MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-~ 192. I mean, everyone in the room is a younger brother.

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As the largest triceratops leader, 咕噜 does not have any advantage in sprinting. His body is too heavy, far less than a small dragon running fast.

In order to catch up with this fast-running dragon, he had to think of other methods. Fortunately, the terrain around him, he is very familiar, can cut corners.

He hides himself in the lush fern plants and chases the direction of the dragon who is walking upright. Only when he is not discovered by the other party, can he catch up with the dragon that runs much faster than himself.

After running for a while, he barely caught up with the dragon walking upright.

More precisely, he found the nest of this erect walking dragon, and his entire ethnic group lives here, with dozens of such dragons.

The tyrannosaurus cub that only makes you feel familiar is gone, I don’t know where it was put.

Although this place is not far from the hustle and bustle of the territory, it is very hidden. On the side of a small hill, there are very dense ferns and cycads as occlusion.

I guess, these dragons don't live here for a long time. They will change their place of residence from time to time. It is similar to the reason of "three rabbits in the rabbit", and will never let other dragons easily find their nest.

The dragon scorpion dragon cub used vines just now. Although it is not enough to make the binding tools, their intelligence has already used the tools available in nature to carry small prey. This is a great progress.

咕噜 Hide your own smell and carefully observe this ethnic group.

Although dinosaurs are far less intelligent than humans, they are not intelligent creatures, but many dragons are actually very smart. As far as the performance is concerned, this dragon group is not a qualitative leap. It can only be regarded as a wise light. shine.

I have been careful to identify for a long time to see that this dragon belongs to the most intelligent and evolutionary tooth dragon in the scutellaria.

There are many dragons in the fangs, including the most basic members, Xiaolong, Zhang Chinese Hunting Dragon, Sawtooth Rhino, and some ordinary members such as Bored Dragon, Byron Dragon, Dolphin Dragon, etc. The most advanced species in the larvae are Zana Bazar and the fangs.

I have seen a lot of fangs in the past, but he all called them fangs dragons. In fact, they are more of the most basic members of the fangs, such as 寐龙, boring dragon, Byron, etc. .

The most advanced species of the genus Zana Bazar is 272 cm in length. Only the skull of the fangs is larger than his, so the most thorough and intelligent dragon is the fangs.

The reason why these dragons are collectively referred to as the fangs are because they all belong to the fangs, and many of them are similar.

However, it is now obvious that with the outbreak of species, the differences between the various dragons of the family of the fangs are becoming more and more important, and they cannot be collectively referred to as the fangs.

Only the most intelligent dragon can be called the toothed dragon, which is the dragon that you see now.

This kind of fangs can walk upright with the hind legs. His limbs are very slender and powerful, and they can run fast. The body is about 2 meters long and weighs 100,200 jin. The sensory organs are very developed. The ratio of the brain to the body is the brain of the fangs. The largest of all dinosaurs, so it can be the smartest dragon.

Many dragons of the fangs are feathered, especially the front limbs have fan-shaped feathers, but this fan-shaped feather does not allow the injured dragon to fly, but it is a bit inconvenient, and the evolved fangs have no such Fan-shaped feathers.

The fangs that I have seen so far are featherless, the limbs are slender and powerful, they are very good at grasping prey, they are more convenient to move, and even make some simple tools.

The fangs have been able to walk upright with their hind legs, which is not evidence that the fangs will evolve into "dinosaurs."

Even if the final tooth dragon has evolved into a higher creature, it is very likely to maintain its basic form as a dinosaur. It is unlikely to evolve into a dinosaur, because the most important thing is that the higher is more intelligent, and the human appearance is not higher. Significant sign.

Only humans can think that the shape of human beings is the most favorable shape for becoming a high IQ creature, but it is very likely that other high IQ creatures in the universe will be "gas", "light energy", "ideology", "spiritual power". "There are many forms to exist."

There are dozens of dragons in this group of fangs. They have a division of labor and cooperation. There are dragons dedicated to patrolling guards. They are responsible for hunting and distributing food, and they are also responsible for caring for young children.

