MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2391 Kill Maria [2]

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? ps: Say one more time, September 18, rational anti-Japanese! [Maria has to die, which means that the heroes are coming to an end, uh, guess, who will the next heroine die? Strangled? Definitely not anti-Japanese death, this point, I can guarantee ^-^]

Do you know what a demon is?

The name of the devil is left by the Tian Meizu. It is conceivable that the Tian Meizu is terrible. In order to establish their own image, the Tian Meizu described the Tian Meizu as a demon, so they advertised themselves. ""

But in order to cast the Sky Succubus Shadow and Sky Succubus Control, you must also have a condition, that is ... bloodline!

Only Tian Meizu talents can perform.

Tang Zihao can actually be used, which means that Tang Zihao has the blood of Tianmei people.

"The sky succubus controls the art, the air that controls the heavens and the earth condenses into a magic knife, cuts everything, and claims to be indestructible." Xie Aoyu said calmly, "then let me see if your magic knife is really so arrogant."

Not an invincible giant, Xie Aoyu has no fear.

He can be said to be the first person below the invincible giant.

Among the various circles, the invincible giants who are still alive are four people in total, that is to say, Xie Aoyu is now the fifth-largest among all circles.

How could he be a good war and lose without a fight.


Xie Aoyu was screaming in the sky. The strength of his whole body was violent, and the irritating divine power was flooding all around, like the fierce sacred fire was burning. The sword in his hand burst out a blade of stab that broke the world.

Long Yin sounded at this time.

I saw countless dragons flying around, continually converging on Xie Aoyu's magic sword. This is the ultimate fighting technique triggered by all the powers ... Shenlong Xiaoxiao!

That's not to say, Xie Aoyu's Thundercloud Sky Wing also stretched out, and the holy wind holy thunder and the evil light wind mysterious blade were turbulent.

It really has reached its peak.


Tang Zihao roared.

The huge sky succubus knife fell from the sky. During the chopping, the air was rolled out and the space was chopped. It also caused countless cracks in the void. No matter how powerful all the buildings within a radius of 100,000 meters seemed to burst, it was The earth also began to sag, and the mountain city seemed to be slumped as a whole.

The power of that sword was unparalleled.


Xie Aoyu let go of Liu Yanxi, holding the knife in both hands, and fiercely slaughtered it to the magic knife at high altitude.

The huge knife light is also over a hundred meters long.

The sharp sword and the magic sword slammed together in the sky.


The sound of metal impact sounded like a thunder, and everyone within a thousand miles of the earthquake lost hearing.

The rolling dragons have been included in the sword, so that the power of fighting skills erupted here, which was previously the power of the sword.

Tongtian-level magic soldiers are at their peak, and the distance is all in the first line. Ask what weapons can compete.

The power of Shenlong Xiaoxiao suddenly broke out.


Power is like a volcanic eruption, bursting out.

The magic knife above the void also exploded.


The screams of screams came from afar, Tang Zihao's body spit out countless blood arrows, and the succubus of the succubus that had been in it suddenly broke away, and quickly dissipated, disappearing, and Tang Zihao screamed As a result, the body swelled suddenly, and there was an explosion.

This is the most terrible part of the sky succubus.

Unsuccess is death!

There is no possibility of life.

One cut of the Sky Succubus Sword also allowed Xie Aoyu to show the most powerful force without reservation, shocking everyone, and at the same time, two yells came.

But when Qin Yueyi didn't know where it came from, she and Liu Yanxi urged Tianshen Shenshui at the same time. At the same time, Ole Pen, who was about to escape, was blocked by Xia Jiazhun's invincible giant and Moyutian.

"Break me!"

Seeing that Xie Aoyu was so horrible, they dared to stay there and wanted to run away. They were actually besieged and immediately made the three quasi-invincible giants go mad. They fiercely shot and killed.


The power of the two women to spur Tianshen Shenshui is also limited. After all, the original sequelae are still there, and they are broken by the fierce shots of the three masters.

Xie Aoyu also resolved the succubus knife at this time, and took advantage of it.

His unrestricted speed was really unfolding, and it really made people feel like teleportation, appearing in front of Moyutian and Xia Jiazhun invincible giants out of thin air.

Sword swept.


The magic sword of Moyutian was cut off by Xie Aoyu earlier. He resisted it with a broken sword. The power of the broken sword decreased sharply, and it was even more irresistible. It was cut off in one fell swoop, and the sword was also passed over his chest.

One hit and two breaks.

Moyutian died on the spot, and the trend of the magic sword disappeared towards the invincible giant of Xia Jiazhun.


The quasi-invincible giant's excalibur is obviously more powerful, and it has not been broken in the face of the continuous sweep of the moon, and even no gaps have appeared, showing the power of the excalibur is extraordinary, but Xie Aoyu's strength has made it Zhen's blood spurted again and again, and his body trembled backwards.

Xie Aoyu didn't give him a chance to escape, and the thunder sword remaining in the thunder cloud wing above him still struck.

call out!

When he first fought with the Succubus Blade, he was preparing to attack Lei Yuntianyi to prevent the three quasi-invincible giants from escaping. Just like their giants, kill one and there will be only one. There will be only a few people. If you kill them, it will be true The world is too peaceful, at least it is difficult to threaten the strength of the Holy City.

