MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 82 live streaming

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"Shall we come in?"


Lu Tong kicked on the box suddenly, kicking the opened box directly to the wall.

"Huh?" Shaoya came in first, and there was a staff member behind him with a mobile phone to live broadcast, and directly took a picture of Lu Tong's room.

"What's going on? Is Xiao Shiwu asleep?"

The number of people on the bullet screen jumped more and more, from 50,000 to 100,000, it only jumped for a few seconds. This number is still jumping up, and in a short while there will be more than 4 million people watching the live broadcast online.

Shaoya: "It's close to Lu Tong's house, so I came here first, it's not because you guys are calling to see Qin Shu."

She communicates with fans in the barrage.

"Yes, yes, sleep, he is tired from playing today."

Lu Tong quickly pushed the box against the wall and stood up.

Their room was a suite with two bedrooms and one living room. Qin Shiwu slept in the room on the right, and the door of the room was closed.

There were only Lu Tong and Qin Chu in the living room, Shaoya chuckled: "Didn't bother you?"

Lu Tong: "No."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the barrage went crazy.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Lulu's pajamas are so cute!"

"Is Qin Chu the same style as him, but, I ate this dog food."

"Qin Fifteen, Qin Fifteen, Qin Fifteen, Qin Fifteen, Qin Fifteen, show me my son, ahhhhh!"

"Didn't Shaoya say that he was asleep? It's not good to disturb him..."

"55555555 This is too unfortunate. Today I squatted on Weibo for a whole day and found a video. I didn't even see the back of my head!"

"Fuck! Is the video you're talking about the radio speaker one? I'm dying of laughter hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" "Lu Tong raised two sons, right?"

"What kind of sand sculpture father and son, they actually started arguing on the radio station!"

"Open the box, open the box!"

Shaoya hesitated for a moment, and asked in a preoccupied way: "Who is the phone for?"

It's the fans who are asking.

Interacted with her immediately after popping up the screen.

"For Qin Chu!! You can see Lu Tong and Qin Chu again for Qin Chu! Isn't it super cool!"

"My suggestion is also for Qin Chu. As an old fan of Lu Tong, I warn all the new fans who come here for sugar: You must never give Lu Tong your mobile phone for live broadcast!"

"Otherwise everyone will enjoy the silent film performances of the 1990s."

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I have a deep understanding, Lu Lu is too silent, he doesn't talk or interact at all, okay?" What people are playing is puppy love, should I say that it is you? Lu Tong" "It has been connoted," "Sure enough, if you live for a long time, you can wait for everything..."

Shaoya handed the phone to Qin Chu, who had a question mark on his head.

"It was requested by the fans, so Mr. Qin, please hold the mobile phone to broadcast live?"

Qin Chu took the phone, and the barrage was full of carnival.

"Are you really not going to debut! Brother Qin! Are you really going to make a debut! You can be an idol at the same time as the president!"

"Speechless...the distance is so close...there is no blemish on the face..."

"I rely on me to be serious. I was stunned by Shuai for two seconds in front of the screen just now. I swear that my head was completely blank during those two seconds." "Sister, speak calmly and punctuate to show survival, okay?"

"As expected of a brother-in-law, worthy of my sister" "If I'm going to die, I'm even more curious about Qin Shiwu's appearance!! The program team is not human!"

Qin Chu glanced at the bullet screen, and Shaoya reminded; "Don't just look at the bullet screen, you still have a task tonight, you have to answer fans' questions, and the timer is five minutes. Wait, let me check the time, the bullet screen is ready Are you ready? The timer is about to start?"

Qin Chu: "Answer the question?"

Lu Tong explained: "They answer whatever they ask."

Shaoya: "Now you can start asking questions."

The barrage immediately exploded, almost freezing her phone.

Qin Chu sat on the sofa, looking at all kinds of strange questions.

"How do you know each other? We know each other when we meet."

"I chased him."

"High school. Yes, I liked him a lot in high school. More than you guys."

"It's definitely different from your star chasing. I caught it, but you didn't. It's not from the same class or from the same school."

"Second child? No, one will annoy me to death. Of course, Lu Tong loves me too much. Isn't this nonsense?"

"Look at Lutong? No."

