MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2364 The difference between heaven and earth and water

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? Regarding the soul curse and soul seal, Liu Yanxi and the little demon Qin Yueyi were not very clear, but they felt that the soul was not so natural through the heaven and earth. ""

After Xie Aoyu's elaboration, Liu Yanxi didn't know.

Hearing that Xie Aoyu was ready to lift, she was naturally excited.

"I really hope to reach the giant realm in a short time." Liu Yanxi said excitedly.

Xie Aoyu laughed: "The mystery of heaven and earth, I believe you are not far from being a giant." His left little finger gently trembled, and there was a faint halo on it, which did not spread out. Neither Yan Xi nor Qin Yueyi helped Xia Guangning to reduce the effect of the curse of the soul, so lifting it was not so simple. "The curse of the soul on you is very complete, so it may be much more difficult to lift it than others. Get ready. "

Liu Yanxi nodded.

"The weakest part of the soul, you should know." Xie Aoyu said.

"The weakest place?" Liu Yanxi first glanced, and then there was a touch of blush and extraordinarily beautiful beauty on the beautiful face. "Anyway, you do n’t take advantage of me once or twice, and you will take it again. Cheap. "

The weakest part of the soul is the heart position.

This is also the reason why the real giant war, the target of the attack is often the heart, so that the soul can be destroyed together.

After all, at the giant level, soul escape is too easy.

Why are contemporary giants constantly increasing?

At that time, the soul was banned, so that countless giant remnants did not die out naturally, such as the destruction of the natural forces generated by the earth and the earth, which was obtained by people and easily cultivated to the giant realm.

It can be said that the soul ban is to curb the development of the Three Realms for millions of years, but it has also indirectly helped the Three Realms to create a master who has the potential to become a giant within a million years. I do not know how many, both pros and cons.

"Are you better prepared?" Xie Aoyu laughed.

Liu Yanxi's face became more and more flushed, "You can't help laughing."

"What's wrong?" Xie Aoyu touched his face.

"It's insignificant!" Liu Yanxi said.

Xie Aoyu rolled his eyes and said, "It's impossible, I didn't even think about taking the opportunity to touch your chest. Since you say so, then I will take advantage of it."

Liu Yanxiqi almost hit him with a punch to relieve his hate, watching the faint halo of the **** of medicine, and she hummed, "If you dare, see how I can clean you up." After that, she worked hard to make herself Calm down, eyes closed, "let's go."

With a chuckle, Xie Aoyu secretly said, "I am the kind of dude?"

He tapped his fingers on his left hand.

The tip of the finger just touched Liu Yanxi's plump chest, and across the clothes, I could feel the softness and elasticity, which made people think indiscriminately.

Xie Aoyu's mind unconsciously appeared naked, and his body became hot.

Even Liu Yanxi's heart throbbed and couldn't settle down. She was too ashamed to die. This heartbeat must be heard by Xie Aoyu.

The water flowed around and snorted.

The two were so opposed to each other, quite a bit silent at this time.

Occasionally, he opened his eyes secretly, but glimpsed the other side that was peeping.

Under the finger of the medicine god, the halo continued to penetrate.

The soul of Liu Yanxi appeared on the surface of the body, and the inner soul seal was easily lifted. The soul curse finally showed signs of disintegration after nearly twenty minutes of impact, but it was not so simple and easy to completely Lifted.

They want to continue like this for quite some time.

The curse of the soul is being lifted. I do n’t know when it will start. The water of the day and the earth will also be turbulent, wrapping the two, and a part of the water of the sky and the earth will gradually penetrate into the body of Liu Yanxi, and even began to help her lift the curse of the soul. A little bit of pain to hit the water dog.

Only as the process progressed, Xie Aoyu discovered that there seemed to be little bits and pieces of light and shadow hidden in the water of the land that day, and it was very small. It would be impossible to see it unless he observed it with his own eyes.

These negligible small light spots are mixed in the heaven and earth **** water, it seems to be a bit restrained by the role of heaven and earth **** water, making it impossible to fully exert the role of heaven and earth **** water, and its so little power, heaven and earth **** water also seems to be countering Come to destroy it, but not as simple as that.

Xie Aoyu carefully observed the small light spots, and opened his eyes involuntarily, and his eyes locked on the heaven and earth.

Yaoshen means acting on his own, and he doesn't need to pay attention to it deliberately, and he doesn't need to worry about any problems.

"Are you heaven and earth Shenshui suppressed some power by something?" Xie Aoyu said.

Liu Yanxi nodded and nodded.

Her gaze was a little erratic, and she looked at the fingers on her chest from time to time.

"This power works for me." Xie Aoyu's mouth overflowed with a smile.

"Huh?" Liu Yanxi suddenly looked up. "Useful for you? I and the Guardian King exhausted their efforts without eradicating it completely."

Xie Aoyu said: "It should be that Jiu Cai Phoenix wanted to use the sun **** fire to promote the ten **** fire. We shot to interfere and promote the heaven and earth **** water, and that sun **** fire should be mixed with some sun **** light."

