MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 602

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Suddenly and suddenly coma, the witchcraft that was carried by the little black did not suddenly make a harsh squeak.

"Oh wow!!"

The people in the bones all covered their ears, and even Yan Xiaole was no exception.

Witch's crying is not only harsh, but also directly into the soul.

What happened?

Why does Wu Guo cry like this?

The original battle reached out to Xiao Hei and asked him to give him the witch fruit.

Xiaohe endured the pain of his head, and took the back basket from his body and gave it to him.

The original battle tried to stop the witch's crying, holding a tight probe to see, this kid did not shed tears, is doing dry.

"To shut up!"

"Oh, wow!"

"To shut up!"

"Wow!!" Wu Guo saw that everyone could not understand his words, and he was so anxious to cry even louder.

There was blood flowing out of the little black nostrils, and his eyes shouted red: "Danger! Energy! Brother!"

Yan Xiaole also made a "squeaky" sound, and only two of them were able to "understand" the meaning of Wu Guo.

The original war wanted to ask a clear question, but Xiao Hei was suddenly stimulated by the brain field. After shouting the three words, he passed out and was stunned by him.

"Hey!" Energy! Let's go below! Go below! Yan Xiaole couldn’t help but point his finger at the red-red rocky city not far below.

Wu Guo was so anxious to cry out, just in the moment of sudden coma, he suddenly felt that his silent soul was quickly moving away from them, far from the point where he could hardly feel it, and then the one itself changed because of the distance. The weak connection suddenly disappeared, as if he had silently reached a place he could not reach, and it seemed like the soul had completely disappeared.

For the first time, Wu Guo felt fear. He extended his soul efforts to a strict extension. They are fathers and sons. They are true blood heritage. He is born in his belly. Both of them still have life energy, except for the future. No one can be compared to him and his strict intimacy, that is, the original war will not work. However, he could not feel his silence completely. What is even more terrifying is that when he urged his life energy to pull back the sternness, he suddenly felt an indescribably terrible power!

He just glanced at it. No, he didn't even see it. He just wanted to re-establish the connection between him and the sorrow. The connection was cut off mercilessly, and his soul was thoroughly Kick out.

He cried not to want to attract the attention of others, but his headache was too much, and the baby's body could only let him vent with crying.

Just when Witch was desperate, he suddenly felt a force pouring into his soul, so close, so dependent, and a little naughty.

He reacted at once, is a younger brother! The younger brother who has been completely in deep sleep since he was born wakes up. He can't find his father and he is looking for him.

Can be so active consciousness... No, the younger brother is not waking up, the younger brother is going to be born!

According to the experience of his birth, the first instinct is that the younger brother needs a lot of energy to be born!

It takes a lot of energy to find and call back the silent soul.

So he yelled at his father and all the souls in the bone bird: to energy! Want a lot of energy! We have to save my father, my brother is born! Get ready!

The original war also felt something. He couldn't understand the soul power of Wu Guo, but he heard the voice of the soft toot boy who had heard it.

"Dad, father..."

"Dudu?" The original battle quickly looked at the waist. Since strictly speaking, Dudu does not need blood and energy to water, for safety reasons, put the toot with the childcare bag into his space.

The ability to be silent has been upgraded. The small bag that he originally had at the waist has not been seen. In other words, apart from being strict, others don't want to take out the nursery bag.

Perhaps the father and the son are in the same heart, even if they are not in the same space, he still feels the restlessness and struggle of the younger son.

What is the doodle and struggling? The original battle looked at the strictness of his eyes closed, and he was so anxious that his forehead collapsed.

The cognac of Wu Guo also made him understand what he was. "Is it to be born to be toot?"

Wu Guo: "Yeah!"

Watching Wu Guo forcefully wave his hands and feet, the original battle is affirmative. Dudu is not only waking up this time, but really wanting to be born. Witch and Dudu are considered twins in some sense? The soul connection between the two brothers is closer than that between their father and son. If the witchcraft is determined, it is basically not wrong.

However, the sorrow is still in a coma, and the nursery bag with a doodle is still in his space.

The original battle did not know whether the space could make the toot be born smoothly, but he subconsciously knew that Dudu needed them, just as Wuguo was born and they needed both fathers to be present.

"Women, is it that you and your brother need a lot of energy?" The original war guessed Wu.

Wu Guo is slamming, "Yeah!"

The original battle quickly picked up the sternness and ordered Yan Xiaole: "Guide!"

Yan Xiaole: "Hey?"

