MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2351 Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant of the gods, appeared!

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Xia Guangning didn't even see the attack of the crossbow. He slowly sat on the ground, his hands crossed his chest, his curse stick burst, and his body began to crack. ""

The slight mist of blood emanated from the cracked place.

Countless blood mists filled the waves of majestic spell power.

In the Lei's residence, Yun Mengyao has stopped letting people enter the small world of space in the scroll. Everyone looked at Xia Guangning, his eyes were wet.

No one knows that this betrayer who has been cursed for 100,000 years and who has endured the curse of 100,000 years turned out to be the most affectionate person. For the human world, the betrayal was chosen, and his own brothers staged a bitter scheme. Kill the brothers just to save the human world.

He failed to stop the demon palace plan, but had to use his life in exchange for human existence.

After the spell was completed, Xia Guangning slowly melted from his feet.

There was a gentle smile on his face, "I'm really tired, I'm relieved!"


Xia Guangning's body turned into nothingness.

At the moment he disappeared, thunders came from the sky, torrential rains poured, and invisible marsh-like spell power spread out, centering on where he disappeared, all the giants began to melt away quickly and turned into flying ash.

More than 300 giants, including three quasi-invincible giants, dozens of ordinary giants, and some super giants, without exception, went to death in silence.

"I, Xia Guangning, have no regrets in this life!"

"I, Xia Guangning, flesh and blood sacrifices to the heroes!"

"I, Xia Guangning, would like to be cursed from generation to generation, for the prosperity of the human world!"

Om ~~~

A huge figure between the heavens and the earth quickly gathered together with the dissolution of the giant. That is the figure of Xia Guangning. With a serene smile, he waved his hand gently, and saw the souls of Xie Aoyu, Yun Mengyao, etc. cursed fiercely. The shaking, the tendency of the early summer to break down, turned into a single Wuguang submerged in Xia Guangning's figure.

Xie Aoyu's body was light, and he found that the curse of the soul was sharply reduced to less than one percent of the original.

As for the soul curse of Yun Mengyao, it was also broken by 50% to 60%.

All of this was in exchange for Xia Guangning's soul under the curse of all ages.

"Xie Aoyu, the world depends on you, haha ​​..."

In the wild laughter, Xia Guangning's figure completely disappeared.

Xie Aoyu closed his eyes, he didn't want to let the tears shed.

"Guangning, go all the way!" The sad voice of Emperor Huang uploaded from the top of the mountain where the Lei family resided.

All the experts in Lei's home were kneeling on one leg.

Time seems to be frozen at this moment.

The soul seal is completely broken, and the curse of the soul is lifted by 50% to 60%. From then on, the cultivation speed of everyone in Lei ’s residence will increase by dozens of times.

As long as this difficult time is passed, hope is still there!

Everything is hope in exchange for Xia Guangning's death.

People in sorrow were awakened by that harsh voice.

Everyone looked up, and saw the crossbow hit the guardian power condensed by the Void Light, and there appeared countless **** spirits to destroy the Void Light.

The two major terrors are in fierce confrontation.

Master Gottliecher swiftly cast the spell, changing his hands with various gestures, constantly urging the Purgatory God to launch the most powerful offensive.

I saw the tiny fissures beginning to appear in the ethereal light.

The demon hummed coldly, waving his hands continuously, making the power of that imaginary light constantly strengthen.

"If you recover to the top ten percent, the Purgatory God may not be able to crack the light of the Void God. Unfortunately, you are too anxious." A cold voice came from Skyrim.

A man also wrapped in a cape flashed out of thin air.

Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant in the divine world!

At the critical moment, he finally appeared.

"Wei Tianshu, you are still here," Tian Mo said coldly.

"How can I miss such a good opportunity." Wei Tianshu laughed. "However, I was really surprised that you are not the soul of Nangong Xiaoyun, so surprised."

The devil sneered: "Now that everyone knows, then it ’s okay to tell you. Nangong Xiaoyun beheaded the **** devil in the past. He thought it was a success, but was severely damaged by the mystery of life and death. Actually trying to capture the remnant soul of the God of War and War Demon, and regained it, as I have organically called, so I am the demon, not Nangong Xiaoyun, one of the three lords of birth and death, and you seem to forget that I I have never said that I am Nangong Xiaoyun, I just said that I am a Sky Demon, but you yourself think of it as Nangong Xiaoyun. "

At that time, the three masters of the reincarnation world were Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant of the Divine Realm, Xiaoyun of Nangong, and the ancient psychic tree that captured Li Qingbiao's physical body.

Nangong Xiaoyun has always been regarded as a demon, and now it can be regarded as a positive response. Nangong Xiaoyun, one of the three masters of the reincarnation circle, has been killed.

"Then let me see who you are!" Wei Tianshu punched.

His power also bombarded the imaginary light.

