MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-Chapter 197 Because I love this land deeply.

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咕噜 Quickly ran to a quiet place to concentrate on communicating with the space, Mongo and Paddo, they are still squatting.

Mongo certainly noticed the anomaly, but he did not immediately chase after him. He knew that if he wanted to tell him, he would definitely tell him.

Unless he feels that he has encountered any trouble, he will take the initiative to ask, but obviously, this time, I am not in trouble. I don’t have to worry if I look excited.

Pado and Barbana only thought that they were too angry for the little nephews to want a dragon to stand alone, and they certainly would not bother.

I heard a lot of questions in the first half of the portable space. Now I have all asked. "You said that after all the dragons I met with my little nephews died, it was only a few hundred years. After that, we will know a lot of dragons in our lifetime. If I live with Mongo to 80 years old, even if our little nephew produces an average of 10 years of cubs, we can see our eighth offspring."

Carry-on space "I'm sorry, Master, I can't tell you what will happen in the future, even if the science of the first year of the Stars is very developed, it is impossible to predict the future. Because the future has serious uncertainties, it is likely that a dragon is a small one. Decisions will affect a range of events in the future."

咕噜 "I mean, you are doing this to maintain the balance of the food chain in the dinosaur era. After hundreds of years, there have been many and many descendants of Mongo and I have no meaning in the first year of the Stars. The food chain has been destroyed."

The relationship between several Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus populations is very good and will not affect the balance of the food chain. In any era, the behavior of species is diverse, not absolute, and this is only a manifestation of diversity.

The diversity of species behavior can constitute a rich and colorful world.

But the descendants of Mongo and Sui are really too powerful. After a few hundred years, they have become a very large family, which will inevitably affect the food chain, and may even lead to a high civilization in the dinosaur era.

With the space, "Master, you and Mongo will only have these six cubs. I can tell you clearly. In order to save resources, the space law implements family planning. I can no longer cultivate dragon eggs for you."

There is no idea of ​​"reproductive cancer". He never thought about letting space cultivate more dragon eggs for them. He has already seriously discussed with Meng Ge, and it is good to raise these six little nephews.

When the little sisters grow up, they are still very young. You can enjoy the dragon life. You can explore and research more dragons. You can go to many places to see the changes in the planet. This is the business that you love.

Although Mongo has no favorite career, he likes to take risks and like to accompany him to do anything. He thinks this is the meaning of his life.

The way of thinking with human thinking is that the dragon scorpion is not the more the better, the dragon scorpion is too much, he and Meng Ge's energy is limited, will certainly ignore some dragon scorpions, ignore any dragon scorpion, they are not willing, simply Not so much.

As long as you have given birth to a small scorpion, you must be carefully raised, and you must be responsible for every little scorpion. This is a consensus between 咕噜 and Mongo.

Throughout the dragons around them, the dragons who have produced a lot of dragon scorpions will only pay attention to and carefully cultivate a few dragon scorpions. The rest of the dragon scorpions will be very miserable, and only a few dragon scorpions will carefully nurture each young child. Hey.

Like Pado and Barbana, they have only four little nephews in their lives. Pado and Barbana are good for every little nephew. Pach Dudu and Pei are in their full father and motherhood. Growing up, I later adopted Mira, and treated Mira as a biological scorpion.

Compared with Weier who has a lot of nephews, as the leader of the Triceratops, Weier is already a very responsible father, but he can do it well for Via and Vichy, and he is very good for him. After the rest of the cubs grow up, he may not recognize himself.

Weier is already a very good and powerful triceratops leader. Just because Weier is willing to give his own life, he is willing to send his son to give his son a son in order to let the great happiness, just because of the strong father. Once the leader of Vail.

It can be seen from these that Weier is a very sentimental male triangle dragon. Even if there are too many leading students of such a male triangle, there is no way to take care of so many youngsters, and the dragon's energy is limited.

He and Mongo didn't know at first that they could help them to cultivate dragon eggs. They all made plans to have no life scorpions for a lifetime. Now they have six little scorpions, and they are very happy and very satisfied.

The space that tells you about the space does not answer his doubts. The question is not how many young people he and Mengo can give. The problem is that they are still very long and can see many of their descendants.

I suddenly realized that "it won't be that I can't live with Mongo. Don't scare me."

The space immediately said, "No, no, master, you and Mongo are the most powerful dragons of this era. You can still live. Well, you can live for a long time. You don't force me to vent the open air."

