MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 76 childish!

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Lu Ling knocked on the door, and Miss Pei raised her head: "Why are you here?"

"I came with Lu Tong." Lu Ling shook his phone: "Did you see Qin Chu's Weibo?"

Lu Tong nodded.

"Has he discussed it with you?"

Lu Tong shook his head.

"I guessed it. It's really similar to his own style. Now this matter is being discussed on Weibo, do you want to respond?"

Lu Tong picked up the phone and took a look.

It is true that Qin Chu did not discuss with him, but he has a sense of propriety in doing things, he will not call names, or directly post photos on Weibo.

In general, the decision is still in Lu Tong's hands.

The original intention of Qin Chu to post this Weibo is probably to destroy Qiao Yongsheng's prestige.

Lu Tong smiled and said in his heart: It really hasn't changed.

Qin Shiwu said, "What did Dad say?"

Lu Tong handed him the phone, Qin Shiwu fiddled with the phone, and clicked on Qin Chu's Weibo, the comment he just posted was slowly rising.

The next refresh, it changed from 200 to 400, and after another refresh, it changed from 400 to 600.




The top three most popular items are all question marks when they slide down.

No one spoke until the fourth.

"It's not about Lu Tong..."

"? Not really?"

"What does this mean? What about mine?"

"Hot search booking."

Qin Shiwu turned halfway through the comments, and Lu Tong took the phone away again.

Sister Pei asked: "Since Mr. Qin has posted on Weibo, why don't we go along with the flow and announce it?"

In the past, Miss Pei would have hesitated.

When Lu Tong first debuted, although he was not an idol, he still attracted many girlfriend fans with his face. He doesn't fall in love, and his private life is clean. Fans don't worry about him, so they half-heartedly accept his single setting.

Therefore, if the relationship was open at that time, some fans would definitely not be able to stand it.

Now that he has won several awards, his status in the industry has stabilized, and he has reached his age, so he won't receive too much criticism for disclosing his love life.

Lu Ling suggested: "Let's make it public. Your fans follow you all the way. Those who get married get married, and those who get married get married. They will watch you as a 'bachelor'."

"Besides, you were an actor when you debuted, and you didn't follow the idol idol route, and you didn't make money from fans. What are you worried about?"

Sister Pei said considerately: "Are you worried about Xiaoshu?"

Qin Shiwu sat on the sofa carelessly, "What do I have to worry about? I agree to this marriage!"

Lu Tong touched Qin Shiwu's dog's head, thought for a moment, picked up his phone, and posted a Weibo under Miss Pei's gaze.

@路通: Some recent things will be explained later, please netizens and media friends not to speculate too much, and please don't disturb my daily life.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, Sina automatically classified him into the category of "The person replied!".

Lu Tong hadn't posted on Weibo for several months. Everyone thought that he was going to make a short paper that quoted classics and sell it badly. As a result, the flower of Gaoling lived up to his name, and he didn't want to say a few more words to explain.

Fans immediately rushed to Lu Tong's Weibo to leave messages.

His messages grew faster than Qin Chu's Weibo. After all, he was a star, and fans flooded in, almost freezing Lu Tong's phone.

The messages are relatively short, probably to grab the first few floors.

"have a good rest."

"Don't worry about those people, you're fine."


"Ah, ah, ah, am I number one!"

Lu Tong replied to a fan he was more familiar with, and it seemed that every time he robbed his Weibo, he could grab the front row.

That fan was also in the front row this time, and the message to him was: "Be yourself with no regrets, don't listen to the nonsense on the Internet."

Lu Tong replied to her: Thank you, you have worked hard.

Two cities away, the white-collar Xiaowen, who was at work and sitting at his desk, vibrated silently on his cell phone.

She saw Lu Tong posting on Weibo just now, and she habitually went to grab the front row.

The shock is probably due to the fans giving her praise. But this time the vibration was getting stronger and stronger, Xiaowen felt a little strange, temporarily put down the PPT report in his hand, and turned on the phone to take a look.

Her pupils trembled slightly, and she saw Lu Tong's reply to her.

The colleague saw that her expression was wrong and asked, "What's wrong?"