The division of labor does not mean that this dragon has already had the brilliance of wisdom, and many dragon groups will work together.

Only the production and use of tools can show that this dragon has the basic characteristics of high IQ biology.

According to the study of paleontologists, the most likely to evolve into Zhilong is the fangs, and the discovery of 咕噜 is coincident with the results of human research.

I know that even after 65 million years, before the dinosaurs became extinct, the fangs did not evolve into Zhilong, but the fangs are the smartest dragons. This is beyond doubt.

The current fangs have not accelerated the evolutionary process, and the evolutionary features they now show are within the normal range.

I saw that some of the fangs are using their teeth to sharpen some of the sticks. This behavior can be used as evidence for making simple tools.

Paleontology also found that the tooth dragons made simple tools, which is the normal development of their evolution.

The most concerned about now is the place where the tyrannosaurus cubs were placed by these fangs, but they are very hidden, and they can't see them anyway.

I don't know why, you know that it is definitely not the scorpion of him and Mongo. He smelled the smell of the wind, without the smell of their little scorpion.

Even so, he was a bit worried. He did not continue to observe the injured dragon group and immediately ran back to his territory.

I looked at the six little scorpions in the nest, counted over and over again, and countless times to confirm that every little scorpion is safe, he is relieved.

Mengo was kneeling beside the lair. He knew that he must have encountered something, and he was so nervous that the youngsters were in danger.

He told Mongo what he had just seen.

Mongo is very puzzled. "Why do they want to catch the tyrannosaurus cubs? They didn't eat the little scorpion."

咕噜 "I didn't see them eating the tyrannosaurus cubs. This is what makes me feel the strangest. They don't eat the tyrannosaurus cubs, but why?"

The fangs are very clever, they will never feed on the tyrannosaurus cubs, and the cost of catching a tyrannosaurus cub is too high. If you encounter the tyrannosaurus father and mother, the fangs will not survive.

In general, the scabbards feed on the herbivorous dragon cubs and use some techniques during hunting to minimize the risk of hunting.

Mongo put forward a very bold idea "They want to raise the tyrannosaurus cubs and help them hunt later"

I haven't thought about this possibility, but I was vetoed by him immediately. How can the injured dragon raise the king dragon?

The tyrannosaurus cub can eat so much. The fangs have so much meat to feed the tyrannosaurus cubs. These meats are eaten by their own ethnic groups. I don’t know how many dragons can be fed. This is definitely a loss.

What's more, Tyrannosaurus Rex is cruel, and younger sisters may eat up their parents when they grow up. There is no food during the dry season, and Tyrannosaurus parents will eat their little sister-in-law.

Even if the fangs are really feeding the tyrannosaurus cubs, it is very likely that the scorpion will grow up and eat the entire group.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is absolutely impossible to tame.

Therefore, I believe that the tooth dragon is so smart that it is impossible to raise the dragon.

Mongo "Don't worry, hey, I will be optimistic about our little sister-in-law, and will never let the dragons approach our nests. After I see the dragons, I will kill them, and I will not let them go."

I licked Meng Meng’s neck and said, "Well, good."

The last time I lost two dragon eggs, although they all came back, but Xiaoyuan and Ono experienced so much, Meng Ge did not say it, but my heart was very self-blaming, now almost inseparable guardian of the little sisters .

I understand that Mongo has always blocked the duties of protecting the dragon eggs and the little scorpions, that is, I don’t want to have any accidents, and I don’t want to let myself be self-blaming because of these accidents.

Because this job seems to be not difficult for them, in fact, it is the most difficult to control, and the powerful dragon can not guarantee that his dragon egg and small scorpion are foolproof.

Especially for the care of dragon eggs, it is difficult to ensure that everything is safe, the survival rate of all dragon eggs is no more than 10, and the 9 eggs of Meng Ge and 咕噜 can hatch, which is already a miracle.

I know that Mongo always thinks for him. Mongo always said that I will take care of the dragon eggs. I will take care of the little sisters, just to let the leader who is the leader can do other things with confidence. The most responsible tyrant Wang Long.

