MTL - Bamboo Horse Alpha-Chapter 80 extra two

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When the university started, a military training made the freshmen of each department quickly get acquainted.

People with good looks and ability are always very popular. In Yu Jiu's major, almost no one doesn't know his existence.

Knowing that he is an omega, there are countless Alphas who come to pursue him.

"Are you also looking for Yu Jiu?" A beta girl came out of the lecture theater with a book in her arms, and was stopped by someone to "inquire" about Yu Jiu's whereabouts.

Looking at the terribly handsome Alpha in front of her, the girl's attitude was still friendly, she smiled and said, "Our monitor is not so easy to chase. Although you are handsome, I will not betray the monitor."

Alpha who came to find someone raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Is he hard to chase?"

"Of course." The girl said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, it's useless to stalk you. Our monitor is cold-blooded and ruthless, but he will be beaten if he is too ruthless."


Alpha raised his brows even higher, pretending to be surprised: "Is he so powerful?"

"Heh." The girl looked proud: "Isn't that less knowledgeable? Although the class monitor is an omega, he can beat most Alphas. He tried his best to subdue the squad leader by force, but he was beaten until he didn't even recognize his mother."


Alpha's eyes turned cold for a moment when he heard "uniform by force".

The girl was still chattering, "However, no one will make trouble after the monitor beats someone up. I guess the monitor's background is not bad, so you Alphas, if you want to chase him, you have to weigh it first and see if you have enough weight. Have self-knowledge."

Alpha agreed with her very much and nodded in agreement.

When Yu Jiu came out of the lecture theater, what he saw was the scene of two people talking happily under a tree.

In just one year, Zhai Chi has grown taller again, approaching 1.9 meters tall.

The girl is only less than 1.7 meters tall. In order to listen carefully to what the girl said, Alpha lowered his head slightly and smiled, being considerate and gentlemanly.

Such a scene... is inexplicably dazzling.

Yu Jiu clenched his palms slightly, and just about to make a sound, Alpha who was listening to someone suddenly raised his head and looked straight at him.


"Xiao Jiu."

After seeing him, Alpha's slightly pursed lips curved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The girl turned her head in the direction of his greeting: "Squad, monitor!"

Yu Jiu nodded at the girl, and walked to Alpha: "Why are you here?"

The Alpha who talks to girls is naturally Zhai Chi.

They had such a natural conversation, the girl was stunned, "Squad leader, know him?"

Before Yu Jiu could speak, Zhai Chi immediately took him over as if he had declared his sovereignty, looked at the girl and said, "Let me introduce you, I am the boyfriend of your monitor, and my name is Zhai Chi."


"Are you that Zhai Chi from the Computer Department?!"

Zhai Chi: "Why am I so famous?"


This handsome guy is from the Department of Computer Science?

Is he still the monitor's boyfriend?

Thinking of her impassioned and earnest statement before, the girl's face turned red, "Yes, I'm sorry, I don't know Taishan with my eyes, I still have something to do and I'll leave first."

After speaking, the girl slipped away with an embarrassed look on her face.

Zhai Chi watched the girl run away with a funny face.

Seeing that everyone had left, Yu Jiu still stared at him, but he suppressed the bitterness in his heart, and turned around to ask, "How did you find this place?"

In the past, when Zhai came to their department late, he couldn't find the direction after asking the way to the door. How could he find him so accurately today?

Zhai Chi smiled mysteriously, took out his phone and swiped it a few times and handed it to him.

Yu Jiu took it over and looked at it. There was a navigation interface displayed on the screen of the phone, and the scope of the navigation was the entire campus of Q University.

Yu Jiu was stunned and said, "Did you look at the navigation?"

Zhai Chi nodded: "Hmm."

Yu Jiu: "You did it yourself?"

"How? Practical, right?"


Yu Jiu gave him a strange look.

A person who has been in the school for several months and needs to use navigation to find a place, does this person seem to feel quite honored?

"It seems that I don't need to pick you up in the future."

Zhai Chi said: "If you want to pick it up, I don't mind losing myself and letting you pick it up."

Yu Jiu shook his head helplessly: "Okay, don't be poor, I have to go back to No. 1 Middle School today, let's go."

