MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 640

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Looking at the banks of the river across the river to bring a large number of slaves and soldiers, posing in a battle, the silence is very speechless.

When he comes here, he will choose to contact the Yi people first, not only because he finds acquaintances, but because he plans to do so.

According to the bird army under the jurisdiction of Jiufeng and the news collected by him and the tour operators, the four tribes on this wilderness, the Yi people are more willing to meet the outside world, and the population is also the largest of the four tribes. The small tribes are also relatively modest, and most of them are mainly trading. When the winter is difficult, they will occasionally help a group of affiliated tribes.

The Yi people who are hostile to the Yi people are more aggressive and follow the principle of the supremacy of force. They are more insidious than the Yi people. They treat the affiliated tribes as if they were slaves. When it is difficult in winter, they don’t want to help the small tribes. They robbed their food and still have a bad habit.

"Adults, this Yi people can be bad. They are not the same as the aborigines on this wilderness. The indigenous people here are called swamps. Our ancestors of the Yi people came here and the marshes were OK. There are very few contradictions, and the wilderness is big. Everyone has their own. But this Yi nationality, hehe!" The Yi people looked at the Yi people on the other side and they came to the air. He didn’t want the Yi people to hook up on Jiuyuan. I began to spare no effort to say bad things about the Yi people.

"There were not many people when the Yi people first came here, but their former heads despicablely occupied the Marsh female patriarch, and let her give birth to their own children. The female patriarch was also an idiot, and she believed the Yi people. The leader, who also marries his own people to the Yi people, does she not want to think that a tribe that is all a man of the prime year will be a good tribe? The result... not long after, the female chief died inexplicably, the marsh The elders and the sorcerers were all killed and killed, and the children of the female ancestry grew up, and the swamps were changed to the Yi. The original sorcerers of the swamps continued the blood of the swamps. I also have to promise to be a clan of the Yi people and leave behind."

Strictly, "Oh?" He was the first to hear about this news.

When I heard it, I said indignantly: "They also grabbed our women and prey! We went to the door to attack us in the winter."

"Adult, you don't know, it is not enough for the Yi people to occupy the swamps. When they are strong, they attack other small tribes everywhere. Our Yi people are forced to work hard to expand. I used to live at least on this wasteland. There are no fewer than ten small tribes, but now... Hey. In short, the Yi people are a group of liar! The robbers! You can't believe them!" The Yi chief said hard.

He smiled sternly and did not answer.

He is not a moral saint, and he does not feel that the Yi people are innocent. The original tribes of the original are similar tribes. It can even be said that the East Continent includes various forces on the Western Continent, and which one is truly benevolent? The Yi people are only relatively gentle in comparison, and there is not much difference between doing things and the Yi people, including their Jiuyuan.

But he also has to admit that who does not like to be more moderate than dealing with cruel and insidious tribes? Some things are essentially the same, and depending on the means of display, the long-term effects will be completely different.

For example, for a child who makes a mistake, some parents directly lashes, some parents open their mouths as vicious insults, some parents will talk endlessly, and others will find ways to understand things, and then with children Putting the facts into consideration, considering how to make children introspection according to their personality, punishment will be more reasonable and civilized.

Are the children who are educated and able to grow under these four different treatments, will their educational outcomes be the same?

Psychologists and a large amount of actual data have long shown that praise and encouragement are more likely to motivate a person's growth than humiliation and punishment.

Humanity is so, and so is the group of human beings.

Therefore, even if we strictly understand that the top leaders of the Yi people really hope to use their hands to teach and even eliminate the Yi people, they also understand that the Yi people are not good at conquering, but he does not intend to use force to suppress the Yi people unless the other party is really stupid to ask them not to Not doing this.

However, an ancestor who relied on the "color / lure" of the local indigenous female patriarch to carry out racial infestation, they really can not see the difference between them and Jiuyuan's strength, and then make a foolish thing to offend Jiuyuan?

"Do you think they are bringing the army to do something?" Strictly asked the original battle with a laugh.

"No murderous, it should not come to death. Then there is only one possibility, they want to shock the family, and at the same time get the opportunity to meet us." The original war between the five fingers to turn a small ball, the small ball in five The nature of the culture is constantly changing. He is now doing this exercise as long as he has time, and the speed of the ball is changing faster and faster. This shows that he is more and more comfortable with his ability and transformation.

Strictly seeing the speed of change of the small ball, I am afraid that it is difficult to distinguish the eyesight of ordinary people, and I can't help but admire the diligence of his big animal. Perhaps the success of the original battle is a component of luck, but the strength of the original battle can be based not only on his own qualifications and luck.

"Since they want to see us so much, then see them."

