MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 647

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The next morning, Jiuyuan and his party appeared together on the top of the lake.

Strictly told the original battle that the alpine cave witch ghost came to him last night.

The original battle was very uncomfortable and did not call him at that time.

The priests held their eyes on the eldest son. "This is a spiritual power. I haven't figured it out yet. What are you doing? Are you flying with your soul?"

"If the old witch is not good to you?" The original war seized the little foot of the eldest son and kicked it.

Wu Guo’s slap in the face of his trenches, and he was happy.

The original battle was not annoying. He grabbed his little meat claws and stuffed him into his mouth and took a bite.

Witch is wow.

Silently eating and laughing, asked the eldest son's fleshy little ass. "If I can't make him, can you fix it? On the soul level, we are all young children."

The original battle was blocked, and now I decided to wait for Stan to learn how to manipulate the soul.

After strictly blocking his own livestock, he did not forget to feed him sugar. "You can rest assured that Stein taught me how to stick to my soul. Even if the old witch is malicious to me, he can take me helplessly, but bring you, I am afraid. Keep yourself from keeping you."

The original war wanted to say that his soul was also very powerful, but he did not argue with his lover. When he returned to him and Stan mastered the power of the soul, his silence would not be possible to open him.

"He is here now?"

He refers to the old witch. Looking closely at the snail, the old witch stood by the snail and looked at the boy with a very loving look.

The snail knew nothing, and he was still whispering that he had dreamt of the great witch in the family last night. The great witch was his father, but he was not a witch.

The old witch did not tell the snail that he had died, and the snail still held hope.

Sighing sighly, maybe it’s better to hold the hope or the snail of the boy. When he is no longer attached to his mother in his twenties, then he will know the facts and the damage will be smaller.

Grasp the original arm and connect his soul with him to help him adjust the frequency so that he can "see" the old witch.

The original battle only felt that his sight flashed, and a thin and thin old man suddenly appeared in his vision.

This is the ancestral spirit?

Nowadays, there is no ghost in Dongdalu. For these existences, there is energy to maintain the existence of their own soul. They are generally called spirits, and the legend of the ancestors comes from this, such as the dwarves.

If the energy of the spirit can be maintained all the time, can the spirit exist for a long time?

"Master, what's in this lake?" Xiaohe wore a flower and came over, and a small wreath on his hand was placed on the head of Wu Guo, interrupting the original thoughts.

Wu Guo wears a garland to be beautiful, and the small hand lifts up and touches the garland, and the expression is very satisfactory.

Strictly watching a few apprentices with flowers and garlands in their heads, happy to laugh, and hand over the witch fruit in their arms to Xiaohei. "Not sure yet, I will go down with your teacher. During the period, you and the nine winds took the others to the mountains to find the people who escaped from the alpine caves. If you find that they are not right, let the nine winds take you away immediately, protect Wuguo and Sumen, understand?"

Xiao Hei took over Wu Guo, a chest, "guarantee to complete the task!"

Strictly look at Yan Xiaole.

Yan Xiaole beat the sternum, "Hey!" handed it to me.

Nine winds caught a small flower and inserted it into the strict hair, and settled down. "Mom, I will go with you."

Suddenly grabbed the little flower that was about to fall, and went to the ear. When the eyeball turned, he called Sumen and grabbed the nine winds from the top of his head and put it on the head of Sumen. "Little black must take care of the witch fruit. He must also look at Sumen. Once he is in danger, he must be too busy. Although Xiaole is powerful, he is not familiar with the birds and beasts in the mountains, but you have already come and can order all the forests. Birds and beasts. Nine winds, you are the greatest mountain **** of our country, and there are other people in Sumen, I will give it to you!"

Jiufeng aimed at the small Sumen stepping under the paw and reluctantly agreed. "Well, then you have to come to us earlier."

"Well, if I find it wrong, I will send it to the war immediately. You can rest assured. When you find someone, you will go to the camp under the mountain. I will come back at the latest half a month. If it is more than half a month, you have not seen it." We will go back to Jiuyuan first. If we have not been able to go back for more than half a year, let the Stan witch and the curse and the old man jointly take up the nine originals. Jiufeng, your burden is very heavy, the next generation of Jiuyuan will be given to is you."

Jiufeng was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, and he was very serious about his small head.

Toby is very proud, he is the only one allowed to go with him.

The other few looked at him very dissatisfied, the nine winds and one wing fan past, more than strangely called into the lake.

Strictly ordered the two sentences.

The snail was very touched. He wanted to say that let everyone stay waiting, so don't follow him to find someone.

But the sternness is not assured that they stay here, urging a few small leaves.

The old witch did not stop the strict behavior. He did not feel relieved about his only blood. He did not know what would happen if the three men went down, but with the miracle he saw, if there was movement, it would be It’s really not too safe to stay in the lake.

After a few small departures, the old man walked into the lake and was forced to go down to the lake and was dragged by the original war.

what's wrong? Strictly ask with your eyes.

