MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 626

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Chaoge is still playing with the unconsciously and unconsciously. "How much cotton you bring this time, we have to, including other cotton products."

Suddenly hesitated for three seconds. "Well, look at Guicheng is our first transaction partner. The two kilograms of cotton brought by this batch and the one hundred beds of quilts and ten cotton quilts that have been made are all in accordance with Half price of the last trade price for you!"

His hesitation is deliberately made for others. He originally intended to create a feeling that the nine original materials are very tight and rare, and that Mucheng wants to swallow all the cotton. He wants to be.

Cotton is now a monopoly material. Except for the fact that there is no place in Jiuyuan to plant it, the cotton given by Jiuyuan does not contain seeds. The price of this thing may not fall for a long time.

Even if the cotton planting is more in the future, the price reduction will satisfy the needs of all the people of Jiuyuan. At that time, cotton can be used as a high-quality material to deal with the outside forces. If you want cheap cotton, join Jiuyuan!

Chaoge did not know what he thought in his mind, and no matter what he thought, seeing that he could win all the cotton, just simply feeling joy, this is an unexpected surprise.

Only those who have used cotton know how good cotton is. Don't look at most of the sites in Mucheng in the south, but some parts of the south are so cold and cold in winter that they are even more sad than the winter in the north. This time, I got two hundred pounds of cotton from Jiuyuan. After I went back to make warm items, how many people would like to let go? For that cotton, the top of the wooden city and some high-ranking soldiers almost did not fight! Finally, all the children and the old talents were solved.

The transaction was negotiated, and the two kilograms of cotton and the cotton products brought were handed over to the songs on the spot.

There are storage bones in Chaoge, but I don’t worry about taking these things.

“Do you still trade food?”


"Good. So many foods we didn't bring, wait for this party to go back, I will let the caravans pass." If the caravan can get a little cotton or cotton seeds in Jiuyuan, it would be better.

Strictly expressed full trust in the reputation of Mucheng.

The Mucheng people were respected, and with the lost land, the Jiuyuan people also answered the application of the adjacent land exchange. At the moment, they simply passed the flag of the wooden city boundary that was now classified into the Jiyuan area.

Looking at this development, can fire, air, and other forces wait for it?

However, they want to start with Jiuyuan, but also because the forces around them are willing to let them go.

Around the city of Fire, in addition to Jiuyuan, there are also sound city and wind city, and now there is a longevity maple family!

Not to mention the sound city and the Feng family, they just moved, the wind city, the wind language is not dead, with a few wind city soldiers began to destroy their flags. The most hateful thing is that the mermaid also took the water wave!

The most annoying thing in the city of fire is water and wind!

If the fire has wind help, then of course it is best, but if the wind is against the fire, it will be miserable. You put a big fire, people blow back to you in one breath, but also do it, playing it is not like playing!

Not to mention water, water and fire are natural enemies.

Fire City was so caught in the wind city and the mermaid warrior, we must cry! The master of the city, you can't do the order you confessed. Why can't we learn from the city and the mermaid in the city of fire, and get along with the people of Jiuyuan? Although there are many fire fighters in the city of Fire, there are more ordinary people, especially we are still in the north, and we need cotton more urgently than the wooden city!

The city of Fire can't move, and the situation of Ding Yi is also very subtle.

The site of Ding Yi was not connected to other major forces. The only one who can say that the opponent is the orc. However, if they want to attack Jiuyuan, they must be wary of Mucheng and Shuicheng.

In fact, according to Ramona’s opinion, it is first to fully conquer the orc people to the west of the tribe. After all the river basins in the lower reaches of the river are occupied, they will consider slowly encroaching on other power territories.

However, due to the prophecy of the old priests before the death of the previous generation, the high-level regarded the nine ancestors as the thorns in the eyes, and feared that they would not be first started by the original, but the chieftain would prefer to temporarily let go. The orc family must also join forces with other forces to kill Jiuyuan first.

And now the Mucheng warriors are all staring at the tripod!

Because Mucheng only borders the original water and soil. Now they obviously have said good things to the two cities. The only enemy they have to deal with is the one that is separated from them by a large unmanned land.

Ding Hao dares to move, they dare to pounce on.

Water City is the same!

