MTL - Bamboo Horse Alpha-Chapter 42 jealous

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A thoughtless text message made the atmosphere stagnate for a moment.

Yu Jiu stared back at her book as if nothing had happened.

He didn't mean to see it.

Zhai Chi didn't speak. The moment he saw the text message, he frowned inaudibly, picked up the phone and looked at it for a while, but he didn't reply, and directly pressed the lock screen.

After a moment of silence, Zhai Chi said, "My cousin."

Yu Jiu: "..."

The attention that could not be concentrated in the first place is easily taken away.

"Cousin? Di Ming?"

Zhai Ming is the son of Zhai Chi's uncle, who met him a few times when he was a child, but Yu Jiu didn't have a deep impression on him.

But Zhai Chi shook his head and said, "It's not him, it's my uncle's son."

After a short pause, Zhai Chi added, "The illegitimate child is not surnamed Zhai either."


Zhai Chi's uncle is a person with a disordered private life. Thanks to his wealthy family, he has countless lovers outside, and of course there are also many illegitimate children.

Many people dreamed that their mother would marry into a wealthy family based on their son's value, and they voluntarily slept in Uncle Zhai's bed.

Mr. Zhai didn't stop him from this, as long as Uncle Zhai didn't bring people home, he wouldn't care what he did outside. The only thing was that the child he gave birth to was not allowed to go back to Zhai's family.

There are a few illegitimate children who are not reconciled, and have no way to go with Uncle Zhai, so they put their ideas on Zhai Chi, intending to take advantage of their age to build a good relationship with Zhai Chi, and go to Zhai's house to "be a guest" at the right time .

These illegitimate children, of course, failed in the end.

In addition, there are also people who are more self-aware.

Zhai Chi has a cousin who is seven or eight years older than him and is Uncle Zhai's first child.

The firstborn is always a bit different. Uncle Zhai really wanted to recognize him back to the Zhai family, and secretly took him back, saying that he had found a tutor for Zhai Chi.

He wanted the siblings to establish a good relationship first.

But the cousin didn't play cards according to common sense, so the tutor had a showdown with Zhai Chi on the first day.

She said: "I came to teach you because I couldn't hold back my parents. I am your uncle's illegitimate daughter. If you mind, you can fire me."

For Zhai Chi, tutoring is not necessary at all. When he was a child, he didn't understand the lives of adults, and only heard that he was his uncle's child, so Zhai Chi left him without taking it seriously.

After attending classes for a few days, Zhai Chi discovered that his cousin had real talents, so he dragged Yu Jiu to attend the class together.

During that time, several people got along quite happily.

It's just that the good times didn't last long, Mr. Zhai discovered Uncle Zhai's little thought and kicked his cousin out.

Yu Jiu never saw that cousin at Zhai Chi's house again, nor did she meet anyone with "unknown origin" around Zhai Chi.

This shows the attitude of Mr. Zhai towards the illegitimate child.

As he grows up, Zhai Chi should also understand what it means to have an illegitimate child, which means a betrayal of the family.

It stands to reason that he would not meddle in his uncle's family affairs anymore, but what happened to this cousin who suddenly appeared?

Zhai Chi kept his phone number, but he didn't add a note, so he couldn't see how close he was.

But the text message from that person showed his dependence on Zhai Chi.

Moreover, Zhai Chi had transferred back to China, even if he wanted to go back, it should be time for summer vacation.

summer holiday…

Yu Jiu frowned thinking about it.

He hasn't taken care of his own affairs, so where does he have the time to worry about other people's affairs?

It was summer vacation not long after the final exam, and he had to go home.

Next to him, Zhai Chi was anxiously waiting for Yu Jiu's response, but he turned his head and found that the man was in a daze.

He thought Yu Jiu had misunderstood something, and said, "It's really my cousin."

Not some messy person!

He was quite serious, Yu Jiu looked at him with some amusement, "I didn't doubt you."

Zhai Chi stared at him for a while, then suddenly turned his head back, " might as well suspect something."

If you don't doubt it, you don't care. Zhai Chi was a little bit shocked.

