Who is she?"

Hu Sidao: "I don't know. It seems to be Qin Chu's younger sister?"

younger sister?

What sister?

The "sister" who is used as a backup girlfriend?

Or a blood-related sister?

Chen Anqi is a self-acquaintance, she has her own way of getting along, because of her appearance, so from childhood to adulthood, as long as she throws a friendly olive branch, she has never failed.

She handed the milk tea to Qu Muyao and said with a smile, "Hello. Are you Qin Chu's younger sister? I bought an extra cup of milk tea, please drink?"

Qin Shiwu's eyes quickly locked on the milk tea in Chen Anqi's hand, and the alarm bells rang in his heart: Fuck! What are you doing? Look like my dad and girlfriend? !

It has to be said that Chen Anqi's rank is much higher than that of He Yuanyuan, so Qin Shiwu didn't know how to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the milk tea was handed to Qu Muyao, the latter let go of it.

Chen Anqi's milk tea fell to the ground in an instant, and a few drops of milk tea splashed onto her black pantyhose.

Her expression changed.

Qu Muyao said casually: "Ah. Slippery hands. By the way, I don't drink things that look dirty."

She looked natural, a little arrogant, and spoke lightly, but it made Chen Anqi's face turn pale.

Qin Shiwu was stunned: ...Fuck, little aunt...that's too cruel...

Qu Muyao: "Love can't come back. I just came to inform you."

She handed the bouquet to Qin Chu, and Qin Chu put his hands in his pockets, as if he had no intention of picking it up.

Qu Muyao didn't care, she handed it to him and let it go. This expensive-looking bouquet was the same as the milk tea, it fell to the ground in an instant.

A card fell out of the bouquet, and it was Qin Heng's handwriting: Welcome home, son.

Qu Muyao smiled, but the smile couldn't reach her eyes: "Welcome home, brother."

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked back.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Lu Tong coming out of the small gate at the school gate.

He deliberately avoided the door, and within two steps, he felt a gaze falling on him.

Qin Shiwu saw Lu Tong following Qu Muyao's line of sight, and in an instant, all uneasy emotions disappeared from his heart.

He is like a puppy who has found his belonging, and he can't help but want to hide behind Lu Tong and avoid all the unfavorable factors for him.

"Lu Tong!" Qin Shiwu ran over quickly: "Why are you here so late? We are all going to eat."

Lu Tong: ...No. I didn't intend to eat with you.

However, seeing Qin Shiwu's tail seemed to be wagging wildly behind his butt, he still didn't say those words.

"See if you have something to do, just wait here first."

Qin Shiwu took his hand very naturally.

Lu Tong: ...What does this girl's shopping posture mean?

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. It's all right now. What do you want to eat? I'll take you to eat. I have money!" Qin Shiwu's eyes sparkled.

Lu Tong couldn't bear to refuse: "... Whatever you want."

Qu Muyao got into the Maybach and walked away.

It took Chen Anqi a long time to get over the embarrassment. She looked down at her pantyhose, which was splashed with milk tea stains, and said, "I'm going to change."

She was in a bad mood and left after speaking.

Hu Si was a little worried about her, "Brother Qin, I'll go and see Chen Anqi, and I'll see you at the Internet cafe."

Qin Shiwu had Lu Tong, so he didn't bother to care about other people's trivial matters.

He was very clingy to Lu Tong when he was a child, but he didn't have the chance to be clingy later, and it was weird for him to cling to Lu Tong again when he grew up.

Now that she has a great opportunity to cling to him openly, she is naturally acting like a baby.

"I found a really good restaurant near the school."

Qin Shiwu eloquently showed Lu Tong how delicious this restaurant was.

The sky gradually darkened, the sun set, and the street lights outside the school came on one by one.

Qin Chu walked behind the two of them, listening to Qin Shiwu talking nonsense all over the place.

Sometimes his ears get tired of talking, and he wants to bring Qin Shiwu over and beat him up, but it turns out that he is not

Read The Duke's Passion