MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-~ The 188th. He is the overlord 0 dragon is also 0 my little nephew 0

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Lia looked at the caries that died in the nest. She used her head to keep touching the caries to make sure that everything was happening, not her hallucinations.

The scorpion beast is a ferocious prehistoric mammal like the later leopard, who feeds on dinosaur eggs and dinosaur cubs.

Most adult dragons are tens of thousands of times larger than the caries, but these carnivores can still steal dragon eggs and eat dragons under the care of adult dragons.

The caries beasts are very powerful. They are definitely not the ones that have just broken the shell. Even the half-year-old Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Triceratops cubs encounter the caries and beasts.

The two little scorpions knew what their numbness was wondering. They didn't say the dragon language. They simply showed Liya how they hunted the big monster in the nest.

A pair of small and thick hind legs of Tyrannosaurus Rex smashed the soil with a small, short hand. It seems to be saying Ma Ma, Ma Ma, you see, I just figured out the bones, I am very good, I am really a little genius Tyrannosaurus Rex

The Triceratops cubs bury their heads in the nest and ran wildly, raising the dust.

Among the thick smoke, the triangular dragon cub proudly cocked the end of the tail and seemed to be saying Ma Ma. You see, I just led the big monster like this. I am running very fast, I am really a fast-running expert.

Without the interpretation of the little nephews, Leah would really suspect that all of this was her illusion, and she couldn’t accept the fact that the two little scorpions had been eaten by the fangs.

This carnivorous beast is very fat and very strong. Although the tyrannosaurus cub is very edible, this carcass is enough for him to eat for two days. For the next two days, Leah will not have to go hunting again.

Leah knew that when she went out to hunt, it was dangerous to leave two small scorpions in the lair. Even if she went out every time, she would use her eyes to look after the other triceratops to help him look after the little scorpion, so that Dassson would harm her little. Scorpion.

But the surrounding Triceratops are not likely to look at her lair at all times. There will always be negligence, and Dassin is so powerful. Lia is really not at ease.

It’s just that the Tyrannosaurus cubs want to eat meat, and Leah is reluctant to starve to death, and she has no other way to go hunting.

Leah discovered that these two little scorpions, whether they are Tyrannosaurus Rex or Triceratops, can be especially eaten. The large amount of food even makes her a little worried about breaking up the little scorpions.

Generally, the more the dragon scorpion can eat, the more happy the adult dragon will be, and the small scorpion that can be eaten can grow a bigger body shape.

It’s just that the two little dumplings are too big to be too normal.

Every time, Leah will carefully check whether the little scorpions will eat too much, will not break up, and finally come to a conclusion, this is the normal food intake of the two little scorpions, she is relieved.

The teeth of Tyrannosaurus Rex are not too bitten, and the hard stalks and skins of the scorpion beasts are used. Leah uses his own horn to open the body of the scorpion to make the tyrannosaurus cubs eat meat better.

Leah went to pick up a lot of ferns and planted them back. They chewed them all and fed them to the lair to eat the Triceratops.

Because it is completely impossible to feed according to the food intake of the common Triceratops, Leah will continue to feed the fern until the Triceratops can not eat.

Just by the fern that was enough to make the Triceratops cubs full, Leah was busy in the middle of the night.

Lia, who only needed to raise two dragons, should be very relaxed. Those triangulations that raised four or five dragon scorpions were not busy with Lia.

But these two dragons are too edible, and one of them is Tyrannosaurus Rex, Leah is busy for these two little sisters all the time, just enough to get enough food for two small dumplings to spend Lia all the time And energy.

After the night of the dragon, Liya was resting next to the nest.

The Tyrannosaurus cub is very curious about the outside world. Only in the middle of the night can he come out to see the world outside the nest.

Although he can't go out of the nest, he can only look out in the nest. He sees very limited. There is only the sky above the head, the pterosaur flying from time to time, the huge banyan tree above the nest, the cycad leaf, and the fern around the nest. There is no other thing.