This time, taking advantage of the National Day holiday for a few days, the two of them promised Mr. Luo to go back to high school to train with the players of the basketball team for a few days.

After a few months away, nothing has changed on the high school campus.

Familiar gymnasium, familiar basketball court, but the members of the basketball team are already very strange.

After Yu Jiu's graduation this year, the main force of the basketball team has undergone a major change.

Zou Jian, the team leader who was kicked out last year, was also called back by Teacher Luo. He was on the basketball team in his third year of high school, and he was familiar with the team members, and also with Yu Jiu and the others.

"By the way, the deputy team, do you still play basketball after you go to college?"

Yu Jiu said, "Occasionally I will fight."

"It's good if you know how to play. You and Brother Zhai didn't come to the basketball team last year. I was worried that you would quit basketball. That would be a pity."

Yu Jiu: "..."

He has heard of quitting smoking, drinking, gambling and sex, but he has not heard of quitting basketball.

"How is it? Are you going to play today? Our basketball team this year is not bad, so why don't you go and guide them?"

Zou Jian doesn't care about Yu Jiu's omega status. In his eyes, Yu Jiu has always been his vice-captain.

On the field, Zhai Chi was teaching the skills of his brothers one-on-one. Yu Jiu looked at the field and said, "Wait a while, wait until they finish this game."

Zou Jian's eyes lit up: "Okay."

Basketball is a sport full of passion. This year's basketball team is really good. The more frustrated by Zhai Chi, the more courageous they are, and the improvement is obvious.

Seeing that there was still a while to go before the game on the field, Yu Jiu planned to go off-campus to buy some barrier agent, and bought a box of sparkling water along the way.

When we got back, the game was just over.

Yu Jiu gave Mr. Luo the sparkling water and asked him to distribute it to other people. He took a bottle and sat on the rest chair, wanting to pass the water to Zhai Chi when he came over.

As a result, as soon as he sat down, he saw a person trotting past him and directly walked into the arena.

Zhai Chi finished the game and went straight to the rest chair, but was stopped halfway.

Looking at the man from afar as he stuffed a bottle of water into Zhai Chi's hand, the two of them didn't know what to say.

Zhai Chi was taken aback when he received the water, thanked him politely, and walked over with the water.

Yu Jiu: "..."

The water he was about to pass out just fell into his hands, so he could only unscrew the cap of the bottle and take a sip by himself.

Just when he was about to put the cap on the bottle, a hand came across and snatched away his water bottle. He didn't shy away from others, and filled most of the bottle with a grunt.

Yu Jiu glanced at the things in his hand: "Don't you have water?"

Zhai Chi casually put the water aside, "It's a waste if you can't drink it all up, let's just drink a bottle."


If you don't drink it, why accept it?

The sour feeling that Yu Jiu had finally suppressed came out again.

Later, he couldn't help it, and when Zhai Chi was playing for the second time, he asked Zou Jian.

"Omega? Oh, you mean the one next to Mr. Luo? He is Lao Luo's nephew, a student from the No. 2 middle school next door. I heard that the school has training, so he came here to play."

Yu Jiu: "..."

Doesn't look like it's here to play.

The man's eyes were almost glued to Zhai Chi.

Although Zhai Chi is indeed eye-catching on the basketball court, Yu Jiu is selfish and doesn't want people with "bad intentions" to stare at him.

During the more than a year of being together, Zhai Chi has actually eaten all kinds of flying vinegar.

In the past, Yu Jiu didn't think those things were worthy of jealousy, but only thought that Zhai Chi deliberately provoked him by making excuses, or made excuses to take advantage of him.

Especially after he got drunk and crossed the line that day, and saw a comment on the school forum praising him for being handsome, Zhai Chi would take the opportunity to torment him.

Yu Jiu saw some remarks that he liked Zhai Chi, but he didn't take it seriously before.

But today, when those remarks became reality, he felt that it was so unbearable for his boyfriend to be coveted by others.

"I'm going to play for a while."

Yu Jiu drank the remaining half bottle of sparkling water in one gulp, threw the bottle away, got up, and went straight into the arena.

Before Zou Jian could react, the people around him had disappeared.

Seeing Yu Jiu enter the court, Zhai Chi abruptly reversed his intention to shoot, and hurried up to meet him, "Why are you here?"

