MTL - Bancheng Fengyue-Chapter 143 Emperor corpse

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Fu Cang narrowed his eyes and looked at the scene in Qiongsang City. Behind the palace wall was an abyss, and the palace complex of sand grains was built in this abyss. An empty shell with a shape, and the huge windows are dark, and there is nothing.

He pulled Xuan Yi back in front of him, hugged him tightly, and jumped into the abyss without saying a word. Xuan Yi gasped, he didn't have wings from the Qingyang clan!

The viscous turbid air quickly brushed across the cheeks, Fu Cang chanted the mantra, densely packed huge leaves instantly grew out of the pale sand, their bodies fell on the soft leaves, and were gently bounced up like a drop of water , unharmed. The leaves disappeared in an instant, and Fu Cang stood firmly on the sandy ground with both feet.

Xuan Yi also let out the breath held in his chest, and when he put his body on the ground, he shook his head: "...what a fuss."

As it is, it is really unwise for Shaoyi to choose her to solve the problem of Lihenhai.

Xuan Yi pretended not to know, turned his head and looked around, the pale sand not only condensed into a palace, but also condensed into the appearance of a wood-fired phoenix tree, and under the tree there were even priests from the Qingyang clan gathered in twos and threes, appearing in this silent death. Very weird.

"Where will he be?" Fu Cang asked.

Why don't you talk to her? Xuan Yi stared at him, inevitably with a trace of resentment.

Now I finally know how to listen. The raging anger in Fu Cang's heart inexplicably subsided a little, his face was still stern, but his tone became a little gentle: "Just say one thing."

Xuan Yi sighed: "I don't know either, just follow the avenue to find it."

She regretted why she didn't agree to Shaoyi's proposal to visit Qiongsang City. Although she stayed there for a few days, she still didn't know the way. Where would the emperor's body be? Such a huge Qiongsang city cannot take off and only needs to walk on two legs. How long will it take?

...that's just nonsense. Fu Cang shook his head again, he shouldn't expect her to be reliable. Chun Jun came out of the sheath again and turned into a small golden light, which was so fast that it was unbelievable. In an instant, he circled the huge Qiongsang City several times, and then fell back into the sheath. He turned and walked west: "Here Come."

Xuan Yi followed behind him with his head down, full of doubts, wondering, shouldn't she be particularly powerful? He was pretty awesome before, why is he looking like a waste in comparison now? It shouldn't be like this, there must be something wrong.

Holding his hand, Fu Cang looked back at her, his eyes were still cloudy, but his eyes became gentler, and he said lightly: "You general, you did a mess."

Princess Long really messed up a lot of things, her handwriting was like a convulsion, she didn't go to class for tens of thousands of years as a disciple, she couldn't even hold a sword as a general, she was always selfish, and she suddenly came here again Be the lone hero — luckily he's here.

Xuan Yi still hung his head and said nothing, so he said again: "Why didn't you wait for me?"

She continued silent.

"There won't be a next time." His voice was cold, "If this happens again, I will lock you up in Chunjun."

...meaning that he is going to release the sword and turn into a dragon to bite her? By the way, he just let it go once, this cruel reckless man.

Xuan Yi grabbed his hand with tears in his eyes, and angrily wrote a line of convulsive words on it with his fingertips: I want to say one more thing.

At the moment of narrow escape, Fu Cang didn't know whether to be angry or funny, he took her hand and continued walking, saying: "It's better for you to be quiet."

The sleeve was slightly pulled twice, he subconsciously turned his head back, Princess Long stared at him with her eyes widened, her black and white eyes that could speak were clearly asking him: How did you come here?

She really didn't speak, afraid that he would really knock her out?

Fu Cang said calmly: "What are you asking for? Anyway, they have already arrived."

She was silent, her brows were furrowed, and another tear flashed quickly, so fast that she could hardly see clearly. Fu Cang looked at her for a while, then slowly opened his arms, wrapping her in his embrace. Needless to say, since he came, he would not leave.

Xuan Yi pressed his face hard against his chest, the familiar clean breath, and the sound of a strong heartbeat.

If he didn't come, she could still fight with her life. If he came, she would be stupid. Will they perish here together? It's good to be with him, but she doesn't want him to perish. He can live a good life. One day, he will probably meet a goddess who is more suitable for him than her. Come and die with me.

What a blind god.

It was rare to see Princess Dragon slumped like a dove soaked in rain, so Fu Cang stroked her hair: "Don't be afraid."

Xuan Yi hugged him tightly twice, before he let go, Fu Cang led her, and walked along the sandy wood fire sycamore, the hem of his white clothes and long sleeves were swayed by the foul air and wind Incessantly, she stared at the cloud patterns above for a long, long time, fascinated.

The evil wind scraped his face and body like a knife and spear, and Fu Cang's steps suddenly became very cautious. The surrounding sandy wood and fire sycamores became inexplicably dense, and the road under his feet gradually became clear and no longer rough. A huge and gorgeous hall appeared in front of the colored sycamore trees.

Different from other scenes in the sand-grained Qiongsang City, everything here is the same as the real Qiongsang City. The flame-like palace gates, even the most subtle carved patterns on them can be clearly seen, and the dark crystal floor in the main hall is dusty. Undyed, vertical lattice windows with magnificent golden branches and leaves, cloud gauze curtains embroidered with black birds.

There was not a single shadow in the empty hall, not even the priests with condensed sand. Fu Cang held Chunjun tightly, and stepped lightly on the pitch-black floor with his toes very carefully, the back door of the hall suddenly opened, and the bright colors of gold and green intertwined like tides like clouds, illuminating the somewhat gloomy hall.

Passing through the main hall carefully, Xuan Yi stretched his neck and looked out. This place looks like a sudden courtyard. The tall wooden phoenix trees cover the sky. Under the extremely gorgeous and lush branches and leaves, there is a figure in an ancient black robe sitting on the ground. , with his back against the wood fire phoenix tree, his posture was very lazy.

The long jet-black hair seemed to hang down her shoulders, and a braid was thinly wound around the gold thread, and an exquisite agate phoenix was hanging underneath.

Suddenly, his long hair shook, and he turned his face sideways, looking exactly like Shaoyi, except that he didn't have the soul orb on his forehead, and he looked much more mature than Feng Jun who was only 50,000 years old.

Xuan Yi couldn't help taking a deep Is this a corpse? What does the body of the Qingyang family look like? !

He didn't seem to pay attention to the two protoss that suddenly appeared in the courtyard. He didn't know when there was a leaf in his palm, and he put it on his lips and played it carefully. The one I played was just incoherent, as if I couldn't remember the tune.

Xuan Yi walked towards him, but Fu Cang held her body firmly. He glanced at her sternly, and then with a flick of his fingertips, Chun Jun turned into a tiny golden dragon, which landed on Dijun's shoulder like lightning, clear and bright. The strong wind blew the agate phoenix dangling on his braid, but he remained indifferent.

After the intermittent tunes were played, the emperor threw away the leaves, turned his head, his eyes fell on Xuan Yi's body accurately, his brows frowned suddenly, and he murmured: "Liu Sang? It doesn't look like this."

After speaking, Xuan Yi flicked his long sleeves, only to feel black mist and pale sand coming towards him overwhelmingly.

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