MTL - Bamboo Horse Alpha-Chapter 3 Pheromones

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The incident happened suddenly, and neither the people on the court nor the people watching the game reacted.

Cheng Yuanchao realized that Yu Jiu had been knocked to the ground after seeing Zhai Chi move.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"It seems that Yu Jiu was knocked down."

"Is this a foul?"


There was a burst of discussion in the audience.

It is not uncommon for players to fall on the court, but it is very unusual for this person to be Yu Jiu.

In particular, it was Xu Shi who confronted Yu Jiu.

Yu Jiu has two characteristics in playing basketball, besides flexibility and stability, it stands to reason that he should never be knocked to the ground by Xu Shi.

"Xu Shi, what's the matter with you?" Cheng Yuanchao blurted out and asked.

Xu Shi had just completed a shot that he thought was beautiful, and when he turned around and saw Yu Jiu fell to the ground, he pretended to be dazed and said, "What's going on?"


Cheng Yuanchao couldn't do anything with him for a while, so he turned to look at Yu Jiu.

Yu Jiu is a little confused now.

The pheromone of the rich snail powder just now almost made him faint.

Yu Jiu is not very picky about food, but he only hates two things: snail noodles and durian.

And with his current body, direct contact with Alpha's pheromone is the most taboo.

The double shock of body and sense of smell made Yu Jiu forget for a moment that he was standing up on the floor, until someone helped him up from behind.

"Are you OK?"

The voice rang in the ear with obvious anxiety.

Maybe there was someone behind him supporting him, Yu Jiu felt that his body, which was still heavy just now, seemed to be a lot lighter, he shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Just as he was about to support himself to stand up, just as he raised his hand, someone supported his elbow.

"Thank you..." Yu Jiu thanked subconsciously, and when he turned his head to meet a sharp face, he was stunned.

Zhai Chi didn't look at him at all, and pulled his elbow hard: "Come on, get up first."


Rather than standing up, Yu Jiu felt more like being lifted up.

He half leaned against Zhai Chi's arms, and there was almost no room for him to refuse.

He even smelled a nice fresh mint smell on Zhai Chi's body, not like pheromones, it smelled very comfortable, and Yu Jiu was inexplicably greedy.

But he quickly stood up straight and turned around to say thank you.

Natural and rusty.

Zhai Chi frowned again, but didn't respond.

"How is it? Didn't hurt anywhere?" Cheng Yuanchao leaned over and asked.

Yu Jiu felt that the heels of his palms were burning, and he didn't have time to look at them. He instinctively put his hands behind his back, and was about to say it's okay, but someone took a step ahead of him and grabbed his wrist.

"Your hand is scratched..." Zhai Chi originally wanted to see where he scratched, but after grabbing Yu Jiu's wrist, he saw something else in his palm.

There is a hideous-looking scar on the palm of his hand, which spreads from the tiger's mouth to the edge of the palm.

Before he had time to take a closer look, Yu Jiu suddenly withdrew his wrist back forcefully, not giving him a chance to continue watching.

Zhai Chi raised his head in shock, but Yu Jiu didn't look at him at all.

"Maybe it was because I subconsciously supported it with my hands when I fell down." Yu Jiu explained, "For minor injuries, just put on a Band-Aid."

Zhai Chi: "..."

He still maintained the posture of holding Yu Jiu's wrist and raising it in the air, not knowing what to do next.

After being dazed for a while, the off-court referee finally rushed over.

The referee of the game is the leading teacher of the basketball team, but the judgment result he brought was not satisfactory.

"Xu Shi didn't foul. He didn't make physical contact with Yu Jiu when he shot. Yu Jiu was knocked down while moving, which is a defensive foul."


"You mean Yu Jiu is the one who committed the foul?" Cheng Yuanchao looked at Yu Jiu in surprise.

He was in charge of defending Zhai Chi just now, and he was facing Yu Jiu and the others sideways, and he didn't see the specific process of Yu Jiu's fall.

But how could Yu Jiu make such a low-level mistake as a defensive foul?

"I just smelled pheromones." Facing Cheng Yuanchao's doubts, Yu Jiu said bluntly.

He was just affected by the pheromone, subconsciously waved his hand to dispel the smell, and accidentally made a foul.

Cheng Yuanchao immediately looked at Xu Shi: "Have you released the pheromone?"

"Who released the pheromone?" Xu Shi categorically denied: "Vice Captain Yu, why don't you be so bloody? Aren't you a beta? Can you smell pheromone? How do you know it's pheromone? Even if it's information Does Su Na have any influence on you? Isn’t it just a foul? You don’t have to lose so much, do you?”

Although it was an excuse, no matter what Xu Shi said or his expression, he revealed his complacency and his contempt for Yu Jiu.

Yu Jiu's eyes darkened slightly, but she didn't intend to argue with Xu Shi.

The release of pheromone is only a momentary event, and it is only aimed at him alone. Others can't produce evidence if they don't smell him.

There is no need for unnecessary disputes, it is more practical to win the game.

"Yes." Yu Jiu decided to continue the competition, and Zhai Chi, who had been quiet beside him for a long time, suddenly said, "The pheromone smells like snail powder, it smells terrible."