On the same day, under the eyes of the Qiang people’s nervousness and reluctance, they strictly contacted the Yi people and the Yi people.

This river, which is not very broad but deep and rushing, emerges from the ground and sneaked into the ground when it was out of the wilderness. People didn't know its source, and they didn't know which land they would flow through.

The Yi and the Yi people use this river as a boundary, and they have been fighting for prey on both sides of the strait for many years.

And in such a hurry and dangerous river, there are naturally no bridges on the river surface that can be used together with the two sides. The two people want to cross the river to find a relatively narrow and gentle area to cross the river.

But now, at the widest point of the river, there is a large arch bridge with three huge stone piers in the middle and a bridge width of about ten meters.

The Yi and Dai people on both sides of the strait saw the entire passage of the arch bridge.

Looking at a bridge out of nothing, it is enough to shock people. What is even more terrifying is that such a large arch bridge has been used from the beginning to the completion, but it took less than half a time.

Some Yi people walked unbelievably on the bridge and stepped on the bridge deck. Then they turned their heads and said to the ethnic group: "It is a real stone bridge. I stepped hard and did not collapse."

Dai high-level: finished! Was shocked!

The Yi people brought the strongest warriors and slave soldiers from the family. Apart from the shocking people, they did not have the meaning of showing off force to Jiuyuan. Even if they know that the leaders and priests of Jiuyuan have reached the legendary semi-god realm, who has seen the demigod? Anyway, they haven't seen it, and when they want to come, they have so many fighters, even if they play one thousand, they will not have any effect at all.

Yes, the Yi people also want to use their army to tell Jiuyuan: Even if you are strong, we are not weak. And for us who are even stronger than the Yi people, if you want us to return to the country, how can we pay more than the benefits to the Yi people!

The cruel facts tell them that they may be strong, but compared to Jiuyuan... forget it, don't compare it, so as not to overwhelm the confidence of the own warriors.

The Yi soldiers who have been hit hard can't believe what they saw!

They saw that the nine original princes and the priests were still thinking when they went to the river: Is this a demigod? It seems that there is nothing, but a tall and strong figure, a long silver hair that has never been seen.

Even some muscles grow into the brain, such as the two elders of the Yi nationality, and think about it: two people, when they cross the shore, it is better to grab them directly and grab all the good things brought by Jiuyuan.

Of course, this is just the idea just now. Today's Yi people: ... This is the power of God, right?

The Yi patriarch also wants to inspire the morale of his own fighters, but he has not had time to mobilize, and the situation will change again!

Strictly standing in the center of the bridge, fingers are drawn in the air, and the mouth is matched, whispering: "There is a fog."

When the sound just fell, a lot of white mist rose on the river.

The crowds on both sides of the riot.

Hunting tells the Yi people, let them not worry, and let them stay in place.

The fog of the Yi people only looked up on the river, blocking the line of sight on both sides of the strait. After a while, it returned to normal.

But the fog suddenly moved.

When the Yi people reacted, they suddenly found that they had been surrounded by dense fog. Except for the land they stood on, and the half bridge in front, nothing else could be seen.

"Witchcraft! Everyone is careful! Raise your weapons!" The high-ranking warriors of the Yi nationality.

Both the Yi soldiers and the slaves have put up an attack and defense posture.

"Don't get into the fog! Be careful with poison." The witch reminds everyone.

The patriarch immediately asked the witch whether there was any way to solve this thick fog.

The female witch with her face tattooed with a strange pattern shook her head. "The fog does not belong to the **** of the swamp."

The patriarch of the Yi nationality dissatisfied and frowned, and immediately whispered to the female witch. "Make all this into a swamp, fast! Don't let the two see it."

The female witch closed her eyes and the body suddenly began to twitch.

The Yi patriarch wants to fight for the time of the sorcerer, deliberately took a few elders to the front and said to the two men: "You are the princes and priests of Jiuyuan. We specially came to greet you to visit our Yi people. Don't be fooled by the Yi people. The one who knows the most about this swamp wasteland is our Yi people. They are just outsiders."

This mentioning did not mention thick fog, as if it did not see it.

Strictly and the original battle slowly walked to the end of the arch bridge, standing at the edge of the bridge to stop.

Strictly seeing those slave soldiers, their eyes suddenly cooled.

He knew that the Yi people were cruel than the Yi people, but he did not expect this tribe to be cruel to this extent!

Those slave soldiers were actually wearing a nose ring! The ears are all cut off.

This is not the case. It may be because the weather is not cold. The Yi people did not even prepare the slaves for the leather skirts. These young slaves were exposed to the soldiers... they were no longer there, and all the male external organs were all To castration!

All kinds of cruel treatments without humanity make the slaves of the Yi people more numb and more dead than the slaves of the Yi people.

