MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-~ The 133. [一一] I am really happy today.

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Mengo rushed into the ethnic group of Pado with more than a dozen Tyrannosaurus Rex, and immediately caused the extreme panic of the ethnic group. All the Triceratops were running wildly.

Although the triceratops of the Pado ethnic group are very familiar with the tyrannosaurus of the Mongo ethnic group, they have migrated too long along the path, but the triceratops and the tyrannosaurus are naturally opposite, even the Mongoran tyrannosaurus also causes The extreme panic of the multi-ethnic group is their instinctive response.

Every tyrannosaurus of the Mongo group is particularly strong and the number is particularly large. The general triceratops will be panicked by a Tyrannosaurus attack, not to mention a dozen of such strong tyrannosaurus.

Pado is very calm and organizes the strongest male triangle dragons in the community to the ethnic group of Mongo.

In the middle of the brain, he rushed back and forth. Whether it was the Triton of the Pado ethnic group or the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the Mongo group, any dragon death was beyond his can.

Mengo took more than a dozen Tyrannosaurus remnants in the direction of the future.

Pado rushed to Mongo with a group of unusually strong Triceratops.

Although suddenly there were more than a dozen particularly strong Tyrannosaurus rushed into the ethnic group, the group of male triceratops who were in charge of the shackles were still rigorously surrounded, and they could not rush out.

Mainly because the dragons surrounding the scorpion are too familiar with every tyrannosaurus in the Mongo group. They know that Mongo may just want to "save out" 咕噜.

During this time, they all knew that Mongo roared outside the ethnic group every day. Mongo wanted to see him, and he also roared in the ethnic group. He couldn't stand being locked up in the ethnic group. Mongo and his sister were very uncomfortable.

If you don’t know the Tyrannosaurus rex, even if a tyrannical dragon that you don’t know rushes into the ethnic group, they will immediately attack the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Every strong male triangle dragon in the ethnic group protects the ethnic group against the flesh. The dragon is the first priority.

During this time they were in charge of the care, and Pado was the leader. Their orders from Pado must be absolutely executed, but they are actually very distressed. Perhaps because they are responsible for the care, they are more profound than the other Triceratops in the ethnic group. Careful feelings of sadness.

This group of male triceratops grew up watching them. They all liked it. They were reluctant to let 咕噜 be so sad, but they also knew that Pado was trying to be good, and they were very embarrassed.

The dozens of Tyrannosaurus rexes that Mongo took were intercepted by a group of male triangle dragons that Pado brought with them. They all roared at each other, and they were deadlocked for a while.

Although they haven't played yet, as long as they are ordered by Mongo and Pado, it is a matter of moments, and as long as they are hit, it is a death and injury.

I squatted and slammed into the three dragons that surrounded him, and slammed and said, "You let me go, Pado and Mongo will fight, they will die a lot of dragons."

Pado roared, "stop him, don't let him come."

Hey, "Pado, Mongo, don't fight, don't fight, as long as you don't fight, I promise you everything."

Mengo roared "Pado, I must take it away today"

Pado dismissively said, "If you have the ability, you will take it away."

Tyrannosaurus Rex was irritated and could do anything. He knew that Pado was so arrogant that Mongo did not dare to really bite the Triceratops in the ethnic group, but Mongo was brutally bloody, and Pado was too self-righteous.

He was too anxious, he ran too fast, and he was about to hit the longhorn of the scorpion, and the squad quickly stepped back, and Knock immediately blocked his body with his body.

A loud bang slammed into Nok's stomach, and Knock slammed into Stefan's head.

He was also frightened. He didn't know if Knock was hitting the long horn of Stefan. If it really hit the long horn, Knock would die. This force is too big, and the longhorn will be all. Pierced into the belly of Knock.

He ran softly and immediately ran over to check. Fortunately, there was no stab, but the longhorn of Stewart left a blood hole in Nok's stomach, and the blood continued to flow down.

He gently licked the blood on the belly of Nok, and cried and said, "Uncle Nok, I am sorry, I didn't mean it. I was too anxious, Uncle Nok, hey, what should I do?"

