MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 47 Kiss! ! !

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Lu Tong gets annoyed when he sees him.

Simply out of sight, for a second just now, he even wanted to lift his foot and step out of the cake shop door.

Lu Tong caught a glimpse of Xu Caiying and thought to himself: This person is his sister Caiying.

Speaking of which, he didn't know what he was stuck with.

Seeing Qin Chu, he was neither willing to greet him nor talk to him.

Qin Shiwu came out with a plate and a clip in his right hand. Seeing the scene outside, he shrank his neck and immediately defected to Lu Tong's camp.

The first time Qin Chu saw Qin Shiwu, he gritted his teeth, the fire in his eyes was about to come out.

Qin Shiwu knew that his father would definitely think that he was doing some tricks behind his back, what a conscience! This time it was really a chance encounter!

Besides, what right do you, Qin Chu, have to blame me?

Qin Shiwu thought unreasonably: Brother has only one biological mother, she is very dedicated, and never recognizes the second one. How about you? Flowers and butterflies are flying, girlfriends are crawling all over the ground, am I as dedicated as I am?

It's a bit outrageous.

Qin Shiwu is like a weed on the wall, he seems to be neutral between Qin Chu and Lu Tong, but in fact he is making small calculations, defecting at a critical moment, he is like a fish in water.

Even if Qin Chu hated his little **** and didn't miss his old love, there was nothing he could do with Lu Tong standing in front of him.

Xu Caiying put the cake on the table, "Xiaoyu? Who are you looking at?"

She followed Qin Chu's gaze and saw Lu Tong.

People who meet Lu Tong for the first time will always look at his face.

Otherwise, how could he become a star in the future? The main reason is because of his face that can't be straightened out.

Qin Chu said, "Why didn't you reply when I sent you a text message?"

Xu Caiying: "Do you know each other?"

Lu Tong turned his head to the side and said perfunctorily, "I forgot."

Qin Chu: "Give me the phone."

Lu Tong remembered that all the text messages in his mobile phone had been read.

If he can't read it back, his reason is not good.

Qin Shiwu was sandwiched between the two of them, glanced left and right, and felt that now was not the time for him to speak up.

He thought for a while, and spoke first, talking to Lu Tong: "Why don't you sit down and eat first?"

After all, after school in the afternoon, they don't have much time to hang out outside, only an hour, and it's really not worth wasting it on arguing.

Lu Tong didn't say much, and didn't even answer Xu Caiying's question.

He put the two of them aside and sat down at a table by the window.

The more Qin Chu thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt, and he didn't understand how he got such a treatment.

Xu Caiying seemed to see something, and guessed that Lu Tong was probably Qin Chu's classmate, so she smoothed things over and said, "Since we know each other, let's sit together."

The second floor of the newly opened cake shop is overcrowded, and it is a bit difficult to find a good place to sit.

Qin Chu agreed with Xu Caiying's proposal very much, and immediately sat opposite Lu Tong.

Xu Caiying continued: "Xiaoyu, come pick out cakes with me."

Qin Chu has business to do now, so he said perfunctorily, "Sister Caiying, go and do it yourself, I have something to do."

Xu Caiying froze for a moment.

Qin Chu had no intention of talking to her anymore.

"What's the matter with you?" Qin Chu asked Lu Tong.

The latter took his time, eating the cake in small bites.

Lu Tong didn't have the interest to make cakes by himself. Qin Shiwu's good wishes came to naught, so he could only pick up some cakes made by the boss in the cupboard on the second floor of the cake shop, bulging like a little squirrel He ate his cheeks wildly, and observed his parents by the way.

Seeing Qin Chu's completely hopeless state, Qin Shiwu shook his head and cursed in his heart: Idiot, idiot, I really can't live up to it! What else could be going on? Isn't that just uncomfortable!

Lu Tong likes to think about things in his heart, and never asks.

With his character, it is easy to go wrong. If Qin Chu didn't say anything, Lu Tong could figure out a new universe by himself.

Let's take Xu Caiying as an example. As for her relationship with Qin Chu, so far I have relied on my own guesses, as well as my guesses from the two text messages at the very beginning.

He never asked Qin Chu what was going on, so he just concluded it as a fact.

Also, it's easy to get overwhelmed.

Qin Chu didn't get an answer, and was furious for a while.

Lu Tong didn't like staying an extra minute, so Xu Caiying sat down after eating the cake.

