MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 24 love letter

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Neither Qin Chu nor Qin Shiwu, who were standing in the dark, expected such a development.

For a while, the two thought about each other.

But the mood is not so bright.

Qin Shiwu hid in the dark to eavesdrop and gritted his teeth violently.

"Fuck! Brother knew that this old toad had a problem with his thinking! Fortunately, I was clever and quick-witted and followed, and this **** exposed it!"

Qin Chu: "Why do you call me an old toad?"

Qin Shiwu thought, "Otherwise!" Are you happy if I call him Dad?

Qin Chu added slowly: "He should be a young toad."

Qin Shiwu: ...

After Lao Cheng finished speaking, Lu Tong didn't reply anymore.

He was originally very nervous, and even his eyes began to wander.

Later, when Lu Tong became silent, Lao Cheng's heart gradually calmed down. It didn't jump so fast, and even froze on his chest, as if wrapped in a piece of ice—even though he had anticipated this fact countless times, when it really arrived, he still felt a chill in his heart.

"I'm... red card out?"

Lu Tong: "What do you think?"

Lao Cheng squeezed out a smile: "Is there no reprieve? Just give me the death penalty?"

Lu Tong: "No. No yellow card."

Old Cheng breathed a long sigh of relief, and sighed: "I heard from Wu Ke that you have always been very ruthless in rejecting people. I have never seen it before, but now I have. Don't blame Wu Ke, I was the one who asked him to take you out. .”

Lu Tong: "Have you finished?"

Old Cheng: "It's over."

Lu Tong nodded: "Then I'm leaving."

Qin Shiwu witnessed the whole process, looked at Lu Tong's back which was not muddled, and swallowed.


Qin Chu looked down at him.

Qin Shiwu gave a thumbs up: "It's too ruthless. This level of heartlessness can win the Nobel Prize for heartlessness. Old Cheng's soul will be broken in the Pacific Ocean tonight."

He gushed: "Is Lu Tong's heart made of stone? Look at Lao Cheng's face. Fuck, look at his face has turned black... A good man never sheds tears, I want tonight Weep for him."

Qin Chu looked at Lu Tong's back thoughtfully.

...How come there is a feeling of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox.

When Wu Ke came out of the convenience store, he saw Lao Cheng standing alone under the telephone pole, and slowed down his pace.


Lao Cheng: "The chance of success is only 0.5%."

Wu Ke laughed and patted him on the shoulder: "Actually, I gave you a budget of 0.05%. This person in Lutong has no heart. If you expect him to learn to love someone, it is better to count on Qin Chu Go to Peking University."

Qin Chu secretly: ...

Lao Cheng fumbled a cigarette from his pocket: "I'm broken in love. If you don't comfort me, you're going to add insult to injury. Tell me what's wrong with me. I've liked him for so many years, and he doesn't have any boyfriends or girlfriends. Tell me what's wrong with me." Can't we try together?"

Wu Ke: "Lu Tong is not that kind of person. He is very unfeeling. Do you think he is the kind of philanthropist who gets rewarded for what you give? If he doesn't like someone, he will die and jump off a building in front of him." , he can also watch people jump down without changing his face."

After Qin Shiwu heard this, the puppy's ears moved, and he said to himself: so cruel?

He looked up at Qin Chu.

Qin Chu looked down at him: "What are you looking at me for?"

Qin Shiwu shook his head: "It's nothing, I see you are handsome."

He complained unceremoniously in his heart: You feel sad just looking at you! If you haven't acted yet, how can you influence the heart of my mother, the flower of Gaoling!

After Qin Shiwu finished complaining, he couldn't help thinking: Was he so cold when he was young?

In the beginning, when Qin Shiwu traveled here, he only heard others say that Lu Tong was cold, but he never experienced it personally. He pestered Lu Tong shamelessly, and Lu Tong didn't seem to dislike him, so he didn't feel the "coldness" he did.

However, he was completely shocked when he saw Lu Tong's attitude towards Lao Cheng today.

It's too indifferent...

Qin Shiwu felt incredible.

He even agreed with what Wu Ke said just now: Does Lu Tong know how to love?

Qin Shiwu looked up at Qin Chu again, raised his eyebrows, and couldn't figure it out: How did my father take down my mother? What the hell.

Sixteen years later, Lu Tong is like a domesticated wild cat, soft and obedient, except for occasionally scratching Qin Chu's face with his bright paws, most of the time he spends most of his time in Qin Chu's arms playing with his mobile phone.

Qin Shiwu happened to see Lu Tong lose his temper a few times at home, refusing to eat this or that. In the end, Qin Chu pushed him to the table and obediently stuffed a bowl of rice into it, but he didn't complain.

