MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 84 I love you

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Within a second of his Weibo post, Qu Muyao retweeted it @曲: There are even high school ones, when did you take pictures with your sister-in-law? Why didn't you call me back then?

Retweet: qc: @微博竞猜竞猜 for the record, free a set of Beijing real estate, within the third ring road, retweet the good match and get an extra 700,000 car, don't discount it.

[Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture] Lu Ling is also a member of the forwarding in the front row. Is it more appropriate?

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ci forwarded: Ling Ling is right!

After the two forwarded it, various other comments poured in.

"Good match oh good match oh good match oh good match oh good match oh so good!!!"

"Fuck, this amount of money has already exceeded the upper limit of the Weibo lottery... If you really win the lottery, can you exchange it?"

"With money, you can do whatever you want..."

"I turned my back on me, I'm sorry Dad shouldn't have eaten your melon just now."

"Daddy whipped me!!"

"Normal people can figure it out by using their brains. Lu Tong has known Qin Chu since he was a freshman in high school. If he really became a mistress, didn't he start from junior high school?"

"I want to know what will happen to that marketing account. You can go to jail if you spread more than 500 rumors."

Lu Tong snatched his mobile phone and looked at him in disbelief: "Are you crazy?"

Qin Chu: "What expression do you have?"

Lu Tong: "I should find you an expression of your agent confiscating your phone."

He sighed.

Fortunately, Qin Chu is a rich man by nature, so he doesn't need to enter the entertainment industry to fumble around. Otherwise, with his temper, he would offend everyone in the entertainment industry sooner or later.

"Too naive." Lu Tong complained unceremoniously: "What can you get by doing this?"

"I can vent your anger on you." Qin Chu pointed to the marketing account: "Don't you think he's disgusting enough?"

"He does things for money."

Qin Chu: "If you dare to do my things, you have to be prepared to be done by me."

Not long after he finished speaking, the Central Prosecutor's Office issued a lawyer's letter.

Lu Tong's studio has also issued some lawyers' letters to warn marketing accounts over the years, but this kind of marketing account is very laborious to report, and there are too many marketing accounts that spread rumors about him. If everyone goes to sue, how can there be so many? Time and energy to toss.

Moreover, going to court is not a small expense. Over time, most people will only send a lawyer's letter to warn them. As long as it is not too much, they will not take actual action.

But Qin Chu was different. This person held grudges to death, and was still naive. It was related to Lu Tong and Ren Yuanye. With the combination of new and old grudges, he couldn't swallow this breath.

In less than half an hour, the Weibo reposted by the marketing account before the lottery draw was deleted by the background.

100,000 forwards, 70,000 comments, if you say no, there will be no.

Not only the fan circle was shaken, but even the forum was shaken along with it.

Forum > Irrigation District > Gossip: Today I saw what happens when you fight against the rich rbt, I am not a fan of Lutong, I admire Lutong, I am better at marrying than doing well I hope he joins a wealthy family with the support of his husband 555551: To be honest, I also...

2: See you in a long time, nb, what is Qin Chu's background? 3: Isn't there a post next door to pick up his background, but it was deleted without turning the page. You can't discuss the background in your district, don't you understand? 4: He What is your position in that circle? I feel that he is too public 5: xs, Qin Chu still shows his face, he has come out for his wife for so many years, he almost disappeared in the circle before 6: I love it, I hit it again 7: My focus is on Does he really like Lu Tong? Looking at the photos posted by Qin Chu, each one is so sweet 55555 After so many years, it still feels like first love 8: Why haven't I met such a handsome guy who is rich and affectionate! !

9: Gangzhen, I’m Chen Xiaojian, I’m afraid I’m already mad, the money I spent was wasted. 10: He’s still mad, why don’t you think about what you will do after being found out by Qin Chu, what if you get banned? 11: ls thought it would be easy to block a celebrity, no matter how long Qin Chu's hands are, he can't cover the sky with one hand, should he be someone else's death? Qin Chu's father looked at me, helping the poor!

Qin Shiwu stretched his waist, took out the card in his arms and took a look.

This is the task card given to him by Shao Yasai when he participated in the program on the first day.

Ask him to complete the above task, that is, say "I love you" to Lu Tong without his knowledge.

The time is not limited, and the latest is the end of the first program recording.

The recording of "Our Life" lasted for two days. He didn't find a chance to complete this task on the first day, and if he didn't complete it on the second day, it would be considered a failure.

However, Qin Chu should also have a share of this thing, what is his father's?

Didn't seem to see Shaoya give it to him?