He was suddenly depressed, and Yu Jiu felt that it was not good to let it go, so she nudged him with her elbow, "It's summer you want to go back?"

Zhai Chi tilted his head and smiled: "Do you want me to go back?"


Yu Jiu thought that this person probably really learned how to change faces from Sichuan opera.

He turned his head and didn't want to answer this sentence.

But Zhai Chi had turned from cloudy to sunny, and leaned over, "What about you? What's your plan for the summer vacation?"

He asked casually, but his eyes were unprecedentedly serious.

He knew Yu Jiu didn't want to go back.

Yu Jiu thought for a while and said, "I plan to enroll in a cram school."

Zhai Chi paused, then suddenly thought of something, turned to look at the person in the back seat, "Squad leader, I remember your hometown is in the countryside, right?"

Zhang Yangfei was solving a physics problem, when he heard this, he raised his head and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Zhai Chi smiled, and the two brothers put their arms around his shoulders.

Yu Jiu didn't hear the words very clearly, and she didn't know what those two people were secretly plotting.

He didn't eavesdrop, and concentrated on preparing for the exam.

The final exam is three days later.

Few people in class one need to change the exam room, they are in their own class.

Exams have never been a big problem for Yu Jiu, what worries him more is that during the two days of the exam, there are always some extra things in the hole in his desk.

I don't know how his birthday was exposed. Recently, someone has always sent him a "birthday gift" anonymously.

Yu Jiu's birthday falls on the sixteenth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, during the summer vacation. Although there is a gap of many days, it does not prevent others from sending blessings in advance.

There are also some private messages mixed in with the blessings.

Zhai Chi was also very distressed.

Every day, he watched Yu Jiu take out a bunch of birthday greeting cards from the hole in the table, occasionally mixed with a few confession love letters.

I've only seen those chasing Alphas secretly send love letters, but how can someone who confesses to an omega still use a love letter?

"I don't even dare to show my face openly, it looks like it's irresponsible."

Zhai Chi pretended to complain casually, holding an English book in his hand, but staring straight into Yu Jiu's table hole.

"It's useless to take responsibility, Brother Jiu won't agree."

Yu Shan is usually in the period of burnout and depression after the exam. He didn't eat breakfast in the morning, and now he is gnawing a piece of bread angrily.

Of course Zhai Chi knew that Yu Jiu would not agree.

But knowing that you know, I still feel unhappy.

He browsed the forum last night and came across a post about Yu Jiu's birthday confession.

[You have to try to know if you succeed or not! What a great opportunity for a birthday? Confession in the name of blessing. 】

[Yu Jiu will have graduated today next year, and there will be no more shops after passing this village! 】

【Didn't it mean that Yu Jiu is already with Zhai Chi? What if Zhai Chi found out about the confession? 】

[Who said they were together? That group of dizzy BOs made up their brains, they are bamboo horses who grew up together, and rabbits don't even eat grass by the side of their nests! 】

【Zhai Chi and Yu Jiu are obviously brothers! If we want to be together, we have been together a long time ago. Haven't you heard a saying that a bamboo horse can't do it? If Zhai Chi is interested in Yu Jiu, either he is a child lover, or he is just interested in sex, it is definitely not sincere! 】

[Speaking as if you are not interested in sex. 】

Zhai Chi: ...

After reading the post, Zhai Chi seriously reflected on it.

Is he just for sex?


I haven't seen him for five years, but Yu Jiu's change in appearance really surprised him.

But who stipulates that bamboo horses can't be attracted by their sex?

Who said that you can't be sincere when you are interested in sex?

If the person he likes can accept him, he doesn't mind even if it's just for sex!

But Yu Jiu didn't accept him, and even kept "rejecting" him.

Ever since he transferred back from another school, he has been refusing to reveal anything to himself, and he has taken everything on his own.

After he discovered the identity of omega, he refused to ask for help and relied on drugs to maintain a normal life.

During the unexpected estrus, he agreed to let himself be marked because he was desperate at the time.

The doctor warned him to stop the medication, and when Alpha was needed to help him stabilize the pheromone, his first reaction was to refuse.

Even the final promise to "establish a pheromone connection" was half-forced by him.