The original battle seized the small flowers that were not in the ear and threw them away. The body was pulled down from the ground with a long-handled velvet yellow flower with only a few fingernails. Don't go back to his ear.

Take a step back, enjoy the next, and nod your satisfaction.

Strictly look up, speechless.

The original war looked down and the mouth was old.

He couldn’t help but laugh out, slap him away and follow the old man into the lake.

I thought that I would get a kiss and the original battle was gloomy and it was like rain.

"Hey, are you still coming? If you don't come, you will go with the children." Yan Mi turned back and his eyes flowed.

In the original battle, the water waves separated and went straight to the bottom of the lake.

The old man saw the lake separate, and the bottom of the lake was shining in the sun, and he was shocked.

The original battle came to the side of the stern, and naturally looked at the exposed lake bottom.

A deep pit appeared at the bottom of the lake.

The pits are dark blue, like the sea eye seen on the satellite image.

"Dobby?" Suddenly said suddenly.

The original battle and the old man were a glimpse. The original war immediately turned around and looked around.

Strictly followed by looking up, but no!

"I remember that more than just being fanned by the nine wind wings, they often play like this, and Dobi is not afraid of water." The original wave waved the water waves apart to find Dobby.

Strictly shouted: "Dobby, where are you?"

The silence in the lake is abnormal, and the water waves swim in the water, but there is no comparison.

At the same time, the two looked at the old witch and said with a sigh of relief: "Where is the entrance? Take us past, fast!"

The old witch did not expect to point to the deep blue lake.

The original battle tried to separate the water inside, but no matter how much energy he exported, the water in the lake's eyes did not move.

No, it doesn't move, there are ripples.

"This water is not right, this is not water." The original battle underarm/body, the hand touched the water in the lake's eyes, the feeling of touching it is indeed water, it is still very cold. But he can't manipulate it.

Strictly, he also took a closer look. After a while, he went into the water and saw a picture of "water" in his brain.

"This is not water." Strictly asserted, "This is some kind of unknown energy, it just looks and feels like water. Big witch, do you know anything?"

The old witch shook his head. "I told you last night that after I died, I knew that we were slaves to the bone-cultivating people and became guides. As for why this is happening, I don’t know, I only know that when After I died in pain, I woke up again in the lake, just beside the lake."

"And then? What happened?"

Old witch, "I entered the lake."

This is the only option and the only option for the current and the original war.

Strict and very cautious, even if he wants to go down, he should try to understand the situation inside. "What's inside?"

The expression of the old man became very complicated at this moment. "I can't describe it in words. You will know when you go in."

“Is there any danger?”

"At least in the layer I entered, I didn't. I also expected you to avenge my family, raise my blood, and retrieve my people. I won't harm you. As far as I know, if I can't pass the second floor. It will be sent out, you will not be in any danger, and you will get some rewards."

"Oh? So good?" Yan Mo, this person is always full of doubts about this "good thing", just like the fraudulent marketing calls that are often received in previous life, always say that you will give you gifts first, then, huh, huh.

"If you want to get the treasure, you can only go down, and the outside has been taken away by the tripod." The old man said frankly.

“What are those recorded on the wall?” Yan Mo always felt that the words and patterns on the wall were the key.

The old man sighed. "You are very intelligent. My family has kept the words and pictures for so many years. I have not found the secret of the treasure. It is clearly written there... Hey. Go on the first floor, you will know what I know. everything of."

Strictly can't help but think: Is this a trap? But he can't bear the treasures that might be more precious than energy weapons.

"Human greed is really the root cause of all development." Slightly whispered, he did not hesitate to step into the lake.

The original battle keeps up.

Strictly did not forget to cover the two people.

If they don't have the big threat of alien invaders, if it is not more than suddenly, he thinks he will not go down so simply.

The ripples in the water in the lake are just a scorpion.

When they stepped into the lake, they fell into a fairly vast space.

"Do you feel that the body seems to have been scanned when you come in?" Slightly asked the little sapling in his mind.

The little saplings are a little bit scorpion. "You feel right, I smell the black technology."

Strictly, I will look at this space together with the original war.

No wonder the big witch can't say it. I looked up silently and felt that I didn't know how to use words to describe the scene here.

He saw a temple with a high ladder.

There are countless horns on both sides of the ladder.

A thick big hand reached over and held him.

Slightly sideways, smile at the lover. "Yes, this should be the third holy place for the bones. If the Yu family had left anything on this planet, most of it should be here."

"Go up?"

"Well, go up."

The old witch also stood by them and said to them: "What you want to know is on the top, go in the middle, and don't touch the bones when you go up."

Strictly accepted the old witch proposal, and the original two men went up the ladder, did not encounter any blockage on the way.

On the uppermost level of the ladder, a white horned family held up a baby of three or five months old. He stood behind a black horn and a red horn.