Although he is not very talkative, but compared to now, it is definitely a world of difference.

Wu Ke and Lao Cheng chatted while walking.

"You said that Lu Tong rejected me because I'm not handsome enough?"

"No, maybe he doesn't like AA romance."

"He's so beautiful, can he find an even more beautiful Omega? His O won't be jealous of his face?" Lao Cheng rubbed his chin and asked, "Does Lu Tong have someone he likes?"

"Why didn't you ask him just now?"

Old Cheng said, "Forgot."

The two walked farther and farther, until Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu came out from behind the bus platform after their figures disappeared.

Qin Shiwu: "Is there really someone I like? Who is it? Chen Anqi?"

Qin Chu didn't speak, and his complexion was not very good.

Qin Shiwu looked back at Qin Chu and felt that this was not an option. Yingying and Yanyan beside Lu Tong are no less than Qin Chu, he can't just watch his own mother being taken away by others!

"What do you think of Lu Tong?" Qin Shiwu asked Qin Chu cautiously.

Qin Chu snorted coldly: "It's not that good."

Qin Shiwu: ...

Live with your right hand for the rest of your **** life! Dead old man, I hate you for being fast wood!

Qin Shiwu didn't talk speculatively with his father for more than half a sentence, and the topic froze as soon as it started.

On the surface, Qin Chu seemed to have no interest in Lu Tong, and Qin Shiwu was almost depressed.

Is it because Lu Tong is an A?

He couldn't figure it out.

— Qin Shiwu still doesn't know that his father and his mother have had an improper relationship with him behind his back, so he is still sullen.

The two of them had their own thoughts and broke up unhappy.

On the other side, when Lu Tong returned home, the light in the living room was still on.

He pushed the door open and went in. It was Lin Siyin who was still busy downstairs.

Seeing Lu Tong come back, Lin Siyin put down his phone and raised his head from the sofa: "Why did you come back so late?"

Lu Tong: "I went out to play with my classmates."

Lin Siyin: "Next time you come back so late, tell me and Dad, you know? We will worry about you."

Lu Tong glanced at Lin Siyin's phone, the screen still displayed the fruit-slicing game, with more than a thousand points scored, it seemed that he couldn't find time to worry about him.

Lu Tong perfunctory: "Understood."

Lin Siyin: "Are you hungry? Mom is going to cook you a bowl of noodles."

"Not hungry." Standing at the stairs, Lu Tong suddenly said, "Mom, I want to live on campus."

Lin Siyin sat up from the sofa: "Why are you so good, you want to live in school? Did you have a fight with your dad? He just has that temper, so you don't need to talk to him."

Lu Tong: "No. It's convenient to live on campus. I'm in my third year of high school. There will be an extra class in the evening self-study until 10:40 in the evening."

Lin Siyin: "Why is it so late? But aren't you still a year away from your senior year in high school?"

Lu Tong: "I want to adapt in advance."

Lin Siyin complained slightly: "I'll wait until I ask your father about this matter, I can't make the decision."

Lu Tong suddenly stood still: "Do you have to ask him? I'm eighteen years old, and I can make my own decisions."

Lin Siyin: "You're still young, and living on campus is no small matter. Besides, living at school is not as comfortable as living at home, where parents can help you cook."

Lu Tong: "Then why can others live but I can't?"

He has never lived in school since he was a child, because he is a native of H city, and he also studied in a junior high school in H city. In order to discipline him better, Lu Zhiyan did not let him live in school at all, for fear that Lu Tong would leave Own control, own ideas.

Lin Siyin was blocked by him, and said: "...It's not that you are not allowed to live, but can you take care of yourself at school?"

Lu Tong went upstairs, "You don't need to worry about it."

Immediately afterwards, the door was slammed shut.

The main way for contemporary teenagers to express their anger towards their parents is to smash the door. The louder the door is slammed, the bigger the fire will be.

Lin Siyin sighed when he heard the earth-shattering slamming sound of the door: "The temper is really getting worse."

Lu Tong threw himself on the bed and turned over.

It wasn't just a whim that he wanted to live in school. Instead, after considering for a long time, I made the decision to live on campus.

Provincial No. 1 Middle School is divided into two student departments, Division 1 and Division 2. Due to the large number of students, there are several types of student dormitories and several dormitory buildings. Six-person room, four-person room, triple room, and two-person room are divided into different standards. The smaller the number of people, the more expensive the accommodation fee.

The double room is arranged in the International Department, which is the high school for the students who are about to go abroad in the Provincial No. 1 Middle School. They need to pay 2,000 more for accommodation every year. It is the best accommodation environment in the Provincial No. 1 Middle School, comparable to a four-star hotel , Qin Chu lived in the International Department.