Severely angry, the palms are shaking slightly.

The original battle felt wrong and immediately held his palm. He looked at the harsh eyes and saw the tragic situation of the slave soldiers. When he was in the heart, he did not feel bad for these slaves, but knew that he was strictly associated with the past, and even worse, he might think of it. The illusory dream that affects him very much.

"The Yi people, do you want us to go there with you?" The original war looked at the Shu people and talked to the Yi people, so he came.

"Of course." The Yi patriarch smiled friendly.

"But we have said in the past that you belong to Jiuyuan from now on. You must accept the arrangements of Jiuyuan and abide by all the rules of Jiuyuan. One of them is to give up all the slaves you have, so that you are willing?" The original war was like laughing and laughing. That face is not like a good person.

"How do the Yi people do what we do." The elders of the Yi nationality said that everything is easy to say.

The original battle made a sneer.

The high-level faces of the Yi people have not changed. They don’t believe that the Yi people will be willing to give up so many slaves. They must be like theirs. They all look like they are doing it. When the Jiyuan people leave, everything goes. Will return to the original.

The Yi people can do this, and of course the Dai people can do the same.

"Do you think we are very good at cheating? Very good speech?" The original battle was tall, standing on the edge of the bridge against the relatively small Yi, the whole condescending.

"Oh, how can this happen? You are the most powerful force in the Eastern Continent Jiuyuan Alliance." The Yi nationality chief smiled with more hypocrisy and more hypocrisy, and invited the two to follow them again.

But the two seemed to see his thoughts, standing on the side of the bridge and not moving.

The Yi patriarch estimated the time and felt that the sorcerer was almost ready. He waited to lie to the swamp and wait for the swamp. It was their world. He did not believe that so many people could not cope with it...

"A war." Strictly only called the name of the original war.

The original battle is like knowing what is being thought of, and shooting.

"Ah!" The patriarch of the Yi ethnic group suddenly screamed, feeling the foot empty, and the body slammed down!

There are several elders who are the same as him.

How is this going? How to become a swamp! How to become empty! The Yi patriarch wanted to question the clan, but all the voices he made were covered by a larger wave of screams.


They also don't want to call such a faceless, but things happen too suddenly, except for the top seven fighters in the two races, others can't calm down.



The Yi soldiers who fell to the ground soon came into contact with the field. When they got up and stood firm, they found out that they didn’t fall too much. They were two people higher than the ground, just...

Strictly and the original battle, the two stood on the edge of the pit and looked down at the Yi people below.

The Yi patriarchs and elders also got up. They were stupid at this time and knew that it was not the sorcerer who performed the witchcraft, but the two of them shot again.

The original battle was simply ridiculed and lazy to laugh at it. "I haven't know what my blood power is."

Speaking harshly, "I think they know, but it is not clear that your ability has already surpassed the ordinary blood-blooded warriors. The general soil control and water control warriors have no way to control the swamp, otherwise they will not occupy such a large piece. The land is still so arrogant."

"This Yi people seem to be harder to adjust/teaching than the Yi people. It is better to kill them all directly. Let the Yi people take over their tribes." The original battle is about to start.

"Wait!" Strictly grabbed his arm, forcibly suppressed his anger that was about to erupt, and tried to play his own priesthood. "So many people, many of them are slaves, they don't necessarily follow Their upper level wants to harm us. Would you like to ask them if they would like to leave the Yi?"

This is also used to ask, anyone who has the word slave above, as long as it is not masochistic and special circumstances, who is not willing to remove the two words to be a free man?

Only the slaves of the Yi people are tuned/teached to be more numb, and even more afraid to resist the master, but there is a sorrow that can use words to hypnotize and comfort the hearts of the people. It is not too much to say that these slave soldiers are rebellious, especially Strictness and the original war also promised to rescue their ethnicites in the Yi and arrange new life for them.

When the slaves here decided to renege on the Yi people, the pits under their feet began to rise until they were flush with the original ground.

Strictly summoned the nine winds, let him bring these slave soldiers across the bridge to the Yi people. And when you are jealous of the nine winds, you must pay attention to whether these people have suicidal tendencies, and if they do, they will first stun them.

The Yi people who stayed at the bottom of the pit had some anger, some fear, and some still moved other thoughts.

Angry and do not like to brainstorm, such as the two elders, immediately ordered the soldiers to attack the above-mentioned strict and original battle.

Strictly hand, "cover!"

All the attacks were on the top of the Yi people's heads or disappeared or dropped, and the rebounding attacks caused the Yi soldiers who launched the attack to be injured a lot.

