MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 614

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The fire ant king is more disappointed than sad. He has already prepared himself psychologically. He also knows that his original partner has returned to the arms of the mother god. Even if the ant eggs can resurrect, the ninety-nine will not be the original soul.

But as long as there is a point possible...

Now this point may also be completely shattered. The newcomers are not even the mother ants, but perhaps because even the **** has changed, he has not felt the same sadness, and will soon be able to calmly face this blood drop. The same fire red fire ants.

Male ant, perhaps from a different perspective, he can omit the steps of letting the queens to breed strong males, directly training and training this small fire ant?

Just don't know the qualifications of this little guy.

When the fire ant king was paralyzed, Jiuyuan and his party were discussing the next itinerary.

"I didn't expect to be in this fire for a long time, and a few days from the agreed date?"

Dobby immediately gave the answer: "There are still sixteen days."

"Is there only half a month left? If we go around the Dingyi tribe and count the time to find the ruins, we must add the possibility of fighting with Ding, and the time is not enough." Yan Mo is on the ground. Draw a map and click on it.

This picture he once painted, Tianzhushan, the place where the refining bones were passed down is a point. It is found that the land where the sand-bearing family is located is a point, and the other point is in the site of the Dingzi tribe, three The points are connected exactly to an equilateral triangle.

But this is only his guess. The third ruin is not there, and he is not sure.

Dobby can't. After the ship's debris has fallen, it does not remain stationary. Rivers, mountains and rivers change, and it will also take the place of the original landing. Later, the refining bones deliberately searched for the debris of the spacecraft according to the instructions of Dobby. Some found and could move, and they moved.

How many pieces of the spacecraft's debris are divided and where they fall, it is only this planet that is known.

So, in the end, did the refining bones specifically make the three important relics into three points of the equilateral triangle? No one knows.

"Unless we can find the remains when we get there, we must be able to find the bloodstone without disturbing the people." The original war was not afraid of fighting with the Dings, but Jiuyuan had just finished playing the horned man. It is suitable to erect a powerful enemy for yourself. And because of the rigorous and long-term subtle influence, the original war is also used to fighting with people to take preoccupation, if let Ding know that they took the blood stone, and then Ding Hao, Yu Jiu is the party that loses, wins They all stand up straight.

"Dobby, how far can you scan the spacecraft?"

"If it was before, the spacecraft's debris still has energy and can keep transmitting signals. I can find it by entering the galaxy. But my original body is destroyed, I want to repair the materials and time needed. Now the body is only Some basic functions have the highest sensitivity to the energy body, but if the spacecraft's debris has no energy and no signal is emitted, I want to find that it can only rely on physical scanning, and my physical scanning has a maximum diameter scan range of only 500 meters. "Dobby is a little shy about being unable to help himself."

I touched it harshly. "This is already very good. Believe me, I will definitely help you build a better body in the future."


"The blood stone is also energy." The original war reminded.

"But Dingyi people didn't find them. I suspect that when the bones were found to be the bloodstone, they might try to absorb the energy, but they didn't have the right method, which led to...hey!"

"So they put these bloodstones together? And they are afraid that they will hurt the people, so it is possible to cover them with something?" The original war guessed.

"Yes, and it's probably a bone device that can cover the energy leak. A war, do you remember the box of the blood stone that the witch was handed over to us?"

"Ah!" The original battle was remembered.

"There is one such box, there must be more. Ding Yi people did not find the blood stone in the ruins, it is likely that those bloodstones were packed in such a box and received a secret place. The place may only be..." Suddenly thought of the bones, and the souls that are sleeping in it, will there be a soul to go to the land of the ruins, and know all the secrets there?

According to the careful thinking of the refining bones, it is really possible. Therefore, Zanbu would like him to pass on the bones to a white-horned person. If the person who obtained the bones at the beginning was Sumen or any one of the white horns, would there be more souls to wake up? Pointing to its soul is also more?

In other words, because he is not a horned family, he is not a successor to the hope of the bones, so even if he learns the knowledge of bone-smelting, he is still not qualified to know the other two ruins, let alone the collection.

But even if he now handed the bones to Sumen, Sumen could get the appreciation of those souls, and then get the secrets of the other two relics. But the time passed so long, the terrain was changed, and the terrain was changed. The location of the relics also takes time.

Do you want to gamble? Strictly poke the point at the Dingshu tribe. Perhaps this place is the relic site?

At this moment, the original war suddenly said: "Isn’t the fire ant king know the things of the demon god? We are looking for the blood stone, and the past is also to prove this to other forces. Since the fire ant king knows, he gave it on the spot. Isn’t it easier to convince everyone? So we can save the bloodstone.”