He knew that Xiao Wen was a fan of Lu Tong, and recalled the news he had read on Weibo just now, and said with a smile: "By the way, don't you like that Lu Tong? Is he really going to be a mistress?"

Xiaowen stared at him: "No, if you don't know him well, don't judge him casually, okay?"

The colleague turned his head boredly: "It's okay to say it." He whispered: "You don't know who you are chasing. There are no clean people in the entertainment industry."

Looking at Lu Tong's reply and the reply under his own comment, Xiaowen felt overwhelmed.

At the same time, the eye sockets are also a little red: he knows it all...

I know that fans have worked hard during this period, and I also know the criticism he has received during this period.

Xiaowen posted a screenshot of Lu Tong on his Weibo.

@一个草虫嗤嗤嗤: He knows everything [picture] Fans who touched it from Lu Tong's Weibo immediately reposted the comments.

"I saw him go to the hospital a few times ago, can the world get better and let him go?"

"Red is the original sin. I don't know how many people are staring at your brother."

"He's so nice, I didn't see the wrong person!"

"This is Lu Tong's first reply to a fan, sister, you have opened up Weibo before!!"

"I decided to change my name to this format too, Lulu look at me!"

After Lu Tong replied to the fans, he exited the comment interface, found Qin Chu's Weibo, and clicked to follow.

His and Qin Chu's Weibo accounts have always been related to each other, but it's not this official account that only forwards advertisements, but another account of Lu Tong.

The trumpet was also blank, with nothing there, and it was firmly in Qin Chu's attention.

The number one hot search is already #秦初关闭路通#, and once he closes it, it won’t be long before the hot search becomes #路通回关秦初#.

It’s inconvenient for a public figure to do things. Sometimes he doesn’t want to be on the hot search, but he can’t resist the enthusiasm of the people who eat melons. Whether he follows or is met by someone in a certain place, he can be followed by fans. Send hot search.

Sometimes people say that his team buys hot search, the world has a conscience, what is wrong with that money, why should he buy a hot search that doesn't matter.

The only hot searches that Lu Tong bought a few times were film promotions and endorsement advertisements, other than that, they basically went up naturally.

After he paid attention to Qin Chu, he continued to repost Qin Chu's Weibo with unclear meaning, and answered the passers-by under the Weibo.

Lu Tong: Childish.

@qc: Don't guess, it's mine.

Qin Chu seemed to be waiting for Lu Tong's answer. As soon as he forwarded it, the fans hadn't reacted yet, and Qin Chu quickly replied.

@qc: A little more mature than your son//@路通: Naive @qc: Don’t guess, it’s my sister Pei who quickly said: “It’s almost done, let the PR team do the rest.”

The interaction between Lu Tong and Qin Chu is so far, too much is inappropriate, but this little interaction has also caused an uproar on the Internet.

Qin Chu's comment area can no longer be described as shocking, almost all of the comments below are neat and uniform.

Lu Ling swiped Weibo and announced blankly: "Weibo has collapsed."

Qin Shiwu didn't bring his mobile phone with him when he went out. He was using Lu Tong's mobile phone at the moment. He refreshed the replies, but he couldn't find any comments.

Exit to refresh hotspots, hotspots also display a string of cross symbols in English numbers, obviously the server crashed.

"It's too fragile!" Qin Shiwu complained.

Lu Ling said, "Why don't you say that this melon is too big."

Qin Shiwu: "What kind of melon? Isn't it just to shut each other up! As for it!"

Lu Ling: "You boy, is this a matter of interdependence? Anyone with a healthy mind will know what Qin Chu means. This is called official announcement. He is supporting your mother, understand?"

Qin Shiwu tilted his head to look at him.

Lu Ling coughed dryly, and explained: "It may be that Qin Chu couldn't hold it in for a long time."

Sister Pei: "Okay, since Weibo won't improve for a while, let's ignore it for now. Lu Tong, how about this show, if you participate, I can directly contact the director of the show."

Lu Ling: "Participate! Now you two are naturally enthusiastic. If you go, the director team will be so happy that they will be broadcast on the same day."

Sister Pei said, "Did you also participate?"

