MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2376 Saint Emperor Scabbard

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In the face of Tang Zihao's threat, He Jingun's complexion turned blue. ""

During his visit, he had two tasks. One was to let Tang Zihao take the initiative to give up his territory and hand it over to the sacred realm to strengthen the power of the deep sea. The second was to protect the ancient sacred sword of the ancient emperor. Come, as for the mystery of the scabbard, he did not get any hint, but the ancient psychic tree was strictly ordered, and the scabbard must be obtained, which is a dead order.

But now Tang Zihao has found a handle that can make him embarrassed.

This made He Jingun very upset.

"Tang Zihao ..." He Jinquan sank.

"Don't say it, I'm determined." Tang Zihao sneered, "I don't resist, if you want to capture me, just read the memory, you can, but I want to tell you that if you do this, you will never be able to I got the scabbard. "

He Jin gun said: "I know that you and Tang Gutian have special settings for memory. Even the ancestors of the **** tree cannot be unlocked, which is related to the mysterious power held by your father."

Tang Zihao sneered coldly: "You know the best."

"The biggest thunder force in the divine realm is the Lei family, followed by a second-rate small force, not even a giant, and Lei Lian Holy Land is not left to you." He Jingun groaned.

"Well, you and I signed the Heaven Curse Contract." Tang Zihao's mouth sneered, "Signing the Heaven Curse Contract and jointly restraining, as long as you give up the thunder relic holy land, I am willing to surrender the ancient sacred sword sword sheath!"

Taking a deep breath, He Jingun squinted, "I can't see, you're not stupid."

The cold mang flashed in Tang Zihao's eyes.

He can only endure!

Being a giant, except for being arrogant, how could he be a fool? This is a deliberate humiliation.

Tang Zihao quickly made a contract of the sky curse, signed his name, and then threw it to He Jingun, glancing at the contract, He Jingun's face suddenly became difficult to look.

"Don't you think it's too demanding," He Jingun said in a deep voice.

"It's not too much. This territory was originally mine. Now it's given to you plainly. I just left the Lei Lian Holy Land. It's very concessional!" Tang Zihao said coldly, "He Jingun, you must also understand, It's not so easy for me to be bullied by Tang Zihao. "

He Jingun snorted and signed his name.

Contract formation.

Xie Aoyu immediately checked with the soul jade, and it turned out that there seemed to be an invisible power infiltrating into the souls of the two, which was the binding force of the Tianmu contract.

Celestial Pact?

This made Xie Aoyu think of the original contract of the sky curse that was signed with the sky demon. The sky devil's contract was lifted between the hands of the sky demon. Can be considered a soul secret.

"God can do it, what about me?"

"Illusive light destroys the power of the Celestial Pact. Can my soul kill the sword?"

Xie Aoyu could not help but throb.

If you can freely cancel the Tianmu contract, it will bring more benefits. After all, in the current situation, all parties are entangled, especially Tianmo is dominated, there will be unions, secret calculations, etc., the binding of the Tianmu contract will be It's big.

He thought, and then he had the idea to try to cancel the Tianxue contract.

The contract was established, and He Jingun asked for the Excalibur.

Tang Zihao stayed in the palace and left himself, Xie Aoyu checked it with his eyes, paying attention.

"Tang Zihao, you want to play with me, hum, I don't know how I want you to die, but dare to restrain me like this!" He Jin shot.

He was already planning to make Tang Zihao pay a heavy price.

Under the attention of Xie Aoyu, it was found that Tang Zihao left Shancheng and actually went outside, out of the scope of his attention.

About ten minutes later, Tang Zihao returned.

Take out a scabbard exuding a simple and vast atmosphere from the space ring and give it to He Jingun. Tang Zihao said: "This is the scabbard of the ancient holy emperor sword. You go, it ’s not welcome here. you."

"Relax, I'll go immediately." He Jingun took a scabbard and checked it. After confirming that it was correct, he put it away. "Tang Zihao, since you dare to restrain me with the Heaven Curse Contract, I'm welcome. , Hum, you know what you do today has to pay! "

He left after speaking.

Tang Zihao was cold and did not respond.

For Tang Zihao, Xie Aoyu also had the idea to capture it and read the memory. After all, Tang Gutian didn't tell him how to use the mysterious power. It seems that it is not right, the most likely is It is sealed in Tang Zihao's memory, and he needs to meet certain conditions to be able to unlock it. This is the most likely, and Xie Aoyu even doubts that there is anything in the Lei Lian Holy Land that can help him unlock the seal.

