MTL - Bamboo Horse Alpha-Chapter 44 dispute

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In the happy community, in a detached villa away from other residents, Yu Hui got up early and was sitting on the balcony on the second floor, staring at the intersection downstairs in a daze.

Today is Yu Jiu's summer vacation.

Mama Zhang brought breakfast and milk to the balcony, watching her hesitate to speak: "Ma'am, what happened on the news..."

"I've already asked someone to deal with the news." Yu Hui said without emotion.

Zhang Ma thought to herself, what's the use of dealing with it? All that should have been seen has been seen.

"I'm worried about Mr...."

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Yu Hui gave her a sideways glance, and Mama Zhang immediately changed her words: "I mean the Bi family, if they know that Xiao Jiu is taking medicine, I'm afraid they will..."

"What? Do you think I didn't take good care of you? Do you want to take people back?"


Yu Hui picked up the milk expressionlessly and said, "The guardianship is in my hands."

Zhang Ma said, "But Xiaojiu will be an adult in one year."

Yu Hui paused slightly while drinking milk.

Seeing her hesitation, Mama Zhang took the opportunity to say: "Madam, I know you want to make Xiao Jiu better, and you are afraid that he will be hurt, but Xiao Jiu has his own ideas, and he no longer understands everything." Your child, you... You clearly care about him in your heart, why do you always speak coldly to him, after all, he..."

After all, it is your child!

Mama Zhang didn't say the following words, she glanced at the silent woman, sighed softly, turned and entered the room.

Returning to that villa again, Yu Jiu was a little calmer than he imagined.

He should have breathed a sigh of relief that the grades of the final exam did not decline, but this time when he came back, he felt that the grades were irrelevant.

It doesn't matter what Yu Hui's attitude towards him is.

And the atmosphere in the villa was different from what he had imagined.

Zhang's mother still cared about him, and kindly asked him if he had eaten and what he wanted to eat.

Yu Jiu just shook his head lightly, saying that he had eaten.

Yu Hui did not appear in the living room.

"My wife is in the room." Mama Zhang reminded suggestively.

After each quarrel, the next time he came back, Yu Hui would lock herself in the room and intentionally "snub" him.

And Mama Zhang would come over and remind him where to find someone.

This is a psychological suggestion for Yu Hui.

She never admits that she is wrong, even if she knows that she is wrong.

She refused to apologize, and she refused to lower her airs, so she used this method to show her status.

As long as Yu Jiu went to find her, it meant that Yu Jiu had compromised with her, and then she opened the door "magnanimously", pretending that nothing happened.

This time again.

When Mama Zhang spoke, Yu Jiu instinctively felt repulsive, but thinking about the fact that he had to tell Yu Hui about going to the training camp, he had to "compromise".

Under the urging of Zhang Ma's eyes, Yu Jiu went up to the second floor with legs filled with lead.

He stood in front of Yu Hui's room door, thought about how to talk to her about the training camp, then hesitatingly raised his hand to knock on the door.

But this time before he could knock on the door, the door had already been pulled open from the inside.


"Back?" Yu Hui glanced at him lightly, her tone also light.

Unexpectedly, Yu Jiu subconsciously let out a "hmm".

Yu Jiu asked again: "Have you eaten yet?"


Yu Hui said "hmm" again, and raised her foot to get out.

At the moment of her movement, Yu Jiu took a step back almost reflexively.

His movements were so obvious that both of them froze for a moment at the same time.

Yu Jiu wanted to laugh, but also felt annoyed.

He wanted to laugh because he felt that the two of them were so wary of each other, how could they look like a mother and son?

He was annoyed because he still had a purpose, and he backed away at this time, didn't he deliberately find it unpleasant?

He had foreseen that trouble was inevitable.

But Yu Hui just glanced at him, and walked straight past him, asking like a prophet: "When will I leave?"

Just like Yu Jiu knew her, she also knew Yu Jiu.

The moment she turned around, Yu Jiu seemed to see the flash of exhaustion on her face, this abnormal reaction made him frown.