Yu Jiu put it succinctly: "Hands itch."


Relying on the tacit understanding of the two living together for so long, Zhai Chi instantly realized that his emotions were wrong.

Just about to ask him what's wrong, Yu Jiu directly took the basketball in his hand and walked past him: "I'll practice with them, you can rest for a while."

Zhai Chi: "..."

He always felt that what this person wanted to say was "Get out of here".

With a puzzled expression on his face, he was driven back to the rest chair in a daze.

Zhai Chi took the towel on the rest chair and wiped his sweat, then lowered his head and asked Zou Jian, "What happened to him just now?"

Zou Jian shrugged: "I don't know either."


The two were talking, when there was a "bang" on the basketball court, Yu Jiu's first rebound after entering the court actually missed.

However, he quickly adjusted his state. In the next two minutes, he scored three goals in a row and let his opponent not score a single goal.

Different from Zhai Chi's teaching method of slapping Tangtang, Yu Jiu's teaching method can be called brutal.

A good sparring match was directly turned into a solo show by him!

"I'll go, why is the deputy team stimulated? Did you two quarrel?"

Zhai Chi said: "Do you think I'm willing to quarrel with him?"

Zou Jian: "..."

Dog food was caught off guard.

"Lao Luo asked him to teach, not him to teach them." Zou Jian said bitterly: "I think the three on the field will be abused to the point of doubting their lives."


"Brother Zhai, why don't you go on the field and extinguish the flames for the deputy team?"

Zhai Chi: "My way of extinguishing the fire only allows me to go back and close the door to extinguish it."

Zou Jian: "..."

On the court, Yu Jiu didn't have any intention of releasing water.

That omega over there, after he kicked Zhai Chi off the stage, his eyes shifted to the rest chair.

He really didn't come to see the training!

With a clear goal, he took a fancy to Zhai Chi.

Didn't know that the Alpha he had a crush on was already married?

At that moment, he sneaked a look at him and pretended to be sitting upright, even though he knew that Zhai Chi didn't look at him at all, Yu Jiu still felt uncomfortable.

Finally, when that person couldn't help approaching the rest chair, Yu Jiu couldn't help it either, and threw another ball over the backboard, making a heavy sound.

The omega, who was already nervous and guilty, was startled by the voice, and subconsciously looked at the omega on the field.

Yu Jiu didn't look at him.

As if realizing that his emotions had gone too far, he calmed down for a while after throwing the ball, and walked towards those basketball team juniors who were mistreated.

Different from his "brutal" playing, Yu Jiu's tone was patient and gentle when he was teaching his juniors. He obviously didn't release pheromones, but with his sweaty and flushed face after a workout, he made the players feel ashamed. The Alphas blushed for him.

However, the heartbeat was only for a moment, and was strongly suppressed by the jealous Alpha who rushed over.

After leaving the gymnasium, the two returned to their off-campus residence.

Neither of them spoke on the road.

Zhai Chi watched his words and expressions, not knowing what offended him.

Yu Jiu, on the other hand, knew that Zhai Chi was right, but she felt blocked, afraid that she would bring bad emotions when she spoke, so she didn't speak at all.

After returning home and taking a shower, Yu Jiu leaned on the bed and read a book. After reading for a while, the book was taken away by Alpha who climbed onto the bed.

Yu Jiu looked at him calmly: "What's wrong?"

"A mature Alpha will not drag a family conflict until the next day to resolve it." Zhai Chi said, grabbing Omega's ankle, pulling his white and thin legs to make him lie down on the bed , Lie on the ground by himself, "Tell me, what happened today? Are you so angry?"

Yu Jiu said, "When did I lose my temper?"

Zhai Chi raised his eyebrows, "No? Then it doesn't matter if you say it alone, why don't we ask about the backboard on the basketball court, do you think he is wronged or not?"


After holding back for a long time, Yu Jiu still couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing him smile, Zhai Chi became more confident, pushed his legs away, and threatened: "Tell me, why are you in a bad mood? Did I make you unhappy?"

Yu Jiu thought about it.

Although it wasn't Zhai Chi's fault, it seemed that it had something to do with him.

He hesitated for a moment and didn't know how to speak.

