MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2357 Midi

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Looking at this place, it looks like a very ordinary mountain range, or a small mountain range. The highest mountain is only about two or three kilometers, and there are thirty or forty hills connected. ""

Xie Aoyu didn't feel anything.

The two women are very sensitive, and their heritage is even agitated, so that their body has a layer of milky halo, if any, that drives them to float forward, no need at all The two women themselves use their respective fighting powers.

The power of inheritance is incredible.

Xie Aoyu followed closely, paying careful attention.

Led by the power of inheritance, they came to the junction of two connected hills.


The power of inheritance shakes.

A slight sound came from the connection ground, and then saw a spell power emanating from it, covering the ground, forming a space-like existence.

The two women reached out their hands, grabbed Xie Aoyu's left and right wrists, and took him to step on the space door together.

The void shook and the three of them felt weightless.

Then he opened his eyes again and came to a more illusory world. There is no heaven and earth, no sun, moon, stars, and mountains and rivers.

It looks illusory and unreal.

In this imaginary world, there is no one, very depressed.

"Two inheritors, why should you bring outsiders here?" A loud voice sounded.

Xie Aoyu did not answer, directly urging the life and blood left by the Dragon God Emperor, and there was a fluctuation of the Dragon God Emperor's spirit, forming a large-scale turbulent force.

Heaven and earth condensed into a figure of the dragon **** emperor.

"Dragon God Emperor? You are the one approved by Dragon God Emperor." The voice sounded again.

"Exactly." Xie Aoyu said, "They are all my women."

It became quiet all around.

For a long time, layers of power fluctuations appeared in the void, forming a colorful auspicious cloud in the midair, faintly visible, there was a shadow above it, and on the side of the colorful auspicious cloud, a colorful stairway slowly extended.

Xie Aoyu stepped forward.

When I came to the colorful clouds, I saw that there are four old men with pale faces and white hair, wearing ancient costumes, and have two vigorous and powerful writings on their chests ... Holy spirit!

Very strong powers are stirred in them.

Xie Aoyu confirmed with a glance that the four old men were all quasi-invincible giants, and half of them had a white soul.

Elder Souls!

Four quasi-invincible giants!

This discovery made Xie Aoyu's breathing swiftly. The worst in the human world is the quasi-invincible giant level master. If there is, it can be persisted for a period of time. For many potential masters in the Holy City, it can definitely grow. It's not difficult to get up, especially him, with the Heavenly Sacred Stone. It is not difficult to attack the invincible giant. It is lack of time. After all, the Heavenly Sacred Stone can only be used once a month.

In the middle of the relics of the four sacred souls, a crystal ball floated. The turbulent power inside and the inheritance power of the two women fluctuated regularly.

"I have seen four seniors." Xie Aoyu saluted the three.

The strongest quasi-invincible giant said: "But your name is Xie Aoyu?"

"Exactly, how did the seniors know?" Xie Aoyu said.

"The four of us are not ignorant of the outside world, and we will collect news from outside every so often. Since you are Xie Aoyu, can you come up with a sharp knife to verify it?" Said the invincible giant.

Xie Aoyu even pulled out the moon knife.

The highest peak existence of the Tongtian-level magic soldier.

When the magic knife comes out of the sheath, it releases a strong sharpness, which makes people feel that the magic knife is on the neck.

"Yes, it really is a magic knife. You are indeed Xie Aoyu." The quasi-invincible giant said, "I will prepare a small gift for you after I know that you have hope for the human world."

As I said, I saw the quasi-invincible giant take out a round stone.

Xie Aoyu looked at it from a distance, and could not help but stumble, "Tianjue Holy Stone!"

"Yes, this is why the ancient emperor was able to grow up quickly. It is the heavenly sacred stone of the heart of the earth. Tomorrow is the day when it plays its role every month," said the invincible giant.

"Snoring ... snoring ..."

Xie Aoyu's breathing was a little quick.

This is really a big chance!

He himself has a celestial holy stone of the heart of life. Each month's cultivation time is on the 23rd day, and today is only the 11th.

Then to get this Heavenly Sacred Stone, use Heavenly Sacred Stone twice a month.

His cultivation speed ...

If it turns out that his grasp was to achieve the invincible giant in about half a year, then now there are great hopes for successful promotion in three months.

"Aoyu, your chance is here!"

"No, it ’s an opportunity in the human world. Aoyu ’s practice is extremely fast, and with the help of the sacred stone, it is bound to reach a very realm within two months. It would be better if the heart of the emperor could delay the birth of some time. Now. "

The two women said excitedly.

Xie Aoyu's voice was a little trembling, "Thank you senior."