Liu Yanxi said: "Yes, after many researches by me and the King of Guards, it is determined that some of the essence of the sun **** light lies, and we found that the mansion rebuilt by the current Phoenix can still pass there. Special power, guide some of the sun **** light to come. "

"The sun **** light can be integrated into my mind and eyes, and its power is greatly increased, and my soul killing sword is a link of the heart and eyes. If you can get a certain sun **** light, the soul killing sword power will definitely be greatly improved. Needless to say, even the power of mind and eye can be improved. "Xie Aoyu said.

"Then let me help you." Liu Yanxi smiled.

I saw her chanting a short spell, and then a little with her hands, the heaven and earth magic water immediately turbulent, including Qin Yueyi's heaven and earth magic water, the light spots inside began to emerge, and all gathered together in one place, forming a small The existence of golden silk is very bright.

Liu Yanxi said: "It's up to you, I can control the heaven and earth and the magic water without any obstruction, but it is really difficult to destroy them."


Xie Aoyu grabbed the left hand in the void.

How powerful the original Sun God Light was was taken away, this is only a part of the small essence. Even if it is very powerful, Xie Aoyu believes that he can be taken by aerial photography.

The invisible power immediately tore the sun **** light and directly into my heart.

The sun **** light itself is scattered, and it can be gradually digested and absorbed by the eyes without the need to cut through the sword.

Don't look down on a small part of the essence. They have been fighting against the heaven and earth for two years. They can survive and show that they are all the essence in the essence.

Xie Aoyu's fusion of the hearts and eyes is a little bit of progress, even if it is a small light spot, it is not easy to merge.

However, with the integration, Xie Aoyu felt that his eyesight was rapidly improving.

Before, he was always trapped within 100,000 meters, unable to reach a longer distance, even if he could not get all kinds of help, but the integration of this small light spot, Xie Aoyu's eye range began to increase significantly, and it rose to twelve in the blink of an eye. 10,000 meters, and is still increasing.

The expansion of the range naturally also means that his power of killing swords and taking down the air is increased accordingly.

It is just unknown whether the mystery in other aspects of the mind has improved, and how much.

Xie Aoyu's eyes closed slightly, constantly promoting the integration of mind and eye.

About half an hour later, the essence of the sun **** light was completely accepted and fused.

The scope of Xie Aoyu's mind and eye also increased sharply from 100,000 meters to 180,000 meters. The scope is wider and the things to be seen are more detailed. Any shielding power of spells seems to have disappeared under the eyes, even the heaven and earth magic waters are wrapped. Qin Yueyi appeared in Xie Aoyu's eyes.

This is change.

"How?" Liu Yanxi asked.

Her soul curse was lifted, leaving only the last part.

Xie Aoyu laughed: "It's perfect, my heart's power has increased by 80%."

"So powerful, then you can help me lift the curse of the soul, lift the curse of the soul to the guardian king, and I will set up some mystical powers at the Phoenix Mansion, you can capture some of the power of the sun god's light as much as possible." Liu Yanxi laughed. .

"It's the best." Xie Aoyu was quite happy.

The integration of the sun god's light and the improvement of his heart and eyes are the most obvious enhancement of his combat power, which is the soul secret technique.

Not long after, Liu Yanxi's soul curse was completely lifted.

The two acted separately.

Liu Yanxi left the water vein and entered the Phoenix Mansion to set up Xie Aoyu.

Xie Aoyu awakened the cultivation of Qin Yueyi and lifted the curse of the soul. The two were naturally rejoicing when they saw each other, and they kept mumbling.

Tianshen Shenshui lost the containment power of the Sun and God ’s light, making Xie Aoyu give Qin Yueyi a lot faster to lift the curse of the soul. During the two, they naturally talked about the acacia, and finally lifted the curse of the soul. A fierce hand-to-hand battle to express their love.

When Xie Aoyu returned to the surface and arrived at the Phoenix Mansion, he saw Liu Yanxi standing there in a daze, his face flushed from time to time.

Xie Aoyu could not help laughing, when he and Qin Yueyi were happy, Liu Yanxi just returned, but saw the fiery scene.

"What are you thinking? It's not about me." Xie Aoyu came to him silently and whispered in her ear.

The wandering Liu Yanxi screamed, and suddenly drifted away more than ten meters away, frowning: "What's wrong with you, silent, to scare people." She looked a little cold, "I That's all done. You can do it yourself. I'm going to practice. "

After talking, Xie Aoyu flew out of the Phoenix Mansion.

Xie Aoyu blinked, and Liu Yanxi's voice came in again when he was still in a trance. "When you practice, pay attention, there are some strong men hidden in the East China Sea, some from the deep sea, and some from the **** demons. They It may come to attack you. "

Xie Aoyu came to Liu Yanxi with a piece of earthen art, "You still care about me."

"Who cares about you, I am ..." Liu Yanxi's face was hot from Xie Aoyu's look. There was a feeling of seeing him and Qin Yueyi's passionate scene discovered, his eyes fluttered and he was afraid to look.

Xie Aoyu grinned, "In order to thank you for helping me, and reminding me, so I decided ..." He hugged Liu Yanxi, and kissed her severely, "Thank you for your kiss."

After the kiss, you will be lucky.

Liu Yanxiqi stomped, "Dead ghost, you take advantage of me again!"

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