Lu Tong's body is now differentiated into Omega, and he didn't want Lu Zhiyan to know before he figured out why it split up again.

If his father finds out, he will definitely make a fuss for a while, making it known to everyone, which is what annoys him the most.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of this cold war with Lu Zhiyan, Lu Tong simply moved out of the house and went to live in the school, saving himself from listening to Lu Zhiyan and chanting scriptures in his ear every day.

After making up his mind, Lu Tong arranged his itinerary.

Go to the hospital for a checkup this week, and then move to school on Sunday.

At the same time, under the same moon, Qin Shiwu also made up his mind: he would write a love letter to Lu Tong instead of Qin Chu.

Bracket PS: Without Qin Chu's knowledge!

Qin Shiwu clenched his hands into fists, lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep: "We must not wait any longer!" If I wait for my dad to open his mind and confess to Lu Tong, it's better to wait for him to be admitted to Peking University.

Qin Chu never had the chance to be admitted to Peking University, and it was impossible for Qin Shiwu to take the test of Peking University instead of Qin Chu—but it is still no problem to write a love letter instead of Qin Chu!

Just do what you say, and early the next morning, Qin Shiwu didn't even sleep in, and went straight to school.

He threw away his schoolbag, sat on his seat, and frantically turned out a piece of fragrant, pink letter paper: he just bought it from the small shop at the school gate.

His deskmate Lin Xiaomian was still reading and reciting vocabulary early, and was startled by Qin Shiwu's movement.

Qin Shiwu spread out the paper, took out the mobile phone from the drawer, hesitated again and again, and typed in the mobile phone: How to write a love letter?

Baidu quickly jumped out with various answers: "99 touching love letters, there is always one that makes your eyes fill with tears..."

-don't want. What's the use of my tears? De Lutong watched it with tears in his eyes, then cried and shouted that he would marry Qin Chu!

"The most beautiful three-line script, express your love with only three lines."

-not enough. Qin Shiwu curled his lips and wrote three lines, wasting my time.

"Girls teach you how to chase MM, the success rate is as high as 100%!"

—pass. My mother is a real man, even if she is an O, she is also a reputable male O!

"The shore of Mandala, the Ai of Yongheng"—fuck! What is this? !

Qin Shiwu chose for a long time, his face tangled.

Lin Xiaomian asked softly, "Qin Shiwu, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Shiwu turned his head and asked her: "Let me ask you, what kind of love letter do you girls like to receive the most?"

Lin Xiaomian blushed a bit: "You want to write a love letter? Let's see who it is for."

Qin Shiwu said: "Write to..."

Of course he couldn't say it was written to Lu Tong. Qin Shiwu gritted his teeth and said euphemistically, "It's written to the most popular girl in school. What is the most popular thing on the Internet now? The love letter must be fashionable, and It has to be popular, but it must also be eclectic and special, and it’s best not to be a mainstream love letter on the market! It must make people unforgettable and lingering, as soon as they see the love letter, they want to fall in love with the person who wrote the love letter!"

Lin Xiaomian listened thoughtfully. After listening for a long time, she heard the phrase "not a mainstream love letter". She suddenly realized, and said, "Then I know."

- When Lu Tong arrived in the classroom early in the morning, there was a love letter on the table.

He looked left and right, and He Nian was holding the textbook and pretending to read it early, and said, "Don't read it, it's for you."

In this day and age, mobile phones are not that popular.

The way the students communicate is still passing notes, and the way of confession is to write love letters.

Lu Tong can receive about a dozen love letters in a semester, so it's not surprising.

"Another admirer?" When the monitor came to collect homework, he saw the pink love letter on Lu Tong's desk.

Lu Tong didn't speak, and everyone was used to his reticence, so after chatting with others, they dispersed.

He put down his schoolbag, picked up the love letter and glanced at it.

— good soil.

At first glance, it was the letter paper and envelopes bought in the canteen. The person who wrote the love letter looked frizzy, and even the envelope was not well kept, and the corners became crumpled due to rough folding.

—I have no desire to see it at all.

Compared with other people's love letters to Lu Tong, this letter is too frustrating.

He turned it to the other side, and there was an ugly big heart surrounded by another ugly one: love.

Love was also misspelled and became "live".

Lu Tong looked at the love letter paralyzed.

He Nian also noticed this, and he laughed out loud.

Lu Tong opened the love letter wordlessly, and the first line of words that came into view was: "Hey, I'm sorry, Xiao Dong's love, I see you, my love..."

A large piece of Martian text like garbled characters is eloquently written.

The last sender signed: Dear Qin Chu.

Lu Tong's expressionless face cracked: ...




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