MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2343 Scary goblin

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? The magician God Island is built by Yun Mengyao by countless means according to the characteristics of the magician. It is most suitable for the cultivation of the magician. At the same time, if there is a battle here, the power of the magician can be five to six times stronger than the outside, absolutely It is the blessed place of the curse, the nightmare of the soldier. ""

When Xie Aoyu arrived, the Dragon God Emperor was retreating.

As for Yun Mengyao, he is continuously receiving information from various places through spells.

He can only wait.

The curse **** island is very quiet. There are no people. Xie Aoyu's eyes spread out over a range of 100,000 meters. It can clearly capture the countless curses who are hiding in some places to cultivate. Among them, pure cursers and semi-giants have been born. Very rare, this is one of Yun Mengyao's secret weapons.

Although the curse's strength is not high, but the number is, if you work together to perform a powerful large-scale curse, it is entirely hopeful that the invincible giant will die. This is the most terrible place of the curse.

Xie Aoyu never saw Ru Yan, Zi Yan, and other women from beginning to end. I wonder if they are practicing or busy.

About half an hour later, Yun Mengyao finished collecting intelligence.

She closed her eyes slightly and began to sort out the information.

Xie Aoyu also sat quietly opposite her, looking at the peerless face of the so-called first beauty, without any flaws, so perfect.

"Have you seen enough?" Yun Mengyao opened her beautiful black eyes and smiled.

The smile made Xie Aoyu feel a bit heavy, and he still chuckled: "It will never be enough."

"My man's mouth is always sweet." Yun Mengyao reached out and stroked Xie Aoyu's cheek.

"Haha, that's natural." Xie Aoyu laughed.

Yunmeng Yao said: "I'm afraid it will be bitter after you know the news."

Xie Aoyu said faintly: "I already know some. The plan of the Devil's Palace was successful and more than 500 giants were created. Although the fighting power is generally weak, the demons used shameless methods to persuade them to kill the enemy and achieved. An overall victory is right. "

"You know?" Yun Mengyao said in surprise.

"I know a little, but it's all fur, how the ancient psychic tree fights, how much power the devil's palace created, the whereabouts of the demon now, and so on, he didn't know it." Xie Aoyu said.

With a sigh, Yun Mengyao said, "Then I will tell you." She was deaf, and her hair was disturbed by the wind. She closed her ears and said, "The ancient psychic tree was defeated. He and San The Dazhun invincible giants joined forces to fight against the demons returning from nothingness. In the 3,000 rounds of the battle, the demons killed the three quasi-invincible giants, while the alliance led by the ancient psychic tree was met by Demon God, Shura and others. The army was destroyed, and the giants were killed by more than a dozen first-time giants. They were lucky to survive and were severely wounded. They were easily beheaded and killed by a million masters who attacked ancient killing fields. Exception, all killed. "


Xie Aoyu exhaled a stale air.

Even if I knew that I would fail, I did not expect that the entire army would be annihilated. Only the ancient psychic **** tree escaped by itself, and the power of **** and the demon world can be imagined.

This result is really shocking.

Another thing is that the demons have really reached the point of super metamorphosis. They have just returned from nothingness. They actually defeated an invincible giant and joined the three quasi invincible giants. What does this mean? Obviously, the demons are also extraordinary in the invincible giant realm. of.

"I'm surprised." Yunmeng Yao asked.

Xie Aoyu nodded, "I thought that there were some people who could escape, but only one ancient psychic tree escaped, which means that the power of the **** demons has reached an incredible level."

"There may be more surprises for you," Yun Mengyao said. "When the demons battled the ancient psychic tree and the three quasi-invincible giants, there were two people involved. If not, the ancient psychic tree may not be the same. Able to escape alive. "

"Two more?" Xie Aoyu said in astonishment.

Who can intervene in this level of fighting?

In the current situation, it seems that only invincible giants are qualified, or two.

Xie Aoyu's heart moved and said, "You mean that Fang Junyu and the angels of the angel family have also intervened?"

"They shot." Yunmeng Yao said.

"They were not surprised. The success of the Demon Palace project is destined to make all parties jealous of three points against Hell and the Demon Realm. It is also expected that they will temporarily become enemies. However, the problem is that Fang Junyu and the Angel tribe changed. Even if the angels couldn't participate in the battle themselves, but just stepped in, their power is not comparable to that of the invincible giant. The demon can still win. How strong was the demon that day? "Xie Aoyu was surprised.

Yun Mengyao said: "I don't know how strong it is, I only know that according to the ancient psychic tree reminded by Fang Junyu at that time, it means that just after returning from nothingness, the power of the demon can only reach 80%."

"I fuck!"

Xie Aoyu finally could not help but burst out a swear word.

The power of the demon is beyond imagination.

One person battles the three invincible giants and the three quasi-invincible giants. They have won the victory and exerted only a maximum of 80% of their power. All of them were exerted. Even if Fang Junyu and the angelic mutant angels arrived in person, they may not be the opponents of the demon. ?

Is this too powerful?