But even this is much better than staying in the innermost part of the nest. In the innermost part of the nest, the Tyrannosaurus cub can only see the cycad leaves and the surrounding walls covering the nest at the top of the head, which is very monotonous and boring.

Fortunately, there is a Triceratops cub, the Triceratops cub will always be a happy Cubs, and the cubs will be happy. They will run inside and play with the Tyrannosaurus cubs, and will tell him the "叽叽喳喳" that he saw outside. Hey listen.

Although the two little nephews still don't speak the language of the dragon, they will have a variety of voices for simple communication.

Lia is very distressed by the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but she has no way to give the Tyrannosaurus Cub a better life now, and she can only do her best to feed the little nephews.

After watching it for a while, the Tyrannosaurus cub took the initiative to return to the innermost part of the nest to sleep. The Triceratops cub also went in to sleep with the Tyrannosaurus cub, and slept in front of the Tyrannosaurus cub, which could perfectly block the back of the Tyrannosaurus Rex Hey.

The Triceratops cubs will definitely not like the **** smell inside the lair. Even if the cleansing of Liya is clean, the meat that has not been eaten will still have a **** smell. It is difficult to make the innermost part of the lair with the thick fern. The slightest taste.

If you sleep outside the nest, you can breathe and breathe, and you can't smell a bit of blood, but the feelings of the Triceratops and the Tyrannosaurus cubs are very good. They like to sleep on each other.

Leah whispered something, and the little sisters slept. "Oh, your father is amazing. Your father was a leader of the ethnic group. Your father can kill two Tyrannosaurus rex with a triceratops."

As she spoke, Leah remembered that the two little nephews had no name yet. It was too busy this day, and she had not had time to name her little nephews.

Leah, "Well, what are you doing? Let Ma Ma think about it. Your father is called the wilderness. The Triceratops cub is called Xiaoyuan. The Tyrannosaurus cub is called Ono. Okay, Ma Ma feels good. You think, Xiaoyuan, Ono, really nice."

The little nephews seem to understand their own names, but they can't say it.

Leah continued to tell the story of two little nephews, "Ohara, Ono, Ma Ma, and you said, how did your father migrate with the ethnic group and encountered many dangers along the way?"

Listening to Ma Ma’s bedtime story, although I don’t quite understand it, as long as there is a numbing voice next to it, the little scorpions will feel safe.

The Tyrannosaurus cubs leaned their heads tightly on the buttocks of the Triceratops cubs, cuddling each other, and fell asleep soon.

Leah would have been a bit worried that the Tyrannosaurus Rex would be hungry and would want to eat the Triceratops cub, which would hurt the Triceratops.

But she saw that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was hungry and still very gentle to the Triceratops cubs. Even playing with the Triceratops cubs would not reveal his sharp little fangs, fearing that it would hurt the Triceratops. Hey.

What's more, the Triceratops cubs and the Tyrannosaurus cubs are just as powerful, and the Tyrannosaurus cubs may not be able to beat the Triceratops cubs.

In this way, Leah does not have to worry about it.

Lia thought that I was so lucky. I have two such little nephews who are so smart and sensible. Although one is a tyrannosaurus, one is a triceratops, but they love each other very much. They are more than a relationship with many pro-Triangular brothers. Ok, that’s great.

On the second day after the shell is broken, the Tyrannosaurus rex can also eat the caries. If Lia does not have to go hunting, it will not be so hard. It only needs to feed enough ferns to feed the Triceratops.

On the third day, Liya first chewed enough fern plants in the nest to eat the Triceratops cubs, and then went out to find meat for the Tyrannosaurus cubs.

Just after Leia had just left, there was a female triceratox with two triceratops that went to Lia's lair.

This female triangle dragon is the "undercover" sent by Dassson. It is specially used to check how powerful Leah's Triceratops are so powerful that they can escape from the mouth of the caries.

The two Triceratops cubs brought by the female Triceratops have been more than three months old, and their body size is dozens of times larger than the newly-cracked Triceratops cub.

These two Triceratops cubs are very excited to say

"Is Liya's Triceratops cub really amazing? I don't believe it."