As soon as this sentence came out, all the bullet screens became:? ? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?

what's wrong with you?

"No, brother, why don't you show it?"

Qin Chu said slowly: "If you don't show it, you don't show it. There is no reason."

"Damn! Then what's the point of your live broadcast! Let me Kangkang your wife!"

"Has it appeared, the monopoly desire of the legendary domineering president?"

Qin Chu ignored this one.

As a result, this matter was not over yet, Qin Chu was a bit of a poisonous tongue, no matter where he was, he could step on thunder with precision.

And since high school, he has been very dragged, wishing to use his two nostrils as eyes when he walks, and he can't look down on anyone.

The barrage asked him to broadcast live with Lu Tong, but Qin Chu completely ignored it.

As a result, the fans were upset, and started to say in unison: "Childish."

Qin Chu snorted and choked up with the fans, talking about how he snatched Qin Shiwu's stickers.

"It was originally mine, what stickers do children want?"

-? Is this sentence the opposite? What do adults want to put stickers on?

- childish childish childish childish!

-Even snatching from my son!

After a while, everyone finally found out that Qin Chu was a soft-hearted person, and began to adopt a soft policy.

-Brother Qin, if you don't shoot with Lu Tong, how can we use "good match"?

-Yes, yes, brother, give us a chance to refresh the screen!

-I'm dying of laughter. Why do I feel that you are coaxing children?

-God, I feel like I am dreaming, I am coaxing the chairman of SUPCON...

-Magic realism, Qin Chu, nb, no, it’s me nb- My dad mentioned Qin Chu at the dinner table a few days ago, saying that he is young, promising, stable and mature, I should **** record this episode and give it to him every day Loop play-By the way, I too... I feel like my parents know about Qin Chu... My dad used to do business and asked someone to meet him, but he gave him a lot of money and didn't meet him...

- Now that the opportunity has come, let your dad come over to watch the live broadcast immediately Qin Chu finally was willing to roll his eyes.

After making the bed, Lu Tong walked to the side of the coffee table: "Isn't it over yet?"

As soon as the barrage heard Lu Tong's voice, it immediately boiled.

Qin Chu: "Two more minutes?"

Lu Tong came over and sat beside him: "What did you ask?"

Barrage: "Fuck!! Didn't ask anything!!"

"Sue! I want to sue immediately!"

"God knows that this ghost question never even started. Except for Qin Chu who answered honestly in the first 30s, he actually quarreled with us for a full three minutes afterwards!"

"It's unbelievable, I wasted the most precious three minutes of my life arguing with Qin Chu instead of asking anything meaningful..."

"What's even more unbelievable is that I actually quarreled with the chairman of SUPCON ... The reason for the quarrel was still because I couldn't see the chairman's wife..."

"Don't talk about it before, the more I talk about it, the more I swell, what kind of **** am I fancied?"

"Fen Lutong, I will take you into the inner world of a wealthy CEO—childish."

Lu Tong raised his eyebrows: "Are you arguing with them?"

Qin Chu's villains complained first: "They started it first."

Barrage: Nonsense!

Lu Tong glanced at the barrage, Qin Chu had an idea, and wanted to turn off the barrage.

"You can't turn off the barrage." Shaoya quickly stopped.

The fans probably didn't expect Qin Chu to be so insidious, and they couldn't laugh or cry, but at the same time said he was childish.

"Why don't you brush it up? Didn't you let you see Lu Tong?" Qin Chu ordered: "Give me a brush."

Lu Tong: ...

He was speechless looking at the fans who really cooperated with Qin Chu in brushing "Good match, good match".

Lu Tong: "Grow up a little bit!"

He raised his forehead: "Forget it, let's extend the time for questioning. The three minutes just now will be added later."

He opened his eyes and saw the barrage, but the direction of the wind changed.

"Wake me up, did I have hallucinations just now?"

"To tell you the truth... it's different in front of my husband... I feel like I've never seen this version of Lu Tong..."

"Wife is delicious too! [Dangerous Speech] "You look so gentle, although your face is still cold." "And Lu Tong, can you look at the camera more? Is your face growing on the right side?"

"The young couple is so defiant" "I'm offended!"