Qin Shiwu bit his finger and thought, "Damn it, why didn't I pay attention to observe it?"

"Dad!" Qin Shiwu hurried to Qin Chu's side.

"Come here, secretly, I have something to ask you." He glanced at Lu Tong, found that the other party didn't pay attention here, and immediately hooked his fingers.

Qin Chu put down the phone: "What is so mysterious?"

Qin Shiwu whispered: "Did the program team give you any tasks, about Lu Tong and me?"

Qin Chu cut to the chase: "You mean the envelope?"

Qin Shiwu's eyes lit up: "That's right! That's the one!"

Qin Chu: "Yes, what's the matter, you came to spy on information?"

Qin Shiwu rubbed his hands: "Can you tell me what your mission is?"

Qin Chu generously admitted: "Borrow the broadcasting room."

Qin Shiwu:?

Qin Chu said: "I've already finished it. But when I got the task, I really had a headache. What method can I use to borrow the broadcasting room naturally? As a result, I used it for the first task."

Qin Shiwu: =口=!

In some respects, Qin Chu's task seemed to be more difficult than his.

But from another aspect, Qin Chu's task seemed simpler than his.

His father asked back: "Show me yours."

Qin Shiwu was a little ashamed: "Can I not show it?"

Qin Chu clenched his fists: "Then take a look at what this is."

Qin Shiwu: "Violence! You are domestic violence! After this program is broadcast, you must expose your deeds of bullying me for a long time!"

He complained tearfully, then opened his own envelope.

Qin Chu looked at it and stroked his chin: "Isn't this a very simple matter?"

Qin Shiwu pursed his lips: "It's so simple! It's so rare, okay!"

Qin Chu: "Is it difficult for your mother to tell you that I love you?"

Qin Shiwu refused to let go: "Is it very simple..."

He muttered for a while: "I feel that the chances of him saying this to me are too slim."

Qin Chu glanced at him: "Do you think he doesn't love you?"

Qin Shiwu tugged at the corner of his clothes in confusion.

Qin Chu pushed his head down and rubbed it wildly: "What are you thinking about, don't let your mother hear this. Otherwise, he will die unjustly."

Qin Shiwu muttered: "But it looks like this..."

Qin Chu: "He must love you more than you think."

Qin Shiwu looked at him: "What Dad said is not reliable." He hesitated: "Is it true?"

Qin Chu: "Of course it's true. But love me more."

Qin Shiwu: "You don't need to say the last sentence."

Qin Chu: "Let you recognize your family status."

Qin Shiwu snorted coolly.

Qin Chu raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you ask me?"

Qin Shiwu: "What are you asking?"

"That kind of child will ask, dad, do you like mom more or me more?"

Qin Shiwu jumped up: "Am I an idiot? Ask this kind of ghost question that can be seen at a glance! It's not fun to come to you! Bah!"

Qin Chu: "How do you know the result if you don't ask?"

Qin Shiwu stood up straight, and asked dismissively, "Then tell me, do you like my mother or me more?"

Qin Chu smiled and said, "Of course it's your mother."

"I knew it!" Qin Shiwu said with a chuckle, "Forget it, you ruthless father, I will sever the father-son relationship with you for half an hour from now on!"

Lu Tong came over: "What's the trouble?"

Qin Shiwu stomped and ran behind Lu Tong: "We didn't say anything."

Lu Tong pointed to the camera: "It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, I can watch the post-editing."

Qin Shiwu: ...

Why didn't he find that there was a camera here.

Before lunch, the task was finally assigned.

Today it is necessary to play all the amusement facilities in the mountain city. The unused facilities have different points. Complete the tasks issued by the staff on the facilities. The more thrilling the higher the score. Chance to have the most luxurious lunch ever.

The scores of bungee jumping, roller coaster and pirate ship are all 20 points.

Carousels, bumper cars, and water parks are all only five points.

In addition to these base points, there are bonus points for completing card tasks.

For example, if you eat hot and dry noodles on a roller coaster, you will get 10 points after eating one serving. By analogy, various tasks are waiting for everyone to challenge.

Additional points are risky, as all points will be deducted if they are not completed.

After Qin Shiwu got the card, he said without hesitation: "Let's earn low-level points!"

Lu Tong is afraid of heights and suffers from hypoglycemia, so he will definitely not be able to play those exciting games.

Qin Shiwu walked to the front of the carousel: "Why don't we play this one first?"

Qin Chu: "Did the card say that we must play together? Lu Tong can't play, just stand below, and I can go with you."

Qin Shiwu was stunned for a moment, then turned over the card: "It seems that they didn't say that we must play together."