"Tomorrow." Yu Jiu paused and said, "I made an appointment with my classmates for a training camp."

Yu Hui walked ahead without turning her head, but she didn't go downstairs either. Instead, when she was approaching the stairwell, she turned and pushed open the door of Yu Jiu's bedroom.

Realizing what she was going to do, Yu Jiu subconsciously wanted to stop it, but then forcibly controlled it.

Yu Hui went into his room and helped him pack his clothes and some things he might need for training.

Yu Jiu stood at the door, not knowing whether to go in or not.

When the son goes out to play, the mother helps to pack the luggage. This is an insignificant and normal thing in other families. Some children even lie on the sofa watching TV with peace of mind, and coquettishly say to their mother, "Help me tidy up."

But watching Yu Hui tidy up in his room, Yu Jiu always felt that this was something out of the Arabian Nights.

The luggage was quickly packed, and Yu Hui calmly carried the suitcase and pushed it to the door and handed it to him, asking in an almost gentle voice, "How long are you going?"

Her series of abnormal behaviors made Yu Jiu a little overwhelmed. He even forgot to remind him that he was going to leave tomorrow instead of today. He whispered, "I don't know, maybe more than ten days."

Yu Hui nodded again: "On your birthday, call home."

Yu Jiu: "..."

He almost forgot that his birthday was on summer vacation.

Yu Jiu finally looked directly at Yu Hui, nodded, took the suitcase from Yu Hui, and said stiffly, "Thank you."

He accepted it as soon as it was good, and didn't want to worry about why this person was abnormal today.

After receiving his thank you, Yu Hui was also very stiff, turned around and passed him, planning to go out of the room.

Yu Jiu was going to push the suitcase back to the room and prepare to take it away tomorrow.

Just when he thought that leaving home would be peaceful this time, Yu Hui suddenly stopped behind him, as if she had discovered something, she turned around suddenly: "What's the smell on you?"


Yu Jiu was slightly startled, if asked about the smell on his body, he could only think of one person at a time.

It's just that it doesn't matter who leaves the smell, what matters is what smell is left behind.

Yu Jiu turned around, and sure enough, she saw that Yu Hui's expression had changed.

Although she tried her best to restrain herself, her eyes were already full of dark tides.

Yu Jiu took a deep breath and explained, "It's me..."

"You went to find him?"

Yu Hui interrupted him.


Zhai Chi's pheromone is wine, so is Bi Nanqing's.

Yu Jiu thinks that the reason why he doesn't drink and can't tell the difference between alcohol may be Yu Hui's inheritance.

Similar pheromones revealed her true nature.

Seeing that she was no longer pretending, Yu Jiu's nervousness suddenly eased, and he even thought inappropriately: This is the familiar formula.

He was stunned for a moment, and Yu Hui's emotions were completely out of control. She looked at Yu Jiu and gritted her teeth: "When?"

Yu Jiu said, "I haven't looked for him."

"Then why did you get his pheromone?" Yu Hui couldn't listen to his explanation, and suddenly approached him and said, "Who told you to see him? Who allowed you to see him? How did you promise me? "

Yu Jiu explained feebly: "The pheromone belongs to my classmate."

"Have you forgotten what he did? He put your grandfather in prison, he killed your grandmother, isn't it enough for him to kill us? Why do you still go to him..."

"Grandpa went to jail for a crime!"

Yu Jiu didn't know why, so he blurted out an excuse for his father whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Yu Hui's voice froze, and she looked at him incredulously, "What did you say? Did he tell you so?"

Familiar madness, familiar hysteria.

The warm scene that the two of them deliberately created just now was shattered in an instant, and Yu Jiu felt relieved. He looked at Yu Hui and repeated, "The pheromone belongs to my classmate. Believe it or not is up to you."

After he finished speaking, he turned to leave the room.

"Stop!" Yu Hui grabbed him forcefully, "Tell me, which classmate?"