Shaoya: "Then I will postpone the time later, I can ask now!"

After she restarted the timer, the barrage finally returned to normal.

Lu Tong seemed much more reliable than Qin Chu, and the fans had a tacit understanding with him, and the content of the questions finally became normal.

- Why does Lulu like him? The two people seem to have very different personalities, how did they get together?

Lu Tong said, "I..."

Qin Chu snatched the words: "Of course it's because I'm handsome and rich. Otherwise, do I like you?"

Lu Tong: ...

Qin Chu raised his eyebrows: "I'm not right."

-Although what Qin Chu said makes sense, I still want to punch his handsome face twice.

- This is the first time I saw Lu Tong deflated!

Lu Tong sighed: "What you say makes sense, even I believe it myself."

Qin Chu: "What do you mean? It seems very reluctant."

Lu Tong: "No force..."

He raised his head: "! Can you stop doing this trick every time!"

Tears rolled in Qin Chu's eyes, and an extremely wronged and unbelievable accusation fell into Lu Tong's eyes.

Lu Tong quickly said: "You are the tears of a crocodile, I won't believe you anymore." After being firm for two seconds, his heart softened, and he said helplessly: "The last time, I said that I didn't force it anymore, I don't like it Why are you marrying me?"

Qin Chu changed his face as quickly as turning the pages of a book, tears came and went as soon as he said it, his skill was amazing, and he soon sat on the sofa like an old man: "As long as the trick works, how much more can you use?" time?"

-Am I crazy or are you crazy, you are such a Qin Chu?

- Fuck, you really handle men to death, is Mr. Qin publishing a book? How about pua iceberg big beauty?

-I did not expect! I really didn't expect...

-Qin Chu pretending to be pitiful is too skillful... The key point is that anyone who sees it knows it's a fake, Lu Tong actually fell for it...

-It sounds like it's not the first time I've been fooled-it's just the fun of the young couple-Has anyone noticed the speed of Qin Chu's turnaround? If I say something about his green tea, who would dare to refute?

-Pua leads the king Qin Chu, his temperament is very good, I probably know how he caught up with Lu Tong. After three minutes of overtime, the fans didn't react.

Still didn't ask anything!

What's the point of this extra time, is it just to watch Qin Chu and Lu Tong quarrel!

Okay, tonight's live broadcast can be included in the best live broadcast of the year. The five-minute interview didn't ask anything, just watching people quarrel.

Picture what?

It's not an old uncle show, but also helps mediate family disputes!

Next, we will go to other rooms to broadcast live, so Shaoya has no way to give fans more time.

After she interacted with the barrage for a few words, she came to the most exciting part—opening the box to check.

At the same time, this is also the link that confuses Lu Tong the most.

The box of condoms that Qin Chu brought was pushed down at the bottom by him. After all, he was not so cheeky as to take out this thing and deal with it face to face in front of the staff in the room.

Shaoya asked the fans, "Who sorted out the boxes?"

Qin Chu: "Nanny."

Shaoya: "Nanny?" She glanced at the bullet screen: "They thought at least one of you and Lu Tong sorted it out."

Qin Chu was inexplicable: "Why do you have to tidy up by yourself? It's fine if you have a nanny."

Shaoya: "It's true!"

She burst into tears: Is it the world view of the rich...

The camera focused on the box, Lu Tong squatted in front of the box, flipped it twice: "It's just clothes and toiletries."

Shaoya pointed to a pile of notebooks curiously: "What is this?"

Qin Chu: "Qin Shiwu's homework."

Shaoya: "It's really hard... I have to bring homework when I come out to record the show."

The barrage is also brushed again.

-It seems to be in line with Lu Tong's style, even the box is so single-indifferent style! Is it possible that you are going to find something in the box?

-I saw the condom-Qin Shiwu is too miserable-? ? ? ?

-? ? ? ? ?

- What did the barrage that slid over in front say? ?

- condoms? ? ?

- How come I didn't see it? ? Has anyone recorded it yet? I hate that live streaming doesn't have a progress bar!

-? ? ? Who brought it? ?

-Do you think it will be brought by Lu Tong-………………………………………… Should I say that it is you? Mr. Qin-I feel that I can’t ask anything, and I will probably get a "bubble gum" answer-your bubble gum Does it look like this!

