MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-~ 186. Super cute 1 and smart 1 little nephew

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He and Mongo looked at the nine eggs in the nest without looking at them.

The sound of the cricket is constant. This voice is the tyrannosaurus cub that is knocking the eggshell with his little sharp claws.

Although the forelimbs of Tyrannosaurus Rex are short, the claws are still very sharp, not to mention the strong hind legs of Tyrannosaurus Rex. The claws of Tyrannosaurus Rex can easily break the eggshell like a small sharp scimitar.

Then there was another humming sound.

This is the sound of the Triceratops cub with a small head and a small but thick limb that hits the eggshell. The Triceratops have no sharp claws, but their heads and limbs are very powerful.

The first to break the shell is a tyrannosaurus cub, his thick hind limbs first break out of the shell. After breaking the shell, the sharp claws on his hind limbs are still striking the air, and then the head and fore limbs are broken. .

This looks very cute, the entire little Tyrannosaurus has only the front and rear limbs of the head revealing the eggshell, and the rest of the body is still wrapped in the eggshell.

The little guy has a pair of short short hands holding something in the air and seems to be saying, "Dad, pull me, pull me, how can I not come out."

The tyrannosaurus cub reveals that the body of the eggshell is full of sticky egg liquid, which looks slimy and cute.

Both Meng and Mengo couldn't help but have some tears in their eyes. The process of hatching eggs was very hard, but they never felt tired. They looked at the little scorpions and they were really unable to suppress their excitement.

At this time, I only know why the portable space must be hatched by themselves, because only the dragon eggs that they hatch will be so excited when they look at their broken shells. If they have been hatched in the portable space, it must be It is better to be able to fully understand the feelings of my father when you hatch.

With a bang, he and Mengo saw it at the same time. The Triceratops cub sticked out a chubby hind foot from the eggshell. This foot was smashed in the air for a few times like a stretch.

Along with these powerful shackles, the head and limbs of the Triceratops cubs were drilled out, and the rest of the body was stuck in the eggshell like the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Hey and Mongo can't help the little sisters, they wait patiently for the little scorpion to drill out of the eggshell.

The crested tyrannosaurus cub struggled desperately, and finally broke most of the eggshells on the chest. The half of the eggshell fell to the ground, and the little scorpion ran in the other half of the eggshell and finally ran. Out of the eggshell, slammed into the ground.

The Triceratops cub is more tiger. He just turned himself over, just like carrying an eggshell on his body. He hit the wall of the nest and the eggshell broke into slag.

Soon the other two eggs also drilled a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Triceratops cub.

The mucus of the four little scorpions stood in the nest and looked up at the huge incomparable scorpion and mongo. This was the first time they saw the outside world, and the eyes were full of novelty.

Mongo and 咕噜 have prepared fresh meat and fern for the little scorpion.

The Triceratops in the ethnic group take away the fern plants that are not too fresh next to the nest at intervals, and then put the freshest fern plants, and must give the Triceratops to the freshest fern plants.

Mongo's brothers are outside the hustle and bustle of the community, hunting once every once in a while to the nest, must give the Tyrannosaurus scorpion to eat the freshest meat.

He and Meng Ge have not told Ziya and Padua Baba, mainly because they are not sure whether they will break the shell today and tomorrow. This is just their conscious and speculation. There is no need to be so motivated, just telling a few Only the Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex prepare the freshest flesh and fern for the little scorpions.

So now there is the freshest fern and meat next to the nest.

He chewed the fern plant and fed it to two triceratops. Meng Ge chewed the meat and fed it to two tyrannosaurus.

The four little scorpions immediately plunged into the food piles that were huge for them.

The rest of the eggs have no movement anymore.

He and Mengo originally thought that some eggs hatched quickly, and some eggs hatched slowly. Many times, a nest of eggs was not broken on the same day. It may be a few days or even a few months.

The fastest hatching egg can break the shell in three months, and the slowest may break the shell in six months.

At this time, the squatting space of the room rang. "Master, no, there should be six eggs that can be hatched. How can it be four?"

These eggs have always been bred in the portable space, and the squatting space is fully aware of the hatching success rate of these 9 eggs, but it will not tell 咕噜 and Mongo in advance, and must create a real incubation environment.