Lu Ling: "I participated in the first episode. The show was very effective and broke the ratings record for variety shows at that time. But if you go to this show, you still have to ask Qin Chu."

Lu Tong: "You seem to be very experienced?"

Lu Ling sighed: "It's not that Lin Ci didn't let me go, what's the matter? Back then, he dared to pry his brother's corner, but now he dares not admit it?"

Sister Pei: "The contract is here. You can take it back and show it to Mr. Qin. If there is no problem, you can sign it tomorrow. By the way, it's the same old problem. You should not go online these days. The studio will help you You do a good job in public relations. Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with this matter in general, it may be that the hidden marriage will make some fans unbearable, but passers-by are fine."

Lu Tong nodded, "I see."

He turned sideways and asked Qin Shiwu: "Are you hungry?"

Qin Shiwu played with his mobile phone: "I'm not hungry. Is Dad coming back tonight?"

Lu Tong: "Should come back."

Qin Shiwu: "I want to have dinner with him tonight."

He was flipping through Qin Chu's Weibo. Qin Shiwu didn't know that his father had a Weibo before. This might be because he knew too little about it.

Qin Shiwu didn't see Qin Chu's "Welcome home" Weibo until today.

His heart skipped a beat, and he felt that the words "Welcome home" were strange. Qin Shiwu turned over and muttered: No way...

Does his father still have the memory of his time travel?

After thinking about it, it's impossible.

No one would believe in such ghostly things like crossing! And according to his father's brain circuit, it seems that there is no sense of disobedience in saying these four words.

Qin Shiwu glanced at his feet and was a little ashamed: What... why did you put this ghost photo in public!

Looking at the comments, there are tens of thousands more.

Qin Shiwu's self-esteem was strongly troubled, and he thought that this photo would damage his image of mighty and unyielding.

"Find a time to steal his phone and delete it!"

Qin Shiwu's two pointed canine teeth popped out because of anger.

After Weibo was paralyzed for more than half an hour, it was quickly repaired.

Qin Shiwu swiped, and happened to see Qin Chu's "more mature than your son", he was furious, and quickly replied: "There's a fart! I'm obviously more mature, okay?"

He was holding Lu Tong's mobile phone and using Lu Tong's Weibo to reply.

So in this afternoon, all the netizens witnessed the collapse of the human setting of this flower of Gaoling.

In the comment area that had already exploded, new replies appeared.

"...This tone...Did Lu Tong break the jar?"

"As long as people live long, they can see everything!"

"Is it Lu Tong on this account? Has it been replaced? Studio manipulation?"

"Does his studio dare to talk to Qin Chu like that? Do contemporary netizens think about it?"

Qin Chu glanced at the phone, and he knew it was Qin Shiwu, that little bastard.

Sitting in his office chair, he replied slowly to the Weibo of "Lu Tong".

@qc: Give him back your mother's phone.

@路通: How do you know it's me?

@qc: Why don't you start asking from the beginning of Pangu and ask who changed your diapers.

@路通:! ! I'm going to tell my mother that you are bullying the small! !

@qc: @微博小书察 Delete his reply for me @路通: @微博小丁书 How dare you! !

The comments below have been cleared.

"Fuck! Hahahahahahahaha why is it so funny!!"

"The one on Lu Tong's account is his son, right? This tone is definitely his son!"

"I thought that the melon that Qin Chu and Lu Tong got married would be the biggest melon I ate today, but I didn't expect to eat a small melon as a bonus!"

"I'm dying of laughter hahahahahaha, Qin Chu actually posted the little secretary of Weibo, why is he so naive?? It feels different from the bossy boss I remember..."

"It's enough to be a domineering boss, okay! Don't look at his tone, he is a proper domineering president. By the way, why did you father and son quarrel with Aite's little secretary! What did the little secretary do wrong!"

"A weak question, am I the only one who notices that Qin Chu is a bit strict with his wife..."

"I also…"


"@路通宝贝Are you still there, baby, my sister told you that you were wrong about Aite, it was the little secretary, not the little secret secretary."