"Tell you, let you confirm whether I have lied, or teach him a lesson?"

Just like Lin Qiao.

Yu Hui choked on him.

Yu Jiu turned around and wanted to pull him away and grab her hand, but it was raining all night, and the moment he tilted his head, he pulled the long, broken hair on the back of his neck, and the tip of the hair was thrown to one side, revealing a part of the back of his neck .

The red marks on it that haven't faded in time are clearly visible.

"Your glands..."

Unable to hide the shocked voice, Yu Jiu looked up and saw Yu Hui's pupils shrinking.

She was even more unbelievable than when she mentioned her grandfather just now, "Have you been marked?"

But at this time, Mama Zhang followed suit, only to hear a "pop" in the corridor, the white porcelain fruit plate in Mama Zhang's hand fell to the ground, the plate was broken, and the colorful fruit platter was spilled all over the floor.

Zhang Ma also saw the tooth marks left on Yu Jiu's glands, "Xiao Jiu, you..."

Yu Jiu almost forcefully shook off the hand that was constantly pinching him, and Yu Hui was thrown back two steps by his strength.

Yu Jiu stood in the corridor, clutching the back of her neck and retreated to the handrail of the corridor, avoiding the eyes of two people staring at her back.

His breathing became heavy.

Yu Hui was strangely not angry, she looked at Yu Jiu, "You...was someone forcing you? Who is it?"

She cared about her child again like a normal mother.

Yu Jiu resented her moodiness, and was hesitant to explain it, but now she deliberately opposed her, "No one forced me, I voluntarily."

Yu Hui's complexion changed, and there was anger in her eyes: "You..."

"I'm sad? I'm mean? I don't respect myself?"


Yu Jiu snatched her words, seeing Yu Hui's face stiffened, he was inexplicably pleased.

His self-deprecation made Zhang Ma a little bit uncomfortable, and smoothed things over: "Xiao Jiu, what nonsense are you talking about? Madam didn't mean that."

"Oh." Yu Jiu looked at Zhang Ma, "Then what does she mean?"

Mama Zhang was at a loss for words.

These are the words Yu Hui said when she was insane.

Yu Hui said in a deep voice, "Are you taking revenge on me?"

Yu Jiu glanced at her, and put down the hand covering the back of her neck: "I didn't take revenge on anyone, you are my mother, and I won't take revenge on you, and what should I take revenge on you for?"

Yu Hui was speechless.

Zhang Ma said: "Then why do you..."

"Why are people marked?"


"Because I can't help it." Yu Jiu said, "I know you've read the news. My medicine was stolen. Due to long-term medication, my body has problems, the inhibitor has failed, and I hit the estrus period. I have nowhere to go, so Shamelessly begging others to mark me, are you satisfied with this explanation?"

Yu Hui was so angry that her body trembled.

At this moment, a mobile phone rang abruptly into their conversation.

Yu Jiu picked up the phone in his hand and looked at it. He didn't want to hang up the phone, so he decided to find a quiet place to pick it up.

As soon as he turned around, Yu Hui chased him out of the room, "Who hit it? Was it the Alpha who marked you?"

She asked eagerly, Yu Jiu had already walked towards the stairs.

Yu Hui thought he was going to leave, her eyes were instantly bloodshot, and she shouted: "Those Alphas will kill you...Ah!"

"Ah! madam!"

There was a cry of pain from behind, followed by Mama Zhang's exclamation.

Yu Jiu turned his head when he heard the sound, and seeing Yu Hui almost fell due to staggering, he subconsciously stretched out his hand, a trace of nervousness flashed in his eyes.

However, this nervousness disappeared because of Yu Hui's next move.

The moment she staggered and almost fell, Yu Hui saw the broken fruit plate on the ground. Suddenly, as if on a whim, she squatted down and picked up a piece of broken porcelain, and pressed it against her neck.


"Mother Zhang, don't worry about it!" Yu Hui stepped back from Mama Zhang who rushed forward, and fixed her eyes on Yu Jiu, "If he dares to go out today, he will force me to death!"