If the leader who is the leader cannot protect the ethnic group, there will be more confusion, which is even more detrimental to the dragon egg and the little scorpion.

Mongo has always been very responsible, no matter what happens, he has put his responsibilities on his own, so that you can do anything without any burden.

Mongo "I hate those dragons who steal eggs, and the caries that steal eggs. I hate the dragons who eat small scorpions and steal small scorpions. They dare to appear in front of me, I will kill them."

I can understand the mood of my father as a father. Like Meng Ge, he has hated the dragons who have stolen the eggs and hated the dragons who have eaten the little scorpions since they have their own dragon eggs and small scorpions.

Although this is very double-labeled, because they also like to hunt dragon cubs to their tyrannosaurus cubs to eat, but no way, they are fathers and dads, of course, want to give their own dragon scorpion to eat the best.

咕噜 "I will also protect the little scorpions with you, Mongo, don't be too nervous."

Meng Ge is not afraid of anything. He will only be nervous for the sly and the little scorpion. He said, "Hey, I am not nervous. What should you do? Just like what you humans say, you are the Lord, my Lord. Isn't that good too?"

Looking at Mongo's neck, he said, "I am really blessed, and I have a good wife like Mongo. I love you very much, Mongo."

Now Meng Ge can also talk to some jokes that humans know. "I am also very blessed. The king is so powerful. Other dragons envy me. I am the good male dragon behind the great king."

Mongo is not very likely to use the various proverbs in human society to make jokes, but he is already very happy. Finally, the dragon knows what he said and can talk to him.

All along, Meng Ge actively and space to learn human knowledge, the only purpose is to make you happy, you can always say what you know, and how interesting it is.

The little scorpions in the nest looked at their two fathers, "Showing Love," and looked at them one by one.

Meng Ai rushed to complain to him. "Dad, Dad, Dad, fierce me, he said, I sneak out of the lair, he wants to beat me, Dad, you talk about him, my father is fierce."

In this passage, some dads refer to jealousy, and some dads refer to mongo, which is more difficult to distinguish.

After the little scorpions broke the shell, Mongo and 咕噜 did not deliberately distinguish how the little scorpions called them. They were all males, and the little scorpions called their fathers.

In the past, the little scorpions would say very little, and the communication with them was very simple. They told Dad to distinguish who they were calling according to the actual situation. But now that the little scorpions have become more talked, it is a bit difficult to distinguish. .

After listening to Meng Ai’s complaint, Meng Ge and Yi decided to distinguish the names of the little sisters.

咕噜 "Xiao Ai, your question, I will give you a solution later, now, what I want to say is, what you call us."

The little nephews also deeply felt that the two fathers were called daddy. It was a bit difficult to distinguish. They also wanted to call different, but they couldn’t think of another father’s name.

It would be a good idea to add Dad and Mongo to Dad in front of Dad, but they still feel bad, so it is not so close, it is not good.

咕噜 "Little scorpions, you will call Mongo a father in the future, and call me 爹爹, 爹爹 is the meaning of my father in our human culture."

The little nephews were very happy after listening, and they kept repeating "Dad, Dad, Hey, Hey, it’s so nice."

Hey, "Little Ai, now, you repeat your question again."

Mengai, "Hey, Dad is good or bad. He said that he wants to beat me. If I sneak out of the nest, he will hit me, but I just want to go outside the nest. Why is my father so fierce, I won't Running very far, hey, you talk about Dad, Dad only listens to you."

咕噜 very serious education of Meng Ai, and no longer use the relative name of the "Meng Ai, you only broke the shell less than 20 days, other dragon scorpions are three months before leaving the nest, the nest is very dangerous outside, You can go out to play, but you must go out with your father and you can’t sneak out.”

The little scorpions are very good at "watching the dragons". Usually, they take less time to take care of the little scorpions. It is inevitable that they will be more spoiled. Mongo is more strict. They dare not spoil with Mongo, usually after they come back. Look for a spoiled.

Meng Ai did not expect that this time she would not help her, she grievances and tears.