I don't quite understand. "What do you mean, you already know that I and Mengo's eggs will hatch successfully?"

The owner of the portable space, this is the case. After the successful cultivation of the dragon egg, we have mastered the detailed data of each dragon egg. We can use this data to estimate the success rate of hatching. You and Mongo have a total of 9 eggs. According to the data, it should be able to hatch. There are 6 little scorpions."

I blame, "What do you mean by saying that we have the most hatching success of 6 eggs? Why don't you say it early so that we have a mental preparation?"

However, he thought about it again. He would rather not know in advance that only six hatching successes can be achieved. There must be three incubators that are unsuccessful. It will certainly be long-lasting, and the feeling of being unable to return to the sky is definitely uncomfortable.

I always have the idea that I can fully hatch, even if I know that it is not possible, there is at least a hint of hope, not a foregone conclusion. Who knows what will happen in the end.

Just as humans are not willing to know their specific death in advance, it must be very painful.

Both 咕噜 and Mongo understand that the success rate of dinosaur eggs is less than 10. They always think that the eggs cultivated in space must have a higher hatching success rate, and maybe they can all be hatched successfully.

The successful hatching of 9 eggs has been a hatching success rate of up to 70, which is an impossible level for any dinosaur egg.

Portable space "I'm sorry, Master, I can't tell you the incubation results in advance, let alone your incubation environment. I can't guarantee that if you don't take care of these dragon eggs and damage the dragon eggs, you may not be able to hatch."

Of course, Mongo also heard the dialogue between the shackles and the portable space. He listened without hesitation, was very anxious, and was very nervous.

I quickly said, "There are two eggs that don't have a broken shell. Can you help me detect these dragon eggs? It must be because the time is not right, at least 6 months, now it is only 4 months. There are still two dragon eggs that can be hatched after a while, and it must be like this."

The owner of the portable space, in general, the dragon eggs cultivated from the space will break the shell together, there is no time difference. Master, don't worry, you will put the dragon egg into the space, I will automatically detect the dragon egg data,"

After listening to the whole dragon, the whole dragon was smashed. His brain creaked and whispered, "I will break the shell together, it must be breaking the shell soon, it must be like this."

It was originally possible to hatch 6 successes. Now only four small scorpions have come out, and you can't forgive yourself.

If it is congenital, it is destined to be able to hatch successfully. The original egg can be hatched successfully, but because they did not take care of the dragon egg, the final hatching failed, and you can't forgive yourself.

He became a human being and put the remaining five dragon eggs into the portable space very carefully.

Mongo couldn't hear what he said about the space, but he could hear what he said about the space, and he understood it. He was very nervous.

The tears in the blink of an eye are a bit overwhelming, but he still comforts himself and Mongo. "Don't worry, it must be hatched. Mongo, our little nephews will hatch."

Mongo is very sad, very self-blaming, always feels that because he did not care for the dragon egg, even if he can not control his body slightly shivering, he is still comforted, "will hatch, hey, will definitely Hatched out."

The portable space quickly detected the result "Report owner, these five dragon eggs, three are the owner and Mongo's dragon eggs, these three dragon eggs could not have been hatched successfully, and the other two dragon eggs are completely dead. Do not match the owner and Mongo, these two dragon eggs that are not the owner and Mongo have been tested and died."

He told Meng Ge about the original space of the portable space. They were all shocked. After the successful cultivation of the dragon egg, they looked at the dragon egg without hesitation. In addition to sometimes taking care of Babbana, the rest of the time was all personal.

Barbana looked after them more carefully than themselves, and it was impossible to let other dragons change their dragon eggs.

The portable space continued to add "Master, I actually checked that the two lost dragon eggs have also broken the shell. I saved 6 vital signs of the dragon eggs that can be hatched successfully. Their incubation progress and health, I There are very detailed data here, so I am very surprised why the owner's 9 eggs have hatched 4 small scorpions, and it is clear that the 6 eggs are now in a state of broken shell."

也就是说 "That is, there are dragons who have exchanged our dragon eggs for two. These two dragon eggs are now broken."

The portable space "should be like this."

I quickly said, "Do you know where these two broken dragon eggs are now? Can you position them?"

The portable space "I'm sorry for the owner, I can only detect that the broken scorpion is healthy now and can't get the positioning because there is no positioning device in the dragon egg."

