MTL - Bamboo Horse Alpha-Chapter 26 make up your mind

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Yu Jiu stared at the two lines of words on the screen of the phone for a while, and felt rippling in his heart.

As an omega, Yu Jiu knows what it means for an omega to be marked by an Alpha, and Zhai Chi, as an Alpha, must also know it.

Although knowing that Zhai Chi said such words out of concern, Yu Jiu still felt very happy.

Because this concern is very precious to him.

He bent his lips in front of the screen, and replied to Zhai Chi:

-talk later.

—I'm fine now.

The medicine is still effective, and he does not need the help of others for the time being.

On the bed next to him, Zhai Chi had been waiting for his reply. When he saw the two white bubble boxes appearing on the chat interface, his eyes darkened. After a while, he replied with the word "OK".

Yu Jiu replied very quickly.

— Go to bed early, there is training tomorrow.

-Good night.

Zhai Chi also replied: Good night.

After receiving the reply, Yu Jiu put down his cell phone. There were other people in the dormitory talking small things, but it didn't affect his sleep.

Zhai Chi couldn't fall asleep, and stared at the chat records of the two for a long time.

His eyes stayed on the three words "I'll help you" he sent to Yu Jiu.

Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and these three words actually have no special meaning in context.

I'll help you find a doctor, help you find a cure.

Nowadays, science is advancing with each passing day. Except for terminal illness, there is no problem that cannot be solved.

But the moment Zhai Chi uttered these three words, he thought of many other things, things that had nothing to do with medicine but only about instinct.

He wanted to use the mark to help Yu Jiu.

If he needed an Alpha anyway, why couldn't it be himself?

Zhai Chi does not reject it...he is willing to be that Alpha.

Even if it was just treated by Yu Jiu as a cure.

The moment this idea popped up, Zhai Chi was taken aback.

What kind of feelings does he have towards Yu Jiu now?

What did he transfer to?

They didn't mention the separation five years ago, did Yu Jiu feel relieved, or didn't he care from the beginning to the end?

They live in such harmony now, is it the old friendship five years ago, or the newly accumulated friendship?

Why did he think of himself when Yu Jiu needed Alpha?

Is it because omega is inherently attractive to Alpha?


After his split, there were many omegas in the Chinese school who wanted to get close to him. After he returned to China, his elder brother still had concerns about this. But he had seen so many omega, and he never had the idea of ​​marking anyone.

So he wanted to help, just because it was Yu Jiu.

And he still has a question... Does his mother know that Yu Jiu takes a medicine that blocks pheromones?

After hesitating again and again, Zhai Chi still couldn't hold back, exited the chat interface, rummaged through the WeChat address book for a while, and sent someone a message.

Two days later, fellowship training ended.

Although the training time together is not long, the basketball players of the two schools have established a deep relationship. When saying goodbye outside the gymnasium, they hugged each other more vigorously.

Yu Jiu and Zhai Chi looked on coldly, but no one dared to give them a hug.

"I hope we won't meet earlier in the provincial competition."

Zhou Yali, the vice-captain of No. 6 Middle School, extended a friendly hand to Yu Jiu.

Yu Jiu said: "There are only two of our schools participating in the competition in Jinyi City, and the chances of being drawn together in the front are not high."

"That's true." Zhou Yali smiled, "Then wish us all advance to the final!"

Yu Jiu shook her hand back, "Come on together."

After saying goodbye to Yu Jiu, Zhou Yali looked at Zhai Chi again, and suddenly walked around to the other side where Zhai Chi was empty, put an elbow on his shoulder, and said mysteriously: "Hey, buddy, you still have more time in school." A small beta like the vice team? Introduce me to one."


She didn't shy away from Yu Jiu when she spoke.

Yu Jiu looked puzzled and looked towards them.

Zhai Chi's reaction was quick, he turned his head to look at Yu Jiu, raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "This...I really don't know."

"How come you don't know?" Zhou Yali said in surprise, "You don't have any other friends? Omega is also fine."

"I'm a new transfer student, and I don't know many people in school, and..." Zhai Chi explained helplessly, then suddenly stretched out his hand to hug Yu Jiu, looked at Zhou Yali and said, "Do you think our little girl is a child?" Jiu is so good, can I still pretend to be someone else in my eyes?"

Yu Jiu: "..."

Zhou Yali: "..."

She got goosebumps all over from the acid.

It's not that she didn't have enough breakfast, why did she find dog food for herself?

Zhou Yali glanced at Yu Jiu again, and thought in her heart: But to have such an excellent boyfriend as Yu Jiu, there is indeed no one else who can catch his eye.

"But if you need it, I'll keep an eye on it for you." Zhai Chi added.

Zhou Yali has lost interest.

After chatting with Zhai Chi again with a smile, Zhou Yali returned to the No. 6 Middle School team.

After they left, Yu Jiu asked, "What does she mean?"

"She..." Zhai Chi said: "It's nothing interesting, maybe we met us in the corridor that day and accidentally misunderstood something."


Yu Jiu actually heard it too.

Because omegas are rare, it is not uncommon for alphas and betas to be together.


"Then why don't you explain?"

He also called "our little Jiu", which was kind, and...Yu Jiu turned his head and looked at the hand on his shoulder, thinking that this person is getting more and more proficient in putting his shoulder.

Zhai Chi said: "How can this be explained? Since she asks that, she obviously has a crush on you. If she explains it, what if she covets you directly?"