"Don't you just say that there is good energy in the underground of Huocheng? Take us there!"

Yan Xiaole understood, his head was moving fast.

The original war also commanded fierce and black scorpion. "You wake up the little black, we need him."

Xiaohei’s mental strength is special and he is not awake. They need Xiaohe to be the translator of Wuguo and Yan Xiaole.

Domino has scanned the body and brain for a while, but he is a bit afraid to say the results.

The original gaze swept to him and asked directly: "Nomi, what did you see?"

Domino does not want to hit everyone, but he can't hide it like this, so he has to say: "Mad's brain is very active, but I found something strange."


If Dobby is an individual, then the little brow must have become a mountain word. "Unbelievable, it's incredible!"

"Domino is!" The original battle slightly improved the sound.

Dobby is watching everyone scold him, no longer dare to delay, directly said: "Mad Dad's situation is like on the Star Network."

Everyone: "Ha?? Net?"

Dobby explained: "Star Network, a legend built by super-civilization and covering the entire universe of interstellar networks, enters through the connection port."

Primitives: "..."

Dobby is silent for a while. "In a way that you can understand, you can use a tool to get the soul into another vast world."

Although everyone still does not understand very well, but how much understands the situation of a strict time at this time, the second fierce mouth said: "Is it silent?"

Wusong kicked his foot on his calf.

Lamo, who came out to play, bowed his head.

Everyone else screamed at the fierceness, but only looked at the black-eyed laughter. "I just ask, how can our priests die, right?"

Seeking to help everyone, no one is willing to pay attention to him.

Very fierce, and bowed his head and didn't talk.

At the time of the original battle, the heart was placed on the stern body. If it was normal, he would definitely find something from the attitude of the fierce and other people.

Sumen worried: "Dobby, Master, he won't have anything?"

Dobby is surrounded by strictness. "I don't know if there is anything, but he is not dead." At least it is not dead now.

Asked in the original battle: "Do you mean that the soul of silence has entered another world? Where? The world of God? When can he wake up?"

"It's not the world of God, it's not right. If you follow the level of civilization, there is no mistake in saying that it is the world built by God. It is very strange that you must have a connection port to enter the Star Network, although there is a spaceship, but the connection there. The total port has been broken. Even if it can be repaired, once it is connected to the Star Network, because you have no legal login status, you will be expelled from the Star Network and will be known by the Afghan family. You should not do this stupid thing. Besides, if he fixes the port, I don't know." Domino can't figure it out, staring at the harsh brainwave reaction and thinking of God.

The original battle and other people were faintly confused. The original battle looked more than a thought-provoking trend. He quickly yelled at him and asked his own questions again.

Dobby is replied, "If Murdane is just online, he can wake up as long as he leaves the network, but I don't know if he is really online."

"Can you wake him up?"

"You can try it, but I don't think it works."

The original battle was called several times, and the face, the water spray, the kneading, and the smashing were all on, and I was not able to wake people up.

The original battle seriously considered for half a second, bowing.

Everyone: ... Hey! I kissed you on the pro!

The original war was very serious to blow the air tightly and press the chest.

Wuhuan’s mouth is twitching. Is the leader really not taking advantage of Master’s cheapness? Is this a first-aid method for people who have heartbeat and breathing? Will he not remember correctly?

Yan Xiaole was in front of the original war and could see it carefully.

Ye Xing couldn't help but poke him: "What use is it so careful? You can't blow it out."

Yan Xiaole turned his head, "Hey!" I can!

In order to prove that he can blow the air, he sighed at Ye Xing.

"Hey!" Ye Xing, who was caught off guard, flew out and squatted on the bone of the opposite bird.

"Yan Xiaole!" Ye Xing was so angry that he jumped up and called: "You cheated! You are not blowing out!"

Yan Xiaole turned his head and blew it out!

The original war has been particularly sternly blown to the air for a while, and then the mouth will stick to it and will not move. As for the hand that pressed the chest, it was not put out in the clothes!

The onlookers vowed to see their leader's adults blowing their tongues in!

The only Sumen that I really don't understand: "What is the leader doing?"

Mulberry suddenly woke up, and quickly went to pick up the eyes of the children, and Sumen opened his fingers.

It is the more fierce the witch is called, "Yeah!" Energy, energy, what are you delaying? Don't think that I didn't hear it, Fire City is below, there must be a lot of Yuanjing, God, I feel a majestic energy here, you can't feel it!

