MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 27 pheromone dependence

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Qin Chu suddenly became Weiguang upright.

Facing Qu Muyao, a girl who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, he deliberately wanted to use his status as an elder brother to teach him a lesson, but when the words came to his lips, it seemed that he couldn't say anything.

One, he has no position.

Lu Tong has no relatives or reason with him, he hastily drew a line with Qu Muyao, and when Lu Tong found out, he couldn't help but sneer at him. Thinking of the scene of Lu Tong rejecting Lao Cheng that night, Lao Cheng's face suddenly became himself in Qin Chu's mind.

-That's horrible.

How twisted is his heart, how much love has no bounds and how compassionate he is to send him to Lu Tong's door?

Second, Qu Muyao is just his step-sister, and Qin Chu can't control her because of emotion and reason. If Qin Heng found out, I'm afraid he would teach him a lesson again.

Why should he ask for trouble.

Qin Chu closed the door and said coldly, "Will love go or not?"

He closed the door without hesitation, and Qu Muyao was afraid that his hand would be caught when he closed the door too quickly, so she quickly took a step back.

Qu Muyao complained, "You're a **** even a dog hates it."

Not to be outdone, Qin Chu cursed in his heart: "An annoying yellow-haired girl."

After staying for a few days, Qin Chu made up his mind to leave this happy "family of three".

Qin Heng asked him where he was going, and Qin Chu had another very plausible reason: "I'm going to get Lao Zhao's medicine."

Zhao Yan's health has never been very good. She usually suffers from minor illnesses, and recently, she often suffers from nosebleeds. Qin Heng brought Zhao Yan several kinds of medicines that were not available in China when he came back from here. Hearing what Qin Chu said, he didn't doubt it.

"She is not in good health, remember to go early and return early."

Qin Chu thought in his heart: Bye bye.

When he goes, it's like a meat bun beating a dog, or Sun Dasheng stepping on the Nantian Gate—he will never return.

Old Zhao saw that he was living well at his house, so he ran back again and made a fuss. When Qin Chu said that he would go to the hospital to get medicine for her, Lao Zhao was flattered and acted like a ghost: "You are so kind? Why don't you get a higher score in the exam. The average score of our class is not determined by Lin Xiaomian and the others, but by Lin Xiaomian and the others. you."

Qin Chu said brazenly, "Let's talk about it."

He had just returned to China, and he didn't even recognize all Chinese, and of course he didn't have the concept of trying to be strong.

Lao Zhao had other things to do this morning, so he couldn't go to the hospital. She always didn't take these problems of hers to heart. Qin Chu lived in her house, and he remembered it better than she did.

The hospital where Zhao Yan took the medicine was Zhejiang No. 1 Hospital in the city center. Her disease was very stubborn. She had been treated in the hospital for several years. The attending doctor knew her. Every time she came to get the medicine, she didn’t need to register. She just went to the consulting room to say hello. That's fine.

Qin Chu came to help Lao Zhao take it a few times. After the doctor got to know him, he was very familiar with the order this time.

When he arrived at the western pharmacy, he just stood still when he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a familiar person standing at the elevator entrance.

"Lu Tong?"

At first, he was a little unsure.

When he got closer, Qin Chu could see clearly that it was indeed Lu Tong.

"He seemed to say he was coming to the hospital on Saturday."

Qin Chu belatedly remembered that Lu Tong had indeed mentioned that he would come to the hospital before the Political and Education Office broke up last time.

No illness or disaster, what hospital do you go to?

Qin Chu's route turned and followed Lu Tong.

Lu Tong signed up first, and Qin Chu's sharp eyes saw him sign up for internal medicine at a glance.

He muttered calmly: You still said you are not sick?

When Lu Tong lifted his foot to step on the elevator and walked to the second floor, Qin Chu thought he was hiding well and followed, but as soon as he reached the second floor, he was "waited for the rabbit" by Lu Tong—the rabbit of the bastard.