"@路通宝宝, baby is like this, the little secretary of Aite Weibo needs to swipe his face, and he needs to post a photo. My sister didn't want to see your appearance, so I just asked this casually~" "I feel the way Tong's fans have adapted so quickly, won't they be intimidated? I have a hidden marriage or something..."

"Don't worry about it, our fan circle has already played with our family. Besides, what's wrong with brother Lu who is so old and has a family?"

"Not only is it not sad, it's even a little gratifying. I thought I was helping my son marry a wife, but I didn't expect to marry my daughter 5555, but it's so good...Looking at the discussion on the sheep group, Lulu and his husband seem to have known each other since high school Oh... what is the beautiful love of childhood sweethearts who grew up..."

"@路通宝贝show me your looks, you have inherited the faces of Qin Chu and Lu Tong, I want to see what kind of fairy you are!"

At first, I thought the matter would be over like this, but with a ding dong, the little secretary on Weibo who came over from Qin Chu Aite really replied.

@微博小书书: Hello, dear user, it cannot be deleted~ because our programmers also want to eat melons!

"...Fuck, things just got funnier!"

"I'm **** going to die laughing on Weibo today, can the little secretary really do it, can she really eat melons like this openly?"


"Little Secretary: Sorry, I want to eat this melon too."

"Little Secretary: Eat melons, I don't have time to delete them."

"Little Secretary: Fight! Fight!"

"Fuck hahahaha, why is Xiao Mi so gossip! It's really cool to watch other people's housework!"

Qin Shiwu was still typing furiously, but Lu Tong confiscated the phone before he could send out his father's words.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Shiwu felt guilty, and then remembered that he was using Lu Tong's account, and swallowed, "It's nothing. Do you have something to do this afternoon?"

Lu Tong: "It's nothing, how about I go shopping with you?"

Miss Pei hesitated to speak.

Qin Shiwu immediately received a message: "You can't go out for a stroll yet."

He suddenly became sensible: "I think it's better not to stand on the cusp during this time!"

Lu Tong: "Why do you suddenly become sensible?"

Qin Shiwu smiled and said his purpose: "I want to go to Dad's company."

Lu Tong: "Miss him?"

—Would you like to fight offline 1V1 Mortal Kombat with him?

Qin Shiwu still remembers the revenge on Weibo!

"Yeah!" He nodded frantically.

Sister Pei said: "Go, the public opinion on the Internet has turned." She squatted down, touched Qin Shiwu's head, and said with emotion: "I've wanted to do this for a long time."

It's not that Qin Shiwu doesn't want people to touch his head, it's just that he feels that being touched on the head will make him grow taller.

He shook his head.

Sister Pei smiled and said, "At first we were still trying to change the public opinion, but you came up with a strange trick. Now all the people on Mr. Qin's Weibo want to see you."

Qin Shiwu didn't feel that he had any strange tricks at all, so he just had an argument with his father on the Internet.

But what he doesn't know is that what the majority of netizens love to see most is a state of being close to the people of capitalists or celebrities who used to feel very distant to them.

The more sand sculpture, the more naive, the better the effect.

In addition, Qin Shiwu has a mysterious magnetic field on his body. The magnetic field can be summed up in four words as "loved by everyone". Even on Weibo, this mysterious magnetic field can work through network cables.

Sister Pei said: "At that time, let a few of the relatively large marketing accounts that cooperate with our company send screenshots of your father and son, with a rhythm. By the way, Lu Tong, you don't have any follow-up posts that you posted on the post bar before." A group photo of Qin Chu? We need to use it for long Weibo."

Lu Tong: "Very little."

Sister Pei: "It doesn't matter if you don't. Find a few people to post on Zhihu and say that you are a student in No. 1 Middle School. Tell me how you were with Mr. Qin back then. Zheng went to write a public relations article."

Lu Tong: "About what?"

Sister Pei smiled: "Of course it's about the love story of how the two of you have come together. It's a good idea. Back then, you and him were public figures in school. There must be students from No. 1 Middle School who will come forward to claim it. As for the follow-up, we just need to keep Just make good public opinion."

A long-flowing companionship love, a warm, happy and ordinary family without a sense of distance.

These two points are enough to arouse the sympathy and resonance of netizens.