Together with the crossbow arrows of Purgatory God Sha, enough to blast out the light of nothingness, and severely destroy the demon.

"Want to know who I am, you can't do it now!" Tian Mo sneered, a mysterious ten-color halo burst into the cloak, penetrating into the light of emptiness.

The power of Nihility surged immediately.

Seeing this, Wei Tianshu exclaimed: "That's the ten-colored **** light. It takes eight dead and ten-colored phoenixes to gather together before they die."

"That's right, this is what I got in Netherworld." The devil laughed and will spur the power of the ten colorful **** lights, so that the cracks of the nether **** lights will quickly close.

At the same time, Wei Tianshu banged heavily on it.

The tremor of the nirvana light trembled and failed to break.

However, the crossbow next to it was affected by power and burst into pieces. The purgatory **** inside was no longer restrained, and it was suddenly blasted out and slammed on that imaginary light.


Nothingness bursts.

The powerful Purgatory God Sha condensed into a crossbow and rushed towards the demon's body.

At the critical moment, the demon flashed, the crossbow passed over his left shoulder, bringing up a piece of blood, and the demon also issued a cry of pain. When the figure was turned, he shook his hands to create a ray of imagination and a colorful god. Light, respectively, attacked Master Gattrich and Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant of the **** world.

Countless spell symbols emerged from Master Gattrich, disappearing under the dazzling glory of nobleness, no one knows whether he was hit and killed, or has escaped.

As for Wei Tianshu, he was knocked out by the blood spurting in the air caused by the light of nothingness.

"Big devil, Maria, you two led the siege of Lei's home and the deep waters!" After the demon said, he waved his hand in the eye-catching light of God and rioted in the depths of his soul.

Immediately afterwards, Xie Aoyu felt that the binding power of the heavenly curse set by the demon disappeared, and was forcibly lifted by the demon. Only the purgatory god's evil power on his shoulder spread rapidly, but broke. A little wound will destroy the demons, and the persecuted demons immediately left the place, and he is going to lift the crisis.

Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant of the **** world, is no exception. His body also has a huge crisis. The hidden power hidden in the imaginary **** light also has a dark wound. Naturally, he cannot trace the demon and disappears quietly.

No one can see the true colors of the two.

The devil and Maria looked at each other. Maria immediately read the spell and disappeared. She was going to attack the deep sea, and the devil crushed something. Then she saw a number of figures flashing not far behind him. That is the true power of the **** world.

There are four quasi-invincible giants. There are super giants, ordinary giants and giants who have just broken through. They are not forced to be promoted, but rely on their own potential talents. They broke through with the power of the magic palace. It is the real power under the control of the demon.

"Kill me, annihilate Lei's home!" The Devil yelled.

There are three or four million **** demon army forces appearing one after another, as the sea water flocks to the Lei family station.

Lei's resident was excited.

Their strength may be much weaker, especially in the giants. However, after witnessing Xia Guangning's actions, one by one, they are highly motivated and would rather fight to death.

"Xie Shao, I'll wait to fight!"

"Xie Shao, let's fight!"

"Yeah, rush out and fight with them. Even if I die, I will pull a few backs."

All were passionate and zealous.

Xie Aoyu looked extremely cold.

He was also guilty of anger and wanted to vent. If it wasn't for Xia Guangning, Master Gerritse and the sixth giant of the realm Wei Tianshu would fight, I'm afraid he would be accounted for by the demon, and they would n’t release the Tianmu contract In my eyes, it can be easily cracked.

But he couldn't be impulsive.

What is needed now is calmness.

There are four quasi-invincible giants in the **** demons outside, and there are as many as twenty super-giants. Just these can sweep the Thunder home station. Besides, the only quasi-invincible giant emperor is to fully urge the defense force, it is impossible to Fight.

"I know everyone's mood, why should I?" Xie Aoyu said in a deep voice. "But we must be calm, and we must not destroy the opportunity created by Xia Guangning's predecessors because of grief and indignation."

"Xie Shao, you're right, we really need to calm down to be able to save the opportunity." A half-giant stepped forward. "But if they are allowed to attack, with such a large amount, our defense will not last long. "

Xie Aoyu looked back. He was talking about a half-giant from the giant clan. He vaguely remembers the name, it seems to be Wesley, is one of the several semi-giants that have recently emerged from the giant clan.

"What do you mean?" Xie Aoyu said.

Wesley said: "Please allow Shao Xie to allow me to wait for 34 people to fight!"

The rear crowd dispersed, and 33 and a half giants came out at the same time. They mainly came from the Lei family, the sky elephant family, the Xuanzang family, the Shenjian family, the giant family, the Xing family, the Wang family, the Nocturne and many other forces. .

And the thirty-four and a half giants have one thing in common. All of them have exhausted their potential, and it is difficult to make any breakthroughs in their lives.

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