The beggars were so arrogant that the space around them almost uttered the age of the shackles and the death of Meng Geshou. Fortunately, he changed his mouth in time.

The owner of the space, scared me, almost said that if I leaked anything about the future, it will affect the future results, I can't say it."

I thought that I have never seen such a high-tech space with a resurgence of interstellar and nurturing a dragon egg. I will also say the wrong words. I really don’t know if you are too high-end, or if you are too unwise.

The space owner "Master, in fact, how long you and Mongo can live, I really don't know, if you want to die on your own tomorrow, you can't live to the age I said, so the future is unpredictable."

Of course, I understand this truth. The portable space can predict the future. We can predict the future based on their past and present conditions. They may even see their future with high-tech reality.

Since this portable space is the product of the interstellar first year, and the era of interstellar travel can be realized, then the interstellar vehicle must have surpassed the speed of light, and the speed of light can be reversed beyond the speed of light.

I can't imagine how advanced the technology of the first year of the interstellar world has probably discovered the parallel universe, realizing the sci-fi conjecture of human beings such as time and space.

With the space, "The master, you should pay attention to what kind of tasks to accomplish in order to bring more dragons to the first year of the interstellar year, master, how can you always grasp the key points."

It is not that he will not focus on it because he lives in the age of dinosaurs. He loves these big dinosaurs too much. He loves this era too much. He is a paleontologist and will of course care more about this.

If you have to ask why, you can only say that because of my deep love for this land.

咕噜 "The task I have to accomplish in order to bring more dragons to the first year of the Stars"

The space owner "Master, if you want to bring a dragon to the first year of the interstellar year, you must collect their body tissue, it can be a piece of lining, or a naturally falling tooth, a drop of blood, etc. As long as they have their genetic sequence, rebirth is a simple matter."

I suddenly had a little doubt that I could use these methods when I took the genetic sequence of Mongo.

The space also adds, "Master, you can't tell any dragon. If they know they can be born again, they may affect their dragons, and they will affect the future results to some extent."

咕噜 "Then tell me, I am not afraid to affect my dragon life."

Portable space "Because the owner is a paleontologist, you like this era, you have been born again, telling you that it is the least influential, and Mongo's portable space will not tell him this."

I accept this explanation, because even if he knows that he can be born again, he can reborn with many dragons and will not affect his decisions and daily life. He likes this era, he wants to enjoy this era as a dragon. .

But now I still have to go back to the previous question. "I don't quite understand. If there are too many descendants of Mongo and me, will it affect the food chain? Will it be too smart for me and the descendants of Mongo to form the advanced civilization of the dinosaur era? ”

"The owner, I can only say that this is not a problem you can control, let it be natural, others, I can't say it anymore. The more I say, the greater the impact on the future."

I thought about this passage repeatedly, and finally I want to understand. This is really not a problem that he can control. He can't let him and Mongo's descendants, the Triceratops and the Tyrannosaurus, not to go any further, and it is even more impossible. They kill each other.

After a few hundred years, it is very likely that he and Mongo’s family are already very large, but he and Mongo’s family are huge, there will still be many other Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the number of these Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex is Very huge, they still maintain this ring in the food chain.

If you want to completely change the food chain relationship between Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops through him and the descendants of Mongo, it will take at least 10,000 years.

The life expectancy of 咕噜 and Mongo is calculated according to the limit life of Tyrannosaurus Rex and the triceratops for 100 years. Before they die, they will see their ninth generation of grandsons. The ninth generation of Xuan Sun will live for another 100 years, only 200 years.

The portable space emphasizes that after all the dragons that Monk and Mongo knew died, they will be born again, that is, they will only be limited to the end of life of the dragons that Mongo and Mongo know.

After 200 years, they were born again in the interstellar era, which was forced to interrupt. It is impossible for the ring of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Triceratops food chain to disappear.

As for the advanced civilization of the dinosaur era, the reason why dinosaurs did not develop high-level civilization, IQ is of course a very important reason. Another factor is that there is no natural environment suitable for the development of advanced civilization.

Most of the species in the dinosaur era are very large, and the smart dragons have no time to develop high-level civilizations, because they must advance to a stronger physical quality to survive, rather than advanced intelligence.

It took tens of thousands of years for mankind to emerge from the wise man to the development of human civilization. Even if the descendants of 咕噜 and Mongo are very clever, the time can be shortened drastically and it is impossible to be less than a thousand years. After 200 years, this process It will be forced to interrupt.

