MTL - Bancheng Fengyue-Chapter 132 until death

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Like her, you will be sad.

This sentence in the illusion, after more than 20,000 years, was uttered from Shaoyi's mouth again.

Fu Cang looked at him quietly for a while, no matter how you look at him, Shaoyi is an ordinary young god, no matter how outstanding his aptitude is, even if he comes from the Qingyang Clan, the way of heaven and earth is irreversible, and due to his limited age, his means and cultivation Impossible to go anywhere.

But he just seems to have so many scheming and tricks.

The misfortune of Emperor Zhongshan's love affair was the laughing stock of the gods in the early years, because of Princess Dragon, Fu Cang paid attention to it deliberately, if she was injured when she was young, it would probably be when she was taken captive to the Tongshan clan, how old was Shaoyi at that time? Twenty thousand years old? How did the 20,000-year-old Qingyang God Lord know that she would suffer such a huge trauma, so he offered the Phoenix Heart Feather?

Or was it all planned long ago? Shaoyi used the phoenix heart feather to contain the Dragon Princess and blackmail Lord Xiaolong and Emperor Zhongshan, so they both disappeared suddenly, and now she also fell into his hands—the Qingyang clan wanted to avenge their past, and at the juncture of chaos in the upper and lower realms, they took The Candle Yin clan exterminated the clan?

Such a meticulous and comprehensive plan must have been promoted by the emperor of the Qingyang Clan. This family has always lived reclusively, kept a low profile, and was very mysterious. Qiongsang City has hardly seen outsiders for countless years. Could it be that they have been arranging these plans inside?

"I'm still in a hurry to go back." Shaoyi said in a gentle tone, "Junior Brother Fucang, how about we just leave here?"

rush back? Hurry back to Qiongsang City above the nine heavens? The golden dragon beside Fu Cang jumped into the clouds, and said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, I can catch you without hurting you, I can't do it."

With the scabbard raised, a gust of wind struck Shaoyi's chin. He held Xuanyi in both hands, and had to take two steps back. Suddenly, he heard the clear wind behind him. The golden dragon was bigger than usual for a few times, its huge mouth opened, its head and tail swayed, it swam around in the air and came again, intending to swallow him.

This is the golden dragon transformed by the Chun Jun sword, it may be difficult to get out after being swallowed.

Shaoyi's clothes were light, and he narrowly avoided the golden dragon again. Suddenly, Fu Cang threw out the scabbard, and suddenly turned into a tiny golden dragon, as fast as a shooting star, wrapped his legs around him, and pulled him down, whistling. The breeze blew his long hair up, and the huge golden dragon opened its mouth and swallowed it from bottom to top.

Shaoyi flicked his long sleeves and rushed into the sea of ​​clouds, but at this moment he could no longer hold Xuan Yi with both hands, so he could only wrap one hand around her waist, flicked his fingertips, and the long feathered knife with a faint blue flame suddenly slashed To Jinlong. The fire was fast, and the two golden lights were even faster. The golden dragon transformed from the scabbard wrapped around his legs again, and threw his body high. The huge golden dragon followed closely. It's close at hand.

so powerful? Shaoyi reluctantly flew to dodge, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a snow-colored figure coming against the wind from the corner of his eye, and immediately his shoulder shook, and the arm holding Xuan Yi lost strength, and he couldn't help but want to let go of her. His sleeves fluttered like wings, and lightly supported her body, letting go of Fu Cang's extended hand, and she fell back into his arms like a feather.

Fang heaved a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt the sound of the wind surging on his back, Shaoyi was about to dodge again, but suddenly his body tightened, the golden dragon transformed into a sword scabbard bound him like a rope, and the sea of ​​clouds suddenly burst , the golden dragon flew in front of him, he hurriedly said the mantra, a barrier fell in front of him, the power of the golden dragon bumped into it, the barrier made a clear and shattering sound, but it didn't shatter for a while.

Shaoyi quickly set up a new barrier, looked at Fu Cang and sighed: "Junior Brother Fu Cang, do you want to send me to the Ministry of Punishment when you arrest me?"

The golden dragon wandered around the barrier, and Fu Cang said: "Once the edict of killing demons from the heavens comes out, there is no distinction of status or race. Imprisoning colleagues without authorization, disregarding the righteousness of heaven and earth, is a strike by Li Lei above the Thirty-three Heavens." Qingyang's torture is too bold."