"Well, I don't believe it, I want to hit him on the ground."

"Kill him, kill him, I don't like Leah, I don't like Leah's little nephew."

The Tyrannosaurus cubs and Triceratops cubs in the lairs of course heard the footsteps of the great dragons outside they were approaching them, and they also heard the dialogue of the two little Triceratops.

Although the two little nephews broke the shell for three days, they could already understand some simple dragon language, but they would not say it.

Because there are no dragons in the group who talk to Leah, when Leia goes out to find meat, she will hide from other dragons. Usually there is no communication, so that Leah can’t always control and talk to the little nephews. Talking, Leah is talking except when the little sisters are sleeping.

The little nephews also like to listen to the rumors, which will give them a strong sense of security.

Not only after the two little scorpions broke the shell, Leah loves to talk, and when the little scorpions are still in the eggshell, Leah always talks to herself and keeps talking.

The Triceratops are social animals. There is no dragon and Leah talking. There is no basic communication. It will make her very painful. Even if she is opposed to the dragon egg that will not respond to her, she is still very energetic.

After the two little scorpions are formed in the eggshell, they can hear Leah speak, which is similar to human prenatal education.

Longyanzi learns the language very quickly. The general dragon scorpion can communicate very smoothly in a month or so, and can understand all the dragon language.

Although these two little scorpions were broken for three days, they were much smarter than the average dragon scorpion, and Leah liked to talk to them, and they began this kind of prenatal education in the eggshell.

After hearing the dialogue between the two little triceratops, the Tyrannosaurus cubs immediately hid in the innermost part of the nest.

The female triangle dragon with two small scorpions quickly arrived at Liya's lair, carrying one of the little scorpions and placed them in the nest, and then placed the second small triceratops.

The small Triceratops that had been put down first had already rushed over, and then ran a little inside to see the T-Round cubs hidden in the deepest part of the lair.

Ohara knew that only he could protect the brother of Tyrannosaurus Rex, he roared and ran out of the nest desperately.

The original tyrannosaurus cub was about to be discovered. The scorpion cub that was put down saw the little scorpion that had just shattered the shell and ran outside the nest. He also ran over.

Xiaoyuan ran very fast, and instantly rushed out of a few meters high nest.

The female triangle dragon standing outside the nest is shocked. How can a newly-cracked Triceratops cub run out of such a high and steep nest with its own strength?

But the facts are in front of us, and we cannot allow the female triangle dragon to believe it.

The triangular dragon cub that was put down also wanted to rush out of the nest. Although he had been running out of such a deep pit for three months, it was not easy. He rushed out many times and could not help but looked helplessly. Female triangle dragon.

The Triceratops has long found that this nest of Leah is much deeper than the nests of other Triceratops. Now she finally knows the reason. Leia’s little nephew is too powerful. The general lair can’t keep him, and the deeper nests are closed. Can't live

The original three-month-old Triceratops cub is absolutely impossible to climb out of the nest. Generally speaking, a small dice for more than a month can run out of the nest with its own strength, but the Liya nest is too deep.

In fact, Leah did not know that her nest could not keep two small scorpions, because the little scorpions were very sensible and never ran out of the nest.

Leah did not deliberately make the nest so deep, mainly because every time the Tyrannosaurus cub ate the meat, she had to plan a lot of soil to bury the bones and **** smell, and gradually the nest became deeper and deeper.

Xiaoyuan didn't think that he was so powerful. He could ran out of such a deep nest at once. He had only one thought in his heart. He must not let other dragons discover his tyrannical dragon brother. He must not, he must protect the tyrannosaurus brother.

The youngest of the tyrannosaurids cubs hidden in the nest is the female triceratops standing next to the nest and the two large triceratops, and his younger brother Xiaoyuan appears very much in front of the two triceratops. He is very worried.

The female triangle dragon looked at Xiaoyuan and said, "Small scorpion, you are quite powerful. Your father’s wilderness was not so powerful when you were young. What did Leah give you, and the strength was so great that he could run out of such a deep nest? ”

Xiaoyuan can feel that this huge female triangle dragon is not good. He is squatting on the female triangle dragon. Although he knows that such a huge dragon can step on him, he is not afraid at all.