He stood up, and when Qin Shiwu saw him, he quickly stuffed the rest of the cake into his mouth, took a big sip of water, and followed Lu Tong.

Xu Caiying said: "It's finished so soon?"

Qin Chu stood up: "Sister Caiying, I have something to do today, so I'm leaving first."

Xu Caiying was taken aback: "Is there something urgent? We can't do it another day."

Qin Chu: "No."

He thought to himself: Just looking at Lu Tong like this, he felt strange, if he did it another day, it would be fine. He had to figure out what the man was thinking.

As soon as Xu Caiying sat down and hadn't eaten anything, Qin Chu stopped accompanying her. This made her feel a little embarrassed, but judging from Qin Chu's face, it seemed that he really had to deal with some important matters, and she couldn't stop her, so she thoughtfully said: "Then you can go. But remember to give it back to me next time, okay? "

Qin Chuguang perfunctory her and didn't hear the latter words at all.

Seeing that he had run away, Xu Caiying called some of Qin Chu's acquaintances. In her words, she inquired about Qin Chu's situation in China.

When Lu Tong came back from the cake shop, he was afraid that Qin Shiwu would not be full, so he turned the corner to buy him something.

He was feeling bored, and after giving the things to Qin Shiwu, he watched him obediently go to the classroom, then turned back from the corridor and went to his own classroom.

As a result, he walked halfway and arrived at the unlucky rooftop where he met Qin Chu for the first time—he was unfortunately in heat, and was blocked by Qin Chu.

Lu Tong stopped.

Qin Chu frowned and asked, "What's your temper?"

Lu Tong looked at him and said in a dull tone, "Why did I lose my temper?"

"You didn't lose your temper? Then why ignore me." Qin Chu said, "Did I offend you?"

Lu Tong thought about it carefully, Qin Chu had nothing to offend him.

The other party was just going to have a meal with an old acquaintance, and he lost his temper just looking for something to do.

But on second thought, why was he getting angry because of this matter?

There was an earth-shattering commotion, I'm afraid Qin Chu didn't know about it.

Is it possible that because of that unwarranted engagement, before even writing off his horoscope, he really regarded Qin Chu as one of his own?

Lu Tong suddenly realized that he was acting abnormally.

"It didn't offend me." He softened his tone, and said as calmly as possible: "The early bell has been rung, and I'm going back to the classroom first."

"No." Qin Chu blocked him: "I came to your place without eating, just to ask the reason. You can't just give me the death penalty without any reason, right?"

Lu Tong: "You think too much."

Qin Chu: "I think too much? Can your attitude improve a little?"

Lu Tong's temperament was originally cold.

Some time ago, Qin Chu got entangled with him by mistake, saw the emotional side of the other party, and secretly rejoiced in his heart that he was different in the other party's eyes, so I will call him back to his original form today.

He found that Lu Tong's warmth was very short-lived, and he was the kind of person who would take it back if he wanted to.

When he treats you well, it makes you feel high, and holding this feeling is like a treasure. When he doesn't want to be nice to you, he is also very ruthless, making you feel as if you have never known this person before.

Lu Tong said: "Get out of the way first."

Qin Chu listened to the late bell twice, sullenly said, "Go back to the dormitory tonight."

Qin Heng greeted the school.

What happened that night didn't ferment. Director He tacitly acquiesced in the relationship between the two, so he didn't continue to meddle in Young Master Qin's affairs.

This kind of rich second generation who is difficult to manage, if you manage too much, it will be counterproductive, and you may be waiting for an opportunity to retaliate in the future.

Director He's bicycle tires are often punctured by others, which shows that the current students are not easy to discipline.

When Lu Tong arrived in the class, class one's self-study had already started.

The evening meal is a piece of biscuit, which is nicknamed dog biscuit by classmates in No. 1 Middle School. A bag of biscuits was thrown on the podium, and whoever wanted to eat would take it.

Lu Tong glanced at the dinner, and belatedly thought: Qin Chu didn't seem to have dinner.

He sat on the seat and started to be in a daze: why am I angry with him?

Who he eats with has nothing to do with me.

What am I doing to show him?

He pretended to have something on his mind, and He Nian called him several times, but he didn't hear him.

Lu Tong suppressed his emotions, turned out last week's in-class test paper, and copied a few wrong questions in the notebook.