Nok licked his skull and said, "Oh, it doesn't matter, it hurts, it doesn't hurt at all."

"Uncle Nok, I am sorry, I blame me, I blame me, I will not run anymore, I will not hit you anymore, I will blame me."

In fact, Stewart and Knock have already been very distressed. They can't bear to treat it like this. Even though Pado doesn't let them go to the past, they would rather violate Pato than let them go.

Pado still roared, "Stuart, Knock, don't let him come to Nock, don't get used to him, he has to hit himself, you don't have to block him."

Nock and Stefan passed a look to each other, and Noka whispered in his sly head. "Run fast, we can't go against Pado, run to Mongo's side and run from Uncle Stuart."

I was convinced that I would run away from the side of Stefan.

Stewart and Knock first performed for a moment, then immediately went to chase, but they ran too fast, and they did not catch up with a group of Triceratops.

Pado's reaction was also very fast, and he immediately stopped the scorpion with a group of triceratops.

Mengo also rushed to the hustle and bustle, but in the end, Meng Ge and Meng Ge were still divided by a group of triceratops carried by Pado.

Pardo was standing in front of Gollum, rage against the "Where do you want to run to you have the nerve to cry uncle Knox because you suffered less serious injuries wait a minute and then beat you."

He didn’t hear what Pado was saying at all. He looked at Mongo through some small gaps through layers of triceratops, and Mongo looked at him.

In order to meet Mongo, he continued to run to the side, wanting to run out of the solid wall composed of Pado and these Triceratops, and Mongo also ran alongside, but Pado also ran with these Triceratops. They are always unable to meet.

He yelled "Mongo, Mongo" while running.

Meng Ge also yelled "Hey, hey."

I felt very desperate. He ran too tired. Pado continued to say cool words in his ear. "You run, I see how long you can run. If you can run out of the group today, this leader, I will let you Come to be"

Running and running, I suddenly felt that the scene was very familiar. Finally, he thought about it. Isn’t this like the “famous scene” that Fahai blocked Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen in front of Leifeng Tower?

咕噜帕法海多, you don’t understand love

I don't know why, although he is very sad, he is always amused by some inexplicable thoughts. Even if he and Mongo were almost starved to death in the pit, he always maintains an optimistic attitude.

I think his inner inside may be a 100% pure sand sculpture.

Even though Mongo rushed to the Pato community with his brothers, he was passive because he couldn't hurt the Triceratops.

The triceratops of the Pado and Pado ethnic groups are really amazing. If Mongo is a single Tyrannosaurus Rex, he can’t even do it in the Pado community. He will be blocked by the walls of countless Triceratops. Outside, Mongo can't bite or bite these triceratops, and it's even harder to get into the group.

I know that no matter what Mongo does, he will put his feelings first. Mongo will not make him sad, so even if Mongo and his brothers are very powerful, they have not attacked any triangle of the Pado. Dragon.

Of course, the triceratops of the Pado ethnic group did not attack the tyrannosaurus of the Mongo group.

It was impossible for the original Tyrannosaurus to rush into the Triceratops group because the people of Mongo had been following this long path with the people of Pado, and they established an indelible trust.

Although during the migration, the Mongo ethnic group never had too much contact with the Pado ethnic group, they were very close. They experienced so much together. They avoided the big cold wave together and experienced the melting of the glaciers together.咕噜 and Mongo out of the big pit, avoiding the big earthquake together

I know that although the long-distance migration has made the original Tyrannosaurus and the Triceratops group unimaginable to establish unimaginable tacit understanding and trust, such trust is very fragile.

If the ethnic group of Mongo today harms any Triceratops of the Pado ethnic group, this “thin as a flap” trust will be shattered into slag.

Even though the Mongo ethnic group did not harm the Triton of the Pado ethnic group, Meng Ge with so many Tyrannosaurus rushing into the Pado community has already caused many cracks in this thin ice trust.

Of course, he would not blame Mongo for this. Without Mongo, he could not escape the imprisonment of Pado.