At the moment of life and death, the giants of the Xia family showed their far-reaching ability.

After all, Moyutian is a force forcibly enhanced by the power of the Demon Palace, and its real combat power is inferior to that of the Xia family giants.

The Excalibur was cut diagonally, and the sword of the wind and thunder was blown away.


He thought very well, how could he not be able to exert the most powerful force after being hit hard in a row, but the power of the sword of wind and thunder can itself cause headaches to invincible giants, two contrasts, high and low points.

Divine Sword failed to fly the sword of the wind and thunder, but was released by the wind and thunder sword.

As a result, the sword of Fenglei threw away the head of Xia Jiazhun's invincible giant.

He can't die anymore.

Liu Yanxi hurriedly took the space ring of Moyutian and Xia Jiazhun's invincible giants and the magical magic sword that was flying.

"Big devil, it's not good, Maria's **** is going to run away." Qin Yueyi's cry sounded.

Xie Aoyu didn't care about another Olepang who was desperately fleeing and turned to kill Maria.

This woman will kill!

Never leave an aftermath.

His mind has also locked Maria's initiative to release the demon power, forcibly always space teleportation spell formation wants to move away from here.

This approach was seen by Qin Yueyi.

As a peerless woman who has just set foot in the realm of giants, Qin Yueyi can be said to be the most difficult one in Xie Aoyu's memory. Even if he faces Qin Yueyi in the same realm, he will have a headache. And only you can't think of it, without her.

The moment Moya lifted the power of the sky demon, Qin Yueyi shook her hand and sprinkled the sky with powder.

The powders were strange, and did not spread out under the strong wind, but gathered densely towards Maria's feet.

Poppy ...

In a crisp sound, a few spell symbols that had just emerged were all bursting.

Maria's plan to escape was destroyed.

She immediately exerted the power of the demon again, at least first protected it, and then looked for a chance to escape. Her power of the demon had just spilled, and Xie Aoyu turned around and was a little bit empty.

A huge wheel of time appeared above Maria's head.

Time is still!

The magical power was not stretched again that day, and was locked.

Qin Yueyi stepped forward and used the heaven and earth magic water to crush a thing that contained the power of the demon, and the power of the demon naturally dissipated.

Xie Aoyu also lifted the time still.

"I didn't expect that I would die in your hands." Maria looked calm. She knew that there was no possibility of life, but she let go.

"I didn't expect that the master of the three-color goddess that helped me move towards the path of cultivation will eventually die in my hands. I did not even think that a small three-color goddess that year was actually the demon palace set by the demon. Conspiracy, "Xie Aoyu said lightly," probably you didn't even expect that I would come to this state today. "

Maria sneered, "Are you showing off to me?"

Xie Aoyu stretched out a finger and broke through Maria's Dan Tian, ​​"Read the memory, kill!"

After that, he left, and went to hunt and kill Ole Pen.

He just flew out, but heard Qin Yue's scream, and a blast came.

A demon power broke out from Maria ’s black fallen angel wings and smashed it, while Liu Yanxi and Qin Yueyi relied on heaven and earth to escape the calamity.

Maria, just die!

Since she was born, until she died, she has never stopped calculating others, and eventually died in her own calculations.

Xie Aoyu shook his head secretly, he suddenly accelerated, and chased Ole Pen in a straight line.

Now there is only Ole Pen in the Divine Master.

If he dies, Divine Realm can be regarded as completely withdrawing from the final arena.

Xie Aoyu naturally could not let him go.

"Woohoo ..."

Seeing Xie Aoyu chase and kill, Ole Pang was scared to death. He understood that he was definitely not an opponent. Once he was chased, he would undoubtedly die, so he desperately exerted the Goddess of Wings of Realm to the extreme and soared away.

Xie Aoyu also does not keep his own speed.

As for Liu Yanxi and Qin Yueyi, they are not worried about their safety. It is not bad to bully others by their ability.

Extreme flight.

The distance between the two figures is hundreds of thousands of meters.

Within a few breaths, they crossed half a mountain city, and Xie Aoyu and his distance also narrowed from the original tens of thousands of meters to more than thirty meters.

"Ole Pen, you can't run!" Xie Aoyu said in a loud voice.

Oleppon escaped desperately, ignoring this.

In Xie Aoyu's pursuit, behind Lei Yuntianyi condensed again into the sword of wind and thunder, suddenly blasted out, and at the same time a dozen evil light wind mysterious blades also flew out.

This attack immediately put Ole Pen in crisis.

Dodging would be a waste of time, and Xie Aoyu would follow up. Blocking, with such strength, could bring him serious injuries, and even death.

Oleppon sweated coldly on his forehead. When he was nervous, suddenly, the ancient Saint Emperor's scabbard in Xie Aoyu's space ring trembled violently, and then he saw the broken mountain city and the ground cracked. A powerful wave of power emerged, which suddenly spread out of the ground, and was imprisoned within a thousand kilometers.

Even Xie Aoyu and Ole Pen were no exception.

As soon as Xie Aoyu moved his heart, he knew that this should be the mysterious power controlled by Tang Gutian. Because the place where the mysterious power was sealed was broken in the previous war, he would respond, and the scabbard is related to this mysterious power.

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