MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 645

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There are original battles, and the wild mountain forests that were originally dense and have no roads have become less difficult to walk.

Before the sky was dark, the group finally arrived at the residence of the original alpine cave family.

In order to improve the speed of travel and to reduce the danger, the silent army was left at the foot of the mountain before entering the mountain, only with the snails.

All the way to the top of the mountain, that is, the arc mountain in the middle of the two corners, came up to see a large meadow, and countless gorgeous wildflowers.

The wind blew from the face, bringing light floral and rich grassy notes.

Yuntian, sunset glow, flowers and flowers, wide vision.

Everyone’s spirit has been alive.

"This is a good place." Yan is sincerely amazed.

The scenery is beautiful and beautiful, but there are countless dangers in the meadows that seem to be harmless and have more than half a person.

Here, no one will be stupid enough to say that you should lie directly on the grass. It is light to be covered by insects and it is normal to be bitten by a poisonous snake.

"Someone went down from there." The original battle squatted at the height, and at a glance saw the strangeness of a meadow in the distance.

Speaking silently, ask the snail. "Where is your family living?" He did not see any buildings on the meadow.

The snail is close to the hometown. In particular, he did not find any traces of ethnic activities around the meadow. If it is normal, as long as someone approaches the meadow, no, as long as it is close to the foot of the mountain, patrol soldiers will project a spear to them as a warning. Until they reached the top of the mountain, no one came out. This huge meadow could not see any other figures except them.

This is not normal.

Is his family really...

"Snail?" The warm palm touched his head.

He fixed his mind and raised his head. He smiled apologetically to the priests, and hurriedly pointed to the left side of the meadow at the edge of the mountain. He replied: "We are alpine caves, naturally living in caves. This mountain grassland is very large. There are many terrible beasts hidden inside, and the beasts in the forest occasionally run out to hunt, we can only defend them if we live in the cave."

The place where the snail finger is located is exactly the same direction that the original grass found the grass.

"Let's go and see." The original battle took the lead.

Jiufeng and Dobby were in the sky, and the original battle was in front of the road and was strictly abducted.

A few small dare not support the big, and the same as the snail, they are holding a wooden stick cat and walking along the waist to explore the road.

In the grass came the sound of Sosuo, and strictly indicated that you did not care, the original war released the momentum of the demigod, the beasts were most sensitive to the dangerous intuition, all fled.

When you come to the edge of the meadow, you can clearly see that the weeds here are much shorter and there are many traces of trampling.

The more you go forward, the shorter the weeds, and gradually only cover the ankles of the people.

The appearance of the Niujiao Mountain on the left has been clearly revealed in front of everyone, and it is very sorrowful to sigh.

Is this the magic of nature? A natural terrace was formed on the west side of Niujiao Mountain.

The bottom three terraces are the widest, really planted in front, followed by caves for people.

There are a total of 19 floors in the terraces. The narrower the upper and lower, the higher the level is only halfway up the horns of the horns, and the upside is the vertical cliff where manpower is difficult to climb.

The original battle saw the residence of the alpine tribes also praised: "This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, as a small tribe's residence is very good."

The snail is also very proud of the family. Some of the nearby tribes have been jealous of their ethnic group. They have been robbed many times, but they have all been beaten back by their families.

Strictly raised his hand and recruited nine winds, the nine winds turned into small birds.

"What do you say from the birds, is there someone before, but not all of them were evacuated not long ago?"

"Yes, it is here, they brought me to see, there are still many dead people there." Nine winds use wings to point to the south side of the meadow.

The original war heard the past.

Strictly on the first floor of the Niujiao Mountain, ask the nine winds: "Where are the human activities in this Niujiao Mountain? Which one is mainly concentrated?"

Jiufeng patted the small wings and said that I don’t know, the birds will pay attention to the human traces here, but how can they carefully distinguish the traces of human activities?

Strictly see the nine winds here can not ask anything, then ask the snail, "Where are you talking to me about the holy land of your family?"

He stumbled, but he said nothing without hesitation. He could not see the people here. Obviously his people have either fled, or they have all been taken or killed. The tribes are not guaranteed. What else can't you say?

Besides, the holy land of their family is actually a good name. Walking into it is a big cave. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. The big witches and elders in the family often arrange for the weak people to live in. He played in it when he was a child. It is empty, it is a spring, and nothing else.

