MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2345 Promote

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? Promote the breakthrough of the four great emperors, this is the treasure left in the space ring given by the mysterious person. ""

"Although the four of us were not secretly accounted for by the King of Heavenly Prison, after the defection of King of Heavenly Prison, the attack of Jiu Cai Phoenix was attracted. The Jiu Cai Phoenix at that time should have been notified and the blood curse was launched as soon as it entered Successful shielding has also affected our impact on the giant realm. In the current situation, it may take us two to three months to complete the breakthrough. "Said Emperor Zhao Tianlong.

Xie Aoyu laughed: "The treasure of mine should allow the four seniors to make a breakthrough today. Well, if you are lucky, maybe with the talents of the four seniors, it is expected to impact the realm of ordinary giants."

His words surprised the four emperors.

"What treasure is so wonderful?" Asked Emperor Zhao Tianlong.

The other three emperors were also quite surprised.

It's not that simple to break into the realm of the giants. It is not easy to break through in three months.

Xie Aoyu took out a mirror from the space ring.

The surface of the mirror has a very complicated spell formation. The mirror itself is not the size of a fist, but there are hundreds of thousands of spell symbols on it. It is dense and dense, and it is not clear at all, but it will be ignored if you do not look carefully. There are spell symbols that can be treated like an ordinary mirror.

"This is the spell of returning to the heavens?" Holy Emperor Zhao Tianlong saw the countless spell symbols on the mirror and couldn't help it.

Xie Aoyu gave a thumbs up, "The predecessors are really well-informed, even the Tianmangguiyuanshu, which has been lost for 10 million years."

The other three emperors were also excited when they heard it.

A red tide of excitement appeared on their faces, and it was exciting.

"It's really the Heaven Curse Return Element. This is the treasure of the Town Curse family!" Said the emperor Zhao Tianlong, excited, and he took the mirror. "Don't say that the Heaven Curse is infinitely magical. If you let Meng Yao understand thoroughly, it may be able to be manufactured in large quantities. It is said that this mirror is said to have dripped the life blood of the ten invincible giants of the Celestial Clan in the past, but it cannot be produced. The life and blood of the top ten invincible giants of the tribe can also play a role in the simple heavenly curse return. "

"If I reach the invincible giant, I can meet the requirements with the blood of my life." Xie Aoyu said.

"Your?" Emperor Wutian Zhao Tianlong first stunned, and then rejoiced, "Did you really reach the point of the Holy Spirit?"

Blue Phoenix's eyes were also wide open, terrified.

In the anticipation of the four emperors, Xie Aoyu nodded gently, "I did reach the point of the true holy body." He took out the true spirit crystal, "it was done by it."

"True Crystal!"

"The Eucharist!"

Emperor Zhan Wu Qing and Emperor Tian Wu both whispered.

In the face of Xie Aoyu, they found that it hadn't been long before they really saw it. They really wanted to look at it. Not only did they leave them behind, they became the realm of the giant, but they also reached the point of the true spirit.

"The Holy Spirit Eucharist you completed with the True Spirit Crystal?" Blue Phoenix knew more about the Holy Spirit Eucharist. As soon as he spoke, the other three emperors closed their mouths.

Xie Aoyu said: "Yes, at the beginning I also felt that I was already the Holy Spirit, but then I got the imperial spirit of Fengjie at the Fengjia station, and then I added a drop of the true blood of the true golden toad into the true crystal. When I was pulled into it, there was a process of mutual assistance between me and the true spirit crystal. It helped me to achieve the true true spirit body, and I helped it reach the full true spirit crystal. "

"You mean, before you got the imperial spirit of all realms, you also felt like you had reached the point of the Holy Spirit?" Blue Phoenix asked.

"Yes, I feel very clear that Dacheng's Holy Spirit has clearly broken through, but later discovered that it doesn't seem to be the true Holy Spirit." Xie Aoyu recalled the feeling at the time, and he would never forget it, but he and Yan Ling The first time the dance brought good results.

Blue Phoenix groaned.

For a long time, I heard him say, "If this is the case, I think I understand why some of the true spirit family had already succeeded, but when humans and Warcraft attacked the heaven curse family and destroyed the heaven curse family, the true spirit family Those who fled cannot be called the true true spirits. Only the true spirit golden toad has reached the height of the true true spirits. There should be a special state between the true spirit and the true spirit. Only us It's not clear. "

"It should be, but I don't need to worry about what state it is. Anyway, I have already achieved the true Holy Spirit. My blood is also fused with the essence of life that the Dragon God emperor once retained. After merging with each other, As long as I reach the invincible giant, it is comparable to the life and blood needed for this mirror. "Xie Aoyu said confidently.

When he got together with his parents, he studied the contents of the space ring together.

Naturally also told them in detail their situation.

With Yu Xin's wisdom, Xie Aoyu also knew a lot of things.

"Well, okay, okay, with Mengyao's talents, cracking the Heaven Curse and returning to the Yuan, the problem should not be very big, there is still hope in the human world." Sheng Wu Emperor Zhao Tianlong exhilarated.

