MTL - Bamboo Horse Alpha-Chapter 62 Let's go back

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Yu Jiu slightly widened his eyes.

Zhai Chi smiled and said, "Isn't it outrageous?"

He clearly knew that his grandson would be kidnapped, but he pretended not to know, and even withdrew the bodyguards who were arranged by his side to protect him.

"The old man doesn't show mercy to others. He knows that those people will come for revenge. Although the revenge of those people is not enough of a threat to him, it is a good deal for him to completely eliminate the trouble."

Anyway, the kidnappers didn't dare to hurt anyone, and everything was under control anyway.

When those people complete their crimes and let the police intervene, he will get back all the things he was blackmailed, and he will be able to avoid future troubles forever. What a good idea?

As for Zhai Chi, at most he was a little frightened, so he should practice his courage in advance.

As for Di Ying's death, because Di Ying's mother had been inseparable from Uncle Di for many years, she was still stalking and stalking him because of wishful thinking, and Mr. Di didn't even have a good impression of Di Ying. He was neither sad nor guilty.

Just treat it as an accident.

Before that, whether the old man didn't want to see his uncle's illegitimate son or spoke sarcasticly to outsiders, Zhai Chi never felt that there was anything wrong with the old man's attitude. It was all the "others" themselves decided.

Until Zhai Ying's body was left in the morgue of the hospital.

It was only then that Zhai Chi realized that the grandfather he had respected since childhood could be so indifferent to others.

So he moved out from Zhai's house.

"But after moving out, I understand the old man a little bit."

Because of that woman's selfishness, you can't let her taste any sweetness, otherwise she will be like a smelly cat, and she will pounce on you fiercely and bite you, and will not let you go.

Yu Jiu gently held his hand and said, "It's not your fault."

Zhai Chi said: "Yes, I know."


Not his fault, but something to do with him.

If it wasn't for his sudden split, he and Zhai Ying might both be fine.

But when the division will happen is beyond his control.

He was used by his grandfather as a bait to catch all the kidnappers, and as a bargaining chip in the deal.

Seeing others get hurt trying to save himself, he fell asleep peacefully because of his physical discomfort, and when he woke up, the people around him had lost too much blood and died.

That person was still his cousin by blood.

Did Zhai Ying regret when she was injured?

Have you ever looked at the sleeping person beside you and complained when you were about to die?

Zhai Chi didn't know about this.

When he woke up, he saw that the person who rescued him was silent. Was Zhai Chi afraid? Blame yourself?

He was only twelve years old!

The more Yu Jiu thought about it, the more he suffocated, and his hands became tighter and tighter.

Zhai Chi looked down and didn't say any more words of comfort. He came to a conclusion: "The old man is good at everything, but he has no feelings."

In his eyes, there are only benefits.

The Zhai family has been in the United States for a century, and its industries are spread all over the world. To maintain the family business, the old man is the most qualified person in power.

It's also disgusting.

After a pause, Yu Jiu said, "Then...your uncle and the others..."

"Uncle is alright, nothing but sadness, maybe he knows the old man better than me." Zhai Chi stroked the already faint marks on the back of Yu Jiu's hand.

And that woman was probably afraid of being hit by the old man, and she didn't dare to provoke Zhai Chi with Zhai Ying's affairs in the open, but dared to use Zhai Wei to persuade Zhai Chi, who had already left home, to return to Zhai's house.

But Zhai Wei was unwilling.

Although he is timid, he is as stubborn as his sister. The Zhai family does not recognize him, and he does not want to recognize the Zhai family, even his parents. Let him escape from his parents.

But he also took advantage of his sister's death, and his cousin's guilt towards his sister, so that Zhai Chi could not abandon him.

He grasped Zhai Chi like a life-saving straw, feeling that he couldn't hold his head up in front of Zhai Chi.

Zhai Chi told Yu Jiu some more about Zhai Wei, Yu Jiu listened quietly, but didn't think there was anything wrong with Zhai Wei's actions.

At least braver than him.

He also wanted to escape from someone, but unlike Zhai Wei, he would hold on to him even if he endured the condemnation of his conscience.

He was even timid when Zhai Chi stretched out his hand to him.

He just needs to be brave.

Yu Jiu looked at Zhai Chi lowering his head and eyes in front of him, and said, "I suddenly remembered something."

Zhai Chi raised his eyes in doubt: "What's the matter?"

Yu Jiu said, "Are you willing to be my boyfriend?"


The topic changed so quickly that Zhai Chi's mind seemed to be broken for a moment, and he twitched the corner of his mouth with a smile, "So I'm not your boyfriend yet?"

Yu Jiu: "If you want it, you can do it from now on."

He said it seriously.

Zhai Chi only felt that he was still stuck in the quagmire of the past just a moment ago, and suddenly he was pulled out by someone, and he felt a sense of solidity with his feet on the ground.

Speaking of which, since he confessed his love, Yu Jiu really never gave him a positive response.

He didn't think it was important at first, but hearing someone say turned out to be very important.

Just why at this time?

comfort him?

Comfort is fine, at least clearly said the truth.

Zhai Chi is used to being aggressive, tilted his head and said with a smile: "Since we are all boyfriends, can I do something that boyfriends can do?"

The hand he clasped Yu Jiu's waist suddenly tightened, pulling the two closer.

Yu Jiu pursed her lips, lowered her head and leaned over, and pressed her lips together.

Zhai Chi's eyes widened slightly, and at the same time, he smelled the sweet and intoxicating aroma of wine.

When they parted, Zhai Chi had a smile in his eyes, "Use pheromones? Are you afraid that I will bite you?"