Yu Jiu asked whether to smile or not: "So I should thank you?"

"That's not necessary." Zhai Chi said angrily: "There is no need to thank us for our relationship."

Yu Jiu: "..."

Yu Jiu gave him a strange look.

Their relationship... what is their relationship?

He shook his head and walked straight to the school bus.

Zhai Chi subconsciously went to help him.

In the past two days, it has become a habit for the caregivers to take care of them.

Although Yu Jiu didn't refuse, she still said, "My leg is already healed."

Zhai Chi said: "The knee is not healed yet."

The wound has scabbed over, but the scab has not completely fallen off.

But I don't need someone to help me when I walk with a knee injury.

After a moment of hesitation, Zhai Chi had sent him into the school bus, followed by the people behind.

Yu Jiu walked in front, so he didn't notice what was behind him. After seeing that he was used to the contact between the two of them, Zhai Chi showed a slightly ambiguous smile.

Back to school again, the college entrance examination is over.

There is one grade less students in the No. 1 Middle School, and many places seem to be a lot more empty. Every time a meal is rushed to the cafeteria, there are a lot fewer people queuing up, which frees up some free time.

In this spare time, Yu Jiu used it to brush up questions.

In the evening self-study, Zhao Yun gave a class meeting to class one.

After the end of the last senior high school entrance examination, although they were still sophomores in name, they had officially entered their senior year.

"...Don't think that the college entrance examination is still far away from you. If you are slack on time, time will be slack on you. It will be too late when you realize that time is too late. Tonight's self-study, everyone writes a study plan for the third year of high school. Leave it to me before self-study...Yu Jiu, come with me."

After Zhao Yun explained to the students in class one, he called Yu Jiu to the office.

The provincial college basketball game is about to start, and Yu Jiu will play as the main force of the school. Of course, Zhao Yun hopes that he can participate in this kind of honor for the school. He just wants to participate in the basketball game and will leave the city for a while to go to the province , It is inevitable to delay the study time.

"The final exam is coming soon. If you want to focus on studying, I will go to the school and tell the school that your leg was injured during the fellowship training and it is not convenient for you to play."

"There's no need for Teacher Zhao." Yu Jiu said, "I can take care of both and won't delay my studies."

Without even thinking about it, he rejected Zhao Yun's proposal.

Zhao Yun was surprised by his attitude for a moment, "Then... the final exam, are you sure about your grades?"

Yu Jiu didn't answer him directly, but paused for a while and asked, "Mr. Zhao, if I fall to second place in the final exam, will you be disappointed with me?"


Zhao Yun didn't expect him to ask such a question, he was stunned for a moment and said, "Why am I disappointed in you? I'm afraid of you..."

He paused while speaking.

He was worried that if Yu Jiu's ranking dropped, his mother would blame her.

But speaking his worries out would be of no use except to increase Yu Jiu's pressure.

He looked at Yu Jiu, not knowing what to say for a while.

Yu Jiu suddenly smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, but I don't want to force myself anymore."


"I want to go to the basketball game." Yu Jiu said.

He is sure about the results, but he is not sure about the ranking.

But for some reason, he suddenly felt that the ranking was not so important.

In the past few days, there have been constant test messages on WeChat, confirmation calls to Mr. Zhao, and the lunch box sent by Zhang Ma on the training ground.

His efforts and compromises cannot be exchanged for that person's understanding and peace of mind.

Yu Hui's attitude is like a knife hanging over his head all the time. No matter what he does well or not, once he does well this time, he will worry about not doing well next time, and he keeps himself trapped in a cage all the time. Here, he hesitates and hesitates in everything he does, and he is exhausted from life.

Why can't he indulge himself a bit?

Probably because Yu Hui's aggressiveness had really aroused his rebellious psychology. When Yu Jiu made this decision, he was not worried that Yu Hui would be disappointed with him. Instead, he felt an indescribable joy.

He looked at Zhao Yun with firm eyes.

Zhao Yun was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, with surprise in his eyes.

He felt that after the fellowship training, Yu Jiu seemed to be a little different.

It seemed to alive.

Longing for blood, having ideas and pursuits, this is what young people should look like.

He said with relief: "Well, you can go to the competition with peace of mind. If necessary, I will talk to your mother for you."

After all, Mama Yu came from a wealthy family, she was particular about appearance and demeanor, no matter how dissatisfied she was, she still spoke decently in front of Zhao Yun.

Yu Jiu nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao."

Back in the classroom, Zhai Chi was not in a hurry to write his senior year study plan, but was playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

This is probably the so-called talented player, he has no plans for high school studies at all.

Seeing Yu Jiu come back from the office, Zhai Chi dragged hardworking players to waste their studies with him very unkindly.

"The information about all the college basketball teams participating in the provincial competition sent by the captain, take a look?"

Before Yu Jiu sat down, seeing the smile on Zhai Chi's face, she raised her lips subconsciously and took the phone from Zhai Chi's hand.

He raised his eyes to look at Zhai Chi, and thought: He made up his mind this time, perhaps because this provincial basketball game, compared with the past, has something to look forward to.

The behavior of the two of them passing the mobile phone so blatantly made the monitor in the back seat have a complicated expression.

Zhang Yangfei said: "Although I am defeated by the two of you, I still have to remind you that you are not allowed to play with mobile phones in class."

The author has something to say: I wanted to write more cheerfully when I was making the outline, but why does the style of writing change when I write _(:з"∠)_?

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