The holy place of the alpine cave family is not in the terraced mountain cave on the west side, but on the south side.

It happened that the original battle came back and told everyone, "There is a lot of blood there, but the body is basically towed away by the beasts, only some broken fur and bones."

I was still worried that the dead people would be the snails of his people. I don’t know if I was disappointed or glad that I didn’t have to face the bones of my loved ones. The expression was very complicated.

Before going to the caves of the caves, they quickly walked through the first to third floors of the terraces and found no living, but from the traces left, there were still many people living here not long ago.

The snail stayed in the cave on the second floor, a manpowered cave.

Strictly went in and saw that there is not much space inside, except for the hole in the main entrance, there are two holes in it.

The snail that turned around in the hole suddenly grabbed a piece of fur that had been smashed from the ground and lost his voice: "This is my art of Eminem! This fur is still fresh, I am her..."

The snail thought of the dead in the grass in the south, and the tears slammed down. He didn't dare to think about how he is now, but he could only imagine that she might have escaped with other people.

"Don't worry, Jiufeng listened to the birds in the mountains and said that the people here were killed, but some of them escaped. When things are done, I will ask the nine winds and the creatures in the mountains to help you find them. Your people, maybe you are still living well in Amu."

"Priest priests!" Snails slammed against the stern, "Please, please..."

Sighing sighfully, "Let's find the caves above and see if there are any clues. If not, let's go to the holy place you said. If you don't find anything in the Holy Land, expand your search."

"Thank you priests!" The snail slammed his head and stood up.

Strictly told them several times that they don’t have to squat, not to mention gimmicks, but the murder of the army was adjusted and taught for so long, and the habit of squatting at the moment could not be adjusted.

The caves of the 19-storey terraced fields were all searched. Nothing was found except for the traces of the remaining life.

The original battle was searched nearby, and the strictest went to ask the living people who lived nearby. Finally, the seven seven eight eight eight pieces finally put together a general pass.

About a month and a half ago (this time is a strict speculation), there is a group of human beings living here.

One day, there seems to be a disagreement within this group of humans. Some people lead a group of people to kill another group.

Then a group of humans who looked like a leader found this. He was angry and prevented the group from continuing to kill, but the other leader appeared and the two sides almost hit each other.

In the chaos, a group of people were killed, and a group of people fled into the forest.

The leader who came out to stop defeated the other side and prohibited others from searching for the escaped.

In the end, these people also left. Before the other controlled head, they ordered a fire in a large cave and almost burned the meadow. But what the group of people who did not know did not know that the fire they put on the cave was extinguished in a strange way, and it did not affect the entire meadow.

Strictly and thoughtfully said: "Listen to the description of the birds and beasts, the Ding Li's great witch and the special may have come. Lili wants to kill all the slaves, even set fire, want to eliminate all clues, but The singer has stopped him."

The original war did not like to listen to my own lover, always mentioning the singularity of the trip, and immediately screamed: "There is nothing special here, I have seen it, go to the cave in the south. Not that the cave prevented the fire from spreading, inside There must be some weirdness."

Strictly guessing that this cave holy place is the land of relics, and looking for no clues, I took everyone around the road to the holy land in the south of Niujiao Mountain.

It was only the first night's harvest that made everyone very disappointed, they barely found it.

This so-called holy place is a large cave that looks very ordinary. It is only a special location, just on the mountainside. There is only one small intestine trail that depends on the mountain wall.

For others, it is a little dangerous to take this road, but for the original war and the strict line, they are no different from taking this road and going to the ground.

Before entering the cave, you can first see a large flat land, which is a huge rock that extends from the mountain wall.

Strictly seeing this flat land, inexplicably thought of the three words of the apron.

If they are coming from a bone bird, they can land directly on the flat.

Looking at the hole again, it is really big. The highest point of the hole is about six stories, and the widest point can drive into a train.

When you step into the hole, you can feel the temperature change immediately. It only feels about three or five degrees lower than the outside.

The hole is very dark.

Strictly and deliberately withdrew, the sun is already falling, but there is still a glory, and it is just south. The hole is so big. It is reasonable to say that the lighting in this hole should not be so bad, but it is so amazing, he just has to cross the hole. That line is dark in front of you.