"Are you free?" Lu Tong crossed his arms and leaned against the pillar on the second floor: "I have nothing to do after lunch in the morning, so you came to follow me?"

Qin Chu: ...

"A chance encounter."

Lu Tong: "Do you think I believe it? Your chance meeting brought GPS to turn around and get on the elevator?"

Qin Chu said nonsense without changing his expression, "I'm here to see a doctor."

Lu Tong: "Internal medicine?"

Qin Chu: "Internal medicine."

Lu Tong looked at Qin Chu's expression, and the latter bit him to death to see internal medicine, so he gave up.

The main reason is that Lu Tong doesn't have such a thick skin, so he insisted on stamping Qin Chu to follow him behind. How much face does he have, the new school grass of Provincial No. 1 Middle School follows him?

The two sat in the waiting area outside the internal medicine clinic, and Qin Chu had nothing to talk about: "Why are you here for internal medicine?"

Lu Tong sarcastically said, "It's not just to see if there is a disease in the brain."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and went to the water dispenser next to him, took a free plastic cup, and took a glass of water.

Qin Chu was sitting in the waiting room, looking to the left, a child was carrying a space bag containing a cat. After opening the bag, he used a cat teasing stick, and was happily teasing the cat.

This cat is a snow-white puppet, which looks very expensive, and it takes several times to move its paws. That indifferent look is like Lu Tong's, and the color of his fur is also like Lu Tong's skin. It's milky white, and it can turn pink with a pinch.

Before Lu Tong came back, Qin Chufu felt in his heart, as if he had opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, and requisitioned the child's cat teasing stick.

There was still half a glass of water in the disposable water glass. In line with the good habit of thrift, Lu Tong didn't bring it, and held it in his hand to drink later.

Just as he took out his mobile phone to read a book for a while, a ball of snow-white plush suddenly fell in front of his eyes.

Lu Tong looked along the hair ball and saw the end of the hair ball—this is a cat teasing stick, or the cat teasing stick in Qin Chu's hand.

Lu Tong stared at Qin Chu expressionlessly.

Qin Chu shook the cat teasing stick, and the hair ball followed his movements, jumping to the left and right, which made Lu Tong upset.

He reached out and grabbed the hairball violently.

Qin Chu: "Ah."

Exactly the same as that cat.

Lu Tong bared his teeth: "Are you sick!"

The large-screen mechanical female voice in the internal medicine consulting room sounded: please go to No. 012 Lutong to the No. 1 consulting room for treatment.

Lu Tong: ...

Qin Chu returned the cat teaser to the original owner: "Facts have proved that I am not the one who is sick."

Lu Tong thought in his heart that Qin Chu's brain was a little wrong, he should not be in internal medicine, but in psychiatry.

He got up, and Qin Chu followed him into the waiting room.

The nurse at the door thought the two of them were together, so they didn't stop Qin Chu.

There are two other people at the door of the first clinic.

Lu Tong stood outside and waited for a while.

The doctor in the consulting room was a young attending doctor: Dr. He.

Doctor He looks gentle, handsome and flawless, he doesn't look like a doctor in real life, but like a doctor hero who falls in love with the heroine in a novel.

Dr. He spoke politely: "Hello. What's wrong with you?"

Of the two patients in front of Lu Tong, the first one said as soon as he sat down, "Doctor, I feel that my body is a little itchy recently? I suspect that I didn't wash off the foam when I took a shower."

Doctor He nodded gently.

Patient 1: "I have had this situation before. It may be skin allergies caused by the dry weather in autumn? Just rub some **** and take some **** to eat, right?"

Dr. He: "Yes."

Patient 1: "Thank you, doctor!"

Dr. He: "You're welcome."

After hearing this, Qin Chu complained, "What disease does this man come to see? Didn't he diagnose it himself? Is this doctor reliable?"

Just after complaining, the patient in front of Lu Tong also entered.