Mengo quickly recalled the process of stealing an egg by the caries. His eyes were cold and he had to find the dragon that had to exchange their dragon eggs. He killed the dragon and killed him. Do not get rid of the gas, to live and torture the dragon

I am very anxious, but I know that Mongo is also very anxious. He comforts Mongo and comforts himself. "Mongo, don't be afraid, the little nephew we have been replaced is very healthy now, we just need to find them as soon as possible."

Since there is physical data for each little scorpion in the portable space, I immediately ask the portable space "Which two little scorpions are triceratops or tyrannosaurus"

The portable space "one is a triceratops and one is a tyrannosaurus."

He also asked, "The two eggs that don't belong to me and Mongo are the triceratops or the tyrannosaurus eggs."

The portable space "is the egg of the Triceratops."

Both 咕噜 and Mongo know that they are too powerful, and there will be some tyrannosaurus or triceratops who will change their dragon eggs into their lairs to get their best care and cultivation.

These two dragon eggs that do not belong to them are triceratops, so the dragon eggs they have been stolen must also be stolen by the triceratops.

He asked, "Can you detect when these two dragon eggs died?"

The portable space "This is very simple, it was 68 days ago."

Since the dragon egg, he has the habit of remembering the date. Although he does not need to remember such a precise date in the dinosaur era, he still remembers it day by day.

68 days ago, it was the first day they went up the mountain. The day was very chaotic. On that day, Mongo said that there were a few caries that had come to their nests and almost stole a dragon egg.

Of course, it is impossible for the scorpion beast to exchange their dragon eggs. The scorpion beast is only to lead the singer. It must be a ternary dragon to exchange their dragon eggs.

The idea of ​​Mongo and Hey is the same, they all think of this.

So they said in unison, "When the male triangle dragon is on the mountain, it often appears in the male triangle dragon beside our ethnic group."

I still remember the name of the male triangle dragon. "Nit must be the nit."

In the eyes of Mongo, there is a full murderousness.

On the other side, Leah looked at the two little scorpions in the nest, a Triceratops cub, and one turned out to be a Tyrannosaurus cub.

Leah couldn't believe that he was a dragon egg that was found near the Triceratops group. How could it be the egg of Tyrannosaurus Rex?

The 19 dragon eggs only hatched two small scorpions, and Leia was very sad.

Originally, Lia had 17 eggs. So far, these 17 eggs have been hatched for more than 6 months. If they do not hatch, they must have died and they will never hatch.

At this moment, Liya thought that this hatched Triceratops was her own little sister-in-law. She thought that the two dragon eggs that were picked up were Tyrannosaurus Rex, but one hatched and the other did not hatch. come out.

In fact, Lia’s own dragon egg did not hatch, and the two little scorpions were the cubs of 咕噜 and Mongo.

Lia has long known that her dragon egg is unlikely to hatch, and she can hatch a Triceratops cub, she is already very happy.

Because the new leader, Dassson, also liked Lia, Dasseng had tried every means to let Liya's dragon egg abort. He had deliberately let Liya be besieged by several carnivores. He only went to save Liya at the last moment.

Dassson thought that Lia would like him and could achieve the purpose of letting Liya abort.

Leah was very strong. After raising the injury for a long time, she successfully gave birth to seventeen dragon eggs. Although these dragon eggs look healthy, Leah is still very worried. She can only comfort herself. Finally can't give up.

After giving birth to the dragon egg, Leah guarded the dragon eggs, because she was afraid that Dassson would secretly hurt her dragon egg, or that other dragons of Dassson would hurt his dragon egg.

Fortunately, Leah’s spouse, the male triangle dragon, the biological father of these dragon eggs, that is, the leader of the dragon, has a great heart in the ethnic group. Dassson can’t blatantly kill Liya’s dragon egg, and can only isolate Leah.

As the new leader, Dassson has not fully controlled the forces in the ethnic group. Leah is not willing to follow him, and he does not dare to force him.

After all, Lia’s true love of the triceratops was the leader of the tribe. The triceratops in the tribe did not watch Liya kill him again. If he did too much, it would definitely cause protest.

Dassson can only isolate Leah, from time to time to send some of his confidant triceratops to bully Leah, in short, not to let Leah's life be better.