He has very few questions that are prone to mistakes, and after reviewing the questions that he missed once, he will not make mistakes again, so the wrong question book is thinner than others.

Lu Tong's good grades were not picked up in vain. He studied hard. He also studied at twelve o'clock when others studied late at night. There is no need to study hard in a class with no one, but Lu Tong has a little more talent because of his hard work.

Compared to him, New Year's Eve looks a bit bleak.

Although he is in class one, he can only get a rank of around twenty, not top or bottom. It is more than enough to take a single exam, but he has a headache if he wants to do well in a prestigious school.

Fortunately, the ambition for the new year is not high, and the goal is just one book.

He is not like Lu Tong. Lu Tong's grades seem to be aimed at Tsinghua University and Peking University.

"pi—pi—" He Nian tirelessly harassed him by his side.

Lu Tong didn't stop writing, "Say something quickly."

He Nian said: "Can you go out to play at night?"

Lu Tong paused with his pen: "It's almost ten o'clock after the evening self-study get out of class, where do you want to go to play? Do you want to swim in the school pond?"

He Nian: "Climb over the wall and go out to play!"

Lu Tong: "I'm very courageous, I'm not afraid of falling to my death."

He Nian: "Don't worry, someone brought it. Let's go to the KTV opposite the school to play. It's just opened, and it's still on sale recently. It only costs 200 yuan to sing from twelve o'clock in the evening to six in the morning tomorrow. If there are more people going Yes, let’s spread it evenly, only a dozen yuan per person, fuck, it’s so cheap! If you don’t go, you won’t go for nothing!”

Lu Tong: "I'm not interested."

Another new store?

He remembered that the cake shop he went to in the afternoon was also a newly opened shop.

Is there so much investment near Provincial No. 1 Middle School? All the shops are open.

For no reason, he let out a fire in his heart and thought of Qin Chu again. This thought is a little frequent, but I can't help it, knowing that it has nothing to do with him, I still want to blame him.

Mingming—even if Lu Tong refused to admit it, he had found the crux of the problem.

He obviously talked nicely to himself, but he was engaged and asked for a kiss, but in the end, he turned around and had a hot fight with someone else. What happened to what he said? What has become of Lu Tong himself?

He Nian said: "You don't come here anymore, why don't you show up, Lu Tong. You sing so well, can't you sing with your voice?"

Lu Tong is good at singing. He was tricked by his homeroom teacher to participate in the campus singer competition before, and he won first place every time.

After I went to high school and focused on my studies, I never participated in these amateur competitions.

His life was filled with endless test papers and Lu Zhiyan's expectations, so he was really out of resources and unable to take care of any of his hobbies.

His boring life lasted for a year of high school.

It wasn't until I met Qin Chu in the second year of high school that I became alive again, flying around like a dog, not having a day of peace. Just like injecting color into a black and white painting, Lu Tong was dragged into another colorful world by Qin Chu. After staying for a long time, he became a little unaccustomed to his original world.

Lu Tong's wrong question has already been copied three times, and there are no more mistakes in the questions on the test paper.

He thought for a while, and finally let go: "Go."

I'm in a bad mood today, so I should find a place to relax.

He Nian got a reply, and quickly sent his message to the small group. When everyone heard that Lu Tong was coming, they suddenly became excited, like a pot of boiling water boiling instantly.

By the time the evening self-study was over, Lu Tong had finished all his homework.

He Nian made an agreement with him: "Go back to the dormitory and change your school uniform first, otherwise you will be caught by the patrolling teachers outside. Let's dig out from the basketball court. There is a very easy spot there."

Lu Tong nodded, packed his schoolbag and walked to the International Building.

Every step forward, the footsteps become heavier.

Thinking of facing Qin Chu next, he became bored.

Otherwise, don't go back to the dormitory, go directly to the basketball court and wait for them to celebrate the New Year?

It's just a change of school uniform. How long can I change it?

After thinking about it, he felt relieved, turned a corner and walked towards the basketball court.

To get to the dormitory of the international department, you have to go through the corridor, but to go to the basketball court, you only need to go down the stairs. The playground is next to the stairs to the right.

After school, the second and third year students rushed into the stairway together, the crowd piled up together, Lu Tong took a look and frowned.

His stomach felt a little uncomfortable, and he smelled the pheromones leaking out of the air, and a feeling of nausea filled his heart.