However, now that there are too many people outside, it is obviously not the time to take action on Tang Zihao.

Xie Aoyu first locked He Jingun.

Whether it is the scabbard or the memory of He Jingun, Xie Aoyu wants to get it.

He first followed He Jingun.

It was found that He Jingun and the angel super-giant, that is, the giant that had the Goddess of Wings of the World, Ole Pang, told about the negotiation between him and Tang Zihao, and in the end, he specifically told that the mantra between them The contract does not involve angels and can act at will.

This statement undoubtedly made the angels deliberately make things difficult for Tang Zihao and others.

Oleppon naturally smiled.

One thing that Xie Aoyu noticed was that this Ole Pen was actually a quasi-invincible giant. He was one step ahead of Jiu Cai Phoenix and reached the quasi-invincible giant. He could not help but have some thoughts about the angels. Nine-colored Phoenix originally made a deal with the angel tribe, only to have the opportunity to achieve the quasi-invincible giant, and has the opportunity to achieve the invincible giant. How about it?

Need to be treated with caution.

He Jingun stayed here for more than two hours. In the end, two super giants from the ancient psychic tree appeared and left with him.

Looking at the positions of the two super giants, we can see that they came to protect the golden guns. It seems that the status of the golden guns is high, not just for ordinary giants. How could he come to negotiate with Tang Zihao and ask for the Excalibur.

The higher your status, the more you know.

Xie Aoyu looked forward to it.

He first placed the two women about a kilometer underground, and through the battle space, they were safe inside, while he himself tracked the three He Jinguns and captured the He Jinguns.

The three giants left the mountain city and flew towards the south, where the ancient psychic tree was the domain.

Flying fast all the way.

About ten minutes later, they were about tens of thousands of miles away from the mountain city. They passed through a desolate mountain range. Warcraft in the area was very rare, let alone humans.

"Just here."

Xie Aoyu sneaked under the ground to accelerate, and quickly approached the three giants of He Jingun. When the distance was about 30 to 40 meters, he put on the fist of silence and took out the moon sword.

Although the three giants did not seem to threaten him in terms of strength, it was still a sneak attack. It should be very easy, but since the status of He Jingun is not ordinary, and the scabbard in his hand is also very ordinary, is there a similar demon in his hand? What about guardians like the Holy Spirit Snow Eagle in the coat of arms of Maria?

We must know that Maria has led a crowd to attack, the matter has been made public, and no invincible giant is yet to be protected, which is obviously guaranteed.

Therefore Xie Aoyu is also cautious.

He stared coldly at the three giants, secretly working his magic.

"Huh? No!"

The flying He Jingun suddenly stopped, glancing cautiously at the surrounding conditions.

When the two giants saw this, they immediately unsheathed their weapons and protected them around He Jingun.

"Only the civet informed me that there is a fluctuation of human breath here, and it seems that there is still power running." He Jingun said solemnly.

"There is absolutely no one within a kilometer!" Said one of the supergiants.

He Jingun frowned: "No, the cat cannot be mistaken, unless ..." He looked around, the air was wafting, the sky and earth were full of energy, and some coalesced into clouds floating in the air. "Hell Demon Realm is special Of the assassin giants, they may be in the vicinity, and walk away. "

He immediately speeded up.

Xie Aoyu in the dark also realized that there was a ghost cat in the hand of the golden gun. He could actually detect his existence. If he didn't do it as soon as possible, he might be found.


Xie Aoyu shot immediately.

He pushed the speed to the limit in the ground and broke off from the ground like a ghost. He suddenly appeared behind the three giants, and the detective grabbed the shoulder of the golden gun in the middle, trying to capture him.

"There are assassins!"

He Jingun is just an ordinary giant, with a lower level than Xie Aoyu.

However, when Xie Aoyu shot, he sensed his existence. When the left and right two giants did not respond, a green mist of life suddenly burst out of his body, his body suddenly accelerated, and he let Xie Aoyu actually caught the air and failed.

Xie Aoyu couldn't help it.

This was beyond his expectation. His speed was actually avoided by He Jingun. It was still sneak attacking, which made people feel incredible.

With his swift effort, the left and right two giants had already shot, and the two sharp swords swept from left to right.

Xie Aoyu naturally did not pay attention to them. What really worried him was He Jingun and the so-called spirit cat!

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