I was screamed, "I don't want to cry, I am wrong. I don't have to use your five little sisters. It's the same. Listen to it. You have to go out to play with me and Mongo."

Meng Ai has never seen such a fierce embarrassment, scared to fight, and five brothers kept licking Meng Ai's body to comfort her.

The tone of the embarrassment only slightly slowed down. "The last time you took you, you saw it. The dragons are very big. You can trample you to death if you sneak out. If you sneak out and get trampled, or hurt, I And Mongo will be very upset"

The little nephews looked at them with timidity and kept turning their heads.

He said very sternly, "Mengai, apologize to Dad, said, Dad, I am sorry, I will never sneak out of the nest."

Meng Ai whispered the words.

Angry and screaming "big voice"

Meng Ai scared to hide behind five brothers.

Five brothers said, "Hey, don't be angry. Xiaoai already knows it wrong. You can call us. We can be brothers. We didn't teach her. Xiaoai is too young, you will scare her. of"

Meng Ge was so strict that he really reluctant when he was educating the little nephews. He quickly said, "Oh, well, Xiao Ai already knows what is wrong, and blames me. I don't like Xiaoai, don't blame her for running out." ”

I looked helplessly at Mongo and said, "Six little scorpions, you don't have three heads and six arms. I know how hard it is to get rid of these little scorpions. Don't be too used to them. If you hit them, you will be jealous."

Long Xunzi's energy is very strong, not to mention the fact that these little scorpions eat a lot of special, physical and energetic super strong, can easily run out of the nest when the shell is broken. These six little scorpions are not ordinary dragon scorpions, more difficult to bring.

Mongo "I know, hey, I am not used to them, the little nephews are usually very embarrassed."

At first glance, the little nephews did know that they were wrong. They knew the seriousness of the matter and they did not continue to reprimand.

Meng Ge will teach the little nephews not too harsh or love, so I know, he doesn't have to worry that the little nephews will be spoiled.

The little nephews had just reprimanded them, and all of them were very clumsy to rest in the nest, and they were not arrogant.

Meng Ge gently stunned Meng Ai's small body and softly comforted "Little Ai, don't be afraid, you usually hurt you when you are awkward, you are scared like this, you are not afraid of it, you are not afraid of it. Hello, if you are injured, we will all be very upset, right?"

After this time, the little nephews knew that it was a terrible thing to be angry and angry.

Mongo was not willing to let 咕噜 play a "severe role", because as long as it is a strict one, the scorpions are certainly not so close, and the ones that teach the babies must be severe, otherwise they will not be able to develop the toughness of the scorpions. Character, in the era of dinosaurs, the little nephews must be "wild and difficult to tame", must be strong and competitive.

Just now, if you are too strict, Mongo will automatically become a soft side.

Mongo is not good at preaching, but he found that when he was more violent than his temper, in order to appease the little sisters, he had to develop his own teaching talent.

In the aspect of the safety of the youngest nephews, it is absolutely unified with the Mongo. When educating the little sisters, Debbie is stricter than Mongo.

It’s just that the little scorpions were too small, and then it’s impossible to make any big mistakes. I didn’t have the chance to educate the little scorpions. The little scorpions didn’t know that they were fierce than Meng Ge.

Under the comfort of Mongo, the little nephews were no longer afraid, and began to be mischievous.

They climbed to the heads of the donkeys and Mongo to play.

Meng Ai used his small head to gently hit the long horn of his cockroach and said, "Hey, don't regenerate my anger. Good, you can say it, you can say, let's say it."

I haven't been angry anymore. He said, "Okay, I am not angry, I am not angry. I am also wrong today. I should not be so fierce against Xiao Ai. I apologize to Xiao Ai."

Meng Ai "It doesn't matter, I have forgiven me, Xiao Ai is not stingy."

I remembered that when he was a child, he sneaked out to play with him. I don’t know how many dangers he encountered. If at that time, both Yaya and Mongo knew the dangers they encountered, I was afraid that they would be mad.