Mama Zhang was terrified, and looked at the person at the stairs in a panic, "Xiao Jiu!"

Yu Jiu knew that she was letting herself admit her mistake.

But Yu Jiu just watched quietly.

He forgot when was the last time Yu Hui put the knife on her neck, and only remembered that it really hurt when he held the blade in order to prevent Yu Hui from "doing stupid things".

The phone rang again after hanging up, and Yu Jiu couldn't help but think of the person on the other end of the phone.

On the other end of the phone, the person standing opposite him left a scar on his palm.

On the other end of the phone, Zhai Chi kissed his scar.

In contrast to the two, there is no need to think about what choice to make.

Yu Jiu suddenly approached quickly, so fast that even Yu Hui couldn't react, he grabbed Yu Hui's hand holding the broken porcelain.

Yu Hui was startled, and began to struggle violently, "What are you doing? Let me go!"

Zhang Ma was jumping up and down anxiously!

It is not difficult to **** the broken porcelain pieces back from Yu Hui, but the difficult thing is how to **** the broken porcelain pieces from Yu Hui without getting hurt.

"What are you doing? Ma'am...Xiao Jiu!"

Following Mama Zhang's cry, blood suddenly flashed in front of her eyes, and there was a sharp pain in her hands, accompanied by a burning temperature, the two of them stopped their hands at the same time.

Yu Jiu looked at his **** hand expressionlessly, a bloodstain snaked from the back of his hand to his wrist.

Yu Hui was still holding the piece of broken porcelain in her hand, the sharp side of the porcelain was stained with blood.

She froze.

"Xiao Jiu, your hand..." Mama Zhang's expression changed drastically, "I, I'll go get the medicine box!"

She trots away.

There were only mother and child left in the corridor.

Yu Hui watched as a drop of blood dripped from Yu Jiu's hanging fingertips onto the ground, and the blood stained a piece of cut dragon fruit. The white-hearted dragon fruit was very dazzling after being stained with blood.

The broken porcelain in her hand fell to the ground, Yu Hui's pupils constricted, and she subconsciously took a step forward, "Yes, I'm sorry, Mom didn't mean it, I..."

She reached out to check the wound on Yu Jiu's hand, but Yu Jiu gently avoided it.

Yu Jiu calmly said, "You can turn a blind eye to me when I take medicine to block pheromones, and you can also be indifferent when I pretend to be a beta on the news and you are found out. You hate my dad's pheromones, and you hate my pheromones too. , in this case, I was marked, isn't it just what you want?"

Yu Hui's face turned pale, and her outstretched hand froze.

Zhang Ma quickly came over with the medicine box, Yu Jiu refused her to bandage herself, took a roll of gauze from the medicine box, and said softly, "Let's deal with the floor."


Coming out of the breathless villa, Yu Jiu was blinded by the morning sun.

The wound on his hand was wrapped in gauze casually so as not to bleed along the way.

The ringing on the mobile phone has stopped, and I don't know when it will call again.

Except for the mobile phone, Yu Jiu came out empty-handed with injuries. He didn't know where to go for a moment. After feeling the pain in his hands, he decided to go to a nearby clinic first.

From the corner of the intersection in front of the villa, a person stood at some point in the guarded area of ​​the community, anxiously arguing with the guard about something.

Yu Jiu paused slightly when he saw the familiar figure of that person.

It just so happened that the man turned his head outside the gate, and when he saw him in a blink of an eye, his eyes lit up: "Xiao Jiu."

The moment she saw him, Yu Jiu subconsciously retracted her injured hand behind her back, and immediately wanted to turn around and run away.

But the man had already broken through the defense of the guard and walked towards him quickly.

Zhai Chi saw his right hand that was hidden behind his back at a glance, and his expression changed immediately, "What's wrong with your hand?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-22 13:08:07~2021-07-23 18:10:02~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 2 bottles of pupil earthquake;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?

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