Xu Shi: "..."

Yu Jiu: "..."

Xu Shi's face changed, he didn't expect to be betrayed by his teammates.

Yu Jiu didn't expect Zhai Chi to speak for him, and couldn't help but glance at him.

And he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that Zhai Chi's mood was not right at the moment, and his voice sounded...a bit cold.

Cheng Yuanchao was the first to react at this moment, and glared at Xu Shidao: "Xu Shi, isn't your pheromone the flavor of snail powder? You still said you didn't release the pheromone?"

"I didn't!" Xu Shi was still stubborn. He glanced at Zhai Chi, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I released some pheromones, but it wasn't on my intention. I've been exercising for so long and produced so much. Sweat, how can there be a smell of pheromone on my body, and the smell of snail powder is not what I want to have, I am prone to sweating, is it also my fault?"

He just made up his mind to be shameless and refuse to admit it!


"Forget it, captain." Yu Jiu interrupted Cheng Yuanchao's indignation, "Is the second quarter over? I'm going to rest for a while."

He needs to adjust a little bit for the second half.

He turned around and walked to the outside of the field. Yu Umbrella, who was sitting on the rest chair, was already in a hurry. When he saw him coming over, he greeted him directly and said, "Brother Jiu, are you okay? That idiot Xu Shi, did he bump into you on purpose?"

"I'm fine." Yu Jiu took the bottle of water handed over by the umbrella, unscrewed the cap and took a sip, and briefly talked about the situation on the field.

Yu Shan couldn't help it when he heard it, "Fuck, Xu Shi is too dark, he knows that you hate Alpha's pheromone the most!"

Yu Jiu didn't have any negative emotions. After drinking water to calm down, she said, "Did you bring an odor blocker?"

"I have it, do you want to use it?"

Yu Shan asked and handed it to him.

Odor blocker is a protective spray commonly used by AO. It can block the leakage of its own pheromones and at the same time reduce the influence of other people's pheromones on itself. Even betas can use it.

Although the undifferentiated beta will hardly be affected by the pheromone of AO, the smell can still be smelled. The so-called hard to adjust, if you come into contact with many people, you will inevitably encounter the smell you don't like, so it is necessary to use a smell blocker of.

Yu Jiu took it and sprayed himself all over.

On the field, Xu Shi didn't feel guilty about cheating at all. He watched Yu Jiu outside the field like spraying sunscreen spray, curled his lips and said, "What kind of blocker is a beta spraying? It's so hypocritical!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden "bang", a basketball was slapped on the floor and bounced towards him head-on.

Xu Shi subconsciously caught the ball and looked up.

The person standing face to face with him had no expression on his face, "Do you want to score?"


Xu Shi didn't quite understand what he meant.

Although Zhai Chi was recruited by him to form a team to deal with Yu Jiu, in fact, he and Zhai Chi had no friendship at all. They played a game in physical education class, and they hardly spoke in the classroom after that.

He originally thought that as long as Zhai Chi could help him win over Yu Jiu, it would be fine if this person didn't like to talk to him, but just now Zhai Chi suddenly spoke for Yu Jiu, which gave Xu Shi a bad feeling.

Zhai Chi didn't wait for his answer, and said directly: "In the second half, I pass the ball, and you get points."

After speaking, he turned around and left Xu Shi alone to digest.

A teammate passes and he scores?

Xu Shi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

On the basketball court, the most limelight is the player who scores.

In the first half, Yu Jiu and Zhai Chi were all in the limelight. Apart from scoring a goal at the end, he had no chance to perform at all.

But now Zhai Chi said he wanted to pass the ball to him?

Xu Shi couldn't help being a little excited. The second half started with a lot more energy than the first half.

Cheng Yuanchao was a little worried about Yu Jiu's hands, and told him, "You'll be in charge of defense later, and I'll deal with that kid Zhai Chi."

Yu Jiu said, "No, I can do it."

It's just scratching the skin on his hands, and it doesn't affect his performance.

And it wasn't that he underestimated the captain, but that the opponent was Zhai Chi, and he was not sure of winning. If the captain alone attacked, then there was really no hope for their team to win.

Feeling the faint discomfort in the back of her neck, Yu Jiu was even more eager to win.

He looked up at where Zhai Chi was standing, and slowly took a deep breath.

However, the second half of the game was somewhat beyond their expectations.

In the first half, Cheng Yuanchao, as the captain of the basketball team, was deliberately observing the duel between Zhai Chi and Yu Jiu, so he did not cooperate with Yu Jiu. In the second half, he was worried about Yu Jiu's hand injury, so he became serious.

But after he was serious, the first rebound was still intercepted by Zhai Chi.

Seeing Zhai Chi dribble towards his team's basket, Cheng Yuanchao was startled for a moment, and quickly returned to defense, but it was already a step too late.

He thought he was going to lose another point, but when he was close to the basket, Zhai Chi didn't shoot himself. When Yu Jiu caught up with him, he suddenly passed the ball to Xu Shi.