Thinking about this, I feel that the little nephews are already very embarrassed, at least more than he and when he was a child.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

During this period, I often went to observe the injured dragon group, each time choosing a different time point, morning, noon, evening, late night or even early morning, during which the territory of the injured dragon group changed several places.

At noon that day, Yuya hurried over and saw that she and Meng Ge’s little nephews had a lot of sleep in the nest and she was relieved.

Xiaoya whispered to Meng and Meng Ge. "I heard some dragons say that recently, Tyrannosaurus Rex has lost a small scorpion. More than one Tyrannosaurus has lost a small scorpion. Several tyrannosaurus have lost a small scorpion. You must be optimistic. Scorpions"

Hey and Mongo certainly heard about it. They nodded their heads. "We know, you don't have to worry about us. We have recently let the five or six triceratops in the group watch the little scorpions together, and never let them mess. run."

After I heard it, I went back with confidence.

He and Mongo speculated that those lost Tyrannosaurus rex were probably raised by the fangs, but they closely observed the fangs and did not see any of the tyrannosaurus cubs.

In any case, in order to ensure the absolute safety of the little scorpions, it is true that every day, five or six triceratops do not do anything to look at their little scorpion.

Although the little nephews looked at Mongo, they also looked at the little scorpions as much as possible, but the energy of Mongo's one dragon was limited, and it was not always possible to look after the little scorpions.

The six little scorpions are very naughty, and their energy is not much stronger than the average scorpion. Mongo goes to chase this little scorpion, and it is inevitable that they will not be able to see other scorpions. They can no longer afford the pain of losing the scorpion.

On this day, at dawn, he once again lurked outside the group of the injured dragon and finally saw what he wanted to see.

I saw that the fangs of the fangs separated the thick fern, which contained a large stone sarcophagus. The fangs of the fangs brought out two tyrannosaurus larvae from the sarcophagus.

These two tyrannosaurus cubs are very thin, thin skinny bones, full of blood and mud, because of long-term malnutrition and the body is too dirty, many of the linings of the body have fallen, looks very pitiful.

I saw the fangs dragon drive the two tyrannosaurus cubs to the front of a piece of meat.

The toothed dragon has a sharp-edged arrow and sticks to the body of the Tyrannosaurus cub. The stick has long been bloodstained.

I finally know why the toothed dragon is going to do these sticks.

Even if the sticks are sharpened, there are no teeth that hurt the dragons. These wounded dragons cannot use wooden sticks to hunt. They used wooden sticks to teach the tyrannosaurus cubs.

The teeth of the fangs are very powerful, and the claws are particularly sharp. They are used as carnivores. Although they are not big, their weapons are very good. There is no need to sharpen the sticks as weapons.

The two tyrannosaurus cubs have been at least 6 months old, but now they don’t seem to have the size of the scorpion and the small scorpions of Mongo, and the scorpions of Mongo and Mongo are only 2 months old.

Before that, I felt that the tyrannosaurus cub was very familiar. Now I don’t feel familiar at all. He doesn’t know why. It may be because after a lapse of more than a month, the tyrannosaurus cubs have changed too much.

I always felt that I should have read it wrong. Apart from my own little sister-in-law, he did not know the other Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The fangs were constantly stabbed with wooden sticks on the bruised body of the Tyrannosaurus cub, causing great pain to them, and the little scorpions screamed.

These two Tyrannosaurus cubs are very eager to be afraid of this stick. They are very hungry and want to eat the meat in front of them, but they dare not eat because they are afraid of sticks.

In the end, I was shocked to see that the Hungry Dragon Cub of the hungry DC mouth did not eat the meat, but the meat was brought to the front of the wounded dragon.

After eating the big meat, the fangs will bury the rotten black meat and bones under the soil and "gift" to the tyrannosaurus cubs. The two tyrannosaurus cubs watched the fangs dragon carefully. See The toothed dragon nodded, and they dared to eat.

咕噜 Now it is very certain that the fangs are trying to “tamed” the tyrannosaurus cubs.

This is a very shocking discovery, I can't believe it, this is true.

Paleontologists can analyze the predatory relationship between various dragons based on fossils, but they have no way of knowing whether there has been a short-lived or "tamed" relationship between different dragon species.

