MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 39 meet parents

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There was a lot of commotion in the dormitory, but it didn't wake Lu Tong up.

Qin Shiwu was not qualified to beat his father, so he was pushed to the ground by Qin Chu in two or three strokes.

He has the potential to be a hero—as the saying goes, the most important thing for a hero is to be able to bend and stretch. Qin Shiwu is not only able to stretch, he is mainly able to bend.

As for how to bend, it depends on personal hobbies.

His body is bent now, like a shrimp, with a good attitude, and he surrendered without spine: "I'm sorry, Dad, I think I have deeply realized my mistake."

Qin Chu hehe: "Where did you go wrong?"

Qin Shiwu thought about it for a while, and said seriously: "It's my fault, I'm not right at all!"

Qin Chu finally let go of Qin Shiwu.

Qin Shiwu stood up obediently, he glanced at Lu Tong, then at Qin Chu.

Qin Chu pointed at the door: "How are you going to get out?"

Qin Shiwu reported, "Immediately."

He hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Do you like Lu Tong?"

Qin Chu said a word indifferently: "No."


Qin Shiwu was stunned.

What does "no" mean?

He couldn't figure out what his father was thinking.

If you don't like Lu Tong, what happened just now?

Don't tell him that Qin Chu put all his effort into pressing Lu Tong on the bed just to look at his luminous watch.

On second thought, Qin Shiwu became angry again.

So, Qin Chu didn't like Lu Tong, so why did he do these misleading things?

Depend on!

You don't want to play the game of throwing things away!

It's too scumbag!

Qin Chu's expression changed several times when he saw Qin Shiwu with naked eyes.

This little **** has always had a strong brain power, and I don't know what he is thinking in his heart.

Qin Chu said: "You don't care about my affairs with him."

Qin Shiwu thought to himself in a trance: I don't care? Do you think I want to control it! I don't care who cares about the major events in my brother's life? Rely on you scumbag!

…I’m such a social orphan.

Qin Chu gave him a push, reached the door, and picked up the Wangzai cowboy on the ground.

Fortunately, when Qin Shiwu jumped and ran towards their dormitory, he hadn't had time to drink. Otherwise, it must be a mess now.

He stuffed the canned milk into Qin Shiwu's hand and said, "Hurry up and go back to sleep."

Qin Shiwu stuck at the door: "Wait! Wait, wait!"

He hesitated in his heart, and wanted to ask Qin Chu if he had already discovered that Lu Tong was an Omega.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't ask them no matter what.

If Qin Chu didn't find out and he said it himself, wouldn't it be self-inflicted?

Lu Tong wakes up tomorrow... the one who died without a whole body is himself, okay!

But if Qin Chu didn't find out, then he...

Then he engages in AA love?

Qin Shiwu froze at the door again.

Qin Chu was too lazy to wait for him, and after telling him to go to bed early, he carried him out of the bedroom door.

After solving Qin Shiwu, Qin Chu's thoughts were long gone.

He looked back at Lu Tong on his bed, who was sleeping soundly while hugging his Yagu beast, as if no one could wake him up. Qin Chu sighed, and realized later that he had just been impeded by a demon, so he sat down. Sitting on the chair, he suddenly laughed twice.

- Early the next morning, Lu Tong appeared in the classroom.

He Nian looked up at him, and originally wanted to say hello, but seeing Lu Tong's unkind expression, the greeting was swallowed back.

"what happened to you?"

Lu Tong sat on the chair.

Although his complexion is not good, it doesn't look like he hasn't slept well.

He Nian said cautiously: "Because of the midterm exam?"

The results of the mid-term exam came out today, and He Nian vaguely remembered that for some reason, Lu Tong missed one of the afternoon exams. Although Lao Zhou found a relationship later and asked him to take the exam again, he doesn't know the final result of the exam.

Seeing that this academic **** who has always been ranked first in the grade was restless on the day when the rankings were announced, could it be that he failed the exam for the first time?

He Nian: "It seems that the results of all subjects have been released, do you want to go to the office and ask?"

If Lu Tong goes, the teachers will definitely have no objection and will directly pull out the report card to him.

It's just that he never asked about the grades, and He Nian couldn't tell what Lu Tong was thinking for a while.

"It's not about grades."

"Isn't it because of grades?" He Nian lowered his voice: "Is that because of Qin Chu?"