Xiao He woke up. When he woke up, he heard Wu Qi yelling. He couldn’t help but swear: "Wu Xiaoguo, shut up!"

Wu Guo: "Wow!"

Xiao Hei wants to help him remind the leader, but seeing the leader "save people" saves so much investment, he has opened his mouth a few times, and he did not say a word.

When the original war tried to wake up to the silence, he suddenly felt a peace of mind.

It seems that his silence tells him that he is fine and will wake up soon.

He was relieved, believed in his instincts, and waited for him to kiss the other's lips, this kind of peace of mind is more intense.

At first he just wanted to feel that the other person was still alive and still breathing, but when he posted it, he was reluctant to let go.

The mouth fluid that did not have time to swallow out from the harsh mouth.

The original battle is like eating something delicious, putting the other's tongue in your mouth...

"Hey!" The loud applause sounded in the bone bird.

Strictly pushing the person who hugged him tightly, turned his head and refused to kiss again, and his tongue was numb!

Did he completely lose consciousness just now? Otherwise, how could he be slobbered out and he couldn’t detect it?

Yes, reward! And beep!

"Dirty! Little animals, are you finished? Tell me a few times, don't kiss me when I am asleep." Strictly hold the thief's paw in his arms and try to sit. Get up, wait for him to see the circle around his head...

"Original war -!" The relative complaint of the relatives was immediately replaced by a lion.

Severely mad, wipe the lips hard, throw out the thief's claws and throw it out. The **** dared to kiss him in front of all his apprentices, and still touched it!

Original thick-skinned war, was hit, and only licked his lips and said: "useful."

What is useful? Strictly, before they had time to ask, they were surrounded by ecstatic apprentices.

"Master! Are you okay?"

"Great, I know that Master will not have anything!"

"In silence, Dobby said that you went to see God, have you seen it? What did he say to you?"

"Master, are you not feeling uncomfortable?"


"Mom Dad, let's say, you just got on the Star Network, how did you go up? Was it discovered that the black box was kicked out?"

Strictly screamed, and raised his hand: "Give me peace!"

The right hand is bright and a new message appears in the brain.

- Tips! The exiled person negotiates with the top management and exchanges the final reward with the scum value minus 50 million points. The basic conditions for the final reward are not fulfilled. After the rule is determined, the exiled person wants to get the final reward in advance and must re-sign the new one. Contract. agree or not?

Strict: agree.

——The content of the new contract is as follows: The final reward item of the exile is to reinvigorate their own children. After the birth, the initial life expectancy is 100 days.

Severe discoloration: What is the meaning of the initial life value of only one hundred days?

The guide naturally did not answer him, but the information displayed behind it is also a disguised explanation.

- In the future, the behavior of the exiled will not only increase or decrease its own scum, but its behavior points will also become its strict life value.

Strictly hold back and look down.

- The amount of conversion is one day. For example: if the exile is subtracted from the scum value by 10 points, the life expectancy will increase by ten days. If the scum value is increased by 10 points, the life expectancy will be deducted for ten days. If the life value is deducted to zero, it will also die, and it can no longer be revived through the guide reward.

Note 1: The content of this new contract has no end period. Even if the exiles clear all the scum points, the subsequent behavior will also affect the severe life value.

Note 2: Resurrection of 煦 ** by other methods, as long as the original soul enters the **, will still be bound by the rules of this guide.

Strictly: "Fuck!"

Everyone looks at each other with sternness.

Strictly wipe the face, forget it, think about it, if his behavior does not have too much reduction, then the life of the toot is as long as no accident, and living as long as him is not a problem. And as long as the time is enough, they will definitely come up with ways to completely get rid of the monitoring and influence of the guide.

- Is the exiled person agreeing to the new contract?

Strictly hesitated: "Agree."

Just then, the situation changed again.

The stern body suddenly burst into a glare, and even the original war had to close his eyes.

The light shines through the sky, and it spreads out like a fan in the air. Even in the day, it is still very conspicuous.

Strictly seeing the situation is not good, such a strong light, his stealth pray may not be useful, busy manipulating the bone bird landing, and put away the bone bird.

But the light from his body did not disappear immediately.

Because of the strict willingness, when the bone bird flew near the fire city, no one found it. After he was in a coma, the stealth effect did not disappear. It seems that how long it will last for a long time, but it is so strong. After the light, the advance energy to support the willingness is exhausted in advance, and the stealth effect is over.

Since it is already possible to be seen, there is no waste of energy to continue to use stealth.

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