Shaoyi said quietly: "The way of heaven is merciless, the gods are now attacking the demons wantonly, just to maintain the order of the world. And if this matter is leaked, the little loach will lose his life even faster, you must not be happy to see her perish?" are the two related? The Qingyang family speaks without words.

Fu Cang flipped his wrist, and the golden dragon turned into thousands of tides, rushing towards the barrier in all directions.

Suddenly, a voice with hidden anger sounded from a distance: "Fu Cang!"

Fu Cang didn't look back, nor did the tide-like golden light hesitate for a moment. It was about to smash the barrier, and suddenly an extremely huge golden dragon rushed towards Shaoyi's barrier, protecting it tightly. The tide hit the golden dragon, making a terrible roar, and the sea of ​​clouds was scattered by the hurricane.

Fu Cang paused for a moment, and finally turned around to salute: "...Father."

The Qing Emperor who hurried over had a stern expression on his face. Seeing that he still hadn't withdrawn his pure Jun sword energy, he couldn't help frowning even deeper: "Put your colleagues to death! What are you doing?!"

Originally, because the Lord of the Lower Realm was not as active as before and started to hide his whereabouts recently, he decided to go to Ding Maobu to see Fu Cang's situation. He should wake up after sleeping for more than ten days. I have to mention it. Unexpectedly, when he arrived at Ding Mao's department, he was not there. He followed the traces of Qingqi all the way, and without thinking, he ran into him killing his colleagues.

Qingdi has such good eyesight, he has already seen that the goddess held in Qingyang's arms is the Princess Zhuyin who has been entangled with Fu Cang, and he is even more displeased, even though he never interfered in Fu Cang's private affairs, he You must never watch your child go astray for a goddess.

"Retract the sword." Qing Di lowered his face very rarely.

Fu Cang was silent for a long time, then turned his back again and said in a low voice: "Sorry, I can't do it."

The tide-like golden light surrounded Qingdi's golden dragon and the barrier together. He waved his long sleeves, only to hear a loud noise, and the barrier was crushed abruptly. Shaoyi has disappeared.

His complexion changed suddenly, surrounded by two layers of Hua Xu's Sword Qi Transforming Dragon and Sword Qi Transforming Tide, how did Shaoyi escape?

The golden dragon turned into a mahogany sword and flew back into Qingdi's palm, there was also a trace of surprise on his face, even he didn't notice when the young Qingyang family escaped, out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Fu Cang retracting Chunjun into the sheath, Qing The emperor frowned and said: "Fu Cang, you have never been impulsive, what's wrong this time?"

Fu Cang closed his eyes and took a deep breath, Shaoyi's words flashed in his mind: Don't you want to see her perish?

He had an intuition in his heart that he could only comprehend it but not express it in words, so it would be better not to talk about it.

Opening his eyes again, the turbid air in the mortal world filled the clouds in the sky, like black fire scorching the sky, and just like his heart at this moment, violent and unable to calm down.

The illusory Qiongsang City above the nine heavens.

He summoned the nine-headed lions, bowed to the Qing Emperor, and wanted to leave without saying a word.

The reins were caught, Qing Emperor frowned tightly, and said in displeasure: "You are entangled with that Zhuyin princess to such a state, I am afraid that you will not end well in the future. In the future, you will inherit the position of Qing Emperor, and the world will go up and down. Worrying about not having a better goddess? One thought is too persistent, and it bears the name of Hua Xu."

Fu Cang said in a low voice: "Mother failed to succeed in the reincarnation of hundreds of generations back then, and her soul was broken and Father created sword energy to transform into darkness, gathered the soul and body to protect it in the mahogany sword, and it was naturally because of this obsession .”

Emperor Qing looked at him with a frown, and sighed: "Your mother is about to perish, I have to do this, what are you doing for? Fu Cang, the princess of the Zhuyin family has changed your temper of torture. This family has always been evil and reckless. I'm afraid it's not a good match, if she doesn't care about you, what is the difference between you being imprisoned by force?"

"She is in my heart the same as my mother is in my father's heart." Fu Cang pulled out the rein slowly and firmly.

Chasing and sheltering, this is the Huaxu family.

For some reason, Fu Cang suddenly remembered that a long time ago, when he was dealing with Fairy Wujiang with Princess Long in the lower realm, he handed her the Pure Jun Sword and casually said a nonsense, but now that he thought about it, it became a prophecy.

Unswerving until death, as evidenced by Chunjun.

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