The two looked at each other, and in Lu Tong's very bad premonition, the father and son immediately chose the roller coaster.

Standing in front of the entrance, Qin Shiwu patted Lu Tong on the shoulder: "I'm leaving!"

The corner of Lu Tong's mouth twitched: "Don't act like you're marching to fight a war."

Qin Shiwu was a little excited, he hadn't ridden a roller coaster with his father yet.

Lu Tong instructed: "Be careful."

He took two steps back, and the roller coaster moved slowly.

Ren Yuanye was behind him and called him, "Lu Tong, let me talk to you."

Lu Tong turned around and saw him, a little surprised, he leaned against the entrance: "What do you want to talk about?"

Ren Yuanye: "I didn't do what happened today, I don't know why the past between me and you appeared on the Internet."

He also just saw the post from a friend.

Lu Tong nodded: "Is that all, is there anything else to say?"

Ren Yuanye: "I'm sorry."

Lu Tong: "Can I go?"

Ren Yuanye: "Aren't you angry?"

Lu Tong waved his hand: "I don't care. Mr. Ren don't come to me anymore, Qin Chu will be angry when he sees it."

Ren Yuanye said with a smile: "I thought, according to his personality, he was only interested in you for a while, but I didn't expect him to be here now."

Lu Tong's face darkened: "Don't comment on him casually."

Ren Yuanye: "I just feel that it's a pity. Obviously we met first, but he approached you one step before me. Sometimes I think, if I was the first to discover that you are secondary differentiation, will the result be different later? no the same."

"There are not so many possibilities in the world, and all the results are the same. Qin Chu and I are not together because of pheromones."

Lu Tong felt that he had talked too much: "The camera will capture it, I don't want to cause more misunderstandings. If you really remember the previous friendship, you can treat me as if you don't know me when you see me in the future."

He took a step forward, and Ren Yuanye suddenly said, "If Qin Chu hadn't chased him back then, would you have followed me?"

Lu Tong didn't even think about it: "No, I didn't think about leaving him for a second."

The roller coaster stopped slowly, and Qin Shiwu jumped out from above.

"Wow! It's so exciting."

Qin Chu's complexion was not very good, but he pretended to be calm.

Lu Tong handed them a bottle of water and asked calmly, "Are you still playing?"

Qin Chu: "Why don't you play?"

Lu Tong suppressed a smile: "You can give up if you can't hold on, don't force it."

Qin Chu made another old mistake, and refused to admit that he was not good enough, so he played all the remaining games with Qin Shiwu.

What exciting game? By noon, their team's score was indeed the highest.

Next, Qin Shiwu was left with one difficult question, which was the "I love you" on his task card.

May I ask under what circumstances would Lu Tong say I love you?

Qin Shiwu felt that this was a century-old problem.

He thought of sixteen years ago when he was seriously ill—he swore he would never forget those tortures in his life.

Lu Tong has been by his side for countless days and nights. He has seen Lu Tong cry, and he has seen him helpless, but he has never seen Lu Tong say "I love you".

"Do these three words really exist in my mother's dictionary?" Qin Shiwu couldn't help but wonder.

He pulled Qin Chu: "Did my mother ever say 'I love you' to you?"

Qin Chu hehe said: "Why, do you want it? There are so many, I won't lend it to you."

Qin Shiwu: "...who asked you to borrow it! Besides, how can I borrow this thing!"

There was no way to get any solution from Qin Chu. After Qin Shiwu realized that his father would never help him, he could only find a solution by himself.

After such a delay, it was time to end the first episode of the evening. The director team returned to the farmhouse, and after dinner, it was time for free activities.

Lu Ling proposed to go to the campfire party of the farmhouse together. Xiang Yun thought it was too cold outside, and her daughter fell asleep after playing too much today, so she didn't go out with them.

Lu Ling came to encourage Qin Shiwu again. Qin Shiwu was born to be lively, and he became interested as soon as he encouraged him.

Because the bonfire party is an impromptu show, there are not many cameras following it, only four cameras are on the scene.

At the end of October, the weather started to turn cold, and the temperature difference between day and night was huge. When Qin Shiwu went out, Lu Tong put on an extra dress for him.

Qin Shiwu said: "I'm not cold."

Lu Tong: "It doesn't matter if it's not cold. Otherwise, I won't let you go out to play."

Qin Shiwu put it on reluctantly, and began to think about his plans for tonight.

A lot of people came to the bonfire party. There were still fans and passers-by. It was not easy to stay in the farmhouse to shoot stars after seven or eight o'clock.

