MTL - Bancheng Fengyue-Chapter 148 Don't give up on me (Part 2)

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The faint sound of the wind came into the ears, as if there were drizzle dripping on the branches and leaves. Fu Cang moved slightly, and opened his eyes in confusion. What he saw was the familiar green gauze embroidered with cloud patterns—Xiao Jiu took him back to Qingdi Palace up?

He propped up the mattress and was about to sit up. The wound on his abdomen felt a sharp pain as soon as he moved. He frowned and lifted the quilt. The loose crow-green robe had already slipped around his waist. The turbidity has already faded countless times, and the turbidity of a few small wounds has been exhausted.

Could it be that he slept for more than ten days?

Fu Cang subconsciously looked to the side of the bed, the blue Chun Jun was lying on the pillow, his brows could not help but frown, it was no good that Princess Long was imprisoned in Chun Jun for so long.

He recited the mantra and released her from inside, but after reading the mantra twice, Chun Jun didn't respond at all. His frown deepened, and he tested Chunjun slightly with his palm - isn't she inside?

A few messy memories of the previous drowsiness came back to his mind. He seemed to wake up once in the middle of his sleep. He released her for fear that she would be smothered in the sword. After that, he fell asleep again and has been sleeping until now. .

She ran away again?

Fu Cang rolled over and got off the bed with a sullen face, but stepped on a pair of soft boots, looking down, and saw that the pair of soft boots were slender and fiery red, decorated with black gemstones, very beautiful.

It's Princess Dragon's shoes, and she's still there.

Fu Cang gathers his robes and walks out of the house quickly. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees her crimson general uniform thrown on the ground. The wooden box in the corner is also opened, and his clothes hang down on the side of the box in a mess. He is stunned for a moment. When I went out to the outer room, it was turned into a mess again, and the white paper was blown all over the floor. The door was open, and the autumn rain was pouring down outside. The rain was blown in by the wind, and many of the white papers were soaked.

Sitting on the wet nanmu corridor was a slender figure, with long hair hanging down his back, wearing his old cloud-patterned robe, and for some reason, his toes drew circles and circles on the ground, and then he probably felt dirty. He knocked his feet and let the rain wash away the sand on it.

Fu Cang suddenly felt that this was the first time in his life that his lonely and deep courtyard was particularly vivid and pleasing to the eye.

He walked over slowly with light steps, as if he heard the sound, Princess Long turned her head immediately, and when she saw him, she rushed over like a butterfly wearing a flower, and landed on his side without saying a word, just rounded up Eyes looked him up and down.

The blood stains all over her face and body before were gone, presumably the little thief would not only rummage things, but also touched the bathtub and used it unceremoniously.

Fu Cang held her by the shoulders, straightened her up, carefully looked at her complexion, her pale complexion in the sea of ​​hatred is now much normal, it seems that there should be nothing wrong. He was relieved, and his fingertips licked the loose cloud pattern robe on her body: "...Steal my clothes?"

Xuan Yi turned his head and pointed towards the cloud realm, where the golden dragon transformed into Chunjun's scabbard fiercely entangled there, and would swallow her as soon as she got close to it, it seemed that only Fu Cang could have come up with this ferocious technique.

"You slept for two days." She had a straight face, very unhappy, "I can't get out again."

Once the golden and precious princess calmed down, she began to pay attention to all kinds of things. How could she bear the dried blood all over her body? She had to change clothes after taking a bath. I took out the clothes and put them on temporarily, but I was still very dissatisfied.

Fu Cang was surprised, the turbid air in his wound was discharged so quickly? According to the crazy turbidity of Lihenhai, it would take at least several months to get rid of it. He only slept for two days and the turbidity has already faded to this point?

He couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't think about it for the time being. Seeing Xuan Yi was about to rub the sand on his feet on the futon, he frowned and squatted down to catch her feet, arrogant and indulgent, who taught her how to rub her feet on the futon of?

Wiping her feet clean with his sleeve, Fu Cang looked at the messy room, he didn't know whether to laugh or sigh: "Little thief, you turned my room into such a mess."

She continued to point confidently at the golden dragon at Yunjing.

Fu Cang got up and dragged her into the house without saying a word, he still had a lot of things to teach and beat her up, how could he let her go so easily.

With a flick of the fingertips, the white papers all over the floor returned to the desk one after another, and were pressed down again by the bronze paperweight. The door of the room was closed to block the autumn wind and rain outside. Fu Cang hooked a futon and said calmly: "Sit down, I have something to say." to ask you."

There was always a look like he was about to lose his temper. Xuanyi sat on the futon hesitantly, watching him go to the inner room to serve tea, she secretly blew the moonlight open so that when he lost his temper, she would You can run away.

Fu Cang came out with the tea table, his expression was calm, and he couldn't see what he was thinking, he pushed the teacup gracefully in front of her, and the etiquette Hua Xu came back: "There is no new tea, please forgive me. "

After finishing speaking, he made another hook with his fingertips, closing the moon window that was blown open by her.

Xuan Yi frowned and took a sip of the tea, but it was still tasteless, what kind of broken tea did his family drink. After waiting for a long time, but he didn't speak, she cleared her throat: "How is your injury?"

Fu Cang used his nails to outline the light blue pattern on the edge of the cup, and said in a very calm voice, "I can't die."

Xuan Yi felt restless, the hairs on her back were standing on end, the autumn rain fell on the towering trees in the courtyard, combined with the sound of the wind, it seemed strangely quiet, it was this kind of quiet that made her more and more panicked.

She had to take another sip of the tasteless tea.

Fu Cang stared at her for a long time, she was wearing her old cloud-pattern robe, she still looked very wide, as if she was going to fly. Some soft emotions just overflowed into the chest, and soon fell down again. Her willfulness, her willful behavior, her selfishness of resolutely leaving the pain to others-it is really hateful.

There was a faint haze in his eyes, and after a long time, Fang Fang whispered: "This time, if I don't find you, are you planning to go to Lihenhai to die by yourself?"

Princess Long lowered her head and her eyelashes fluttered, but she didn't look up at him. After a long time, she propped her chin up to avoid the topic, and said softly, "I'm hungry."

Fu Cang completely ignored her changing the subject, and looked at her coldly: "Don't even say hello?"

Her eyelashes finally raised, and she looked at him tenderly with tears in her eyes: "Senior Brother Fucang, I'm really hungry."

Don't talk about it, okay? Anyway, the troubles are solved, they are all fine, she is quite energetic, and he looks even more She has been sleepy for two days, don't be angry.

Fu Cang narrowed his eyes, his eyes were gloomy. It's like this every time, come and go, give him a lot, and finally cut him off. If you like it, why can you do whatever you want? Going to die alone, and you want him to watch quietly? Do you still want to applaud her?

She always left him behind.

"...I told you to leave before, what did you do?" He asked word by word.

Xuan Yi took a breath, put down his teacup and tried to get up: "I should go back..."

back? Holding her arm with one hand, Fu Cang said in a low voice, "Sit down, I'm asking you something."

Xuan Yi struggled hard, but he didn't know where the hand hit him. He trembled slightly, and a thin line of blood flowed from the unhealed wound on his neck.

She was taken aback and immediately stopped moving. () "Half City Fengyue" only represents the author Shishilang's point of view. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. Our position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!