Yes, the original war did not want to take the blood stone to other people. Why do the treasures they have found hard to give to others and help others create powerful enemies? Just to prove that there is a demon god?

If it is not strictly and too much attention to this matter, the original war really does not want to prove this way. How many crimes did he and he suffered for the blood stone at the beginning? Now they can hardly understand the correct absorption method of the blood stone, maybe even bear the hatred of the Ding, is to contribute to others? Just think about it, it’s good!

"Mu Wu, Master, I also think that the blood stone should stay." Ramo heard.

Slightly squinting at him, when did you become my apprentice?

Ramo listens to his eyes: is it too early? I decided to be your disciple in the sound city.

Strictly vaguely remembered that it seems like this is really the case.

"Yeah, Master, aren't you saying that the bloodstone can train a master who is at least nine or more? You see, we don't know enough for so many people..." Ye Xing is the most direct and serious One by one.

Yan Mole, a slap in the back of Ye Xing's head, "I don't want to practice well, I want to take shortcuts all day long, and there is a blood stone that will make you the last one!"

"Don't, Master!" Ye Xing screamed, and immediately rushed to the ground to start grinding. "Master Master is the best, give Wuhua the last one to use it. You see that he is still bullying Mengge."

Two slammed his eyes, "Who dares to bully me? I told you a few times, that day, I was drunk!"

Wuhuan is still so mature and rational. He nodded: "Master, give me the last one. I am running outside, and I am in danger. Can the first one be used?"

Listen, the blood stone is still in the people's territory, this one is like being in your own pocket, and even discuss the order of use. Suddenly screaming at the gangsters who didn’t know where the problem was, they couldn’t smile.

"Hey! Meng brother, you are finished, Wuhuao hurts his wife! Wow haha!" A few small strange sounds, the little black called the loudest.

Two fierce anger, a flash of figure, all the little ghosts who laughed at him loudly into the lake of blood.

Wu Guo was woken up and slammed his little ankle. The original battle took a look and asked: "Do you want to urinate?"

Wu Guo: "...Yes!" Of course.

The original war father waited for the older son to pee and directly peeed into the blood lake.

Sumen extended his small arm, "Don't!" He also planned to install more water for spare.

Others who are climbing up: "... Hey! We don't want to drink the emperor's urine, even if he used to be the fruit of the witchcraft!"

When he shivered his face, he didn't see it. Fortunately, there was still a lot of clear water there, and the original battle and he can now get water. They don't use clean water.

"Well, all of them are coming up quickly, and those bloodstones will be kept. After I have decided on the location of the war, you will find ways to get those bloodstones out of them. Those who don't participate will not."

"Oh-!" The disciples, including Ramo and the steady black scorpion, did not care what was urinating, and all cheered.

Only Sumen did not know much about the meaning of the blood stone, but he also laughed with a stupid.

Mulberry looked at Sumen’s smile and sighed in silence. He doesn't really care about the silence and his disciples are good to Sumen, because he knows that the stricter to Sumen, the more Suma will be biased towards the hornless in the future, and this is for the Baijiao and the entire horned family. In fact, I don't know if it is good or bad.

"I will teach you how to draw clear water after a while. After you go out, you don't have to worry about not drinking clean water." The words of silence once again attracted everyone to cheer.

The fire ant king who was squatting in the cave heard the three cheers twice, and couldn’t help but be attracted. The little fire ant was still on the head.

"Your Majesty, are you willing to go to Wucheng?" Strictly greeted him and made an invitation directly to the Fire Ant King.

"What do you want me to do?" Fire Ant King did not immediately refuse, he stayed in the city for so many years because of the promise, the second is because of the blood lake here, now the blood lake needs a lot of time to recover, the city of fire There will be no major events happening for a while, and even if he can summon him through his summoning secrets, he can leave the city and go to other places.

"About the demon gods." Yan Mo and his original battle to get the blood stone and accept the memory of the inheritance of the matter, "This East China forces have agreed to meet in Wucheng, the main purpose is two, one is Discussing together to deal with the demon gods, the second is the new division of power. Regarding the first item, except for my Jiuyuan, other Shangcheng forces seem to be not very familiar with the things of the demon gods. I promise they will provide evidence to them. But the evidence I can think of is the bloodstone, but the bloodstone is not something you can find if you want to find it."