In fact, Shuicheng and Wucheng and the empty city still have a point of border, and the original Tucheng city has the most borders. This time, Jiuyuan divides the territory and takes the land of Shuicheng into a big piece.

However, Shuicheng currently has a verbal agreement with Jiuyuan, and Jiuyuan has brought a deep sea tyrant master fish. Even if there is any idea in Shuicheng, it is silent at this time.

In the end, there is only one empty city left.

The empty city is not too good. She is wrapped in the wind, sound, darkness, and the four cities of Wu. Only a little border and Tucheng is now the junction of Jiuyuan.

Nowadays, the old man of the wind is staring at the city of Fire, but there is still a lot of wind.

As for the sound city, the dark city, and the witchcraft of Wucheng...

"What are you waiting for? Are you really waiting for Jiuyuan to have all the forces in the past?" The empty city participants were not unfamiliar.

The high priest of the city wants to do it, and the parrot on the shoulder of the city of the city suddenly stretches out its wings and shoots the big priest of the city.

The high priest of the city was sluggish and the old face became blood red.

The city of the city of sighs, the high priest is the heart of Ramona, which is good, but he did not notice that the Changsheng Maple is staring at them? If they dare to move, will the Longevity Maple family let them go? The Black Forest extends to the boundary of the city!

The Dark City people all looked to the eldest son of the dark city who led the team. The eldest son looked at the priest, and the Dark City priest seemed to be listening to whom, and after a while he answered: "Yes."

Then the Dark City priest ordered the Dark City Warrior to order: "The Dark God has an order, and the ninth leader has not yet owed the debt, so he will finish it later."

Dark City Warrior: Is this the meaning of not playing with Jiuyuan?

The Dark City priest nodded his face expressionlessly.

On the other side of the worm, the order was ordered to destroy the small flag of Jiuyuan along with the empty city. However, the largest locust-like genus under the worm's hand was not at this time.

"What? You don't play the nine original people? Don't pull the flag of Jiuyuan?" The next worm is simply doubting his own ears.

A worm warrior snorted and said: "I have told you long ago that we are not playing with Jiuyuan."


Because our worm king eggs are still in the hands of the Jiuyuan people, we also expect their priests to give us hatching insects! Of course, the worms will not tell the worms of such important news.

Worm wants to work hard. "Don't you want your own territory?"

"Our now the Worm City is very good, Jiuyuan did not say to occupy our territory." Still the screaming warrior.

The worm must mad at him. "You are now a part of Wucheng. I am one of the twelve priests of the Wucheng City. You must listen to me!"

Worm Warrior, "You wait."

Worm: Wait? !

The worm warrior and a worm who looks like a witch have exchanged for a while, and ran over to the worm. "We have decided that we have our own people. Our site is our own. From today, we worms will withdraw from Wucheng. The priests of your Wucheng City can no longer order us any more."


Stands and sentient beings: There is no more cutting-edge toolmaker than this!

The worm family said that it was separated from the witch city, and immediately took the person away from the worm. The soldier also had a new small flag. Luo even threw it to him. So the worms circled their original worm city with a small flag and made it clear that they would not attack only the defensive attitude.

The worm spurted out of the blood, and the whole person was ten years old. His guardian fighters are also angry, but they are simply helpless with the worms.

Wu Xiang was in the stands with a rounded nose, and grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the hands of Feishan.

The empty city does not understand why this development is very different from what was said at the beginning. Especially the sound city and the dark city, when it was said that it was necessary to divide the territory and materials of the nine originals together, how can it change now?

Unfortunately, I can't hear the voice of the empty city, otherwise he will tell the other party: "This is strength!"

If they didn't use the strength to get the half **** behind the fire city and the dark city, and then shocked the person behind the sound city, things could not develop in such a favorable direction. - Be aware that these half gods who have lived for a long time are very cautious, and they prefer to be safer than to rush.

But the sentient beings in the stands obviously don’t think so, how many people can’t help but say: “The popularity of this nine originals is really good.”

"That is, I just thought they were dangerous. Now I think we are stupid!"

"No wonder that two people dare to go up, and the surrounding forces have given them a good time?"

There is also sober, "Have you ever thought about why Jiyuan’s popularity is so good?"

As a result, a bunch of people naturally answered him: "Of course, Jiuyuan's materials are enough enough!"