Lu Tong whispered: "Say a few words less."

He was standing very close to Qin Chu, speaking in a low voice, at first hearing, he felt a little coquettish.


Qin Chu's molars were sore.

Am I sick? He thought to himself, can Lu Tong and Jiao Chen be connected?

Patient 2 sat down: "Doctor, I always have bruises on my thighs, what's the matter? Baidu said I have bone cancer..."

Dr. He: "Let me see what it looks like specifically?"

Patient 2: "It's just a bruise! You can check it on Baidu, it's a precursor to bone cancer!"

Dr. He: "Okay. Then I'll prescribe you some medicine to stop bleeding and remove blood stasis."

Patient 2: "I checked, and Baidu said that it is not good to take medicines to stop bleeding and remove blood stasis."

Dr. He: "Then what do you think is okay to eat?"

Patient 2: "Baidu said..."

Qin Chu: "Is there something wrong with this person?"

At the same time, he became more suspicious of Dr. He's medical skills: it's too unreliable.

Dr. He dismissed patient two, Lu Tong went in and sat down, glanced at Dr. He's computer Baidu page: Excuse me, are bruises a sign of cancer?

Lu Tong: ...

Dr. He turned off the computer page politely: "Sit down. I'm not feeling well."

Qin Chu didn't think he was an outsider at all, and sneaked into the consultation room.

Dr. He: "Give me your hand first."

Lu Tong put his hands on the table.

Dr. He took Lu Tong's pulse, Qin Chu was speechless: "Do you physicians still know how to take the pulse?"

Dr. He said modestly, "I understand a little bit."

After a while, Dr. He asked in surprise, "Secondary differentiation?"

Lu Tong was also stunned: "Are you really able to get it out?"

Dr. He: "I'm ashamed. I knew it after reading your medical records."

Lu Tong: "...Then what pulse do you have?"

Dr. He reassured: "Go through the process, and I will appear to be more professional. Your case is rare."

Qin Chu interjected and asked, "What is secondary differentiation?"

From the noun sense, he seems to have guessed half of it.

Dr. He said: "Secondary differentiation refers to the transition after the original differentiation period after adulthood. For example, if you first differentiate into Beta, the second differentiation may become Omega. Understand this meaning Is it? The gender after secondary differentiation is the final gender.”

Lu Tong also checked these on the Internet, but there was no detailed explanation from Dr. He, so he asked, "What causes the secondary differentiation."

Dr. He: "There are many reasons. For example, you are an A, and you love another A very much. When your differentiation is unstable, you subconsciously desire to combine with him, and your body will reselect your gender according to your strong will. , in order to achieve the purpose of combining."

Qin Chu glanced at Lu Tong.

Lu Tong was puzzled by him: "...I don't have anyone I like."

He couldn't help complaining in his heart: Is this doctor really a decent doctor? The words are so godlike, I don't think this belongs to the category of science at all, it is the secondary differentiation caused by witchcraft.

Dr. He: "Of course, this kind of situation is relatively rare. The medical field has not yet fully understood the cause of the secondary differentiation, but there is nothing wrong with being an Omega. I see that the information on your ID card is A. You have not yet Go to the government to change your gender?"

Lu Tong: "No." He glanced at Qin Chu: "Excuse me, can you avoid it for a while."

Qin Chu: "What are you asking that I can't listen to?"

Lu Tong: ...

Does this person have any sense of being an outsider? Is there any emotional intelligence at all?

Of course he couldn't listen.

Lu Tong came to the hospital today to find out why he was so dependent on Qin Chu's pheromones. So much so that it became uncontrollable, and he not only relied on Qin Chu's pheromones, but also rejected other Alpha's pheromones, and it became more and more serious day by day. Now, he couldn't go to places where Alphas were densely packed. There will be a series of rejection reactions such as dizziness, vomiting, sweating, weakness of limbs and even high fever.