Lu Tong's eyebrows twitched, and the base of his ears turned pink uncontrollably.

"Qin Chu? What does it have to do with him!"

What he said seemed to mean that there was no silver three hundred taels here.

Moreover, the reason why Lu Tong woke up early in a bad mood was really because of Qin Chu.

He was too drunk last night, and this morning he was completely fragmented, and he could only remember a few sporadic things.

This is not the key point, the key point is that he got up from Qin Chu's bed.

As expected, he must have been brought back by Qin Chu last night—could Lu Tong's mood get better after he owed such a big favor.

Forget about others, he and Qin Chu still have a marked relationship that is constantly being cut and messed up, and there shouldn't be too much gossip, but now it seems that there are more and more gossip.

It's just—how did He Nian know?

Could it be that he was drunk last night, and the whole school knows about it today?

Or is that Qin Chu's big mouth yelling everywhere?

Also unlikely.

In the next second, He Nian automatically answered: "I have seen the discussion on the campus forum. Brother, sorry, I think Chen Anqi is determined to be with Qin Chu. Yesterday Qin Chu went to celebrate her birthday , this protracted battle of the century between two women and one man is finally coming to an end."

After Lu Tong heard it, a stone fell from his heart.

It turned out that it was Chen Anqi and Qin Chu's affair.

He Nian: "Don't be too sad, there is no grass anywhere in the world."

Lu Tong asked, "When did it happen?"

He Nian: "I was in Kaiyuan yesterday. Someone saw Qin Chu having dinner with Chen Anqi, and then he seemed to have a fight with someone from the fourth position. I don't know the specifics, but more than 20 people were swiped on the forum Posts, the front page is still floating like yesterday. Would you like to go in and take a look?"

Lu Tong had never been to a campus forum, out of sight and out of mind, he waved his hand: "No."

Since it has nothing to do with him, what did he go to see?

Appreciate the peerless love between Qin Chu and Chen Anqi?


"By the way." He Nian mentioned the fight with Si Zhi, which reminded him of a strange point. Lu Tong said, "There is one more thing I want to ask you."

He Nian asked curiously, "Are you asking me?"

This is really the sun coming out from the west.

It was always He Nian who took the initiative to talk to Lu Tong and ask Lu Tong questions, and there was never a time when it was the other party's turn to condescend to ask him for advice.

He Nian immediately sat up straight and said seriously, "Say it. Answer everything you know."

What Lu Tong wanted to ask was a strange thing.

"Can the phone time be adjusted by myself?"

He Nian asked back, "What?"

Lu Tong pointed to his mobile phone hidden in the table hole, and said calmly, "Can you adjust the time on your mobile phone, on the screen?"

He Nian took out his mobile phone, with a question mark on his forehead: "You asked me this, I really don't know. I haven't adjusted it." He paused, looked at Lu Tong: "Why are you suddenly interested in this? I don't remember you I love playing with my phone."

Lu Tong looked at his mobile phone thoughtfully, and said, "It's all right."

He Nian still felt that he was abnormal, so he said, "Wait a minute, I'll take out my mobile phone and try it out. But all mobile phones should be set at the same Beijing time, who doesn't have time to adjust it?"

Lu Tong stared at him and tossed about, and asked without giving up: "Can you adjust it?"

He Nian said: "It seems to be possible."

He showed Lu Tong the phone, and the screen time could indeed be adjusted.

Lu Tong still had doubts, and said, "Is that so?"

He Nian: "You want to adjust the time on your phone? I'll adjust it for you. Is your phone out of order?"

Lu Tong shook his head: "No." He took out the book, opened it, and asked, "Can the year be adjusted?"

He Nian is still fiddling with the phone: "It should be possible, how many years do you want to adjust?"

Lu Tong pursed his lips and said, "...Sixteen years."

He Nian looked at him with black lines all over his head: "??? Forward and backward?" He checked the date on his phone. There was this date sixteen years ago, but the next sixteen years—what the hell? Will mobile phone operators prepare for a date sixteen years from now?

"Can't you?" Lu Tong asked.

"I can't..." He Nian said: "Anyway, my mobile phone can't do it, maybe a copycat phone can do it. You also know how awesome our country's copycat phones are. Wen can stand on the table, martial arts can block bullets, and eighteen kinds of martial arts Proficient in everything."