Tian Mangui is a magic spell that is one of the most proud masterpieces of the Tian Manchu family. It is one of the nine treasures of the Tian Manchu family and the only mantra. The mystery is able to pull the heaven and earth's vitality between the heavens and the earth to compress them, compress them to eliminate impurities, and then integrate them into one's Dantian for cultivation, and the mirror drips ten drops of the lifeblood of the invincible giant, making the mirror Accommodate endless world vitality.

Xie Aoyu gently stroked the surface of the mirror and said, "Unfortunately, without my attributes, otherwise, I must use it first."

The four emperors laughed loudly when they heard that.

The biggest limitation of the sky spell reversion is that it requires very high attributes.

The requirements of the mirror they got must be that one of the four attributes of water, fire, light, and wind was met before they could be used. None of them met Xie Aoyu's requirements.

The four great emperors are perfectly matched.

Naturally available.

"Four seniors, which one starts first?" Xie Aoyu said.

"I'm coming," said Emperor Wutian Zhao Tianlong, playing with a mirror and chuckling. "The giants have little problem, but I don't know if they can help me break into the ranks of ordinary giants."

Xie Aoyu said: "There is still hope."

Then saw the emperor Emperor Zhao Tianlong finger a little.


The celestial spell returning to the mirror surface was immediately shaken and turned into full operation, a powerful wave of force was released from the mirror, and then a huge mist was seen emanating from the inside, spreading quickly in all directions, It stretched for tens of thousands of miles, and then turned into a net bag, wrapped all the vitality of the heavens and earth within tens of thousands of miles at once, and quickly pulled back.

When the strong heaven and earth vitality is separated by hundreds of miles, the heaven and earth vitality within a hundred miles reach the point of condensing into a dense fog.

Quickly pulled back.

After a while, the excessive vitality of the heavens and earth became depressed and became a liquid, and flew into the mirror like raindrops, and was retained by it.

Too much liquid condenses, giving the impression that it forms a solid in the mirror.

You have to know that even if Xie Aoyu ’s heavenly sacred stone has not reached the final state, it is only this level.

Then Emperor Wu of the Emperor Zhao Tianlong urged his strength to submerge into it, and began to pull the inner strength of the heaven and earth, and burst into the body with a brain.

Because of too much fluid, the emperor Zhao Tianlong swelled more than two circles and looked edema, but his strength was very abnormally improved.

The Sky Spell Guiyuan also became dim due to one use.

Wait an hour after the next use.

The application of the Tian Mangui can not be applied too frequently. For example, after the four emperors use it, they may need to be quiet for ten years before they can use it again. This is the whole set of towns left by the Tian Manchu. Some of the four major attributes of Baozhong are aggregated, and other things cannot be used in this way.

After Xie Aoyu saw that there was no problem with Emperor Wu, he was relieved.

He quietly left the place.

The four great emperors succeeded in the realm of giants, and there were means to shield the heaven and earth from the outside. They did not worry about being discovered, but for the sake of confidentiality, especially the original King of the Tentacles was hidden too deep, no one could guarantee it. Whether he left the inside line and stayed here, for the sake of safety, after Xie Aoyu stepped out, he used the fighting space here to completely hide the four emperors. Except for him, no one wants to find them and come to them. Said, it can be regarded as double insurance.

Xie Aoyu set off, aiming at the island where the bloodthirsty mouse rat family was located.

After so many years, the number of bloodthirsty devil rat clan has continued to increase, but only those above the battle emperor level are eligible to enter the large space world, and all others have returned to the small space world of the angel holy island, and above the battle emperor level Of the bloodthirsty devil mouse and dragon together.

Dragon tyrannosaurus, spirit dragon, fairy dragon, Yanyuexuan Tianlong and so on are all cultivated here.

They represent the rise of the Dragons.

The former Dragons have been extremely weak, and after so many years of hard work, they have not even taken any action from the outside world, and they have the full support of Yun Mengyao. The growth of the Dragons is also very rapid. At least Tyrannosaurus, Fairy Dragon, etc. Reached the semi-giant realm.

The arrival of Xie Aoyu naturally attracted the attention of the dragon and strong bloodthirsty mice.

Gathered close together.

"Master!" The bloodthirsty mouse rat emperor came to Xie Aoyu in lightning speed, and threw his shoulders in excitement. Originally, the bloodthirsty mouse rat emperor had been getting bigger and bigger, but he has undergone metamorphosis. After that, its size was not large and small, but it gradually shrank. It looked three times smaller than the ordinary bloodthirsty mouse, but its repair was also very amazing, reaching the level of the black soul half giant.

Belongs to the lowest-level half-giant.

Xie Aoyu signaled everyone to be quiet, so they named ten half-giant dragons and three half-giant bloodthirsty monsters and named them in battle space.

Then take out the crystal of the true spirit, so that these thirteen first complete the transformation and achieve the Holy Spirit family. Under normal circumstances, it takes three months to two years to achieve the Holy Spirit family, all depends on the talent potential. Once the Holy Spirit family is achieved, Xiu Wei will also forcibly step into the giant black soul.

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