He continued to run, and Mongo followed him, but they were always isolated by a group of male triangle dragons that Pado brought.

It’s not a way to go down like this. He stopped and he said to Padto, “Pado, you force me like this, I will die in front of you”

In fact, if you threaten this way, you have already said it many times. Pado will be nervous at first, and now he is tired of listening. He said, "You hit and hit my corner."

He was too tired and desperate. He couldn't think of any way to escape the shackles of Paddo.

Suddenly, the other side of the ethnic group suddenly burst into violent chaos. All the triceratops ran rampantly, yelling and yelling, "A lot of carnivorous dragons ran over, everyone ran, Padovado, a lot of carnivorous dragons. ”

Here, many carnivorous dragon groups attack the herbivorous dragon group must be the carnivorous cattle dragon group, carnivorous cattle dragon is as terrible as the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and even a group of carnivorous cattle dragons are more terrible than one or two Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Although the ethnic group of Pado is the most powerful triceratops, it is often hunted by carnivorous cattle and dragons. Once it encounters carnivorous cattle and dragons, it will always bring great losses to the ethnic group, than any kind of carnivorous dragon. terrible.

Pados did not dare to delay, and immediately took all the male triangle dragons to the place where the ethnic group occurred.

He also wants to run over to help, and he whispers in the ear of his voice, "Don’t let go and go with Mongo."

At this time, I realized that it was the triceratops in the ethnic group who united to lie to Pado. In order to give him a chance to escape, he could not believe that the misinformation of the carnivorous dragon raid was a "death" in the Triceratops.

Not so much, Pado rushed over with all the male triangle dragons, and he and Mongo finally met, but they didn't have time to talk.

Mongo rushed to the outside of the group with his cockroaches, and the brothers of Mongo ran at the end, in case Parto caught up with the truth and then caught up and forcibly intercepted it.

After Pado ran with the male triangle dragon, he soon discovered that there was no carnivorous dragon. It was that Barbana and Patton Tutan united the other triangulation dragons in the group to fool him.

Realizing this, Pado immediately ran back with these male triangle dragons, and he saw that Mongo was about to run out of the ethnic group.

Pado shouted, "stop them, stop me."

There are also some triceratops on the edge of the ethnic group. They also pretend to try to stop the mongo and the scorpion, but they live on the edge of the ethnic group. They are just some old, weak and sick triceratops that can't stop so many tyrannosaurus.

Pado is desperately chasing.

Nock did not follow Pado because of the injury, he is still on the edge of the ethnic group, he also pretended to run to block.

Look at Nock, who is still bleeding in the wound, saying, "Uncle Nok, I am sorry."

Knock whispered, "Not running fast."

The **** did not return to run out of the ethnic group.

When Pado chased the edge of the ethnic group, he and Mongo had already ran a certain distance. Pado could not take away the strongest group of male triangle dragons in the ethnic group to continue to pursue, and the ethnic group also needs their protection.

Pado knows that even if he catches up with Mongo and 咕噜 with the strongest of the triceratops, he will not follow him back again, and hard robbing is impossible.

Although Pado can bring hundreds of the strongest male triangle dragons around Mongo and 咕噜, hundreds of strong male triceratops will certainly win more than ten tyrannosaurus, but the fight will kill a lot of triceratops and tyrannosaurus I will be sad, and Pado can’t do anything that makes you so sad.

Pado could only watch the back of his deaf, and he screamed in anger.

Until he had already run out of Pado's line of sight, Pado returned to the ethnic group. He quickly patrolled the ethnic group for the dragon to be trampled, and he also wanted to find the chief culprit in making this rumor.

Although this time Mengo took a dozen tyrannosaurus suddenly burst into the ethnic group and caused extreme panic. In such a chaotic situation, it is easy to have a small scorpion being trampled or trampled, but because of the triangle of the Pado ethnic group The dragon was too familiar with the Mongorans of the Mongo group, and did not cause any trampling injuries.

Later, the rumors of the carnivorous cattle and dragons did not cause any casualties.