Compared with getting a tall and wealthy family, the two are more touching and make people think differently.

For example - a good family of three, being speculated by black fans, how does it feel to be yourself?

Sure enough, after Sister Pei's public relations, all the public opinion on the Internet turned to the other side.

Qiao Yongsheng silently deleted the Weibo post that satirized Lu Tong's mistress. Unfortunately, the Internet has memories. If he deleted it, the netizens would whip his corpse out. Some netizens who were still saying that Lu Tong was taken care of in the morning have arrived. In the evening, I have started interacting with a few Weibo screenshots of a family of three, how cute it is.

When Lu Tong first arrived at the entrance of SUPCON Group, the studio had already sent out the statement and the lawyer's letter vigorously.

The lawyer's letter warned several big Vs who took the lead in spreading rumors about Lu Tong, and the statement was for the majority of netizens and fans to read.

Sister Pei is a very resourceful woman, so Lu Tong's fans and the studio are in a rare harmony, almost where the studio directs the fans to play.

Lu Tong, who had been depressed for more than a month, returned to the eyes of the public after a short series of events such as announcing his relationship status, announcing his second gender, and announcing his studio.

And it has been proved by strength... the top stream is still the top stream, as long as there is a little response on the Internet, it can contract half of the trending searches.

Qin Chu's secretary was waiting at the door early, and when he saw Lu Tong, he immediately came up to greet him.

From Qin Chu's separate Chairman's elevator, you can directly reach his office.

Knowing that Lu Tong was coming, Qin Chu simply turned off his afternoon work and concentrated on waiting for him.

Qin Shiwu ran faster than Lu Tong, and ran forward. He was wearing overalls today, and his shoes made a soft and soft sound when he stepped on the carpet. After a few steps, he found it under the guidance of the secretary. into Qin Chu's office.

Pushing open the door, Qin Chu was looking at the computer with a serious face.

Qin Shiwu suddenly jumped onto his stool: "Show me!"

Qin Chu's neck was pulled by him, and he clicked his tongue: "It's broken."

Qin Shiwu rubbed it for a while: "It's not broken, I know it! What are you looking at? The report?"

Qin Chu: "Do you still know the report?"

Qin Shiwu's face, which was exactly the same as his, moved closer to the computer, looking very harmonious.

"what is this?"

Facts have proved that Qin Chu did not read the report, but surfed the Internet.

What he opened was a forum post, on which was written the love story of himself and Lu Tong who had vowed to each other in high school, and the earth-shattering weeping ghosts and gods.

This blogger's writing style is very romantic. He wrote: When Qin Chu was in high school, he was very famous in our school. I saw him once, it was autumn... the leaves were blown down by the wind, and he stood with Lu Tong. under the tree...

"Hahahahahahaha!" Qin Shiwu laughed and rolled all over the floor.

The blogger also wrote: He (Qin Chu) has a lot of friends and is very popular in school. I remember that the most beautiful girl in our first year of high school was named He xx...

"Hey, there is also He Yuanyuan." Qin Shiwu stared at the computer intently, and slid his hand on the mouse: "Who wrote this? Shit writing, and said that he is your friend, not Ji Rang?"

He slid down and glanced at it for a while, and felt that the article was really nonsense. Qin Shiwu giggled strangely: "Wow, dad, you said that you got good grades in high school! You don't even write drafts for bragging , 700 points in the test?! Did he add up your two final test scores? Who is this?"

Lu Tong heard him muttering a lot at the door, paused slightly, and stood there for a while.

Qin Shiwu was lying on his father's body and domineering.

Qin Chu took a look at Lu Tong, and calmly carried Qin Shiwu down: "How much food did you eat today, why is it so heavy?"

Qin Shiwu remembered his purpose of coming: "That's right! Delete my feet! It's too shameful! How could you post such a shameful picture without my permission!"

Qin Chu: "Why are you ashamed?"

Qin Shiwu was held down by Qin Chu with one hand, and at the moment he was fighting with his father unilaterally.

He couldn't beat him, so he asked Lu Tong for help outside the court.

Lu Tong pulled him away and said to Qin Chu, "How old are you?"

familiar sentences.