With the warm firelight jumping, after everyone drank some wine, the atmosphere became harmonious.

Qin Shiwu took two sips secretly, and after being discovered by Qin Chu, he held down the wine glass and refused to let him drink.

This kid has a poor capacity for alcohol. He and Lu Tong had seen it sixteen years ago. He poured it down after drinking a glass.

Qin Shiwu originally wanted to drink to strengthen his courage, so he spoke to Lu Tong.

In the end, the wine was served before he drank much, and he sat there aggrieved, until Lu Tong turned around and asked him, "Do you have anything to say to me?"

Qin Shiwu planned about thirty-six plans this afternoon, but when he saw Lu Tong's face, all the plans disappeared.

He is my mother.

Qin Shiwu thought to himself: Is there anything else I can't justly ask him?

There is one thing, and it is still on his mind.

Does Lu Tong love him?

It seems that they love each other very much, but Qin Shiwu is very greedy. He not only wants to look like it, but also wants to make a promise so that he can let go of the rocks in his heart.

He asked softly, "Do you love me?"

Lu Tong pinched his face: "Is this what is written on your mission card?"

Qin Shiwu: =口=!

"how do you know!"

Lu Tong laughed: "Is there anything I don't know about you, why did you think about it all afternoon today?"

Qin Shiwu was sullen: "Well..."

Lu Tong: "What's on the card?"

Qin Shiwu: "Let you say 'I love you' to me."

Lu Tong said warmly, "I love you."

Qin Shiwu raised his eyes to look at him, feeling a little happy in his heart, and gave a hey laugh.

Lu Tong said it again: "I love you."

Qin Shiwu said: "Just say it once is enough."

Lu Tong: "The first time is to complete your task card, the second time is what I told you, it has nothing to do with the task. You don't need to go through the task to let me tell you this, I can say as much as you want .”

Qin Shiwu was stunned.

Lu Tong rubbed his head: "I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of you before and made you sad. I made a very wrong decision, blame me." He paused, sighed: "I hope you don't blame me .”

Qin Shiwu had a sour nose: "I didn't blame you. Before that... ignored me, was it because I was busy with work?"

Lu Tong: "I'm sorry, no matter what the reason is, the only thing that can't be is that I don't love you. Qin Shu, I just hope you are healthy and safe, free from illness and disaster, and grow up well."

Qin Shiwu hugged him.

Qin Chu pulled him out of Lu Tong's arms: "It's not ashamed to lose."

Qin Shiwu: "I can't just hold her for a while!"

Qin Chu: "Do you know if there is something wrong with AO? I just timed it for you, and it has already exceeded 30 seconds."

Lu Tong patted his shoulder: "By the way, your dad said he wanted to show you something. Remember to ask him when you go back to Hangzhou for school."

Qin Shiwu raised his head: "What?"

Lu Tong: "He said to keep it secret."

Qin Shiwu looked at Qin Chu.

Qin Chu followed Lu Tong's words, and said in an inscrutable manner: "Secret."

The author has something to say: Today is my birthday hehehe, after finishing writing, I went to eat the longevity noodles cooked by my grandma! hapiness! Grandma said that if you eat an egg on your birthday, you will roll smoothly to next year [Why does this article feel like there are only two or three chapters left to end! After the completion of the car, the car will be placed in the group, and everyone will get on the car by themselves! [Tui glasses house number 7 Jiu 3 Jiu 3 Wu Yi 4 Wu, need to verify the question Oh, the next file is an orthopedic "something about my brother" next year, I believe I will look good! [I started selling myself and boasted that I was only 500 short of 100 collections! TAT hopes that everyone can poke into my column and help me bookmark it! grateful! !

To be honest, it’s almost over, I’m so sad 555555555 I hope I can meet you again in the next book!

·Thank you to the little angels who voted for me to be the overlord or to irrigate the nutrient solution during 2019-11-2012:07:15~2019-11-2112:08:28~Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Rao, Quesu Crisp, a bell, dhbcx, 1 cold crisp; thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 33 bottles of corruption; 20 bottles of Yuanyuan Koukou, Yingzai, and Skylark Lover; 4009198618 bottles; your Kui 15 bottles of Kui and Kui Kui; August, Xiaoxiao Muyu, a bowl of wontons, Yichuan, 19124875, 10 bottles of meat as the astronomical phenomenon; 9 bottles of Daxian Caocao, 9 bottles; God! 2 bottles; feel leg hair blowing with the wind, prism-Jinjin, Luoluo, Yunqing, Reed, salt? 1 bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!