MTL - Bancheng Fengyue-Chapter 174 1 as first sight

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"Running around again..s."

Fu Cang's tone was cold, Princess Long has always had such a temper, he doesn't like lively places, he just talked to a few old colleagues from the war department that he knew for a while, and she disappeared when he turned his head, and was accosted by an inexplicable god.

She shook her sleeves softly, and she said slowly, "My body hurts and I can't walk anymore."

All of a sudden, it reminded him of the first time he met her on Huahuang Xiandao, with all kinds of strange accents. He glanced back at her, the little princess had a faint smile on her jade cheeks, she was indescribably cute and pretty.

Fu Cang couldn't help but smile, turned around and continued to hold her hand: "Hold on."

"A reckless man." She said arrogantly and coquettishly.

Probably, the scene where these two outstanding gods and goddesses walked together under the pear blossom forest was too dazzling. Tears welled up in the eyes of many goddesses and gods present. On Xiandao, after tens of thousands of years, the two of them really became friends. This incident shattered countless Liuli hearts present.

Bypassing countless guests, Xuan Yi saw Gu Ting from a distance, he seemed to be surrounded by a layer of joy today, he was completely stupid, only the expression "smile" remained on his face. Yanxia beside him is not much better, this couple is really a perfect match.

"Xuanyi" Zhixi waved at her repeatedly. This senior sister who has become a member of the Criminal Department finally knows how to dress herself up recently. Today she is so brightly dressed that all the gods passing by can't help but look at her more.

"I made Kodan paste according to the method you said, but why did the color come out wrong?" Zhixi stretched out her fingers in front of her, and the pale pink peach color on it was not as refreshing as her own.

"Those flowers have to be picked when they are fully bloomed"

As soon as Xuanyi mentioned dressing up, he was full of energy, and dragged Zhixi to the side to mutter, Fu Cang heard it hard, and Tai Yao, who was chatting with Zhixi just now, seemed to hear it even louder. Step aside.

Fu Cangfang took a glass of wine and took a sip, suddenly felt a pat on the shoulder, turned his head and saw that it was Prince Changqin whom he hadn't seen for a long time. After the incident of killing the fallen gods last time, Fu Cang was transferred from Ding Mao's department. After all, it was embarrassing because of Xuan Yi's matter.

Prince Changqin was smiling all over his face at the moment, looked at him, and then at the water-red shadow under the tree, and said, "Although I am responsible, I still have selfish intentions, I'm sorry."

At that time, all the generals who knew Fu Cang and Princess Zhuyin's entanglement were not optimistic about them, and most of them thought that they would break up soon. Maybe Fu Cang was just infatuated with the princess because of her beauty. It is life and death.

Fu Cang silently nodded, raised his glass to respect him, Prince Changqin drank three cups, and said with a smile: "In the future, when you become Emperor Qinghua and marry the princess, don't forget to invite me to drink three more cups."

No, maybe it won't take that long. Fu Cang poured himself a cup and drank it in one gulp, so he could drink these three cups at the engagement banquet.

The wedding feast lasted until the sunset, when the half-drunk Gu Ting suddenly came over, grabbed Fu Cang's shoulder and shook, "I'll secretly open the inner garden gate for you, and take Xuan Yi to see the whirling peony." , she likes it very much. Now is a good time to watch it, you watch her, don't let this little devil really pick the flowers."

Fu Cang laughed dumbly, turned his head and saw Xuan Yi was still talking to Zhi Xi about how to dress up, so he walked towards her. Seeing him coming, Zhixi smiled and turned to leave.

Fu Cang bent down and picked up the lazy dragon princess, her cheeks seemed translucent under the bright sunset. This place and this scene are so similar that he couldn't help but think of the first time he saw her, her cheeks hidden under the umbrella were also as clear as jade.

With a smile, he brushed off the broken hair on her face, suddenly became interested, and said in a low voice: "The whirling peonies in Huahuang's inner garden have bloomed recently, and the princess is willing to go and see them together."

Xuan Yi looked at him with rounded eyes, isn't this what he said when I first met him? This always cold and aloof **** would also play this. She hugged his arm with a smile, and said softly: "Please ask the **** to lead the way."

The Flower Emperor's Inner Garden is still in full bloom, with countless exotic flowers and plants appearing particularly coquettish in the sunlight.

The princess walked very slowly, as if she was unable to walk without the support of the maidservant. The handsome **** in front of her stopped and stopped, and finally seemed impatient, and picked her up. The princess said "Oh": "You are stupid."

Fu Cang looked at the handkerchief in her hand, narrowed his eyes: "If you dare to throw the handkerchief into the cloud pool again"

Xuan Yi hugged his head, and blew lightly on his face: "I am able to see the Divine Lord today, and I admire him very much in my heart. It is my wish to be married with the Divine Lord. Therefore, I hope that the Divine Lord will think twice, my concubine I hope that my husband will be an elegant and noble emperor, not a reckless man who wields knives and sticks."

Fu Cang pinched her waist, and hugged her slender body that was twisting and laughing tightly: "It's too early for the princess to say anything about it, so let's take it easy."

The warm wind at dusk blows slowly, compared to the loud chatter on the outer island, the inner garden is very quiet, the flower guards opened the gate of the peony courtyard with lingering fears, they still remember the scare that the princess of the Zhuyin family gave them here last time.

Numerous peonies spread their branches and leaves in the courtyard, piled together in one place, vying for spring, only the palm-sized whirling peony on the glazed platform in the middle stands alone, and its ice crystal-like petals are reflected in the bright sunlight. A very elegant and beautiful red, no wonder it is said that dusk is the best time to watch the whirling peony.

"What a beautiful peony."

Xuan Yi was about to reach out her hands as she spoke, but the **** in Chinese clothes immediately restrained her hands from behind. With the viciousness of this princess, she probably could really do the evil thing of picking off the whirling peony.

But she nestled in his arms softly, her eyes behind the black veil quietly looked at this spiritual root peony between heaven and earth, until the short-lived red layer gradually faded with the disappearance of the sun.

"It's so pretty." She turned her wrist, but it was a pity that she couldn't turn Bai Xue, otherwise she really wanted to leave this beautiful and rare red. UU Reading

Fu Cang straightened her body, lowered his head and looked at her solemnly, with a hint of a smile in his voice: "Princess saw you for the first time today, what's your impression of me?"

Xuan Yi let out a "chi" laugh, raised his hands and held his face to look left and right: "Well, it's okay. What's your impression of the concubine?"

Yajun's divine ruler's eyes dimmed, and he said in a low voice: "I fell in love with the princess at first sight, and it's really hard to forget. I look forward to getting married with the princess. This is the only pair in this life. I pray that the princess will be successful."

She was stunned, her eyes hidden behind the black veil fixedly stared at him, her eyes were clear and focused.

This moment is not that moment, tens of thousands of years have passed quietly between her and him, the Immortal Flower Island, in front of the whirling peony, is just like the first time I saw it.

Fu Cang leaned over and kissed her lightly on the forehead, his voice became softer: "Marry me."

Xuan Yi was still staring at him quietly, and after a long time, she smiled slightly: "Okay."