In fact, it is not really black, but after seeing the eyes adjust for a while, you can still see the appearance of the hole roughly, but the light is still too low and not normal.

Is it because of the smoke? Strictly put this question aside for a while, stand at the hole and carefully look at the cave.

The cave inside is a set of holes, and there are three holes in the hole. One is smaller than the other. The spring known as the Holy Spring is in the third cave and the innermost cave.

About the reason that the Dingyi people put a big fire before leaving, the outermost hole was burnt black and the wall was not clear.

"Ding Ding should absorb the fire control soldiers, this is the fire caused by at least two fire fighters above the sixth level." The original battle is a combat expert, who saw the fire manufacturer in a circle.

Subsequently, the man waved his hand, and countless fireballs floated up, and the visibility in the cave increased greatly.

As soon as he was black and bright, he suddenly noticed something and turned his head.

There is nothing in the hole, and the scenery outside is still beautiful.

Dobby flew the tentacle and flew away from him.

A few small to see the caves that have become brighter, happy, and bouncing.

"Mom, what are you looking at?" asked him in the original battle.

Strictly turned back and laughed. "The evening glow is very good, the sun is going to fall."

The original war aimed at the outside, very perfunctory, forgive him is a barbarian, romantic cells have not been developed.

Strictly press the strange feeling to the bottom of my heart and look up at the cave wall. Because of the large number of fireball lighting, what is the outer hole, you can see at a glance, "They are deliberately burning the cave wall."

"Is there anything on the wall?" A few small people also explored curiously in the cave. Sumen did not go far and turned to ask his master.

Strictly decapitated, "There may be murals, there may be written records, and there may be some special logos. In short, no matter what is the Ding Yi people do not want us to see."

"Ah! Master, what should I do?" Sumen thought that Ding is good or bad.

Strictly recruited the snail and asked him: "Do you remember something on the hole in the outer hole?"

The snail is not quite sure: "I don't remember too much. The hole is very dark. It seems that there is something on the wall, but we don't understand it. The big witch said that it is the language of God."

Strictly confronted with the original war, it seems that the wall of the outer hole is engraved with words.

"Do you remember where you are?"

Snail looked at the black and high hole wall and tried to recall. "There are not many words. I remember that there are some there. There seems to be there, right, maybe there?"

The screw on the forehead was sweating, and he was anxious to cry. "Adult, I don't remember, it's been a long time, me, me..."

Strictly calm and appease him, "Hey, no hurry, I can think of how much it is, it doesn't matter if I can't think of it."

The snails pointed out several positions with uncertainty.

Strictly and the original battle, see if you can recover, or find a trace of the word.

But it is a pity!

"They cut the walls of the text directly!" The original battle made a series of swearing words, which made the Ding Yi people more unhappy.

Strictly ask the snails to remember what the gods look like, and to sneak out a few thoughts, and use the pens that are strictly given to draw a few ghost characters on the white paper.

Dolby flew, even he could not be sure whether this is the interstellar lingua franca of the Afghan family, the twisted arc, too much selling / soul!

"There is a possibility of four." In the end, it is more than that.

The two men and a few small ignited torches were busy in the outer hole for a few laps and found nothing.

Strictly want to find out why the fire stopped at the hole and did not find out. He repeatedly entered and exited the hole, and the strange move made others couldn't help but stare at him.

Dobby flew over, "Mom, what did you find?"

Strictly touch the ground and touch the ground, "What about you?"

Dobby is very frustrated. "I didn't find anything. There is no obvious energy and no band."

Strictly appease him, "No hurry, if you can't find anything, nothing."

"Yes, we can go to Ding to grab their discovery!" Dobby spirit.

Yan Mo Le, got up.

The original battle used his ability to control the soil, and carried out in-depth exploration of the entire outer hole. In the end, he could only shake his head. "The back and underground of the cave wall are solid, and there are no strange things."

Look closely at the sky outside. "The sky is already dark. Let's take a break in the outer hole and eat dinner and go to the middle hole."

There must be something here, but it is still undetectable by their current means.

He has to find the place where Ding Yi discovered the energy gun. Maybe there will be a clue there?

He wanted to tell the original feeling to the original war, but he didn't want to let "the secretly sneaked" find out what he had discovered, only to be temporarily bored in his heart.

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