Lu Tong recalled Qin Shiwu's mobile phone, and he had never seen any brand of genuine mobile phone that looked like that.

Is it a copycat version?

But it doesn't feel the same in the hand.

Putting this matter aside, he sighed, feeling that Qin Shiwu was full of weirdness, but he couldn't tell what was weird for a while.

Besides, his mind was not so clear yesterday, maybe he misunderstood it.

After the sports meeting in October, the only two activities left in the first half of the semester, one is social practice, and the rest is only autumn outing.

This autumn outing is only available for the first and second year of senior high school, and the students of the third year of high school have been deprived of this right.

But before the students look forward to these two activities, they still have to face the difficulty of releasing the results of the midterm exam.

When Qin Shiwu sat in the class and got the paper, he looked at his score with a serious face: 220.

Lin Xiaomian encouraged: "Don't be discouraged!"

Qu Muyao laughed unceremoniously from the side: "Two hundred and twenty points? How did you pass the test?"

Qin Shiwu snorted super coolly, still a little embarrassed, and covered the rolled noodles.

In fact, it's not a shame to get 220 points in the exam.

When Qin Shiwu crossed over, he was just in the first year of high school. A few days before the start of junior high school and high school, he fought with others at school. After the fight got big, Qin Chu and Lu Tong arrived at the school. He talked back to his father, In a rage, he ran to the wishing pool, and only then did he travel back to sixteen years ago.

To be honest, I didn't learn any textbooks in the first year of high school, so it's pretty good to get more than 200 points, okay?

There is a wall between what is learned in junior high school and what is taught in high school.

Qin Shiwu scored more than 200 points, and more than 100 points were in English. He went to a bilingual school since he was a child, and spent a few years in an English winery with his grandfather, so his oral English is still good.

The topic of the composition in Chinese was to praise father's love. Since the midterm exam was in a cold war with Qin Chu, Qin Shiwu disdained to praise father's love, so he didn't write the composition. He only chose a few multiple-choice questions to do, and the paper score was not high.

As for physics, chemistry, politics, history and geography, his eyes were even darker.

It is too difficult for a fourteen-year-old kid to do such a profound topic.

Moreover, No. 1 Middle School is a key high school, and all the courses for the three years of high school must be completed before the second year of high school. The teacher's class is very fast, as if rushing to reincarnate, if you don't pay attention, you will lose a lot of knowledge points.

More often, it is necessary for students to consolidate in private.

Qin Shiwu spends all his private time studying the progress of his parents' relationship, so where is the American time to worry about his grades?

What's more, he can still copy Lin Xiaomian's every time he does his homework. Now that he has read it, he doesn't even know which class the teacher took.

Thinking of this, Qin Shiwu sighed.

Lin Xiaomian said: "Actually, there is no need to be too sad, you are not the last one either."

Qin Shiwu asked: "Who is the last one?"

Lin Xiaomian paused, as if he dared not speak.

She didn't dare to say it, but Qu Muyao dared to say: "Qin Chu. Here, I just scored more than 100 points in the test, which is the lowest in history. I guess people from the Political and Educational Office will come to him. Pulled down the grade point average."

Qin Shiwu was stunned, and then said speechlessly: "Little aunt, you don't have such a cynical attitude sixteen years later...

He still remembered that it was because of Qu Muyao's misleading sixteen years later that his impression of his father was only that of a schoolmaster. Is this **** a top student! There is a "tyrant", it is the bully of the school bully, where is the "learning" gone!

Lin Xiaomian saw that Qin Shiwu's expression was not good, and said, "Qin Chu didn't come because of the midterm exam. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so low."

Qin Shiwu propped his chin: "It shouldn't be that low! He must have done it on purpose!"

No matter how low it was, his father couldn't possibly only score more than 200 points in the test!

As far as this score is concerned, let alone the vice president of Zhongkong Ocean, even if he is a sweeper, his score is low!

Qin Shiwu remembers that his father's company is a multinational group with great influence, with good benefits and high remuneration, and is very friendly to fresh graduates. With a sharp head, he wants to find a place in the central control so that he can make a big splash.

Because it is a popular company choice for graduates, there are many urban legends about SUPCON circulating on the Internet, one of which is that even the security guards at the gate of SUPCON are postgraduate graduates.