His silence made Zhai Chi feel that he didn't want to talk, so he poked his itchy flesh: "Say it quickly, if you don't say anything, I will be sentenced to death."

Yu Jiu was not afraid at all: "What punishment?"

Zhai Chi paused, and bent his lips: "Guess."


Yu Jiu didn't speak, Zhai Chi reminded: "Negative distance."

Yu Jiu had heard too much of his increasingly rascally words, so she couldn't help but blush now.

Zhai Chi had already started in a dangerous place, and at the same time lowered his head and kissed the corner of Omega's lips: "Say it, if you don't tell me, how will I know what I did wrong?"

Yu Jiu said, "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Then why are you unhappy?"

Yu Jiu was silent for a while, then suddenly hugged him and said, "From now on, can I be the only one in your eyes?"

Zhai Chi: "?"

"When did I see someone else?"

"..." Yu Jiu pouted in front of him, "You saw a girl in our class this morning."

There are also talking and laughing.

Zhai Chi: "..."

Zhai Chi was startled, as if he didn't remember who he was talking about.

Yu Jiu said again: "You even took someone else's bottle of water in the afternoon, that omega likes you."

"The water is..." Zhai Chi explained subconsciously, and suddenly realized something, he suddenly looked at Yu Jiu, "Are you jealous?"

Yu Jiu felt a little uncomfortable being watched by him, but he didn't avoid it, and said, "What's wrong? Can't you?"

May you be jealous and not allow others to eat?

Zhai Chi looked at him in silence, the corners of his mouth raised more and more.

Yu Jiu became furious, bent her knee and bumped him, "Are you still laughing?"

Not only did Zhai Chi not restrain himself, he even intensified, buried his head in his neck and laughed so hard that his shoulders trembled.

"I thought..." After laughing enough, Zhai Chi raised his head from his shoulder: "I thought you never had the word jealous in your dictionary."

Yu Jiu looked suspicious.

How bad is he?

Zhai Chi pinched his face again as if complaining, "It would be great if you lost your temper a few more times. You always act like you don't care. In fact, it makes people feel insecure."

Yu Jiu: "..."

I'm afraid this person has some M attributes.

Zhai Chi explained: "The water was given to me by Teacher Luo. I don't know if it's true or not. If Teacher Luo really asked someone to give it to me, wouldn't it be good if I didn't accept it? I took the water. , Didn’t I not drink afterward?”


"And that girl you mentioned, the one who talked to me while I was waiting for you? Do you know what she said to me?"

Yu Jiu rolled her eyes and said, "I'm not interested anymore..."

"She said that you are cold-blooded and ruthless, and those who chase you will be beaten. Let me weigh my weight."

Yu Jiu: "..."

"Who was beaten while chasing you? Why didn't I know there was such a person?"

Yu Jiu suddenly felt a sense of defeat.

Originally, he was the one who set up the teacher to inquire about the crime, but now he has turned the guest into the master.

Zhai Chide was unforgiving, "Strictly recruit, if you don't recruit, I will punish you."


Is this thread over yet?

Yu Jiu raised her head and said, "If I recruit you, you won't have to be punished?"

Zhai Chi: "..."

This seems to be a bit of a loss.

He didn't answer, and decided to abuse lynching first.

The omega who was tortured the next day didn't get up early, so the Alpha who tortured him was late with him.

The omega from yesterday was no longer in the gym.

Yu Jiu turned her head to look at Zhai Chi: "What did you do?"

"It's nothing." Zhai Chi smiled: "I asked Mr. Luo if he asked his nephew to bring me water yesterday."


It seems that the result was not delivered.

The lie was exposed, and Teacher Luo was not stupid, and he must have understood that his nephew's thoughts on training were not pure, so he would not let him come.

"How is it? Is my Fude doing well? Are you happy?"

Yu Jiu dribbled the ball on the edge of the court trying to hide it, "I wasn't unhappy at all."

"Really? Then don't make things difficult for that rebound today, it's not easy..."

A familiar kick interrupted Zhai Chi's words.

Looking at the omega who fled into the court, Zhai Chi lowered his head with a smile, looked at the place where he was kicked lightly just now, and thought: He seems to have been beaten a lot.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-3016:27:49~2021-08-3116:11:05~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 466714652 bottles; madman 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?