In the case of a good form, the silence does not relax the vigilance. He has to draw more power. He wants all human beings to know that there are many benefits associated with Jiuyuan.

This is also the reason why he did not sell a large amount of goods in the market in the previous days, because the real trading venue in his mind is not in the market, but in the big map of this divided site!

The way to fight can be a variety of ways, and the fierce fight is only the lowest way to conquer. When the strength of Jiuyuan is enough to suppress other forces, and no longer have to worry about having good things and not dare to come up with them, they can do a lot more things.

The empty city and Ding Yu are definitely not only the strength they have exposed, but they will not move now. The two quarters are now only a quarter of the time, only when the last quarter or even shorter, they only Will choose to desperately.

There are also fire ant kings in the city of Fire, even if they are good with the fire ant king, but if they are too bully, the fire ant king probably won't be willing. However, the fire ant king will not shoot now, he will wait, will see the situation develop.

Therefore, the current time seems to be tense, but it is the safest time period. It is also the best time for him to draw on the friendly side and show the rich materials of Jiuyuan.

"Where are you in the water city, do you remember the waterwheel model you saw last time in Jiuyuan?"

Well, this sentence is more proof of the idea of ​​the crowds.

I don't know who suddenly popped up: "I want to rob the nine originals."

This sentence tells the voice of how many forces...

But is Jiuyuan so good to rob?

Soon, Jiuyuan will let all human beings know that human beings are not human. The nine things are so good and dare to shine. That is the confidence they have to keep, and the powerful ability to match the confidence!

The people of Shuicheng are obviously tempted. The last time I went to Jiuyuan to see that the little waterwheel like the children play things can do so many things, they want to exchange with Jiuyuan, but unfortunately Jiuyuan Ning can use Yuanjing coins to buy their food without loosening.

"What is the waterwheel?" Not all the participants know the waterwheel.

Shuicheng Three Priest Shui Shi replied: "A tool that can harness the power of water."

Before seeing the real thing, the water servant did not expect such a small wooden car to do so many things. Water City's water control fighters can really do a lot of things, but people's energy is limited, and how noble the blood warriors, how could they have been working hard to do this slave thing?

In short, the waterwheel thing you don't see when you don't see it, wait for you to see the benefits of it, you will scratch your mind.

I don’t know if I saw the heartbeat of Shuicheng. He asked Dobby to project the image into the air and demonstrate what the waterwheel can do in front of everyone.

Oh, he didn't bring the waterwheel sand table for the demonstration, but he had the original battle.

The original battle did not stand by the stern, but everyone saw the changes in the images projected in the air.

Small mountains, rivers, fields...the same appears on the stone platform.

Strictly put the small waterwheel to the river.

The river with the drop and the rapid flow of water rushes to the fan blades of the waterwheel, the fan blades rotate, and the clear water flows into the dry land on the other side.

More than that, the waterwheel can also send downstream water upstream.

"Hey?" Wuxiang sat up straight, "This thing is good!"

When the voice is raised: "Little guy, this waterwheel is going to be a witch."

Many people in the stands are thinking that this waterwheel is very interesting. There is a quick response to the sound of witches, and it also reacts: Oh! This thing has benefits for the arid land!

And how can the benefits of waterwheels be the same as sending water?

Can be pointed out by the witches to say what they want, other people can still sit, even did not think how to use this waterwheel, they began to scream: "Nine original witches, we are willing to trade this Waterwheel!"

The Shuicheng people are still hesitating, but humanity is so embarrassing. When you send it to your hand, you don't know how rare it is. Once someone starts to fight for it, it will be different.

The water rusher was so anxious to the water city master.

The owners of Shuicheng City are also embarrassed. They also want waterwheels. Not only the waterwheels, but also the things that Jiuyuan put on the stone platform, they all want it, but today it is half price!


In Jiuyuan, the strength was gradually revealed, and other people such as the Fire City Messenger and others were harmed by them. The upper level of the water city had a certain taboo on the new power of Jiuyuan, and it also produced how to treat Jiuyuan. Disagreement.

The last time Jiuyuan Mo Wu discussed with them the exchange of land, they did not immediately agree, only said that they would consider.