Although there were no casualties, although Pado knew that the rumors of making a carnivore raid were just to help escape, Pado would not tolerate the triceratops that made rumors.

Every Triceratops in the ethnic group did not dare to look at Pado. They all bowed their heads and eat ferns, pretending to know nothing.

Pado looked at his own ethnic group. He was actually very upset. He was the leader. Every triceratops in the ethnic group thought about helping him escape. He could not understand his good intentions as an old father. He is very upset.

In fact, the Triceratops in the ethnic group did not deliberately defy the orders of Pado, nor did they deliberately deceive Pado. They were just too distressed. They were reluctant to suffer such crimes every day.

Every adult triceratops in the ethnic group are watching and growing up. The little triceratops are playing with the monks from childhood to big. Their feelings with the ape are too deep. They know too well, and they belong to one day. It’s impossible to go out and play, but Pado has been shutting down the community for so many days.

The prestige in the ethnic group is actually similar to that of Pado. Even if it is not the leader, every Triceratops in the ethnic group is very admired and saves the ethnic group again and again.

All the triceratops in the ethnic group know that Pado is very fond of love. Pado loves to be too deep, and they don't want Pado to regret it in the future.

Mongo and the cockroaches ran and ran, and the wind blew in their ears.

I don't know how long I ran. They were too tired. They rushed to the lush ferns and they didn't want to move anymore. Mongo was lying next to her.

The brothers of Mengo consciously retreated to the place where Meng and Mengo could not see. They watched the direction of the Pado ethnic group with vigilance. They were afraid that Pado would chase after the Triceratops.

Breathing with a big mouth, he looked at Mongo, and Mengo gasped and looked at him with a big mouth.

At this time, I really want to sing high songs. Today is a good day. I can think of things that can be done. Tomorrow is a good day. I caught up with the Shengshi 咱 and enjoyed the Taiping people. I am really happy to turn over the serf and sing. The song of happiness spreads to the Quartet and spreads the Quartet

Meng Ge is really great, I want to hug Mongo to give him countless big kisses.

He became a human being, and he embraced the huge head of Mongo with his whole body. The head of Tyrannosaurus Rex was too big, and even using his own body could only hold part of it.

Meng Ge just ran too tired and still gasped fiercely. The strong airflow blew on the squat body and it was very cool, blowing away the heat after the run.

The temperature of the dinosaurs is not as high as that of humans. Even if the Mongo is very hot, the airflow exhaled is very cool and comfortable.

咕噜 唧 唧 亲 亲 亲 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙It is the most powerful Tyrannosaurus rex in the entire Yukan continent. It is the most beautiful Tyrannosaurus Rex. How can there be such a good Tyrannosaurus Rex in the world? I love Mongo."

Mongo's motionless still lingers in his head, and Tyrannosaurus's head is particularly sensitive, and he can feel the slightest touch of each body part.

I don't know how long it took, and I was tired of lying on the huge head of Mongo. He looked at the blue sky and white clouds, the tall fern planting, the giant pterosaur that flew through the sky from time to time, and heard the screams of various dinosaurs nearby. Sound, everything is so beautiful.

I know that the ethnic group is definitely very confused now. Pado is sure to be very angry. Pado will definitely play the triceratops he has come out to make rumors for him. Stewart and Knock will also be taught by Pado.

But he can't manage so much, he is very grateful to every Triceratops in the community.

The Mongo and the cockroaches lay down like this until the night fell, and Mongo said, "Hey, let's go back, go back to my ethnic group, I won't let Pado bring you back."

I still don’t trust the Triceratops in the ethnic group. He said, “Mongo, let’s go to the outside of the Pado community and see if it’s good, just look at it from afar.”

Mengo nodded and said, "Okay."

When he was approaching the Pado ethnic group, Mongo stopped his brothers, and too many Tyrannosaurus rexes would soon be discovered by Pado.

Mongo and the hustle and bustle are hidden in the lush fern plants by the night, and look at the ethnic group of Pado.