Strictly omitting the ruins found by the Dingyi tribe, it is likely to have a lot of bloodstones, and then said: "But perhaps it is really the blessing of the ancient gods, I did not expect that we will meet you on the way to Wucheng, I think The soul of the ancient gods who sacrificed at the beginning did not want to let our planet fall into the hands of the demon gods."

The fire ant king was silent for a while. "The things of the demon gods should be passed down by the priests of all ethnic groups. But the time passed too long, and after several wars, I know that there are not many old ones who can survive. They also went directly to the North Continent, while others did not take the legend of the demon **** as one thing. At present, the East Continent knows that there may be only a few ancient races that have not yet been cut off, such as the Changsheng Muzu, People face Peng and Hai, if you want everyone to pay attention to this matter, it is best to find the three tribes I am talking about. What else is the planet you said?"

Strictly speaking, the extraterrestrial visitor is actually an alien.

The Fire Ant King understands with his own concept: "So the legendary Heavenly Demon is the aggressor from other places, just like the horned man crossing the ocean from the Western Continent to attack the East China?"

"Yes, you can understand the universe as an endless ocean. One planet is a continent, but this distance is bigger and wider. There are countless dangers in the universe, and some planets have their own unique barriers, just like the center. The whirlwind belt wrapped around the mainland is the same. When the ancient gods and an alien **** gave us a barrier to the planet, the people of other planets could not see us, but now the barrier has disappeared, those outside Stars are always able to discover us. According to Dobby, the Afghan family has been looking for their missing people."

"The little monster called Dobby has been loyal to you?"

"He has been reborn, I am his father."

"Father can also betray."

Dobby is angry and wants to rush to kill the fire ant king, he will not betray the silence! Of course, he, he will not pay for the Afghan family, ah, ah, really embarrassing!

Shaking his head in silence, "Dobby's soul composition is not the same as ours. When he decides not to betray us, he will not betray unless he strongly rewrites his soul, but at that time he is no longer the present. ratio."

Dobby is a bit wilting, he is trying to help him to be strict, and how he will not directly confront the Afghan family in the future, which makes him a bit of a tendency to crash.

The fire ant king did not bite and bite. "Sorry, the protectors of the three cities used to make the agreement with the leaders of all ethnic groups in the last war. In order to avoid the war, we can be warriors above the gods." Under the protection of the secret, but can not clearly show up. In fact, according to the original agreement, you are not suitable to be the leader of the Nine, which will break the balance of the East China forces."

"That's because you don't understand the current situation is different from before. In addition to Jiuyuan, the Dingyi tribes who are good at using metal are bound to be strong. You may not be able to understand how powerful and useful the metal is now, but with great Ability, in less than 50 years, they will be able to dominate the entire East. I believe that the ambition of the Dingzhao tribe can be much greater than that of Jiuyuan. The more terrible this powerful tribe does not have the friendship and kindness of Jiuyuan. Peace, like most human tribes, they are greedy, cruel, and exclusive. If Dingyi becomes the king of the East, then there will be no future for other forces."

"Listen to your meaning, only you Jiuyuan can stop the ambitions of the Ding dynasty? But you and your leader are so powerful, how do you want me to believe that you do not want to occupy the entire East China continent?"

"Of course I thought about it." Yan Mo did not hide the desire and desire of Jiuyuan's expansion. "But we will not brute force expansion, and will not bully the weak and possess others' homes when force is stronger than others. I can even talk to you. Commitment, as long as other forces do not take the initiative to provoke and bully me, I will never take the initiative to deal with others. We will abide by the rules agreed by the nine cities to self-discipline."

Fire Ant King does not know whether he should believe this young witch.

"As for whether we can do what we said, you will know when you go to Wucheng together. Besides, it is impossible to deal with the evil spirits of the heavens alone. The power of the gods is strong, and the ancient gods have left us memories. Want to protect our homeland, not only all the forces and creatures of the East China, but the energy of the whole planet must be united. We don’t know when those demon gods will come, but we must be prepared and we can’t wait for them. Now, we will passively think of ways, and by then, it may be late."

Strictly speaking here, I sighed a little, "I know what you are worried about. Are you worried that our Jiuyuan will rule against the forces in the name of the demon gods? I will not deny that we have this mind. But I can assure you that if there is going to join the forces of Jiuyuan in the future, they will be willing and happy, and Jiuyuan will never have any persecution."

"you swear?"

"I swear." Strictly and solemnly.

The fire ant king finally relented. "I will go to Wucheng, but I will not go with you. I will not show up, but I will convey my will when necessary." He also wants to see the forces in Jiuyuan. What will happen in the party, will it be like he said.

This is enough! Strictly and the original war, a smile, the blood stone saved!