Just like 咕噜 as a human being, he is not only very clever but also a paleontologist. He was born again to the dinosaur era. He can only live according to the dinosaur habits. This is due to the big environment.

Even though Mongo became a human being, Mongo’s intelligence was high, but Mongo and Hey must still live according to the dinosaur habits.

Before I asked about the portable space, whether he and Mongo's cubs could become humans, the portable space gave a very positive answer, no.

If their descendants can become human beings, they may develop human civilization in a very short time and cannot become human beings. As a dinosaur, it is necessary to follow the dinosaur habits as a dinosaur. It is just the golden finger of IQ.

The big environment is like this, and Meng and Meng Ge have been cultivating the little scorpions to train them to the most powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Triceratops.

To survive in the dinosaur era, you must follow the rules of survival here.

Carry space, "Master, enjoy your dragon life, don't think too much, you are a dragon, you live in the era of dinosaurs, don't always use human thinking to see problems, a dragon will not think so much."

He also finally understood that he is "awkward and worrying." These problems do not need him to consider at all. He only needs to seriously consider how to live better in this era as a dragon.

After no worries, I hurried to the little sisters.

The little nephews are working hard and Pado

"Pado, the **** is hurting, hey, pain, Pado, you have to compensate us, take us out to play, we have to sit on your head."

"Although we are very wrong this time, we have been beaten. We all know that it is wrong. Pado wants to marry us."

"Pado, if we make mistakes in the future and make a mistake that is not very serious, you still have to protect us. Dad and you are afraid of you, only you can protect us."

"Yeah, Dad and 爹爹 are too fierce, too fierce, Pado, hurry us, we are still not your cute."

Mongo is not a way to take these little scorpions. If he is in the hustle and bustle of the ethnic group, he can still be a little bit of a scorpion. Here, he can only lie on the little scorpions, he can’t dare to provoke Pado. Pado is too fond of these little scorpions.

What can Pado do, he can only pet these little cute, even a glance at it.

He said, "Little sisters, climb up to my head and take you out to play."

With the help of Mongo and Barbana, the little nephews climbed up to Padto's big head very easily.

In the past, there were still some concerns that Pado would have some difficulty accepting the three Tyrannosaurus cubs. Later, he discovered that he was too narrow. As long as he and Mongo’s little nephew, Pado would like it, he would like it the same.

Because they often send three tyrannosaur cubs to the shackled ethnic life, Pado and Barbana take more chances to take care of the triceratops than the tyrannosaurus cubs. From time to time, they will go to their ethnic groups to live for a few days. Just to play with the tyrannosaurus cubs, because they missed the three tyrannosaurus cubs.

I watched Pado carry the little scorpions and flew over the vast fern plains. Just like when he was a child, Pado took him and his younger siblings to play on the fern plain.

Mongo walked to the side of the beggar and licked his neck.

I can feel some tears in my own life, because the life is really beautiful now, so the dragon is not too good.

Meng Ge gently licked his eyes and whispered, "Why are you still angry with the little scorpions? Go back at night, I will teach them well, dare to make our greatest sorrowful, I will let them know." What is the rule, what is the system?"

The happy little sisters who are playing suddenly feel the threat from their father’s fierce eyes. The little sisters know that they make mistakes, and Dad will not be very angry, but if they get angry, Dad will be very fierce and fierce. That kind.

The little nephews often complain that their father and sister are true love, we are just accidents.

咕噜 "I am not angry, you don't murder them any more. I am playing very hard today."

Mongo "What about you?"

咕噜 "Why do I always have tears in my eyes because I love the land deeply."

200 years later.

He slowly opened his eyes and supported his limbs. He felt that he was wrapped in a warm and viscous liquid. There was a huge shell outside, and white light penetrated the shell and came in.

Mechanical broadcast sounds are accompanied by very solemn music

"The first year of the StarCraft welcomes the greatest leader of the dinosaur era, the king of the yuukang continent, Gondwana, the creation of the world, the **** of the dragon, the ancient sea god, the king, the dragon, the dragon, the dragon, the king of the pterosaur, the king of the meat, the dragon, the king, the dragon, the dragon, the dragon, the glacier The founder of the mainland, the volcano, the landlord, the king, the dragon, the **** of the sky, the **** of the dragon, the king of Wanlong

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