Xu Shi stretched out his hand excitedly, but was stunned after receiving the ball.

The strength of Zhai Chi's pass seems to be extraordinary.

The moment the ball hit the palm of his hand, he felt his wrist bones shake violently.

But at this moment he didn't think much, he was anxious to shoot, turned around and made a beautiful throw, the ball hit the basket and rolled in smoothly.

Xu Shi couldn't hide his complacency, but he was only complacent this time.

In the next game, Zhai Chi completely changed his tactics and regarded himself as Xu Shi's foil, feeding him the ball non-stop.

At first Xu Shi was able to handle it, but the number of times he caught the ball became so hot that his palm felt as if he had been whipped with a bamboo stick by a human being.

"Xu Shi, catch the ball."

"Xu Shi!"

"What are you doing in a daze? Shoot!"


Zhai Chi's reminder sounded from time to time on the basketball court.

But the score of Xu Shi's team, apart from scoring two points at the beginning of the second half, the score has never changed, and the score with Yu Jiu's team is getting bigger and bigger.

"What's the matter with Xu Shi? Why is he getting better and better?"

"Fuck, I missed again, I'm so anxious!"

"Why doesn't Zhai Chi shoot the ball himself? It's useless to count on Xu Shi!"

"I missed Zhai Chi's pass!"

Those who supported Zhai Chi on the court watched Xu Shi lose points again and again, and wished he could kick Xu Shi off the court!

Next to the rest chair, Yu San didn't care whether Xu Shi lost or lost points, he only cared about whether his male **** scored or not, with the camera in his hand, he frantically captured Yu Jiu's wonderful shots.

Zhou Duo next to him looked at Zhai Chi and frowned, really not understanding what Zhai Chi was doing.

There were several times when Zhai Chi clearly could shoot and score by himself, but he insisted on passing the ball to Xu Shi with unnecessary effort. Isn't there something wrong with his mind?

On the court, Xu Shi's face was already livid with anger. If he still didn't understand that Zhai Chi did it on purpose, then he would have lived in vain for more than ten years.

He was burning with anger, but he couldn't show it on the court.

What's even more aggrieved is that he still can't throw his hands away!

He decided the game, and he would be ashamed if he lost the game, but he would be even more ashamed if he skipped the game at halftime!

He could only bite the bullet and finish the game, and finally made it to the end of the fourth quarter, his palms were so painful that they were numb.

The final score was 72:41.

Yu San was the first to rush onto the stage, "Damn it, brother Jiu, you're too good! 72:41! It's so cruel!"

"Hey, who is that! Remember to bring the money if you lose the game, don't afford to lose!"


Not only does Xu Shi's hands hurt, but his flesh hurts now!

"Cash, don't transfer money." Yu Jiu made up the knife lightly.

Xu Shi's chest heaved up and down, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He snorted, threw the basketball and rushed to Zhai Chi, "Did you **** mean it?"

Zhai Chi said innocently: "What's wrong? I can't pass the ball well?"

"You!" Xu Shi said angrily: "You can obviously shoot by yourself, why do you..."

Why pass the ball to him on purpose to make him look bad?

Besides, Zhai Chi and him are teammates, he really doesn't understand why Zhai Chi is targeting him all of a sudden!

Not to mention that he didn't understand, neither did Yu Jiu.

In the second half of the game, Zhai Chi was deliberately punishing Xu Shi.

At first, he suspected that Xu Shi himself was unwilling to be mediocre, and discussed with Zhai Chi to create shooting opportunities for him, but after the game, Xu Shi was the first to run up to question, and it was not like "pre-discussed".

It was also when he went down in midfield.

Zhai Chi seemed to be on his side.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhai Chi, who was questioned by Xu Shi over there, suddenly smiled, "You may not believe me, but my shooting skills are also poor, and the previous goals were all flukes."

Yu Jiu: "..."

Xu Shi: "..."

You are talking nonsense with your eyes open.

Yu Jiu couldn't hold back a smile, just as he raised his lips, Zhai Chi looked up over there as if he had noticed something.

Their eyes met, Yu Jiu's smile froze slightly, and Zhai Chi's eyes lit up.


At this moment, the eyes are "closer" to each other, and it would be too deliberate to pretend that they didn't see it.

Yu Jiu smiled as naturally as possible, and then rolled his eyes away.

Zhai Chi's heart skipped a beat, and the corners of his mouth curled up after a while.

He thought to himself: Yu Jiu doesn't seem to hate him that much anymore.

And Xu Shi in front of him, seeing that he was not only smiling, but also laughing more and more happily, almost had a heart attack on the spot, turned around and was about to leave this place where he was humiliated.

"Oh, that's right." Zhai Chi suddenly stopped him.

Xu Shi turned his head impatiently, only to see Zhai Chi approaching him suddenly and lowering his voice, "If you release pheromones in front of Yu Jiu again, I will make you unable to play on the court for the rest of your life."


Zhai Chi said this with a smile, and his expression was not intimidating, but Xu Shi felt chills down his spine when he heard it.

He looked up at Zhai Chi in disbelief.

This person just targeted him on the basketball court... because of Yu Jiu? !

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