The female triceratops don't know why, when they are glanced at by such a small scorpion, they will feel very scared, as if they were stared at by the most powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Of course, the female triangle dragon can not really be afraid of such a small cub, she roared "Little sister, you dare to marry me, I will let you know today, my consequences, your father is already dead, your hemp If Ma Chengtian runs out and doesn't care about you, you should be told to know it?"

Under the direction of the female triangle dragon, her two little scorpions immediately rushed to Ohara.

Xiaoyuan ran away, ran to the inside of the group, and gradually moved away from the nest. He didn't want to be seen by the tyrannical dragon brother in the lair. He was bullied by other triceratops. The tyrannosaur brother would be sad. He knew that he would not be next to the nest. The king of Tyrannosaurus can't be seen.

There are so many big dragons outside the nest, so many of the big dragons he has never seen before, so many of the scenery he has not seen.

Xiaoyuan knows that the sky is so big, the fern planting plain is so big, there are so many long and completely different dragons.

Originally, the two small triceratops could not catch up with Xiaoyuan. Xiaoyuan ran faster than the fangs and beasts. It was only the first time that Xiaoyuan who came out of the nest was completely fascinated by the scene outside the nest. He gradually slowed down and even stepped down. Stopped and watched.

The two small triangular dragons threw Xiaoyuan down to the ground. They kept hitting Xiaoyuan, stepping on Xiaoyuan, and using their own body to completely press Xiaoyuan on the ground.

The female triangle dragon is watching, and she certainly can't teach Leah's little nephew, but she can let her little sisters do it.

Ohara's strength is particularly large, even if he is crushed by two triceratops that are much larger than his size, and under the scream of his milky milk, the two triceratops are turned over at the same time.

The female triangle dragon can not help but be a step back, she has never seen such a fierce scorpion.

At this time, Leah came back. She saw that Ohara was fighting with two triceratops who were much older than him. She quickly hid the meat in a stone sarcophagus outside the ethnic group. The speed ran to the side of Ohara.

At this time, Xiaoyuan had already scared the two triceratops to fight him, but Xiaoyuan himself was injured. He was stepped on by a few pieces of ridges on the spine.

Liya distressedly licked the pink and tender skin with naked blood on the back of Xiaoyuan.

Xiaoyuan gently licked Lia's neck and comforted her with her eyes. He was not hurting. I was amazing.

Leah fiercely stared at the female triangle dragon and said, "Don’t think too much that I don’t know who brought you here."

The female triangle dragon "What about that, Dassson makes it easy for you and your little nephew to live in the ethnic group. Who makes you so ignorant?"

Leah, "The wilderness used to be against the ethnic group. There is no wilderness. All the dragons in the ethnic group have already died on the way to migration. You are doing this to me and my little sister, how can you do this?"

Female Triceratops "Did you follow Dassson for a good day, and you will never find a female triceratops for the first time, so you will be excluded if you are too different."

Leah "I will always be the female triceratops in the wilderness, you let Dassson die this heart early"

Female Triceratops "I see you are the group that wants to go to the hustle and bustle. Last time I came back from the mountain, I specially sent a triceratops to protect you and help you. You began to dream and dream of the ethnic life, tell you, you Don't think about it, don't look at your own match."

Leah "I never thought about this. I just want to raise my little nephew. I only have such a small voice. Why don't you let me go?"

The female triangle dragon "The king of kings will never let you enter his ethnic group, never possible"

At this time, Ohara was determined to look at a huge Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex in the distance. After he came out, he always looked at the surrounding dragons. He had never seen such a large Triceratops. Shandu

The huge Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus that Xiaoyuan saw were the monks and mongo.

It was also at this time that Xiaoyuan had a deep understanding that Ma Ma’s brother and him were different dragons, one was Tyrannosaurus Rex and the other was Triceratops.

Ohara can see him and his brother from Lia's big eyes. He knows that he and his brother are not the same kind of dragon, but he thinks little, maybe his brother is as long as he is.

Until he saw such a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops, he knew that the Tyrannosaurus Rex would not become a Triceratops no matter how long.

In fact, with Xiaoyuan’s IQ, he can fully understand that the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Triceratops can never grow into the same, but he always holds hope. He hopes that his brother will grow up with him, so his brother will not have to hide in the lair. The best.

Xiaoyuan thought, when he and his brother grow up, will it be like these two hugely incomparable Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops, then they will no longer have to be bullied by other dragons, not only will not be bullied, they can also protect Ma Ma, stepping on the dragons who bullied them.

The two little nephews of the female triangle dragon noticed that Ohara looked at the distant scorpion and Mungo in the blink of an eye, they said

"There is no father's little nephew. What do you think? It is 咕噜 and Mongo. It is the most powerful Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus. They are also what you can see. You don't deserve to watch them, you are not allowed to watch."

"Don't look, don't look, look at your eyeballs."

"Hey, I am the most admired leader of the Triceratops. Can you watch this kind of little nephew without your father? You are only living on the edge of the ethnic group."

Leah and the female triangle dragon looked at both the monk and the mongo.

In the distance, Meng and Meng Ge kept testing the dragons that other dragons had sent outside the ethnic group. They were busy.

Leah’s ethnic group is not far from the ethnic groups of Mongo and Mongo.

Female Triceratops "I see that your mother and child are crazy. If you want to go to the ethnic group, if you can go to the ethnic group, the sun will come out from the west."

Leah actually seriously considered giving the Tyrannosaurus cubs to Sui and Mengo to raise them. When she really raised the tyrannosaur cub, she went to Qiu and Meng Ge, this is the only possibility of her Xiaoye. The way to live.

Other Tyrannosaurus Rex can not raise a small donkey that is not their own. Only Mongo and Sui may raise.

Xiaoyuan couldn't hear any other sounds. He focused on the distant Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Triceratops. He didn't know why. He felt that the two Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Triceratops were particularly kind. He wanted to pounce on them. Take a look at your arms.

The female triceratops are not deflated. The original female triceratops also liked the wilderness. The wilderness refused her, and she hated Leah even more.

Leah thought about the way out after Ono, and she was fascinated by a sudden loud noise. She felt a sharp pain in her back.

The female triceratox was placed on the back of Leah with her own long-horned owl, leaving a deep blood trough.

Leah endured the pain and didn't fight back. She didn't want to completely anger this female triangle dragon, because she always went out to find meat for Ono. When she was afraid that she was not there, this female triangle dragon would hurt her Ohara. And Ono.

The female triangle dragon madly attacked Leah, and soon Lia was already hurt.

Xiaoyuan’s screaming, with his small body hitting the giant female triangle dragon, but his entire body is not as big as the sole of a female triangle dragon.

In order to protect Xiaoyuan, Liya immediately took Xiaoyuan into her mouth. Even if she had pain and severe pain, she only gently contained Xiaoyuan, and she could not even bite her teeth.

Xiaoyuan was quiet. He knew that yelling couldn't help him, and hemp would be more troubled because he was afraid of him hurting him.

At this moment, Xiaoyuan is not like a small triangular dragon that has just broken the shell. His eyes are blood red because of anger, and his eyes are bloodthirsty.

The female triangle dragon was shocked by the eyes of the little Triceratops in Lia's mouth, and she did not know why she always felt that Leah's lair had a particularly scary eye looking at her, as if she would eat her at any time.

Leah saw endless fear from the eyes of this female triangle dragon.

The female triceratops were very scared and immediately ran back to the ethnic group with two little scorpions.

Leah put down her little in the mouth, she was also shocked by Xiaoyuan's eyes, she knew that Xiaoyuan was protecting her.

Ohara was "awakened" by Lia's loving eyes, and the blood red in her eyes gradually faded away, and it became a cute little dragon.

Leah turned Ohara back into the nest.

Ono's eyes were very terrible. When he looked at Leah and Ohara, he immediately changed back to a soft and cute look.

Leah knows that not only Ohara, but also protects her.

The two little scorpions had only broken the shell for three days, and they had already protected their own numbness. Liya’s tears could not stop flowing.

Since the death of the wilderness, this is the first time Lia has experienced the feeling of being protected by the dragon she loves.

The two little nephews were very distressed by Lia. They kept licking Lia, who was covered in blood, and shouted in his mouth, "Ma Ma, Ma Ma, Ma Ma"

For the first time, Leah heard the little sister-in-law calling her numb, and she was touched by some incoherent words. "No pain, no pain, no pain, no hemp, Xiaoyuan, Xiaoye"

Of course, Ono also noticed the injury on Xiaoyuan. He was very distressed by his triceratops. He wanted to eat the nasty female triangle dragon and the two triceratops.

In the following days, the female triceratox came to her nephew almost every day with her two nephews, always looking for Lia to go out and find the meat not beside the lair.

Every day, Xiaoyuan rushed out of the nest to fight with two small triceratops. Liya was also beaten by the female triangle dragon for two days, but Liya could not fight back.

On the sixth day, a little scorpion of the female triangle dragon ran over to find a small fight. This time, the little triceratops came alone. He was used to bullying Xiaoyuan every day. Today, the female triceratops did not bring him over. He came on his own.

This little Triceratops rushed directly into the nest.

Oghara and Ono did not notice the huge footsteps, and the little Triceratops had already rushed in.

At this time, Ohara and Ono are playing happily in the nest.

The little triangle dragon looked at the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the lair and watched Xiaoyuan and the Tyrannosaurus Cub play so happy.

When he reacted, he immediately ran out and wanted to run out of the nest. His instinctive fear of Tyrannosaurus Rex, even if it was just a small scorpion.

Ohara and Ono know that they must now "kill the dragon and destroy the mouth."

Their reaction was very fast. Xiaoyuan immediately blocked the way of the small triangle dragon, and Xiaoye bit the hind limb of the small triangle dragon.

Ohara is the chest of the small triangle dragon, and Ono is crazy biting the little triangle dragon.

This little Triceratops can't stop to avoid it. Xiaoyuan and Ono gradually led him to the innermost part of the nest, leading to the big bone that was inserted into the beast.

Taking care of the little Triceratops, Oghara and Ono made the greatest strength of his life and slammed him into the bones, which was instantly fatal.

Leia has not found enough meat in a few days, and Xiaoye is not hungry. This Triceratops cub can just make a meal for Ono.

Ohara immediately ran outside the group to let the wind out, and Ono began to eat.

Leah didn't find the meat today, and she returned to the ethnic group very lost. When she saw that the wilderness in the nest was eating the cub of the female triangle dragon, she was frightened.

At this time, the female triangle dragon also began to go crazy to find her little sister-in-law.

Ono was full, and this little Triceratops had almost only a bone shelf. Lia immediately buried the bones, buried deep and deep, and did not leave any **** smell.

Even so, Leah didn't feel relieved. She thought that all the dragons would fall asleep at night, and she took Osa to ask for help and Mongo to adopt, so that Xiaoye could survive.

Both Ohara and Ono knew that they were in trouble. They killed a small triceratops in the ethnic group and would definitely cause great trouble to Ma Ma.

But they have no way, Ono was seen by this little Triceratops. If you don't kill this little Triceratops, Ono will die.

What's more, this little Triceratops also always plays Ohara, and all of Ohara's bodies are scarred. They have long wanted to kill this little Triceratops. If they have the ability, they still want to kill this one. The small triangle dragon's hemp, that is always playing Liya's huge female triangle dragon.

After the night, Leah was preparing to take Osa to go to the ethnic group of Mongo.

Dassen and the female triangle dragon ran over.

Leah had to let Ono hide into the innermost part of the nest.

The female triangle dragon is very firm and said, "Leia, the triceratops in the ethnic group saw my little nephew ran into your lair and never came out again. If I can't find my little nephew in your lair today, I will definitely kill you."

Leah stopped in front of them and said, "How can I have your little nephew in my lair? Don’t say that you want to kill me and say, what excuse to look for?"

Dassen’s unexpected calmness “Lea, don’t be nervous, let’s take a look, no, we’ll go somewhere else.”

Lia roared, "You don't have to look at it, Dassson. I know that you have already wanted to kill me, kill me directly, and kill me."

Dassson ignored the block of Liya and ran straight, and opened the huge cycads on the Liya's lair. The scene inside the nest was unobstructed.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex has no place to hide.

Dassen screamed "Leia, I know that you have hidden monsters in the nest, you dare to raise the king dragon cub, you are a triceratops"

All the triceratops in the ethnic group gathered together. When they saw the tyrannosaurus cubs in the lair, they were all scared to speak. The triceratops raised the tyrannosaurus, how can this be?

Even if the wilderness had made many sacrifices for the ethnic group before, the triceratops in the ethnic group could not allow Liya to raise the baby dragon.

The female triangle dragon is even more excited. She is roaring. "It must be that this tyrannosaurus cub has eaten my little scorpion, Dassson, you are trampled on this tyrannosaurus cub."

Dassson didn't hesitate to step on the tyrannosaurus cub.

Xiaoyuan rushed to his brother's body.

Leah shouted "Don't hurt my Ono, don't step on my little nephew"

In an instant, Leah has been lying on the nest to protect the cubs in the nest.

Dassen’s huge ankles stepped on Lia’s back, and Leah’s support was holding up a safe space for the little scorpions in the nest.

This foot is too heavy, and Lia's mouth is flowing with thick blood.

Dassen screamed "Leia, you give me away, let me trample this tyrannosaurus cub, how can you protect a tyrannosaurus cub?"

The Triceratops in the ethnic group just want to help Liya, and it is impossible for Liya to protect a Tyrannosaurus cub, they just watched quietly.

Dassen’s horn was stabbed on Lia’s back, and Lia made a miserable scream.

The two little scorpions in the nest turned around, and the tears kept flowing out, screaming, and shouting "Ma Ma, Ma Ma, Ma Ma"

Dassson stabbed on the back of Leah with his long horns and stabbed many blood holes.

If it is a general Triceratops, it has long been unable to hold it. How can this kind of severe pain endure, and it must be hard to support the little scorpion underneath, which is absolutely untenable.

But Leah is a mother, and her mother can be strong enough to protect her cubs.

All the Triceratops in the ethnic group could not understand Leah. They kept persuading Leah. "That is a Tyrannosaurus cub, Leah, don't put your life in for a Tyrannosaurus cub. Liya, you are stupid."

Leah’s painful cry is "No, he is not a Tyrannosaurus cub, she is my little nephew, he is my cub"

Dassson kept stabbing Leah's back.

The blood flowed from Lia's body to the lair, and gradually the bottom of the entire nest was full of blood, which was terrible.

Leah knows that she can't hold on for a long time, she may die soon, and her eyes are full of despair.

She looked around at the Triceratops and kept saying, "I beg you, save my little sister. He is a Tyrannosaurus cub, but he is also my little nephew. He is called Ono. He is very embarrassed. I beg you. Save him and see my little wilderness in the wilderness to save the community."

Dassson didn't want Lia's life, but he had no patience, not to mention Lia's reference to the wilderness. His longhorn stabbed Leia's spine.

At this time, Meng and Mengo roared and rushed over.

Leah is already ambiguous, but she is still dying on the lair. She looks at the more and more sly and mongo. She thinks this is her own illusion. How can Mongo and Mongo come to save her and her nephew? What about us? The website has been changed, the website has been changed, the website has been changed, and everyone has re-collected the new website. The new website has a new computer version. After the collection, it will be opened in the new website. The old website has not been opened recently, and the old website will not open. , please keep in mind:, free and the fastest update no anti-theft, no burglar, wrong chapter, ask for a book, please add qq group 647547956 group number

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