How could his father get such a low score in the exam with his academic qualifications so bad?

It's impossible to speak English alone. He can take more than a hundred of these English papers, but his father can get dozens of them?

Either they are unwilling to write, or they are perfunctory.

Qin Shiwu turned to look at Qin Chu, who was lying on the table and fell asleep.

He didn't look like he cared about how much he got on the test.

Lao Zhao came in from the classroom door with his report card and announced a news: "After the results of the midterm exam are announced, the school will hold a parent meeting. You should notify the parents when you go back. It is best if you can all come."

"A parent meeting?" Qin Shiwu asked in surprise.

As soon as Lao Zhao's voice fell, the classroom was full of wailing.

She sneered: "Now you know how to scream? Why don't you get more points in the exam? Look at your grades, huh? Don't be ashamed! Is there only one Lin Xiaomian in our class? You are all dead !"

After hearing this, Qin Shiwu hurriedly asked Lin Xiaomian, "How many points did you get in the test?"

Lin Xiaomian said ashamedly: "It's okay. 706."

Qin Shiwu: "So tall?!"

He hurriedly went to get Lin Xiaomian's report card, and sighed, "You are indeed the first in the grade. Why didn't you go to the innovation class?"

The innovative class in Provincial No. 1 Middle School is an experimental class.

There are two innovation classes in one grade.

In the second year of high school, there will be three innovation classes, two science classes, and one liberal arts class.

Lu Tong is in the science class of class one.

The system implemented by the school is the elimination system.

If someone in the experimental class falls behind in their grades, they will be kicked out of the experimental class, and then the students with top grades in the ordinary class will be on top.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the class changes in No. 1 Middle School are still quite large.

Lin Xiaomian's grades are ahead of the experimental class, but she is still in Class 12. Didn't the school send a teacher to persuade her?

Lin Xiaomian said: "What kind of classes are there for studying, as long as you want to learn, you can learn well anywhere."

Qin Shiwu gave a thumbs up: "Student master, the ideological consciousness is higher than our ordinary students."

Lin Xiaomian smiled embarrassedly, and then asked, "Will your parents come to the parent-teacher meeting this time?"

Qin Shiwu propped his chin in boredom: "Don't come."

But he complained in his heart: Come on! Why don't you come, look back, isn't my dad just sleeping there!

The body of "Qin Shiwu" he is using now is also a veritable social orphan.

The cheap mother of "Qin Shiwu" is a strong woman who does venture capital and is not in the country all day long. Qin Shiwu didn't know exactly what to invest in. Her only sense of existence was the moment when she transferred money into Qin Shiwu's bank card.

So far, Qin Shiwu has never seen his "mother".

He was the only one living in Nuo Da's room.

In fact, there is no difference from before.

He and this "Qin Shiwu" still feel a little sympathetic to each other. After Qin Fifteen and sixteen years later, he lived at home, and there were only a bunch of nannies and housekeepers to take care of him.

Lu Tong seldom goes home, he has many announcements, and after one run, there will be another one. Furthermore, even if you go home, you can't play with him easily, otherwise being photographed by the paparazzi will be another big event that will paralyze the browser.

"Oh." Qin Shiwu sighed: "My mother will definitely not be able to come."

Lin Xiaomian asked, "Is your mother busy?"

"Busy." Qin Shiwu said, "He can't touch the ground."

Lin Xiaomian asked again: "What about your father? Isn't he coming too?"

Qin Shiwu paused: "I can't come, he is also very busy. There are many things in the company, I have never seen him come to school, let alone hold a parent-teacher meeting for me, he has never even read my report card .”

Having said that, Ji Rang asked doubtfully, "Your father?"

Qin Shiwu: "What's the matter?"

Ji Rang's words rolled around in his mouth twice, and he felt that it was a bit impolite to say it, but Qin Shiwu was neurotic like this, which seemed strange.

He cared about Qin Shiwu because of Qin Chu's face - after all, Qin Chu liked this kid very much, so he couldn't offend Qin Chu's friend.

But Ji Rang was worried, and Gu Kaifei sneered, but he didn't think so much.

"Is there something wrong with your mind, Qin Shiwu?"

Qin Shiwu was a little dazed, and didn't even realize what Gu Kaifei meant by this.

He: "Who doesn't know that you don't have a biological father, so why don't you pay back the company? Make it up a bit decently, okay?"