Some of the upper levels felt that Jiuyuan’s ambition was too great, and he did not want to give the coastal territory to Jiuyuan. Jiuyuan said it was light and he was willing to lay down the new coastal land in the west to the water city. Once the coastal territory in the middle section is exchanged to Jiuyuan, they are separated from other forces. In the future, if they want to trade with other forces, they must go through the territory of Jiuyuan. This is equivalent to the trading road of Shuicheng being occupied by Jiuyuan. same.

If the relationship between Shuicheng and Jiuyuan has always been friendly, if it gets worse, Shuicheng will lose a lot of assistance and become passive.

The owner of Shuicheng City has a good impression of the original, but he also understands the worries of his own high-level people. If he can, he does not want to exchange territory. This is why he invited the Haizu people.

Slightly chuckle, he also understands the jealousy of Shuicheng.

If it is him, he will never give up the existing coastal field to another force, unless the other party is stronger than they are, they have to retreat.

And is Woodtown really happy to be willing to exchange territory?

of course not!

Mucheng is willing to exchange, not because of the good relationship with Jiuyuan, the friendship is only the smallest part, the biggest reason is because they can not afford Jiuyuan now. Their tenth-level fighters don't have more than nine originals. They also want to ask Jiuyuan to help them to inspire several 9th ​​and even 10th-level fighters. The pines that Mucheng relies on are obviously more like Jiuyuan. The old Sama of the Song family asked for it. After that, he directly transferred some ethnic groups into the red dragon forest near Jiuyuan.

He didn't know what the old Songma Soma had said to the Mucheng people, but it was also true that Mucheng had been more polite and respected to him since then.

Just looking at the old Song Sama after the Song family did not stay with the Mucheng people, but ran to chat with the old Samar of the Maple, know that this will not help the city to compete for more territory, Mucheng wants to expand The site only relies on Jiuyuan.

"Shuichengchengzhu, let's talk about it?" Yan smiled and said loudly.

The owner of Shuicheng City thought twice and bites his teeth. "Okay, let's talk!"

The owner of Shuicheng City entered the Jiuyuan site and bargained with a low degree of humility. "We are very imaginary, we are very interested in the waterwheel, but this territory exchanges..."

"The master of the city, if the sea snakes are willing to withdraw from the offshore area of ​​this section, do you still insist?"

"What do you mean?"

Strictly signal the owner of the Shuicheng City to look to the side that represents the offshore area.

A team of mermaid warriors slid into the offshore field, silently obscuring the sea snake warriors.

The sea snake warriors were quite awkward, and they couldn’t stand it. They all looked at the priests for help.

The sea snake priest said as calmly as possible to the witch: "Are you forcing us to go to inland waters?"

Which one thinks of the side of the witch, "Which waters do you want to enter? Anyway."

The sea snake priest was almost violently swam into the inland waters, but fortunately, she held back.

"What, don't you?"

Go fart! The sea snake priest couldn't help but swear, and did not say that the living environment is a crucial issue, let the sea snakes enter the inland. Is this wanting to wrap them round or want to wrap them round?

The mermaid is really getting worse!

"While you don't want to go inland, but we want to enter the ocean, or do you want to play with me first?"

"..." The sea snake priest deeply and deeply looked at the witch, turning his head and letting the sea snake warriors withdraw from the offshore area occupied by the mermaid.

If he knows that the mermaid that the Shuicheng people said is actually this one, and that the priest is still this, he will not come even!

Why is this old immortal still not dead? It is obviously a long-lived family, but it lives longer than the longest family!

The sea snakes are so depressed that the other side of the city is even more uncomfortable.

"I really look down on you." The city of Shuicheng City smiled softly and whispered.

"I don't dare to say this to the lord of the city." Yan Mo slightly retreated a bit. "Actually, I want to know that this part of the offshore area is not because we want it. How many people do we see now?" The mermaids, they want to go back to the ocean, they will certainly not be assured of other forces in these two waterways, and they are bound to gain in the offshore area. You see, this part of the region can be inserted into the mermaid flag."

The owner of Shuicheng City is not angry. "The mermaids have all joined you in the nine originals. Are they not the land you have drawn?"

"It is only convenient for us to pass, the waterway and the ocean are mainly belong to the mermaid family." Yan Mo face is for the expression of the mermaid.

The owner of Shuicheng City resisted the desire of this face. "We want all the methods of making the waterwheel! That cotton will be available to us next year."