In public places, it was inconvenient for Lu Tong to take out the barrier agent. He planned to use it once in the bathroom on the first floor.

As a result, as soon as he reached the stairs, the lights went out, and the surroundings fell into darkness.

Suddenly, different voices erupted from the crowd.

Most of them are questioning: "Is there a power outage?"

"Why did the school suddenly turn off the lights?"

"I wipe, I can't see the road, don't step on me!"

Lu Tong hurriedly stood against the wall, supported the wall, and couldn't help but have doubts in his heart: What's going on?

The lights in the hallways of Provincial No. 1 Middle School are voice-activated, and they will stay on as long as there is a sound. It is rare for them to be turned off as they are now.

The classmate above shouted: "It seems that there is a power outage! The lights in the whole school have gone out."

Someone asked: "Could it be a fire drill? Why don't you just like to do this?"

The fire drills and earthquake drills in No. 1 Middle School are both emergency drills.

Lao He would also throw smoke bombs in the school to raise everyone's vigilance.

This time the incident happened suddenly, and many people also suspected it was a drill.

"No, I didn't hear the broadcast. If it was a real exercise, there should be sirens. I guess it's a power outage?"

"Speechless! Why is there a power outage at this time? I still want to wash my hair today, but I can't blow it again when I get to the dormitory."

"I don't stop during class, I really don't pick my time."

"It shouldn't be too long, Lao He and the others must have rushed to repair the switch."

The students on the stairway are full, neither going up nor going down.

Everyone huddled together, because it was for the sake of slander, no one dared to move around, for fear of any accidents.

Some courageous students took out their mobile phones, turned on the flashlights, and went downstairs carefully.

Lu Tong had some mild night blindness, which was not very obvious, but with the Alpha pheromone in the air, his physical condition declined. Apart from the rejection reaction, his eyes were also pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

Leaning against the wall, he felt like an isolated island, sighed, and thought he was unlucky, so he had to wait for the time of power outage to pass.

Qin Shiwu directly turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and ran to Class 1, Grade 2.

Qin Chu tugged at him: "Where are you going?"

Qin Shiwu said anxiously: "I'll go find Lu Tong."

Qin Chuzheng had this intention, so he asked Qin Shiwu on purpose.

When Qin Shiwu said this, Qin Chu said casually, "Then I'll go with you."

He walked slowly, but Qin Shiwu couldn't wait for him and wanted to run away.

Qin Chu grabbed Qin Shiwu again: "Why are you running so fast? You can't see anywhere now, be careful not to trip over things."

Qin Shiwu hurriedly said: "I'm looking for Lu Tong, he can't walk alone at night."

Qin Chu said: "Why can't he walk at night as a big man? Didn't he do it before."

Qin Shiwu: "There used to be lights!"

His heart was half cold: "Lu Tong has night blindness, he can't see clearly in dark places."

Qin Chu paused: "How do you know?"

Qin Shiwu: "How is it possible that you don't know this!" He was in a hurry, and said indiscriminately: "Don't you read the news! Two years ago, he had an accident on the set because of night blindness. Yashang fell down, and the scar on his right hand is still not healed!"

Qin Chu raised his eyebrows.

How could he not watch the news.

It's just this news... It doesn't look like it appeared in this era, does it?

Two years ago, Lu Tong himself was still a junior high school student. What kind of shooting scene? What hanging wire?

Moreover, he has touched and seen it. As far as he knows, Lu Tong's right hand is smooth and smooth, without any scars at all.

After Qin Shiwu finished speaking, he realized that he had slipped his mouth. He closed his mouth and thought again: Forget it! Anyway, it's not the first time he's said it.

Qin Chu always thought that everything he said was fart.

After all, when he pestered Qin Chu to say that he came from sixteen years later, Qin Chu's attitude - almost made him the second disease.

"I won't tell you anymore. Now that there are so many people after school, he must not be able to walk."

Qin Shiwu asked: "Call him quickly and ask."

Qin Chu: "I'm fighting."

With his mobile phone next to his ear, he strode forward defiantly in the school.

The phone in Lu Tong's schoolbag vibrated for a while, he reached out to touch it, and turned on the screen. The strong light stimulated him so much that he couldn't open his eyes.

The caller ID is Qin Chu.

This point of light is not very dazzling, but because he is in the darkness, the presence of light seems too strong.


"Where are you from?" Qin Chu cut to the chase.