"No need to thank me, as the Holy Spirit, it is appropriate to pay for the human world." The quasi invincible giant said, "With this day's sacred stone, you have a certain degree of confidence to reach the level of the invincible giant within three months."

"80%!" Xie Aoyu said confidently.

If there was only one heavenly holy stone, he really did not have much confidence to achieve the invincible giant in three months.

But now there are two.

Opportunities twice a month, greatly improved.

"Invincible giants are difficult to achieve, but there is no chance." The quasi-invincible giant said, "According to the message left by the emperor, three months later, the heart of the emperor was born!"

Xie Aoyu all shocked at the same time.

This was the first time they heard the exact time when the heart of the Emperor was born.

"Three months is not without hope for the holy city. The question is whether the Lei home can be kept intact within three months. The key is, if not affected, there is still a chance." Yaqing said .

Xie Aoyu asked: "The predecessors know the exact place where the heart of the emperor was born?"

The quasi-invincible giant shook his head and said, "It can only be determined within the range of 100,000 meters in the contemporary Lei Jia station. No one can determine the specific place, because the heart of the emperor is active, not fixed in a certain place. . "He said, shaking his hand and tossing the Heavenly Sacred Stone to Xie Aoyu," You can use the Heavenly Sacred Stone's role this time, um, some of the earth's original spirit released by Heavenly Sacred Stone before, we It ca n’t collect much, only a few hundred millionths are retained. You go there to practice first, and you want to come and make you complete a transformation. "

The other three quasi-invincible giants are a little bit empty.

I saw a colorful cloud and a condensed house appearing above the colorful clouds, and the air flow with the traces of the earth's origins was exposed inside.

Xie Aoyu was naturally delighted.

"Thank you senior," he thanked.

"This colorful auspicious cloud was created by the combination of the imperial spirit of the realm of the realm and the original aura at the time of the destruction of the era of the world. It is also useful. When you cultivate, do not bring the power within the colorful auspicious cloud. The key is. "The invincible giant urged.

Xie Aoyu naturally agreed.

He entered into it.

The two women arrived, and came to the middle of the four quasi-invincible giants. Here, a crystal ball floated and was radiating power, matching the power of their heritage, and constantly vibrating with a certain frequency.

With the help of the four quasi-invincible giants, the two daughters of Yaqing Yaqi began to accept the forces left by the ancient emperors, and opened their way to the top powerhouses.

Inside the cloud premises

Xie Aoyu entered and saw some floating water drops here, each of which had the size of a small fingernail of an ordinary person.

That's the condensed air of too much earth's origin.

They have experienced countless times of absorbing the origin of the earth, and have undergone countless baptisms. For Xie Aoyu's divine power, it is naturally very helpful.

If the ordinary source of the earth's energy condenses, it will have a small effect on divine power. After all, the divine power level is too high and there are too many impurities to be removed. It is extremely pure to outsiders, but in Xie Aoyu's eyes it is Impurities are not qualified for tempering and are transformed into divine power.

This is why Xie Aoyu does n’t use the Heavenly Sacred Stone and basically does not cultivate.

Even if it is the cultivation of divine land, the collection of treasure land is very insignificant for him, and it can be regarded as a huge weakness brought by divine power.

Xie Aoyu came to the middle floor and sat down.

He looks at the Heavenly Sacred Stone.

The Earth's Sacred Stone is really very different from the Life's Sacred Stone. Its whole body is light yellow and not transparent, but a pure golden color can be clearly seen at its center position, exuding a faint golden light. The existence of the small round beads gently turned on their own in the Heavenly Sacred Stone.

"Two heavenly sacred stones, if I can't reach the invincible giant within three months, then I'll just kill myself."

"And the seal of my soul was completely lifted, and the curse of the soul was reduced to the lowest point with the help of Xia Guangning, and the power was less than one thousandth of the original, so that my cultivation speed was further improved."

"I am not far away from the ordinary giants of the purple soul, so this practice should reach the point of a quasi-super giant. I just don't know how many golden spots can be in the purple soul. If it is more than half, there may be Opportunity is at odds with quasi-invincible giants. "

Xie Aoyu placed the heavenly holy stone underneath, and he sat up.

Take a deep breath and calm yourself down.

Subsequently, the surging divine power in his body was released, and transformed into the nature of the earth, which produced a strong attraction. All the water droplets were absorbed and floated within a meter of his surroundings at the same time. It is isolated from the outside, so that it will not affect the colorful clouds.

As soon as Xie Aoyu practiced, those drops of water all shattered.

Countless of the essence of the earth, the purest part enters his body sharply, and passes through the double training of Demigod Thunder and Dantian at full speed, and is transformed into divine power, so that he can clearly feel and cultivate Constantly rising.

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