Now Leah has been rushed to the edge of the ethnic group by Dassson, and Dassson does not allow any Triceratops and Leah in the group to have the slightest interaction.

Leah looked at the two dragons waiting to be fed in the nest, and rationally told her that she had to trample on the tyrannosaurus cub, but the instinct of maternal love made her not go.

Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Triceratops scorpion looked up at her and opened their mouths waiting to be fed.

Lia's huge feet were lifted up and down, lifted up and put down. In any case, I couldn't bear to step on my own, and I hatched for more than two months before I hatched the successful Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is very clever, seems to realize the danger, and realizes that the female dragon can't bear it. His voice is softer and more lovely. It seems to be saying Ma Ma, don't trample me, I will be very embarrassed, will not Give trouble to Ma Ma, hehe.

Fortunately, Dassen isolated Lia. So far, no tricorn found in the tribe has found a tyrannosaurus cub in Lia's lair.

Leah knows that if any of the triceratops discover this tyrannosaurus cub, she will immediately trample on this little scorpion. She is reluctant to let this little scorpion be trampled to death, although she knows that this violates the survival rules of the triceratops. .

In order to keep the tyrannosaurus scorpion, Lia immediately went to find a lot of cycads to cover all the big nests, leaving only a little gap ventilation.

At the same time, Lia used her head to push the tyrannosaurus scorpion to the innermost part of the nest. As soon as the tyrannical dragon scorpion stepped out, she pushed the scorpion forward until she could not see the tyrannosaurus cub from the outside.

The Tyrannosaurus cub is very clever. He seems to know that Ma Ma is protecting him in this way. If he is seen by other dragons, he will die. He will stay in the innermost part of the lair, although as a newborn cub, He is very curious about the world outside, but he still has to keep his life.

The Triceratops cub is also very clever, and he will deliberately block in front of the Tyrannosaurus cub, as if he is protecting his own Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Lia saw this scene, tears could not be controlled, and she was more determined to support this tyrannosaurus cub, which was a small scorpion hatched by a nest of eggs, all of her nephews, to feed .

Thinking this way, Leah immediately chewed the fern plant and lost it.

The Triceratops cubs are delicious, but the Tyrannosaurus cubs can't control themselves when they eat two, spit and continue to eat, forcing themselves to eat these ferns that are very unpalatable to him.

Lia knows that the Tyrannosaurus cub must eat meat, and she must go out to find meat for the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Fortunately, many Triceratops in the ethnic group are better than Leah. Even if they dare not speak to Leah, they will silently help Leah.

Before leaving the ethnic group, Lia looked at an old triceratops not far away. The old triceratops nodded gently, meaning that you can go out and let me look after these dragon eggs.

Leah rushed away. She hid in the lush ferns and looked for meat left by other carnivores. She didn't dare to hunt. If she died, her two little sisters could not live.

In the nest, the Triceratops cubs are full of rest and rest, and the Tyrannosaurus cubs are still hungry. Although there are many ferns on the ground that have not been eaten, the Tyrannosaurus cubs can't eat themselves anyway.

When Lia came back, it was already in the evening. She had several injuries on her head and a mouthful of meat in her mouth. Even though her blood and flavours made her sick, she couldn’t let any Triceratops look. Come out differently.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex inside the nest has been hungry on the ground, and the Triceratops cub looks very anxious. He is worried that his brother will die.

Leah put her head into the deep lair, and used the huge cycads to cover it, putting a full piece of meat in the innermost part of the nest.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was in a state of mind. This is the fresh meat that Leah finally found. It was also hurt by this. The Tyrannosaurus Rex was eating and eating, and the stomach that was eaten in a short time was round.

The Triceratops cubs watched the scent of the tyrannosaurus cubs. Although he felt that it was very difficult to smell, he tried to eat a few mouthfuls. All of them spit out. He felt too unpalatable.

In order to cover the tyrannosaurus cubs, Lia kept her head in the lair and did not take it out.

After the tyrannosaurus larvae had finished eating, Leah hid all the remaining meat in the innermost part of the nest, and then blocked the meat with thick fern plants. At the same time, the fern planted rich grassy smell could also isolate the **** smell.

Even so, the **** smell in the nest is still very strong. Lia quickly used the mouth to plan the thick soil of the place where the Tyrannosaurus had been eaten. The layers of soil finally covered up the **** taste and ensured The nest is clean and hygienic.