Is it just like others said, in Yu Jiu's heart, he is just a buddy who has been close to him since childhood, and he can't cross the line of bamboo horse?

Zhai Chi suddenly felt funny.

He also complained that others did not take responsibility, and as a result, he didn't even have the courage to confess to others.

Yu Jiu kept the birthday wishes sent, and he threw away the rest in public.

It may be that seeing that this road is not feasible, the number of letters delivered gradually decreased in the next few days.

It's the last day before the holiday, and many people are already planning their summer vacation.

Some people plan to travel, some people plan various parties, and some people feel too tired to go out and plan to lie down at home for a holiday.

As for Zhai Chi, he and Zhang Yangfei planned a vacation training for top students, and the location was set at Zhang Yangfei's hometown. I heard that it was a small mountain village with a high altitude. It was still cool in the hot summer, very suitable for studying and relaxing.

Yu Jiu is still considering whether to participate in this training camp or not.

After class at noon, Yu Jiu went to the bathroom. On the way back to the classroom, someone caught up with him in the stairwell.

"Yu Jiu!"


Yu Jiu turned her head when she heard the sound, her footsteps paused slightly.

The person who came was a bit familiar, he seemed to be a classmate from the second class.

Class 1 and Class 2 are next to each other, and the man looked like he was going back to the classroom, Yu Jiu waited for him to catch up, then continued walking, "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes." The man plucked his hair and said, "Well... I want to ask, do you know about your squad leader's summer training camp?"

Yu Jiu nodded: "I know."

The man's eyes lit up, "Is there still a place?"

Yu Jiu was at a loss: "A quota?"

Thinking that Yu Jiu was questioning his determination to study, the man said again: "Actually... I have always wanted to enter Class 1, but my ability is limited, so I couldn't pass the exam no matter what, so I also want to participate in this training camp. I want to teach you how to study."


The man looked naive and shy when he spoke.

But the matter of the training camp was brought up by Zhai Chi, and the specific matters were arranged by Zhang Yangfei, so he is just irrelevant... This person wants to participate in the training camp, why do you come to him?

Yu Jiu pondered: "As far as I know, there is no quota limit for the training camp. If you think you can keep up with your studies, you can go to Zhang Yangfei to sign up, and you can just pay for the car and food."

"Is that so? Then when are you going to leave?"

Yu Jiu: "I don't know, I'm not sure whether to go or not."

During the lunch break, as soon as the get out of class bell rang, most people rushed to the cafeteria. At this moment, the corridors were empty, and only a few people remained in each classroom.

Yu Jiu walked quickly, Zhai Chi in the classroom was still waiting for him to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

Seeing that he had reached the door of the Class 2 classroom, he planned to dismiss the student from Class 2 first, but the person who was talking about going to the training camp just now suddenly said a little excitedly: "Then do you have any other plans for the summer vacation?"

Yu Jiu frowned sensitively, thinking what does my summer vacation plan have to do with you?

But before the words came out, the back door of a class of classrooms was pulled open, revealing a face with a fake smile, "My plan is his plan?"

Someone appeared out of nowhere, and the man in the second class was caught straight as soon as he showed his fox tail, and his expression changed slightly.

Zhai Chi smiled and said, "Is there anything else?"

"No... not anymore."

After speaking, he turned around and entered the classroom of the second class.

Zhai Chi looked at Yu Jiu again, he didn't expect that this person would be missed even when he went to the bathroom.

Yu Jiu also just realized the problem, and was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Zhai Chi, he lowered his eyes to avoid: "Let's go..."

He intended to go to the cafeteria, but before he could take a step, his wrist tightened, and he was pulled sideways into the classroom.

There was a soft "bang" in the ear, and the back door of the classroom was closed.

Maybe it's because they slacked off after the final exams, and there was no one left in the classroom of Class 1.

Zhai Chi supported the wall with one hand, trapping him in the corner.

In the cramped space and the too quiet atmosphere, Yu Jiu couldn't help being a little nervous: "...what's wrong?"

Zhai Chi stared at him for a long time before speaking calmly: "The mark is a bit faded, shall I make it up for you?"


Read The Duke's Passion