In order to prevent Lu Tong from rebutting, he said directly: "Qin Shiwu said that you have night blindness, you should stand where you are and don't move around, as there are many people, it is easy to cause a stampede accident."

Lu Tong's reaction was exactly the same as Qin Chu's: "How did he know that I have night blindness?"

Qin Chu thought calmly: Didn't you tell him?

He: "I said it. I guessed it. Last time you were in the dormitory, after you turned off the light, you hit the cabinet three times before you got on the bed."

Lu Tong is skeptical.

Qin Chu asked again: "Where are you?"

Lu Tong: "Stairs. The stairs on the south side of the fourth floor."

Qin Chu hung up the phone, walked up the stairs to the south.

The light of the phone quickly went out, and suddenly the teacher's voice came from below the stairs. Seeing this, the students quickly stuffed their phones into their pockets.

Originally, there was still a little light in the stairway, but now it can't be seen at all.

Lu Tong was not very sensitive to the dark, so he couldn't see clearly, so he could only stick to the wall.

If the ground is fine, it's not a joke to step on the air with one foot on the stairs.

The person who came was a physics teacher in the third year of high school. He flashed the flashlight and said below: "The main gate of the school is broken, and it is being repaired now. Don't crowd, and go back to class in an orderly manner!"

Back to class? Not going back to the dormitory?

For a while, the crowd became angry and complained.

"Teacher! Why don't you go back to the dormitory?"

"I still have unwashed clothes."

"Me too, when will it be fixed?"

The physics teacher said: "Then I don't know anymore, I just came to convey a message. Don't make any uprisings, hurry back to your class."

It's not wrong for the school to do this. After all, there are many students, and it will be troublesome if there is an accident. It is better to be locked up in the classroom than to be locked up in the dormitory.

It's a pity that the school is good for them, and the students can't perceive it.

Desperately wanting to go back to the dormitory, the students squeezed from top to bottom, and the flow of people became dense, and the flow was fast.

Lu Tong was hit on the shoulder several times.

The air in the stairway instantly became thinner. He struggled to stand still in the darkness, and took a cautious step down against the wall.

"Damn it, I usually don't think the stairs are so long."

Lu Tong muttered something in his heart, and walked down a few steps carefully.

However, in such a dark environment, he also has night blindness, no matter how careful he is, he can't prevent accidents from happening. After Lu Tong walked five steps, a person suddenly appeared behind him and ran downstairs in a hurry, bumped past him, and directly disrupted Lu Tong's center of gravity.

Lu Tong's body shook, and he fell forward uncontrollably.

There are still six or seven steps below him, and such a fall will not hurt him.

Lu Tong cursed unluckily, he didn't fall to the ground, but fell into Qin Chu's arms.

Before he could stand still, the other party scolded his head and covered his face: "Didn't I tell you not to run around?!"

Lu Tong was hugged in his arms, and Qin Chu's pheromones hit him overwhelmingly, isolating all the dullness and dampness of the outside world, and the refreshing and clean young man was like the wind, blowing ripples in his heart.

His smell of information speed is quite pleasant.

Lu Tong's repulsion was instantly appeased.

Qin Chu was very close to him, and Lu Tong's arm was caught by him, huddled in his arms and could not move.

Lu Tong remembered that he was still angry with Qin Chu, and now that he was inferior and needed his help, he couldn't let go of this anger for the time being.

He intentionally distanced himself, but unfortunately the crowd was so crowded, he pushed himself towards Qin Chu instead.

It was not the first time that Lu Tong was so close to Qin Chuli, but it was the first time that he felt a little bit at a loss.

In the darkness, any sensory sensitivity was magnified, and his hand held by Qin Chu was almost hot.

Crowding is crowding, if the people below do not leave, those above will not be able to get down.

Lu Tong was hugged in his arms and felt uncomfortable.

Although no one can take care of this corner now, but no matter what, this can be regarded as intimacy in public. If anyone accidentally turned on the flashlight, or a sudden call came, they would be able to see the two schoolgirls who were rumored to be incompatible in the school, sticking closely together.

Look at this posture, no matter how you look at it, it's ambiguous.

Lu Tong asked, "Where's Qin Shiwu?"

Qin Chu: "We searched on both sides. He searched upstairs, and I searched downstairs. Now it seems that my luck is better."