Because unsuccessful "breeding" or "taming" relationships are difficult to prove, the failed "tamer" will eventually be eaten, which is like hunting.

I know that the injured dragon wants to try to "tame" the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It will definitely fail.

Even if he is the most powerful triceratops leader, he never thought of "taming" the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and used them for their own sake. They never thought about it.

Because Tyrannosaurus is not tame.

If you want to tamed the tyrannosaurus cubs very simple, there are many parents who don’t have the tyrannical dragons and cubs. They don’t have to “steal” the scorpions. It’s not difficult to raise these scorpions with the ability to squat, but He will not do this.

Before he knew that he and Meng Ge had a small scorpion, he never thought about taming the tyrannosaurus cub. He wanted to raise some tyrannosaurus cubs, and when they were raised by their own scorpions, they were not domesticated.

Domestication and rearing are completely different concepts. Domestication is the cultivation of lower-level animals, and raising is a small scorpion that raises oneself.

If these fangs dragons raise the tyrannosaurus cubs as their own biological scorpions, the tyrannosaurus cubs may also "repay the grace". This kind of domestication, when the tyrannosaurus cub grows up, will definitely hurt this Toothed dragon group

As a human being, he knows that the Tyrannosaurus Rex is like a tiger lion and is absolutely untamed.

The fangs are very smart, but the difference between them and the human IQ is still very large. Some people are stupid enough to want to raise beasts, not to mention the fangs.

However, I am very happy with today's discovery. The tooth dragon is the smartest dragon, and the evolution in IQ is indeed much faster than other dragons.

The fangs can think of breeding tyrannosaurus, which is a very big improvement, although they will certainly fail to raise.

The sky was just bright, and the fangs dragons closed the tyrannosaurus cubs into the stone sarcophagus, and thick ferns planted the hole.

When the 咕噜 returned to the ethnic group, the sun had already come out, the little scorpions were still asleep, and Mongo was sleeping.

He was very sleepy and fell asleep next to Mongo.

When I woke up, it was close to noon, and Mongo and the little nephews were gone.

Today, the triceratops who are responsible for the care of the little scorpions tell 咕噜 "The little scorpions said that Mengo took them to the tyrannosaurus to play for a while, and I thought about them."

There were Mongo who took care of the little sisters, and they didn't worry. They didn't go to the ethnic group of Mongo immediately. He was attracted by the group before Leia.

The ethnic group before Leah is very lively now, a group of dragons around a nest, do not know what to look at.

I don't know why, he is very curious and walks over without knowing it.

All the triceratops around took the initiative to give way to a avenue.

When I walked closer, I saw that in this nest, he and Mongo’s six little nephews were fighting with six ternary dragon cubs that had been more than five months old.

The surrounding Triceratops knew that the six little scorpions were the cubs of the scorpion and the mongo, so even if there were three tyrannosaurus cubs inside, they would not dare to step on the ground, just watching them.

After seeing the cockroaches, the six little scorpions were shocked. They didn't expect to be discovered by the cockroaches. They wanted to go back after they had finished playing. They must go back before they woke up.

He and Mongo repeatedly asked Xiaoyuan Ono, who had been bullied by the dragons before, and they can tell them that Xiaoyuan Ono did not say that they felt that they were bullied by the little triceratops. They can avenge themselves, with the most Brothers take revenge together.

The revenge of this day, the little nephews have been planning for a long time.

I have already thought of it. It must be that the little scorpions have deceived the triceratops who are in charge of them. Mongo should go back to the tyrannosaurus, and they can come here to fight.

Although the little nephews are too small compared to the five-month-old Triceratops cubs, they are very fierce and the gas field is very strong.

The eyes of the little nephews seem to say that you are all brothers have changed the website, have changed the website, have changed the website, everyone re-collects the new website, the new website new computer version of the website is open after the collection, the old website is old Can not open, the old website will not open later, please keep in mind:, free and the fastest update no anti-theft anti-theft report, read the book, please add qq group 647547956 group number

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