Yu Jiu breathed slightly, stared at him for a while, then turned her head and leaned into Alpha's arms, and said firmly, "Bite it."

Zhai Chi: "..."

Looking at the small bulge that the omega actively exposed in front of him, Zhai Chi's throat rolled for a moment, and he almost pushed him directly on the sofa in a beastly manner.

Because of the change in posture, the omega glands are closer together, and the pheromone becomes more intense.

Without an excessive amount of blockers, and without an early injection of inhibitors, Zhai Chi's line of sanity was about to be pulled off.

He looked at the attractive fruit, restrained himself with the doctor's advice, and said in a hoarse voice: "You are not suitable now..."

"I want."

Yu Jiu tilted his head slightly, the tails of his eyes were red, and even the roots of his ears were red.

With a "snap", the line of sanity was completely broken.

Alpha's hand clasped around Omega's waist moved to the collarbone, and Zhai Chi's five slender fingers separated, dangerously touching the sides of Yu Jiu's slender neck.

The heartbeat in the chest cavity was as heavy as a drum, and the beating of the carotid artery seemed to become extra vigorous.

As an Alpha, Zhai Chi's possessiveness soared, and he restrained the omega to prevent him from regretting running away. His scorching breath fell on the fragile back of the omega's neck, and the pain and pleasure were transmitted at the same time.

Yu Jiu tightly clenched the hand on his chest, and the unmanicured nails drew a mark on the back of Zhai Chi's hand.

After the marking was over, Yu Jiu lay softly in Zhai Chi's arms, and couldn't be more obedient.

Zhai Chi stroked his hair behind his back, and waited for Omega to recover from the lingering rhyme of the mark, then smiled lightly and said, "I also remembered something."

Yu Jiu looked at him lazily.

Zhai Chi smiled bitterly and said, "I seem to understand why my brother sent Xiao Wei to school."


"Maybe, it's to arouse your curiosity."

The atmosphere between him and Zhai Wei has always been so strange, as long as the people who stay with them, no one will not be curious.

If you are curious, you will ask, as long as Yu Jiu speaks, Zhai Chi will definitely tell him.

After thinking about it, Yu Zhuannian understood, "He wants you to tell me the things he said today?"

But why?

"Probably want me to go back."

Maybe the old man's health is really not very good.

Zhai Chi said: "When I left home five years ago, I told him that if he refused to apologize to my cousin, I would never go back."

It doesn't matter if you are ruthless or cold.

Without the old man, he might not have had such a good life in the ten years before he left home or even in the years after he left home.

If there was no matter about Zhai Ying, after being rescued, he might be able to easily forgive the matter of being used by the old man.

Zhai Ying's appearance was an accident, not in the old man's plan.

His differentiation was even more unexpected, no one expected that he would differentiate at the age of twelve.

He didn't think the old man was right, but he also understood what he did.

So he just asked for an apology.

He will take care of Zhai Wei, and he will let him get rid of his illegitimate child status as his cousin hopes, even if he becomes an "orphan", at least he will not be used, at least he will be free.

What he wanted was very simple, but after more than five years, the old man was still stubborn and refused to even apologize.

He thought he was right.

Yu Jiu was a little puzzled and said, "Why does he think that I will help you persuade you to go back?"

Zhai Chi smiled and said, "Will you persuade me?"

Yu Jiu shook her head: "No."

Zhai Chi raised his eyebrows.

"Even..." Yu Jiu said, "Even if you don't go back, even if your grandfather really doesn't recognize you, I can support you, do you believe it?"

Zhai Chi couldn't help laughing, "Of course I do, our little Jiu is amazing."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and rubbed Yu Jiu's head, which looked easy to touch, "Let's support each other."

Yu Jiu looked at him speechlessly.

Zhai Chi raised the corner of his mouth and kissed him on the cheek, "Go back."

Things always have to be faced.

It is one thing not to forgive, don't wait until something really happens and leave regrets.

Yu Jiu was stunned for a moment, then nodded calmly, "Yes, I'll accompany you."

"Then you have to think clearly." Zhai Chi said, "You will never be able to escape once you enter Zhai's house."

Yu Jiu whispered, "I didn't intend to run away at all."

Zhai Chi felt as if a honeypot had been broken in his heart. He was so sweet, he hugged the person in his arms and rubbed against his neck fiercely, "I'm going back this time, and I'll take you to see my parents."

Yu Jiu said, "I seem to have seen it before."

Zhai Chi's parents died in a car accident when Zhai Chi was very young.

It seems that Zhai Chi took him to the cemetery when the first semester of the sixth grade started.

Zhai Chi raised his head from his neck, and whispered in his ear: "This is not the same, we were friends before, but now we are boyfriend."


Yu Jiu didn't feel moved, he felt very itchy.

Zhai Chi rubbed wildly, rubbing a strand of hair behind his ear to his chin, the tip of the hair brushed lightly, it was very itchy.

He suddenly raised his hand and tugged at the bangs that were already blocking his eyes, and said, "Go to the barbershop tomorrow."

Zhai Chi blinked unexpectedly: "Cut your hair?"

"Yeah." Yu Jiu nodded, "It's in the way."

And it's useless.

There will no longer be scars on the head and face that need to be covered, and the glands will no longer need to be carefully hidden.

Cut off the hair that got in the way, let go of the past, and liberate myself.

Knowing that he had made a decision, Zhai Chi pursed his lips lightly, raised his hand to break his perfectly lined chin, and leaned over to kiss him.

Read The Duke's Passion