When he saw that Pado was alone on a large stone, Pado did not allow any Triceratops to approach him. Barbana was driven to Pado by many times and was driven away by Pado.

Then I saw that Sis was injured, it must have been beaten by Pado, and Pado punishes Stefan without looking at him.

Then I saw that the injuries on Patton and Tutan were more serious than Bismuth.

He was very angry. He thought that Pado had angered Patton and Tutan because of him.

He did not know that Paddy Patton and Tutan were not because they were unwilling to breed with the female dragon, but because Patton and Tutan all took responsibility for the rumor of the eater.

Originally, Barbana found that Paddo had taken the initiative to admit that she had fanned the other trigonometric dragons of the ethnic group to make a carnivore. The Barbana words had not been finished yet. Patton and Tutan planned Babana and blocked all the mistakes. On their body.

In fact, Pado knows that Barbana and Patton must unite to lie to him, but Pado can't play Barbana, he can only send all the anger to Patton and Tutan.

In the Triceratops group, it is a "death sin" to make a carnivorous dragon. The red shield was originally ordered by the Red Shield.

According to the rules, Pado is supposed to kill Patton and Tutan who bear the blame, but all the triceratops in the ethnic group have pleaded with them, and this rumor has not caused any casualties of the ethnic group. Of course, Pado is also reluctant to kill. They just learned a lesson.

He looked at the triangulation dragons that were so badly hit by Pado because of him. He was very sad. He was even more difficult to understand such a Pado, and even hated Pato a bit.

No matter how much Pado had been to him, he didn't really hate Pado, but when he looked at the injured Patton, Tutan and Stewart, he couldn't forgive Pado.

He followed Mengo back to the ethnic group of Tyrannosaurus Rex. She had already heard about the embarrassing thing. She has been comforting her, and he said, and later lives in the ethnic group of Mongo, they will not force I want to be a little bitch.

Carnivorous dragons do not have the concept of scorpion dragons so strong that they must have a small scorpion, mainly because their lifestyle is completely different. The carnivorous dragon does not have the concept of "nurturing children to prevent aging."

Of course, Yuya and Mengo also know that the Triangulation dragon must live in the ethnic group after he is old. He also knows that if there is a small scorpion, and the sly little scorpion becomes the leader, he can better enjoy his later years.

嘎娅 "Hey, it doesn't matter, you can adopt many small triceratops in the future. There is always a triceratops that can be the leader."

Mongo "Hey, I can raise a small Triceratops with you. After growing up, the small Triceratops will be the most powerful Triceratops in the entire Yukan continent. It must be better than Pado."

When it comes to raising a small Triceratops together with Monk, Mongo has a lot to say.

I don't know why both Mongo and Jaya can understand him like this, but Pado can't.

Under the comfort of Mengo and Yuya, the mood of Yan was gradually getting better.

Then I spent a few days in Mongo’s ethnic group. I ate and slept, slept, and fight with Mongo, fighting with the brothers of Mongo, playing with Yuya, and spending every day. Very happy.

It is strange to say that I feel that Pado is really calm and does not come to him.

For so many days, I have never seen a group of people. He wants to know how the two brothers of Ula and the younger are now, and whether Ula will be injured by the tyrant Wang Long.

Meng Ge knew that he had been locked up for so many days. He must have thought of running out to play. He accompanied him to the territory of Ula.

Soon they found Ula and Ute.

Ula was very excited when she saw it, and her body changed color. She quickly ran to the front of her.

Mongo can also see that Ula seems to like it very much, he is very happy.

Ute is not happy at all. He is in the middle of Yan and Ula. He glares at him and says, "Why are you doing it again? Why do you always like to come to Ula?"

You are very angry and dare to hurt before you, we come to hunt you, you welcome me, now you are not injured, I am coming to you to play, you are not happy so true?

Ute "You are going, this is the territory of Ula"

Looking at Ute, "I don't believe that I stepped on you."

Ute, "Hey, don't think I don't know, Mongo and you, you, you guys."

咕噜 "What happened to us?"

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