Qin Shiwu: "...Huh?"

The cold sweat broke out on the back of his head.

Just now, I was too involved in chatting with Lin Xiaomian, and even told the little things about my family.

...Completely forgot about the current "Qin Shiwu", whose parents divorced since he was a child, and his father didn't know where he died, and looked at the expressions of Gu Kaifei and Ji Rang, as if this matter was an open secret.

Qin Chu raised his head from the table.

Qin Shiwu's cold sweat became even more insane.

It's going to kill me.

How could Qin Chu hear this when he changed his mind?

In the beginning, Qin Shiwu made up his mind to convince Qin Chu that he came sixteen years later. But later, his thoughts changed little by little, especially after knowing the butterfly effect, Qin Shiwu's life became more like walking on thin ice.

Fortunately, Qin Chu didn't take him seriously at the time, and Qin Chu didn't pursue the crazy things he said.

At this moment, there were many loopholes, and Qin Shiwuchou's hair turned white.

Fortunately, Lao Zhao made a timely rescue.

"Qin Chu, don't think about letting it go this time. I will directly notify your father about the parent meeting."

Qin Shiwu looked at Qin Chu cautiously, like a kitten who has done something bad.

Old Zhao saw that Qin Chu was still wandering, so he touched his table with his foot: "Did you hear that? You just get this point in the test. How do you want me to explain to your father?"

Qin Chu said: "Isn't this score quite high, at least it's over a hundred."

Old Zhao couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Can't you let me worry less. I'm too lazy to tell you. You can tell your dad yourself when the time comes."

Parent-teacher conference is scheduled for next Monday afternoon.

The time for evening self-study and get out of class in the second year of senior high school is different from that of the first year of senior high school. Often, Qin Chu fell asleep and Lu Tong came back.

The two of them haven't met each other seriously in the past few days.

Of course, it may be that Lu Tong is deliberately avoiding him.

Why is he hiding from him?

Could it be because of what happened that night?

When Qin Chu realized that Lu Tong was avoiding him again, his mood was not very beautiful.

In a blink of an eye, it was Monday.

After the second class in the afternoon, each class began to organize a general cleaning, and the class was cleaned briefly.

Lao Zhao asked Lin Xiaomian to copy the PPT of the parents' meeting, and Qin Shiwu lost his playmate, so he could only squat at the door of the classroom and chat with Qu Muyao.

He is still very close to his little aunt.

It's just that his little aunt still has unreasonable thoughts about his mother, which makes Qin Shiwu feel like an enemy every time he sees her!

At the end of the corridor, He Yuanyuan's friend bumped into her, "Hey, isn't that Qin Shiwu?"

He Yuanyuan looked up, and sure enough, she saw Qin Shiwu.

"What do you think he is doing? It has nothing to do with me."

"Is that next to him Qu Muyao?"

Qu Muyao transferred to Provincial No. 1 Middle School, and because of her good looks, she quickly attracted the attention of all the boys.

The senior flower of the first grade fell from He Yuanyuan's body to Qu Muyao's body.

It's just that Qu Muyao is not as obedient as He Yuanyuan, this person is a female school bully who is not much less than Qin Chulai, within a week since he came here, he had a fight with many academic gangsters and concubine girls in the school, and immediately sat down Lost her status as a sister.

The boys who admire her find her both beautiful and difficult.

"Leave them alone, let's go." He Yuanyuan tugged at the corner of her friend's clothes.

The friend said: "This Qin Shiwu is so strange. I didn't think he was handsome before, but he actually looks pretty good-looking now. Yuanyuan, does he still like you?"

He Yuanyuan shook her head: "I never came to see me."

Friend: "Actually, he's pretty good. If you still like you now, you can give it a try. Don't keep staring at Qin Chu. To be honest, I don't think Qin Chu is good. He has a bad personality and a bad reputation." Okay. It’s just that he has a good face and is just a rich second generation. After leaving school, everyone will rely on their own abilities. I don’t know who is the best!”

The two were chatting happily when suddenly a middle-aged man's voice came in.

"Hello, how can I get to Class 12, Senior High?"

He Yuanyuan was taken aback and looked back quickly.

The friend pointed to where Qin Shiwu was: "It's over there."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Okay. Thank you."