As soon as he came, he saw Lu Tong, and as soon as he came, he saw Lu Tong fall forward. At that moment, he was so frightened that his liver was torn apart, and he rushed down without even thinking about it.

Lu Tong thought to himself: Alright, now the only question that can be asked is over, is it possible that we can only be so silent next time?

Qin Chu didn't give him a chance to be silent, so he lowered his voice and spoke a little aggrieved: "You're done asking, it's my turn. Are you still angry?"

Lu Tong didn't answer, but gritted his teeth in his heart and said: You **** know why, if I'm angry, can you hug me now? !

Qin Chu continued: "I've thought about it, but I can't think of anything that provokes you. Let me ask another way, are you angry because of Xu Caiying?"

This time, Lu Tong answered very quickly, almost feeling that there is no money here, and emphasized: "No!" He was afraid that he would not be decisive enough to deny it, and would be misunderstood by the other party, and added: "Not at all. .”

Qin Chuwu explained to himself: "She is an older sister from my country. If you don't like her, I won't meet her in the future."

Lu Tong's mouth was parched, and his heart was also flustered. He asked himself: What is he explaining to me? What does it matter if we meet or not?

When he came back to his senses, he realized that this kid Qin Chu was extraordinarily obedient.

He held Lu Tong in his arms and overwhelmed Lu Tong in terms of momentum. Even if the latter wanted to get angry or retort, he couldn't run away for a while, and could only struggle within Qin Chu's controllable range.

Lu Tong was like a sleepy beast, he felt that all the blood cells in his body gathered on his face as if they were going to a fair, and started a concert.

With a steady voice, he said, "What does it have to do with me. You can see me if you want, I don't care."

Qin Chu muttered, "I'm going to be angry again when I see you."

Lu Tong's hair exploded, and there was a sense of anger in it: "Who is angry? Which eye of yours saw me angry? Qin Chu, don't you always think about other people's self-righteousness!"

Qin Chu: "Then I'll go to the cinema with her tomorrow."

"you dare!"

Without even thinking about it, Lu Tong became so fierce when he was dizzy with anger.

As soon as two words came out of his mouth, he regretted it: it's over. It's over. What did I say?

If there was a hole in the ground, Lu Tong would have gotten into it right now.

His face was terribly hot, and his whole body froze in shock, wishing he could bite off his tongue, close his eyes, turn his head away and stop talking.

Upon hearing this, Qin Chu happily agreed, "Okay then, I won't go."

In fact, they didn't ask him to go to the movies.

I can't think about this matter carefully, the more I think about it, the more irritable I get, I always feel that Qin Chu deliberately set him up.

The crowd started to move again, Qin Chu's hand slid down from his arm and caught his hand.

The opponent's palm was dry, and his knuckle fingers were embedded in his five fingers. Lu Tong flicked it, but did not shake it off.

Qin Chu turned his head to remind him not to make trouble, but Lu Tong hurriedly got rid of him and found a quiet place to stay calm for a while.

The two were very close, and when they turned their heads, Lu Tong's lips brushed against Qin Chu's cheek.

Qin Chu was stunned.

Lu Tong didn't feel it yet, and urged: "Let go of my hand."

In the thick night, Qin Chu pursed his lips. Lu Tong couldn't see him, but Qin Chu could see Lu Tong, and bullied him that he was blind now, something happened, Qin Chu lowered his head, found an excellent location, and waited for a while.

As Lu Tong was talking, he came over as expected.

His lips were as soft as he had imagined, just sticking them to his lips for less than a second was enough to move him.

This time, Lu Tong noticed it.

He pushed Qin Chu away abruptly, and realized that the stairs were so dark, what if he was pushed down? What should I do if I fall down?

So as soon as he pushed it out, Lu Tong regretted it, and he hurriedly pulled Qin Chu again, the pushing force turned into a pulling force, and the distance between the two of them was pulled into the distance in an instant.

Lu Tong wanted to find an appropriate time to pretend that nothing happened, but who knew that Qin Chu would not give him this opportunity.

The moment he was dragged back by Lu Tong, he embraced Lu Tong with both hands even more fiercely, lowered his head and tilted his head, his eyelashes drooped, caught off guard, but kissed him with incomparable precision.

It is menacing and has been planned for a long time.

In this crowded staircase, in the darkness of people coming and going.

In an insignificant corner, a silent ambiguity is being staged.

Both bold and stealthy.