The cold and cruel voice of the original battle passed through the shield into the ear of the Yi people. "This is the first attack. I originally wanted to talk to you about the priests. Since you are looking for death, there is no need to Leave you!"

"A war!" The scream of helpless priests sounded.

But this did not stop the leader of the war.

A large amount of groundwater suddenly appeared in the pit, and the water flow quickly rose, flooding nearly 3,000 Yi soldiers at the bottom of the pit.

The Yi people saw the groundwater flooded, not only did not panic, but was overjoyed.

The warrior's head gesturing, let everyone close to the edge of the pit.

The Yi patriarch is to find the witch, let her quickly soften the surrounding soil with the fastest speed, so that everyone can take advantage of the natural blood to get out of trouble.

"Oh, I am not afraid of flooding?" Yan Mo began to be interested in the body structure of the Yi people. This family can use this ability, isn't this the equivalent of the blood of this race? Well, be sure to dissect a few look, preferably *dissection.

The original battle was sneer. "Want to go, have you ever asked me if I agree?"

"Duang!" tried to use a large amount of water to soften the surrounding land for swamping and the Yi people who fled all hit the hard rock.

This Yi people began to panic.

It’s all hard stone, how can it soften?

The patriarch urged the sorcerer, and the sorcerer did not spare no effort to exert the power of the witch until he was in a coma.

"Since the flooding does not kill you, what about the fire? Let me see if you can survive in the sea of ​​fire."

The words and smiles of the original war are so terrible in the eyes of the Yi people in the bottom of the pit.

Devil! The Yi people shouted in the water.

Unfortunately, no matter how they struggled, the surrounding water began to heat up rapidly.

Your mother! You want to cook us before we burn us?

The Yi soldiers cried in the hot water. They were not afraid of flooding in a short time, but they could not persist for too long, let alone boiled at high temperature.

Strictly watching the following people who are suffering and silently screaming, a cruel pleasure is raised in their hearts.

You are stronger than those slaves, so you can treat them like that. Then I am stronger than you. Can I treat you like this?

The high-ranking Yi people can't stand it. This attack can't attack the other side. If they want to escape and can't escape, what else can they do?

The gap in force is too great, and their rebellious thoughts will be blown up.

The Yi nationality endured the high temperature, struggled to swim to the top, and explored the head, pleading for the two people on the top: "Two adults, we are wrong! Please let us go, our Yi people are willing to join Jiuyuan, from then on Take Jiuyuan as the honor!"

Your ancestors, wait! When we come out, we will immediately rely on your enemies to find trouble for you day and night!

Strictly above the Yi nationality patriarch, shaking his head, "The ancestors told me that you are lying, you and your people do not really want to respect Jiuyuan."

"We are sincere!" The elders also swam up and shouted the water on their faces.

Strictly still shaking his head.

The original battle was impatient. "What is the use of disobedience? I put the water off, and it sets fire to them!"

"Do not--!"

The water disappeared and the walls slammed into the flames on all four sides of the pit.

"Ah!" The Yi soldiers were forced to squeeze into the center, and those who were accidentally caught by the fire tongue could not stop screaming.

The original war was still thinking about baking them for a while and letting them go, but this time it was said to be a good person. "No hurry, this tribe is cruel, they are jealous of others, and they are afraid of being benevolent." This pain does not make them deeply remember, it will only make them hate us more."

"What are you going to do?" Hey, before, obviously you said that you can't use force without using force. For the "willful" priests who have changed their own homes, the original battle... I like it! Yes, he is so perverted, and seeing the cruel side of his priests will be more sexual.

"Good-hearted people can be taken with kindness, but some vicious and cruel races may only be used to make them obedient with their fists. A war, help me to fix them, I am very interested in this family's body, maybe anatomy A few people, I can find the reason why the whole family has this kind of blood. It doesn't matter if you can't find it." The last sentence was said with a smile.

The Yi people at the bottom of the pit also heard the conversation between the two men. They also thought about what the anatomy meant, and thought about how the nine former chiefs would fix them.

There are also many Yi people who yell at them and all kinds of threats come out.

"Look, they don't mean to be soft, how...there are people who admire." The strict smile made the original war a slap in the face, oh yeah, I want to be dark and dark. Ground!

After that, the Yi people who believe that they are strong, bold and brave have experienced a terrible nightmare that can never be wiped out!

The terrible degree of this nightmare has reached the point where their descendants still inherit the nightmare content after they all die!

Since then, Jiuyuan Mo Wu has become the most feared person of the Yi people.

The name of the witch is also the best means for the children to stop the shackles.

Many Yi people secretly shouted in their hearts to be a witch, but they only shouted in their hearts. No one dared to scream. They always felt that their every move, every word and deed, was watched by the terrible witch, and no secret could escape his magic eyes.

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