"Is it that the demon has completely integrated the soul of the God of War and War Demon, with the help of the soul of the God of War and War Demon, to be able to take another big step forward in the realm of invincible giants, he has reached the peak of the invincible giant?" Xie Aoyu said.

It's like half a giant.

The white souls who are also half-giants can become the peak of the half-giants, but the gap between those who have pure white souls and black dots in their souls is still very amazing.

The invincible giant is obviously the pinnacle of the giant.

If we take a step forward, it means that the demon has a sign to leap to the real state of God. Of course, he can't leap by his own ability, but he can truly reach the invincible state in the invincible giant state.

"This possibility is very high. What I don't understand is that Fang Junyu also came out of nothingness, even so many years before Tianmo. He shouldn't be so weak, at least he can fight against Tianmo. Yun Mengyao groaned. "In my judgment, Fang Junyu did not deliberately hide his strength. With so many forces to attack, this time should be the best mobile phone meeting."

Xie Aoyu said, "That's because this Fang Junyu is not another Fang Junyu."

"What do you mean, you mean he's not the real Fang Junyu?" Yun Mengyao said suddenly.

"It's not, either." Xie Aoyu said, "Fang Junyu has a corpse, which is no different from his deity. After Fang Junyu's deity entered the world of nothingness, the corpse was hidden. After Fang Junyu returned from nothingness, it happened to be in all realms. Destruction of the times, in order to save a large number of masters of the era of Fang Jie, Fang Junyu paid a heavy price, and as a result was taken away by chance, so now Fang Junyu can only be regarded as half of Fang Junyu. "

Yun Mengyao couldn't help but be shocked.

Xie Aoyu knew about it from Wangu District.

Later, if you came back with the hidden bone ring such as the Emperor and did not inform, he was dispatched again, so he could not tell Yun Mengyao, and the Emperor was still in retreat, and he could not tell. she was.

"No wonder, then, the demon is truly invincible. Once he returns to the top, no one is his opponent, plus the power of the demon palace, it is even more unstoppable." Up.

"Heaven is invincible, which is a bit inadequate." Xie Aoyu said.

Yun Mengyao's eyes blinked and she said, "You mean the sixth giant in the **** world?"

Nodded, Xie Aoyu said: "This guy hasn't seen anything for a long time, but I have seen with his own eyes that even under the normal state of the demon, he can surely defeat the demon, and his whereabouts are secretive, all actions It's confusing, but his wisdom, every step must have a deep meaning, so when he takes a shot, that's really terrible. "

"Knowing that the world of space is only ours, does not even the Emperor come in?" Yun Mengyao said.

"Why?" Xie Aoyu also wondered.

Yunmeng Yao said: "It was the order of Emperor Dragon God. After I arrived at Lei's residence, Emperor Dragon God strictly ordered that no one should set foot in the world of space to prevent the sixth giant of the gods from infiltrating."

Xie Aoyu frowned, and said, "Not even the emperor will allow it."

"The emperor is naturally not in this list. It is because the emperor can't enter any space world in order to defend his defense. Once he enters, the imprisoned defense may be threatened. So, helplessly, the emperor can only sit in the town and give up. To practice. "Yun Mengyao said.

"So troublesome," Xie Aoyu said.

"You know, we are facing the threat of the invincible giant. Even if the Emperor makes such a large sacrifice, and the help of the crazy beast and Hu Tianqiu, whether it can withstand the impact of the invincible giant is also a question mark." Yun Mengyao sighed, "We have countless potential strong people, time is not waiting. So far, the four emperors are still impacting the giant realm, for a while and a half, I am afraid it will be difficult to break through, even if it is a breakthrough, for us The enhancement of strength also seems to be very significant. "

Looking at Yun Mengyao's rare discouragement, Xie Aoyu softly said, "And me, rest assured, I have a way to create some giants in a short time."

Yun Mengyao's eyes brightened, "what way?"

Xie Aoyu laughed: "Temporary confidentiality."

"Is it something that the mysterious man gave you before leaving?" Yun Mengyao's eyes turned and he thought of a possibility.

"Well, that's a way to help, but what's more important is what I got in the Fengjia station. It should be able to force some of the semi-giant peaks into the giant realm." Xie Aoyu laughed, "and The power represented by that mysterious man. "

When it comes to mysterious people, Yun Mengyao also cheered up, "Is he one of those sleeping giants in the human world in the era of the realm of the world?"

Xie Aoyu said, "I'm not very sure, but in my judgment, it should be, and he is not alone, and he has controlled a huge force, but it is not time to show it, so I am forced to take a shot, I am afraid It has already attracted attention. The appearance of his presence will also allow the ancient psychic tree to weigh in, what to do, and whether to forcibly attack us. "

"In this case, then we may face the power of the sky demon." Yun Mengyao felt a heavier crisis. "Avoiding a calamity, we will usher in the most terrible calamity."

ps: No one has seen his true face, but in fact, the real demon has already faced Xie Aoyu face to face, but I do n’t know yet, everyone guesses who the demon is, um, the sixth chapter is revealed, do n’t worry ~~~ watch For the first release without ads, please go to ""

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