MTL - Bancheng Fengyue-Chapter 164 Empress Sanshita (middle)

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Auspicious lights kept falling in the sky, and all the generals from the war department were rushing over, but the new unlucky generals never expected to run into Emperor Zhong Shan and Xiao Long Jun, and were killed by Zhong Shan before they could even speak. The emperor froze, and the little dragon in the back seemed to be discussing with him. When he came up, he was beaten fatly, and all the bones in his body were broken, and everyone was crying in pain. [.s.

The world above the sea of ​​clouds has almost become a frozen world, and countless warriors have either been frozen into ice sculptures, or have already perished, and their divine bodies have not yet had time to turn into clear air and dissipate.

Sure enough, it was a nightmare to deal with the three Gonggong Maharajas.

Xuan Yi twirled like a fallen leaf and fell on the back of the nine-headed lion, so frightened that it almost rolled down from the sea of ​​clouds. A hand caught her arm, and she fell into a familiar tight embrace.

The sword qi transformation just now must have made him exhausted. His rapid breathing hit his ears, and blood gushed out from the wound that had not yet healed. The blood soaked through the clothes and stuck to the skin on her back, which made her feel hot.

The blizzard of Qingyan and his father in the distance is swallowing the world, and the collision of auspicious light and auspicious light is silent but fierce.

In fact, she never wanted to see these things, not at all.

"You must be obedient this time."

Fucang put his forehead on top of her head, hugged her vigorously, the wooden sword and golden dragon swallowed her again to protect her, just as he was about to rise against the wind, a sudden chill rose from the bottom of his heart, and his intuition turned him into a ball Gale, dodge to the side, only to hear the sharp and stern sound of piercing the air from far away, rushing to the side like lightning, the red god-killing arrow mercilessly pierced Night Breeze, with a trembling sound of slaughter , shooting towards the frozen world in the sea of ​​clouds.

Hou Yi's arrows even used this kind of thing.

Fu Cang flew into the sea of ​​clouds, but seeing Hou Yi's arrows, who had no eyes at all, scratched and perished along the way. How many innocent warriors were wiped out? Those who the gods could hide have already hidden far away, and those who were frozen and unable to move The unlucky ghosts can only secretly pray that this blind god-killing weapon will not stab themselves.

In the sea of ​​clouds, Emperor Gochen, who was almost stunned by the ice dragon, gritted his teeth and still refused to give up his violent anger, and shouted: "Emperor Qingyuan, take back Houyi's arrow!"

Unexpectedly, Emperor Qingyuan, who was very far away, had already fainted from the pain. Once Hou Yi's arrow released the seal, it only rushed to the place where the divine power was shaken. The Emperor Qingyuan who opened the seal became the first victim. Before he could dodge in time, the arrow pierced through his ribs abruptly.

This arrow gathered the great resentment of mortals, and the wound it caused was like a poison to the gods, more so than turbid air. The rejuvenation technique was completely useless. The emperor sighed for the first time.

This is what is called cocoon self-binding. Emperor Qingyuan rashly opened the god-killing weapon to deal with a fallen **** who was about 30,000 years old. As a result, he not only set himself up, but also killed so many unlucky generals.

Suddenly, this short-sighted arrow quickly rushed to Zhuyin's wind and snow domain, as if entering an uninhabited land, it turned into a bright **** light, and it was about to pierce Qingyan's back immediately.

Seemingly aware of the danger of being drowned, Qing Yan hastily stepped aside, but he was a step too late. The red arrow pierced through his shoulder, bringing out a large amount of divine blood. His face was pale with pain, and he staggered a few steps. The smell of the blood of many gods made the arrows excited and excited, whizzing around in the high place, and then turned into a **** light and shot towards it.

At this time, it was too late to hide, Emperor Zhongshan hastily called out several ice walls, but hearing the sound of shattering, he kicked Qingyan staggeringly in desperation, and saw the gorgeous **** light Suddenly he was in front of him, his chest was hot, and the blood light had passed through his body and jumped towards the sky.