Shaoya also saw the barrage, she was taken aback and couldn't help but look into the box.

Lu Tong immediately closed the box.

"It's getting late, don't you go to the next one?"

Shaoya came back to her senses: "Oh, yes, then we are here today."

Lu Tong heaved a sigh of relief, and after sending Shaoya away, he pushed the box to the corner of the room.

Thinking that the camera in the room was still filming with dedication, at least half an hour before the end, Lu Tong didn't bother Qin Chu for a while.

He sat on the sofa and cleared the coffee table, and Qin Chu stuck to him.

Lu Tong patted his hand: "There is a camera."

Qin Chu: "It's fine if you cut it off. I'm too tired today and need to replenish my energy."

He hugged Lu Tong in his arms, "Is Qin Shu still sleeping?"

Lu Tong: "Yeah", as if thinking of something, he took out a ball of wool from a black pocket on the sofa.

Qin Chu took a look: "Why are you still doing this?"

Lu Tong: "Didn't you ask for a scarf?"

He was already very proficient in knitting scarves, and there was no sense of disobedience with the two sweater needles in his hands.

Qin Chu hugged him for a while, and Lu Tong fell asleep because the heating in the room was too comfortable. The wool slipped from his hand, and Qin Chu shook him.

"Asleep? Huh?"

Lu Tong slept obediently in his arms, his head slipped from his shoulders into his arms.

This scene was faithfully recorded by the camera in the living room.

Qin Chu carried him back to his room. After covering him with the quilt, he went to the living room and opened the door of Qin Shiwu's room.

Qin Shiwu was sleeping on the bed sprawled, half of the quilt fell on the ground, Qin Chu picked it up and covered it for him, looked at it for a while, pinched Qin Shiwu's face, and took advantage of the opportunity to remove the bright red quilt in the corner. The light camera was turned off.

Back in his room, Lu Tong was already fast asleep.

Qin Chu got under the covers, turned off his cell phone, and ignored the carnival on Weibo.

Tonight, he and Lu Tong's live broadcast went directly out of the circle, and several marketing accounts reposted it in turn.

After all, his previous image on the Internet was completely different from his own image.

Probably because he has never seen such a naive and snarky president—the key is that he still has such a handsome face.

In addition, the interaction between him and Lu Tong is very elementary school, making netizens directly call junior high school students dating, and sister Pei has warmed up a wave of Lu Tong on the Internet before, from school uniforms to wedding dresses, this kind of comparison can arouse young people. The beautiful love that resonates with people, the comment area of ​​the program group is crowded with passers-by who are craving cp, at least tens of thousands.

It's just that in the joyful atmosphere of sand sculptures, a post was born out of nowhere.

It was transferred from an anonymous forum, and the title is very eye-catching: Have you passed the national CP? Who else doesn't know that Qin Chu is the junior mistress?

The author has something to say: People are uncomfortable today! A little bit less! ! sorry! !

·Thank you for the little angel who voted for me as a king or irrigation nutrient solution during 2019-11-1818:01:47~2019-11-1916:02:37~Thank you for the little angel who cast the grenade:?Halloween, Deer pass xs1; thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: 4 cold crisps; ゆい, 九米西西, Shisanzha, Kimura kirara, TGODPxxxR, Zha Xingmoxian, かぐや, dhbcx1; thanks to the little one who irrigates the nutrient solution Angel: Junwen 47 bottles; TGODPxxxR, 20 bottles of Sanguanbuzheng; Chen Baiyang 11 bottles; T Climbing O Climbing T, Ketchup Boss, Da Xiao, Others Are Hell, La La La (renamed), ?Halloween, Chirp Fu Chirp, 10 bottles of Su Zhibu Su; 6 bottles of this non-human world; 5 bottles of Weijiao, prism-Jinjin, Qingse; 3 bottles of Su Su's book; I want to go to heaven!, 2 bottles of forbidden talk about Fengyue; The lights are not closed, it is so difficult to name, Jiu Jiu, Back then, Bai Huai, today the wind is huge, sucking sucking sucking, refreshing one bottle for a summer; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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