After he left, his friend said, "Wow, what a handsome uncle, he's even more handsome than the ones in Korean dramas!"

He Yuanyuan said, "Do you think this uncle looks like Qin Chu?"

Friend: "Where do you look like? Are you possessed? Everyone looks like Qin Chu?"

The person who asked He Yuanyuan for directions was Qin Chu's father, Qin Heng.

Old Zhao made a phone call directly to Qin Heng's secretary, and through the secretary, informed Qin Heng of the parents' meeting.

As she expected, Qin Chu did not tell his father about it.

Class 12 of Senior High School is on the fourth floor, only one corridor away from Class 1 of Senior Secondary School.

He Yuanyuan's friend pointed at him casually, but the location was not very accurate. Qin Heng walked for a long time to the teaching building of the second year of high school.

At this time, parents of students could be seen everywhere in the teaching building. These parents came to the school to hold a meeting for their children, presumably they also dressed up grandly. It's just that no matter how they dress up, they are not as outstanding as Qin Heng's temperament.

In addition to coming by himself, Qin Heng also brought his secretary Xiao Yun.

Xiaoyun was in charge of parking the car. He hadn't reached the fourth floor yet. Qin Heng's sense of direction was not good, and he turned around the teaching building twice like a headless fly.

He Nian lay at the door of the class, counting the laps for Qin Heng.

"Ah, four laps."

Lu Tong was sorting out the test papers without raising his head: "What four laps?"

He Nian pointed to the corridor: "Where is this handsome uncle? He has walked around our corridor four times. I think he seems to have lost his way. He must be the parent of a student. Eh? He's here."

Qin Heng couldn't find his way, so he had to go to the nearest class.

There were not many people in Class 1, Senior 2, and when he saw the New Year lying on the window, he said, "Little classmate, do you know how to get to Class 12, Senior 12?"

He Nian: "Uncle, then you went the wrong way. This is the teaching building for the second year of high school. If you want to go to the first year of high school, you have to go through that corridor."

The road he pointed to was clearer than He Yuanyuan's friends, and Qin Heng suddenly realized.

At this moment, Lin Siyin had found Lu Tong's class.

"Lulu." When she reached the door, she saw her son.

Hearing Lin Siyin's voice, Lu Tong looked up, but didn't see his father.

He and his father are still in the cold war, and after thinking about it, it seems that the other party's not coming seems justifiable.

After Lin Siyin called Lu Tong, she caught a glimpse of Qin Heng from the corner of her eye. She looked at Qin Heng for a while and asked in surprise, "Old Qin?"

Qin Heng turned around and recognized it: "Siyin?"

Lin Siyin was pleasantly surprised: "Oh, it's really you. I haven't seen you for so many years, I thought I made a mistake." She said, "Your son is also studying in No. 1 Middle School?"

Qin Heng nodded: "I'm studying in No. 1 Middle School. I'm in the first year of high school. I'm going to his class."

Lin Siyin said: "Then you go. Let's talk about the old days when you're done. I won't bother you anymore."

Qin Heng didn't stay too long, the two exchanged a few words, and then he hurried to the teaching building of the first year of high school.

Lu Tong had a bad feeling in his heart and asked, "Mom, do you know him?"

Lin Siyin smiled and said, "We knew each other when we were young. We grew up in a courtyard in Beijing. Your grandfather and his father were comrades-in-arms, but he is different from us. His family has a deep background. Yes, I heard that his son is also here School study, do you know?"

Lu Tong: "How could I know each other?"

It's not bad if he can recognize all the people in his class!

When Lin Siyin met an old acquaintance, he was overjoyed by accident, lost in memory, and said with a smile: "I still remember playing pretend play with him when I was young. He looks the best in our yard, and the little girls in our yard are all lined up. The team pretended to be his wife, and your mother is the second most beautiful, so she played the role of the most times, hey, don't tell your father about it."

Lu Tong: "I'm not interested in talking about it."

Lin Siyin added: "Speaking of which, when I followed your grandfather back to Hangzhou, I made a promise with him that if I had a daughter, I would marry his son when I grew up."

Lu Tong sneered, and said sarcastically, "It's a pity."

Lin Siyin pinched his waist, and joked with his son, "It's a pity that I gave birth to you, a brat. If you were born a girl, you would save three lifetimes of struggle by marrying into their family."

Read The Duke's Passion