MTL - Bancheng Fengyue-Chapter 172 heart water

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The clear daylight penetrated into the dark prison cell through the small hole at the highest point, and the bright spot of light fell on the side of the shoes. 〔.s.~

Zhixi has seen the same scene for two thousand years.

In the past two thousand years, she had regretted it, and even had the idea of ​​breaking her promise and quietly leaving the prison, but she still persisted. Perhaps for her, staying in the sky prison is not just about feeling guilty towards Xuan Yi, but a kind of redemption and sublimation for herself.

The narrow cell is now full of various official documents, and the head of the criminal department will often send some things to her to deal with, no matter how she politely refuses, it is useless.

There's a lot of work to do today. Zhixi sighed and opened the official document, and suddenly heard the door in the corridor of the prison cell being opened, and the sound of footsteps came over. After a while, the footsteps stopped in front of her door, and a long-lost soft voice sounded: "Senior Sister."

The official document in Zhixi's hand slipped all over the floor, and looking up, Xuan Yi's figure was slender and blurry through the light bound by the mantra.

It's emotion, guilt, joy, shamelessness

Zhixi was stunned by the sudden taste.

Xuan Yi quietly looked at the beautiful figure in the dark cell. The senior sister who likes her in her heart takes care of her thoughtfully; the senior sister who clearly doesn't like her in her heart but must uphold the way of justice to protect her.

She opened her lips and said softly: "At that time, I was very relieved to be the first to meet my senior sister."

But she failed to live up to this peace of mind. Zhixi's eye sockets, which had been dry for two thousand years, were suddenly soaked with tears again. She turned her head away and pressed her eyes with her sleeves.

Xuan Yi's voice was soft: "Actually, I planned to kill Senior Sister at that time."

Ah Zhixi looked at her in astonishment.

"I'm glad I didn't make a move in the end." Xuanyi narrowed his eyes behind the black veil, "Senior Sister should be like me and be more tolerant of myself."

Zhixi didn't know what to say immediately, and it seemed that she couldn't shed her tears.

But when the eccentric little princess sighed again, her tone became helpless: "Senior Sister really doesn't have any sense at all."

Others Yanxia chose Guting after all, and Zhixi was bumped into Shaoyi's pit and half died.

Zhixi was annoyed by what she said about guilt at first, but soon, her expression became calm and clear again. This infatuation that once drove her crazy and gave off countless weird fantasies, the dryness that had disappeared two thousand years ago Clean and clean, the dark, deep and useless sea of ​​separation and hatred that she once hid in her heart also disappeared.

In fact, Shaoyi was right once, what she was obsessed with was a phantom after all, just like she was obsessed with Fucang back then, she raised her head high, living in the illusion that she had constructed, and refused to bow her head to see the reality.

So she lowered her head and smiled with relief: "Yes, I really don't have much vision."

Xuan Yi's laughter faded away: "Come out quickly, Senior Sister, Senior Brother Gu Ting and Senior Sister Yanxia will get married in a few months, let's go to watch the ceremony together."

Just like this, Zhixi hurriedly chased to the front of the mantra bondage, but saw that those strong bonds were broken by Xuan Yi at some point, she chased out of the cell, and said loudly: "Xuan Yi, I'm sorry."

I'm sorry, if the two of them were changed, she doesn't have such noble sentiments, the senior sister really likes to toss herself.

Xuan Yi shook his hand, and the lotus-colored long clothes disappeared into the dark corridor.

The closed curtains were pulled open suddenly, and the light from the not-so-bright courtyard penetrated into the moon window, illuminating the bedroom.

It is rainy in spring, and Qingdi Palace, a place where it often rains, is drizzled almost every day. The deep and quiet courtyard is filled with water vapor, clouds and mist, and crystal water drops fall one by one from the top of the nanmu corridor. , like a crystal curtain.

Fu Cang looked back at the green gauze tent, the figure inside was still sleeping.

Since waking up, she has been like the newborn Zhuyin Dragon God, feeling sleepy at every turn, sleeping for three to five days, this sleep has been for four days, yesterday she began to turn over more and more, I think she should hurry up woke up.

The cool spring breeze poured into the room, Fu Cang put on his coat, thought for a while, but still didn't close the curtains, opened the door and broke through the cloud to go out, the priests passing by smiled and saluted, saying: "God, the garden The fairy flower apricot flower in the garden bloomed the day before yesterday."

Such a coincidence, she must be happy to see it.

After practicing the sword by the Chengjiang Lake, when she returned to the house, she saw that Princess Long had woken up, sitting on the edge of the bed, covering her eyes with her sleeve, looking very pitiful.

With a flick of Fu Cang's fingertips, the curtains were closed, and the room was suddenly plunged into darkness that made her feel at ease.

"You did it on purpose." Xuan Yi pouted, as if he was afraid that she would sneak away. He made the room so bright when he wasn't around. When she woke up, she was almost blinded again. Why is this guy so vicious?

Fu Cang pretended not to hear, squatted on the side of the bed and brushed her long hair away, looked at her complexion carefully, and said in a low voice: "Xianhua Xinghua is blooming, do you want to see it?"

She immediately happily hooked his neck: "yes."

Her face was still flushed from waking up, and even her lips were much more beautiful than before, Fu Cang suddenly didn't think much about going to see Xinghua right now, rubbing her fingertips on her lips for a moment, in the end Still couldn't help but leaned up to kiss her.

After two thousand years, he couldn't be gentle, he tried his best to release in the darkness where he couldn't reach his fingers, even biting, licking and sucking, he really wanted to dismantle her, plundered the city between her lips and teeth time and time again, demanding her Response, until she clings to it softly, her skin is hot.

During the entanglement, Xuan Yi only felt his palm go through his clothes and hold it on his bare shoulder. Perhaps it was because of the lack of dragon scales, the strength of this hand made her feel a little pain, she started to twist like a fish just caught, her voice trembling: "It hurts so much."

But her tone obviously didn't sound like she was in pain.

Either it hurts a little more, the time they spent together is too short, only the pain can be recalled.

Fu Cang bowed his head and bit her shoulder, tossing and turning repeatedly, a bluish red bruise soon appeared on that piece of jade porcelain skin. He rubbed it with his fingertips for a moment, feeling a strange pleasure, and couldn't help sucking the kiss heavily along the arc of his shoulder.

The poor Xuanyi who lost the dragon scales seems to be an ant on a hot At this moment, his body is really tofu in his hands. A pinch and a bite will leave ambiguous traces, which is a bit It hurts, but it's not that painful, it's an indescribable feeling.

The world was turned upside down, and the darkness that made her feel at ease suddenly became hot, her body was turned over, his lips lightly bit her back, and one hand was wrapped around her body again, covering her deep chest.

She was like a bird with its wings folded in his arms, her waist was clasped, her shoulders were clasped, as if she was going to be out of breath, she went up and down and there was nowhere to escape, like that very sweet ocean Her poisonous wine has marinated her bone marrow thoroughly, and she will probably be addicted to it in the future.

Fu Cang held his chin and turned her face halfway. In the dark and dim, her profile was covered with a faint snowy light, so he went to kiss the corner of her lips, once and for all, accompanied by the movement of his palms. Princess Dragon kicked her feet on the quilt again, why did she always like to hide? His hand went down the gentle arc, and landed on the place where she would hide even more.

Just hide, you have fallen into the gods, and you are looking for your own death. After two thousand years, these accounts will finally be settled. As if revenge, he also took a bite on the corner of her lips.