“Yes. The waterwheel has a 50% discount, and the twenty nine-level crystal coins, including all the methods of using the waterwheel, can be traded with food.”

The owner of Shuicheng City just wanted to say that it was expensive. I heard that it also includes all the ways to use the waterwheel. It changed: "We can't provide so much food at one time, and score years."

"Yes, within five years, no problem?"

The owner of Shuicheng City thought that this time was still ample and agreed. "What do you want so much food? Are you so many people in the nine?" Twenty nine-grade grain food is equivalent to the production of Mucheng for one year.

Strictly complained, "No way, Jiuyuan winter is too long, this has not saved a group of warlock slaves, they are too edible."

Shuicheng Chengzhu: I believe you are strange!

Shuicheng also withdrew the flag a part, although the piece seems to be the flag of the mermaid family, but who does not know that the mermaid and Jiuyuan are a group!

"Do you really want to watch Niuyuan sitting so big? If you don't do it again, the whole East China may have to belong to Jiuyuan!" The buzz came out suddenly, and no one found out who said it.

Strictly turned his face, "Who is farting! Our nine original territories have been divided. If you are not satisfied with this exchange method, then we will change one! Haiyan Lake salt mine salt refining method, want to and Jiuyuan Is the fine salt of red salt? Do you want fine salt at your fingertips? Want your tribe to become rich? Who will give me the part of the empty city, I will give him the fine salt refining method! The package will be taught, and I will not find me in the past three years!"

Mars will burst out!

Shuicheng regrets: Your mother, you have such a good thing, why didn't you just take it out! Although the waterwheel is good, it is of course more attractive than the water city with a large coastal area in the territory.

How to do? Do they want to do the nine-original thugs for this salt refining method?

There is definitely more than one that has the same idea as Shuicheng.

That voice came out again: "Nine original so many good things, instead of taking the nose to go to Jiuyuan, it is better for everyone to force them down. Just hit Jiuyuan, they are all in our hands. It!"

Strictly speaking, the confrontation method is very simple and rude: "The long-term preservation method of vegetables and fruits! Have you ever had spring wild vegetables, too many fruits and vegetables in autumn, but you can only watch them rot when you can't finish it? If there is a way to put them Long-term preservation, maybe in the winter, you can stop having to hungry. These methods are various, you don't have to use salt. The method is simple and can be made in large quantities. Do you want it? Give me part of the territory of Huocheng!"

Everyone: I want it!

Fire City:: The person who threatened you just is not us. You don't have to bring us, really!

"A certain kind of special plant in the western continent, vines can breed herbivores, roots can make humans and a variety of organisms full, large yield, more edible methods, easy to cultivate, more resistant to long-term storage, want? Meat consumption livestock farming, You can have meat all year round, want it? Give me the land east of the lower reaches of the river, I will change!"

There is such a good thing, definitely want it! The orcs are the most excited, change! We will help you to fight together!

Ding Yu people clenched their fists.

"Nine original special effects hemostasis, this witch hand-made refining. The efficacy can be asked about the people of the city, smeared not only can stop bleeding immediately to stop the wound, but also has a miraculous effect on the old scars, want?"

Hey! All human beings are not looking to the city. The people of Yincheng are so embarrassed, although they have not said that they will use the land of the sound city.

"Is your condition, injury, no one can treat? Want to get back to health? Want to live longer?"

Is this still asking?

"You are a blood-blooded warrior, but your child is not. Or you are not a blood-stained warrior, but you want your own descendants. Is it a god-blood warrior, is it envious? Want to stimulate the blood of the gods? Can an inexcitable person want to get another cultivation method that is not weaker than the blood of the god?"

“哗——!” The group was completely excited and turned over.

"Do you have no children all the time? Do you want a child of your own blood? Not limited to gender, even if you are two same-sex, even if you are a different race, if you want a child, you can’t ask for it, then come to me to find me. Temple." The gentle smile is still gentle. "These things belong to me. They are all in my mind. Unless I will give or tell them willingly, even if I am good at torturers, I don’t want to dig them out of my mind. thing."

The original battle was cold and cold. "If you want to get my priest, I have to see that I promised not to agree!"

However, the threat of the original war just dropped, and a huge thunderbolt suddenly slammed down!

The author has something to say: Thank you very much for your blessing! There is no other way to repay, this chapter will write a lot, I hope everyone likes ^^

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