The old witch shouted at them. "Wait, you need to bow down first."

what? Strictly and the original battle, they all saw reluctance from the other side's eyes.

The old witch was a little anxious. "I heard God when I was worshipping... I don't know who it is, I only heard his voice."

Looking up at the three smelting bones in front of you, do you want to worship?

"What if you don't know what to do?" The original war turned to ask the old witch.

The old witch lived, "I don't know."

The original war looked harsh and asked with the eyes: Go up?

Strictly and anti-grabbing his hand, the two bypassed the three smelters and went to the top.

No attack, no sound, nothing.

Strictly went up to aim at the temple, and turned back and walked back.

The sapling madly called in his mind: "Danger! Danger! Rewind!"

The original battle was unknown, so I followed it back.

Old witch... can only watch.

After walking to the three skeletal sorcerers, he asked the old witch: "Is it right here?"

The old witch nodded.

"Hands? Where is the hand?"

The old wisely walked over and showed them.

The old witch suddenly got excited. "Have you heard it? God is talking."

Strictly and the original battle did not hear anything.

Ask him harshly: "What did you hear?"

The old witch closed his eyes, and after a while he opened his mouth and his expression was slightly surprised. "God said... same as last time."

"What did he say?"

The old witch stood up. "I told you that he said that the alpine caves are slaves of the refining bones. The refining bones have left, leaving precious treasures. The slaves are responsible for guarding the treasures waiting for the selected people to come. Then ask if I am willing to be a guide or a tester."

Strictly grasp the key point: "You have no choice to be a tester?"

"No, I chose." The old witch blushed, of course, no one can see it. "But I didn't pass the first pass. God said that I can only be a guide and reward me with a light. To make my soul more concise, I can leave the lake."

Strictly more concerned is: "You said that what you just heard is exactly the same as you first heard it?"


Speaking in the air, will this be a recording device? Can it be started as long as the conditions are met?

Strictly let the old witch let go, go to that position, wait for a while and see no reaction.

He looked down again and looked at the steps under his feet. He stroked the area that would be stepped on if he squatted down, mimicking the old sorcerer's posture and releasing the soul.

In an instant, what seems to be triggered. Strictly still felt that his feet were poked, but he had a shield to defend himself, and the thing did not poke into his soles, and he was very reluctant to top the top and disappear.

The strange sounds came from all directions and finally gathered into a clear voice.

The sound goes straight into the soul, without translation, and the semantics are self-evident.

"Intruder, do you want to be a guide or a tester?"

Intruder? It seems that the other party knows that he is not a mountain cave?

Is this not a recording? Or is it a recording that plays according to different conditions?

Then, judging whether the person is a mountain or an outsider, is a living person or a dead person, what is it?

Strictly looking back at the long steps, thinking of the strange ripples, and then thinking about what I just wanted to poke into his soles, there is probably a number in my heart.

He took the hand of the original war so that he could hear it, and asked: "What is the guide? What is the pilot?"

"Guide the way, give up the opportunity to try out and guide the tester. You are a living creature, you can reward a magical medicine."

"What is a medicine?"

"Shen medicine can improve your physical fitness, make your strengths bigger, your eyes look farther, your ears hear more, and your body grow stronger."

"Oh? So amazing?" Suddenly guessing that this medicine is not the legendary primary genetic enhancer? It sounds a lot like it.

Did the Afghan family have already developed a broad-spectrum gene agent for this planet?

However, let alone the genetic enhancer is already a semi-scientific sci-fi. Even if the interstellar civilization in which the Afghan family is located has already researched genetic agents, it is impossible to study the horned and hornless people on this planet to improve their abilities. Genetic enhancer.

Not to mention that in the era when the Aya family arrived, the hornless man was still a semi-intelligent creature, and the horned man was just a barbaric primitive race that had just opened his mind.

As aggressor, will the Afghan family study the genetic agents that enhance their bodily functions for slaves and beasts?

Well, even if they have studied for some purpose, will they study the genetic agents that can be used by horned people, and also study the hornless people? At that time, the hornless man is probably not far from the beast?

If so, how do they know that there must be a horned family today?

Therefore, it is inferred that the sacred drug of this voice cannot be a genetic enhancer. It is likely to be a kind of catalyst, for example, by consuming life energy to temporarily increase the body skills. After all, when the voice said the benefits of this magical medicine, it did not mention that it could prolong life. The reason why genetic medicine is called semi-sci-fi, is that it can not only improve people's physical fitness, but also remove some stubborn genetic diseases. It is better to increase the life of the user by activating the cells.

Thinking of this, although there is still curiosity about the medicine, there is not much desire/expectation.

"I want to be a tester."

"Hand over a drop of blood, you can get the chance to enter the temple to participate in the trial."

The steps in front of the rigor rise up a small pillar with a silver plate with a needle tip in between.

This is not to see the dark, simply set out to ask him for blood?

A drop of blood? give or not?

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