When Lia was busy doing this, the Tyrannosaurus cub and the Triceratops cubs looked at Leah intently.

The two little nephews are very clever. They know that this is their hemp. They remember that there was no injury on their heads before they left. Now they are injured and they are very distressed.

Leah felt that her head was wet and noticed that the Tyrannosaurus cub and the Triceratops cub were giving her a wound.

At this moment, for so long, all the hardships and hard work, Leah feels worthwhile.

On the other side, he and Mengo determined that after the suspected Triceratops, they were ready to go to the male triangle dragon immediately.

Looking at the four cute little scorpions in the nest, I thought that there were two little scorpions whose whereabouts were unknown. They were very sad.

He and Mengo gently licked the four little scorpions, and the little scorpions used their small bodies to look back at their big heads.

Before that, he had already asked the triceratops in the ethnic group to call Padto and Barbana to take care of the little nephews.

They can't wait for Pado and Barbana to come to the ethnic group. The longer the two little scorpions are outside, the more dangerous they are. Especially the tyrannosaurus cubs in the Triceratops are too dangerous.

咕噜 Let Vitoria, Red Shield and Kang Kang take care of the little scorpions until Pado and Barbana come over.

These are the best brothers, and Mongo and You are absolutely trusting them.

Nit’s ethnic group was not far from the ethnic groups of Mongo and they soon ran outside the Nit’s ethnic group.

They did not immediately rush in to force Nite, but lurked outside the ethnic group to see if there was any abnormality. A Triceratops cub was born in a Triceratops group, and it would be very sensational.

At the same time, the shackles and the portable space have repeatedly confirmed that the lost tyrannosaurus cubs and Triceratops cubs are now very healthy.

Nit’s ethnic group is very calm, and even Nite seems to have nothing to happen.

He and Mongo couldn't resist the temper anymore. They rushed straight in and instantly pushed Nite down to the ground.

Although there are many triceratops of the Nite ethnic group, the mongo and the monks are too powerful, and they simply do not dare to attack the mongo and the monks.

The death of the dead on the body of Nite, Mengo guarded the surrounding Triceratops, **** and brutal in the eyes, as long as any Triceratops dare to come, he bite them.

Nite was frightened and said, "Hey, I didn't provoke you, why are you doing this to me?"

I screamed, "You changed me and Mongo's dragon egg, put your own dragon egg in our nest. Where did you put me and Mongo's dragon egg? Today we can't find the dragon egg. Can't find our little nephew, I will let you know what is better than death."

Nate didn't expect this to be exposed. He didn't think it was possible. He certainly wouldn't admit it. He kept saying, "Hey, I don't know what you are saying, what is your relationship with your dragon egg?"

The corner of the skull was placed on Nit's head, and it was suddenly a deep blood trough.

This is not a punishment for Nit, but a space sample for extracting nits from the body.

Soon the result came out. Hearing the portable space said, "The report owner, the adult male triceratops dna and the two lost dragon eggs perfectly match, you can be sure that the male triangle dragon is the two dragon eggs. The biological father."

He was angry, he shouted "I said where you hid me and Mongo's dragon egg, where did you hide our little sister?"

Nite kept shaking his head and said that he could feel the cruelty in his eyes, and he was already incoherent. "I don't have it, I don't have it, not me."

The corner of the **** was inserted into the side of Nit's side, and he made a scream of screaming.

The triceratops of the Nite group want to protect their leader, and they are very afraid of Mongo and 咕噜, which is very contradictory.

Mengo roared, "You dare to save him, I will kill all the triceratops of your ethnic group."

All the dragons know that Mongo once killed a group of more than 3,000 Triceratops with their brothers, and Mongo can do it from this.

Nite is not a very powerful leader. The triceratops in the ethnic group do not dare to provoke a powerful dragon like Captain and Mongo to save Nite. The group is afraid that they will destroy the family in two days.

After Nite screamed, he saw that he had inserted the long-horned owl into the other side of his eye.

Under the infinite fear, Nite said all of it. "I said, I said, you changed your dragon egg with Mongo, but I did not bring your dragon eggs back."

After listening to Nite, he and Mongo also thought of a possibility.

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