Qing Yan supported the emperor's body, a hole was opened in the middle of his chest, and the cold divine blood shot out. The expression on Emperor Zhongshan's face was very strange, and he suddenly raised his hand to press the wound on his chest. It turned out that the pain passing through his chest was like this, and it was the first time he experienced it in his life, and he had let this pain hurt his daughter so much For years, he had no idea.

The blood-stained hand slowly lifted from his chest again, grabbing Qingyan's arm: "Take your little sister and escape."

How can I escape Qingyan without the emperor's ability? I don't know if it's anger or something else. Who told him to be troublesome? Besides embarrassing his children, can this guy do anything else?

The sharp sound of killing came again, Fu Cang hurriedly threw the pure gun, turned into thousands of tides, and spread around them in an instant, the sword of heaven collided with the murderous weapon of God, the wind was surging, and the terrifying loud sound carried through skyrim.

"I don't want to take down these people who betrayed the way of heaven." The ice dragon on Emperor Gochen finally disappeared, he didn't care about the broken bones on his body, he only hissed and roared.

The rest of the generals had no choice but to continue to rush forward, trying to subdue Qing Yan who was gradually unable to move after being injured, and Fu Cang who was busy trapping Hou Yi's arrow. In the past, dealing with the devil king and beating the dog in the water was the process they liked the most, but the current situation made them dislike it at all.

The turbid air suddenly became extremely thick, and dense black snowflakes fell, covering the entire sea of ​​clouds in the next moment. The warriors accidentally broke into this field, and all of them were frozen like black crystal statues.

Fu Cang lowered his head hastily, but saw that the wooden sword at his waist had already been broken into pieces, and the snow-colored slender figure they were desperately protecting each other was like a butterfly wearing flowers, shaking in the dark blizzard, and was about to fly towards her father and brother. But the turbid air made her body heavy and unable to take off, she fell down the cloud head abruptly, turned into a giant dragon covered in turbid air, rolled and took off under the cloud layer, and could not fly up no matter what.

Why do you want to come? She doesn't want the most important ones that she has protected so hard to come and do these things for her. Wouldn't all the blood she had suffered before be in vain? She doesn't want to live a life like this.

Between the lightning and the flint, dense strings of twittered strings lurked silently, and Xuan Yi only felt his body tighten, being tightly entangled from the beginning to the end. Several huge crossbow bolts followed closely behind her, and she could no longer dodge. A crossbow bolt pierced through the dragon's body abruptly, and cold blood fell like a shower.

She suddenly appeared as a human body, broke off the string, turned into a dark wind and fell on the edge of the cliff.

Not far away, Empress Sang made the sound of rain again because of the wind, but this time it should be a heavy rain.

Xuan Yi waved his long sleeves One hundred and eight black crystal-like ice dragons covered the bleak moonlight, split into countless black ice blades in an instant, and swept towards the generals without mercy Crazy turbid air gushes out of the pierced part scratched by the ice blade, and the severe pain makes the generals nearly faint.

I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you last time, it's best not to look here, her blood stained his clothes, it's not a very pleasant sight.

With a breath, several black ice walls traversed the sky and the earth, and a vast and deep night-like blizzard bloomed in the sea of ​​clouds. She really can be so awesome.

The magical magic weapon collided with the ice wall, and there were earth-shattering sounds. Suddenly, the sword energy entangled by Hou Yi's arrows turned into tides and turned uncontrollably. Thousands of tides roared violently and ferociously. It was smashed into pieces in an instant, and the fallen **** was about to be cut into pieces.

Seeing that snow-colored figure was about to be swallowed by the tide, Emperor Gouchen had not had time to utter the word "good" from his throat when he saw that huge tide was suddenly flattened by invisible coercion, and then suddenly melted. Being a golden dragon, he obediently opened his big golden mouth, and swallowed Princess Zhuyin into his belly in one gulp.