It's a pity that Qin Chu didn't leave after Lu Tong issued an order to chase away the guests.

He simply found a stool in the consultation room and sat down, looking like a little hooligan. Lu Tong had nothing to do with him, coughed dryly, and said unnaturally: "I'm against Alpha's pheromone."

Dr. He: "Impossible? How can you reject the pheromone of A when you differentiate into Omega?" He looked through Lu Tong's medical records: "However, cases of secondary differentiation are really rare. Partially differentiated Omega is similar to ordinary O, as long as it is not marked by other Alphas—even if it is a temporary mark, it will not be a big problem.”

Lu Tong froze: "What if there is?"

Doctor He was surprised: "Have you ever had a temporary mark?" His eyes fell on Qin Chu: "No wonder. It's not difficult to understand. In the cases of secondary differentiation, there are many cases like you. When you fall in love early, you are confused and let the male A friend marked it. It's normal to have an aversion to its Alpha pheromone. It will disappear in a few days, it doesn't matter."

Lu Tong: "...But it hasn't disappeared for half a month, and the impact on me has become more and more serious."

Qin Chu was unconstrained, and his thoughts were completely different from Lu Tong's. He thought: Why didn't Lu Tong refute his boyfriend's statement?

Doctor He paused again.

Lu Tong: "?"

Dr. He smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I touched my blind spot of knowledge, let me Baidu."

Lu Tong: ...

Qin Chu said: "Are you really a doctor here?"

Dr. He: "If it's fake, it's guaranteed."

Qin Chu sarcastically said, "It's rare to sit in the position of attending doctor at such a young age."

Dr. He: "I'm ashamed. You wouldn't believe me if I said I was young and capable, but the dean is actually my uncle."

...that doesn't have to be so honest.

Although Dr. He talked about going to Baidu, he didn't actually touch the computer at all.

He took out a very heavy document from the side, and after flipping through a few pages, his expression gradually became serious.

Dr. He raised his head: "Your condition seems to be a bit serious. Since it wasn't because of your own will that the secondary differentiation occurred, there must be other reasons. Can you remember? Could it be that Alpha induced your secondary differentiation."


Lu Tong thought back carefully, the first time he felt something was wrong was during the summer vacation of the second year of high school, and he couldn't remember exactly what happened that day.

But the first estrus was completely induced by Qin Chu.

Dr. He said: "After half a month, you are still repelling other Alpha pheromones, there are two reasons, first: the Alpha that marked you is very aggressive and possessive, and second: your compatibility is very high. No matter which one it is, you must complete the final marking as soon as possible, otherwise your body organs will be exhausted due to the rejection of other Alpha pheromones, and in severe cases it will cause death."

"The medical profession calls this pheromone dependence. The probability is very small. It only occurs in couples with a high degree of fitness after the second differentiation. It is difficult for ordinary people to encounter the second differentiation, let alone after the second differentiation. You can also meet a partner with a high degree of fitness, so it is very rare."

...just kidding.

Lu Tong's head was turned dizzy by these few words, his eyes turned black.

Done marking?

how is this possible!

Different from temporary marks, if an Omega is completely marked by Alpha, then Alpha's mark will be engraved on his body forever, regardless of life, old age, sickness or death, he will always belong to the other party alone.

This is not the point.

The point is that the pregnancy rate of completing the mark is too high, he would have **** with a man only if his brain was kicked by a donkey!

Qin Chu didn't expect this result, so he glanced at Lu Tong.

Lu Tong quickly came back to his senses, and said in a slightly less calm voice than usual: "Is there no other solution?"

Dr. He hesitated for a long time, opened his mouth slowly, and gave a solution: "Actually, before I became an internist, I also had a dream of becoming a gynecologist. To be honest, my clinical experience in caesarean section is not bad. Are you interested?" Book me in advance?"

Lu Tong: "Can I say a word to you?"

Dr. He is kind and kind: "If it's 'fuck', I suggest not."

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