Not to be outdone, Qin Chu complained: "He provoked me first."

Qin Shiwu snorted heavily.

Lu Tong felt that the two of them were sitting on the sofa on one side, and even the movements of arms crossed were the same, one big and one small, as if they were carved out of the same mold.

The key is that the expressions are very similar now, almost all of them have the word "hum" written on their faces.

He couldn't help taking out his phone to take a picture, and Qin Shiwu hurriedly said, "Did you take a picture of me?"

Lu Tong: "Do you still have the right to be photographed?"

Qin Shiwu crawled over from the sofa: "I want to take pictures with you."

Lu Tong turned his phone to the front camera.

Qin Chu moved his body and walked to the sofa: "Apply to join the group photo."

Qin Shiwu stuffed the phone into Qin Chu's hand: "Then you sit in front and take pictures, and I want to sit between you!"

Qin Chu: "That won't work, I want to sit with Lu Tong."

Qin Shiwu quit immediately, he wanted to sit in Lu Tong's arms too!

So what—that sentence: how can others sleep soundly on the side of the couch!

Qin Shiwu and Qin Chu got into a pinch, and the phone fell out of their childish fight and fell into Lu Tong's hands.

Lu Tong turned on the camera and pointed it at himself.

Seeing this, Qin Shiwu hurried over.

I was caught off guard, and rushed too hard, so I took a photo, but the photo was particularly dynamic.

Qin Chu and Lu Tong took a clear picture, on both sides of the photo frame—Qin Chu was afraid that his son would fall too fast and fall to the ground, and his hands were still protecting his shoulders.

It's just that Qin Shiwu, who rushed over from the middle, turned into a phantom that was too fast.

When Qin Chu saw the photo, tears of laughter came out.

Qin Shiwu gritted his teeth angrily and insisted on taking another photo.

However, Lu Tong has already posted on Weibo.

@路通: Welcome home. [Picture] These four words are exactly the same as Qin Chu's Weibo back then.

The author has something to say: Netizens commented first: As long as I am fast enough, you will not see my handsome face!

·as well as! The new article asks for advance receipt! Let's open this book when it's finished!

There is a column!

"Something About My Brother" Jiang Yao saw Xiao Ci for the first time, and he was kicked down the stairs by him. , gritted his teeth and called: Brother A few years later, Xiaoci pressed his brother on the bed viciously, "Brother, call."

My brother is a bit crazy, he only has money in his eyes, but I am different, I am a lunatic, I not only have him in my eyes, but also want to **** him

third person

Xiaoci (attack) X Jiangyao (received)

Nurtured next year!

By the way! Has reached 200 favorites! Thank you for your friendly collection! So I want to ask for another collection, because if the collection is high, it can be at the top of the list! Thank you all! ! I hope that friends who have not collected it can continue to collect it!

Can't think of any cute copywriting! The skulls are bald!

·Thank you for the little angel who voted for me to be the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2019-11-13 12:30:20~2019-11-14 12:01:01~Thank you for the little angel who cast the grenade: Lutong little baby 4 of Fifteen; 1 of Yiye Bingzhou; thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 3 of Zhu Mapi’s tricks; Ky. 2 pieces; Qing Lai, Hansu, 39268612, old friend Xici, Kumamoto, Su Yusheng, Alfani1; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: the first 50 bottles; usurping the throne and marrying the princess Zhang Zongzhu 40 bottles; Langxie Yue, 20 bottles of nmjggutgg; 15 bottles of Wanwan; 12 bottles of Limingtukong; people who eat melons, look three times, quilt meow, garlic fried Lanhua, lililili, 21894619, Ajiu, cooking smoke, a bald rabbit, Zhixian, Beibao, Kumamoto, Tingyan, Yuqin, Wenchao pick 10 bottles; Big Man, Li Mad Dog, Happy New Year, Hua Xiren, Weijiao, Mo Susu 5 bottles; Qiusu 4 bottles; Xiang Where are 3 bottles; cabbage heart, salt? 2 bottles; Moxi, Nuanyang Qingxin, Xiange V5, Jianjiuge, today's wind is huge, cool summer, Hehexuan 1 bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion