MTL - Bamboo Horse Alpha-Chapter 11 go home

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After finally staying up until the end of evening self-study, Yu Jiu sat on the seat and let out a long sigh of relief.

He thought to himself that the discomfort facing Zhai Chi at the beginning was indeed due to his own psychology. After three self-study classes, it was not as unbearable as he imagined.

He tidied up the books and test papers on the table and went to the office.

Zhao Yun deliberately explained it before the end of the evening self-study get out of class, probably for the monthly exam.

As Yu Shan said, the homeroom teacher Zhao Yun is a very good person.

In the office, other teachers had already stepped on the bell for evening self-study, leaving only Zhao Yun who was still sticking to his post. He had the habit of helping students find out the questions one by one every time they took an exam.

When Yu Jiu arrived, what Zhao Yun was looking at was Zhai Chi's results.

He knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Yu Jiu walked over softly.

Zhao Yun raised his head when he heard the footsteps, and said straight to the point: "Your mother just called."

Yu Jiu: "..."

Hearing this news, Yu Jiu involuntarily skipped a heartbeat.

He tried his best to behave calmly, "What did she say?"

Zhao Yun said: "I asked about your monthly exam results."

Yu Jiu didn't speak.

If it was just a simple question about grades, Teacher Zhao would not have asked him to come to the office.

Zhao Yun is over 30 years old, but he has a mature and prudent temperament. He also has a certain understanding of Yu Jiu's family.

Yu Jiu's mother is very concerned about Yu Jiu, but it seems that she cares too much.

As an outsider, Zhao Yun was a little suffocated by the constant phone calls every day, so one can imagine what kind of life Yu Jiu was living.

Zhao Yun sighed softly, "He also asked about Zhang Yangfei's grades, because of the change of the second place, she still doesn't know the grades of the transfer students, now she may be relieved, but I'm not sure if she will pass other The channel knows."

In this monthly exam, Zhang Yangfei and Yu Jiu had a gap of more than ten points, and there was no "threat" to Yu Jiu.

But the second place Zhai Chi was only one point behind Yu Jiu.

"Do you need me to tell you?"

Yu Jiu said, "No need, thank you Teacher Zhao, I will tell her myself."

Zhao Yun looked at him uneasy.

Yu Jiu smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about me, I'm still number one, right?"

The smile on the corner of the boy's mouth was natural and appropriate. If he didn't have a certain understanding, no one would be able to see that he was forcing a smile.

Zhao Yun sighed again, "Well, there is one more thing to ask you to come."

He turned the laptop in front of him, "This is the answer sheet for Zhai Chi's monthly math exam, take a look."

Yu Jiu probed over to have a look, but didn't find any problems, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Yun said: "Do you know the reason why you lost points in the last math question?"

Yu Jiu let out a "hmm", "I miscalculated a step during the calculation, the solution method is correct, but the answer is wrong, and some points will be deducted."

"But Zhai Chi did it right." Zhao Yun said, "He uses a different method to solve the problem than you. His thinking is simpler than yours, and the calculation process is not prone to mistakes."


Yu Jiu remained silent, Zhao Yun turned his head and glanced, "You don't seem to be surprised that Zhai Chi got such a good grade in the exam."

Yu Jiu was stunned, and said, "There are mountains outside the mountains, nothing to be surprised about... Is there something wrong with his answer sheet?"

"There is nothing wrong with the answer card." The topic was brought back on track, and Zhao Yun said: "But the last analytical question and the last question of the multiple-choice question are almost exactly the same question type. He is correct in all the analytical questions and wrong in the multiple-choice questions."

Yu Jiu: "..."

There are many reasons for mistakes in analytical questions. Every step in the calculation process will affect the final score, but the probability of mistakes in multiple-choice questions is small.

The answers to the multiple-choice questions have fixed options, and candidates will be prompted to recalculate if the answers do not match the options when they make mistakes in the calculation process.

If there were no problems with Zhai Chi's calculation process, he shouldn't have chosen the wrong multiple-choice question.

"Of course it doesn't rule out that he is as careless as you." Zhao Yun said: "If he is right in this multiple-choice question, this ranking will be different."

Yu Jiu's hand hanging by his side was slightly clenched.

Zhao Yun said again: "You don't need to be pressured, your grades are fine, but you have to correct your carelessness, and check it several times after you finish the questions."

"…I see."

Coming out of the office, Yu Jiu felt a little pain in his brain, he couldn't help rubbing his temples with his hands.

First is the influence of pheromones, then the slight gap in grades, and the **** at home.

His originally peaceful campus life was broken by the appearance of a person.

If that person doesn't stay abroad well, what is he doing back home?

Soon Yu Jiu violently shook her head again.

Be it pheromones or test scores, they are all his own problems.

Even without Zhai Chi, there would be others.

What can he blame others?

What can he blame others for the nightmare he can't get rid of?

Back outside the dormitory door, Yu Jiu took a deep breath before pushing open the dormitory door.

There is an extra "uninvited guest" in the dormitory.

Seeing a third person appearing in the dormitory for four people and two people, Yu Jiu stood at the door of the dormitory, stunned.

The two people in the dormitory had their backs to him, on the same side as his bed, near the door, and they were laying the quilt with their backs to him.

Compared with other high schools, the dormitory conditions of No. 1 Middle School are considered superior. There are four beds in the dormitory for four people. The upper bunk is for sleeping, while the lower bunk is vacant. Half of the lockers are occupied, and most of the other half are used for desks. up.

The upper bunk space is limited, only one person can go up.

At this moment, Zhang Yangfei was directing from below, and the owner of the bed knelt on it, clumsily following the squad leader's instructions.

Standing 1.85 meters tall, kneeling on a bed that is less than 1.5 meters wide, it is against harmony no matter how you look at it.

And that posture of kneeling and working... The only time Yu Jiu saw Zhai Chi like this was when he was playing with sand castles when he was a child.

"You're back?"

Zhang Yangfei glanced at the door, and pointedly said: "The new roommate in our dormitory, are you surprised?"

Yu Jiu was surprised but not happy.

He paused, and asked casually, "How did you arrange it in our dormitory?"

Zhai Chi is an Alpha, and although the dormitory building for the Alpha and the male Beta is the same, the dormitory is basically separate.

"Come to join you." Zhai Chi straightened his body on the upper bunk, "I just came here, and I'm not familiar with the place, but you are the only one I know."


After the relationship between the two was revealed by the monitor, Zhai Chi didn't seem to shy away from mentioning that the two of them were old acquaintances.

"The other dormitories are full." Zhang Yangfei said: "In Alpha's dormitory, there is room for Wu Yong's alone. I don't think it's very good, so I arranged him in our dormitory."

Wu Yong, a group of Alphas who are notoriously unhygienic, arranged dormitories alone because no one wanted to live with him.

Yu Jiu understood, and stood at the door of the dormitory for a while, squeezed the medicine bottle in the pocket of the school uniform, and hesitated, "Can you help me?"

"No need." Zhai Chi said, "It's almost done."

Yu Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, "...then I'll go wash up first."

As he spoke, he walked directly past Zhang Yangfei, without any muddy footsteps.

Zhai Chi paused, looking thoughtfully at the back of Yu Jiu disappearing at the bathroom door.

"Don't mind, he might be a little nervous." Zhang Yangfei saw that he was distracted, and explained.

Zhai Chi was slightly taken aback: "Nervous?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yangfei said, "Yu Jiu doesn't like Alpha's pheromones. In fact, he's not the only one. Not many of us betas like Alpha's pheromones."

Alpha's pheromones are mostly oppressive and aggressive. Although the beta glands are not fully developed and cannot feel pheromones, the smell of pheromones seems to remind them of the gap between beta and Alpha.

"You said that Yu Jiu is 1.8 meters tall. He is good-looking and studies well. He is excellent in all aspects. No matter how you look at it, he should be an Alpha, but he just doesn't differentiate."

Every time someone praised Yu Jiu, some unconvinced Alphas would retort, "No matter how good he is, he is just a beta", as if Alphas were born superior to others.

In fact, this is indeed the case, Alpha is more superior than beta.

A beta has heard this kind of talk too much, even if he doesn't care on the surface, who would like Alpha in his heart?

Zhai Chi frowned.

He always felt that Yu Jiu's attitude towards him was not just because he was an Alpha.

It seems that Yu Jiu has been a little distant from him since he transferred from the evening self-study class.

Lukewarm, not as good as when we ate together in the cafeteria before.

The relationship between the two of them... why is it getting more and more relaxed and regressing!

Zhai Chi smiled wryly.

Zhai Chi probably listened to what Zhang Yangfei said, and during the next two days in the dormitory, Yu Jiu and Zhang Yangfei didn't smell the slightest bit of Alpha's pheromone in the dormitory.

Including the bed where Zhai Chi used the towel and slept on, after he got up and washed, he would consciously spray on the odor blocking agent.

He was so considerate, it made Zhang Yangfei feel a little embarrassed to remind him.

But Yu Jiu obviously relaxed, so Zhai Chi felt that it was not a loss at all to be cautious.

On the weekend, the students were looking forward to the monthly holiday plus the May Day holiday. As soon as the bell rang for the last class in the morning, a group of people rushed out of the classroom impatiently.

Yu Jiu had to go home whenever he was on vacation. He took a taxi at the school gate, told the driver the address, and lay down on the seat of the car with his eyes closed.

The driver was a young guy in his early twenties, and he thought he hadn't reached the age of generation gap with these high school students. Seeing the students in the back seat had a bad face, he directly exposed Yu Jiu's illusion of pretending to be asleep, "What's wrong? I didn't pass the exam. , are you afraid of being scolded when you go home?"


"Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam. Tell your parents well, you say that I promise you will pass the exam next time. If you have a better attitude, you will soon calm down. What is there to worry about at your age? "

Yu Jiu slowly opened his eyes in the back seat.

He thought to himself: If he really went home and was scolded because he did not do well in the exam, then he would be relieved.

He didn't explain either. Looking at the rearview mirror in front of the car, he bent his lips and smiled, and said, "Thank you."