MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2413 Eternal Dragon Spirit

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txt ebook download ** The appearance of the **** wolf is not different from the ordinary devil wolf. As the paragraph wolf is guarded by a mask, the **** wolf has undergone a fundamental change.

"Papapa ..."

Extremely magical changes happen,

The three-meter-long wolf was swiftly running, and his body began to mutate. The light flickered. The wolf turned into a human form. His face was slightly retracted to form a segment of a wolf, but his teeth were extremely sharp. It has a length of more than ten centimeters, glittering with cold coldness, eyes are more like wolf eyes, a pair of ears are pointed, long, and the whole body is black máo hair, the forelimbs are similar to human arms, and the palms are a bit like wolf paw The change in the lower body is similar to the double tui, but the tail is always maintained,

These are just surface changes,

The biggest change is that when the wolf form is running, the heaven and earth vitality that swept wildly turned into soul power, so that the power emitted by this weird werewolf is pure soul. The height of sixteen times the power of ordinary fighting,


While running, the werewolf opened his mouth and made a howling,

A huge mouth burst into shouts,

Far away, Xie Aoyu can feel the horrible soul power contained in the light group, which is very scary. He also does not want to have a comprehensive jiāo front with Duan Sirius before he has merged the two major fighting skills. Stunned,

Hid in battle space,

Everything outside has nothing to do with him,

The terrible light group also flew past, shè toward the distant sky, and heard the blast of earth-shattering explosions, setting off a monstrous giant làng, which swept almost the entire North Sea,

"The soul of the mystery of space is now!" Duan Sirius in the mask drew a strange handprint in his hands, and then lightly pressed against the void,


Just where Xie Aoyu disappeared, there was an irregular bouncing,

Immediately afterwards, a looming soul with four-fifths of white sè mixed with golden sè emerged, which is naturally the soul of Xie Aoyu.

Xie Aoyu's heart trembled in the battle space,

In addition to the death of Xia Guangning, and Tian Mo also forced his fighting space to be difficult to play, this is the third one that can make him

He can clearly feel that the soul cares between the inside and outside of the battle space,

If it is attacked, the combat space cannot be shielded.

"Sirius Lore!"

Duan Tianlang shouted,

When I saw the amazing soul power violent on the werewolf, he opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, and then slaughtered Xie Aoyu's soul, which is also a soul. This cannot be avoided.

In desperation, Xie Aoyu can only choose to back,

Withdrawing from the battle space, he landed in front of the evil dragon and red pupil yu tiger in a flash.

"I need a little time," Xie Aoyu said,

Dragon Tiger takes off,

In terms of strength, naturally I know that it is far from Duan Sirius's opponent, so instead of taking the initiative to attack, but the dragon and tiger jiāo that each shakes the most powerful force, and then recoil to the ancient dragon land,

The strength of the dragon and tiger jiāo melted into the ancient dragon's land, and immediately caused the entire ancient dragon's land to shake,

"Roar roar ..."

A sound of dragon Yin came out,

I saw the light and shadow of the dragons rising from the core of the ancient dragon land, and then a beam of light burst out in the flip.


The werewolf was smashed by the beam,

Duan Sirius immediately spit out blood, and people shook for a while.

The numerous flying dragons flew quickly, shrouding Xie Aoyu, the evil dragon, and the red pupil yu tiger, forming a powerful defense,

"He separates the soul, and part of the soul's origin is integrated into the transformation of Sirius Uprising,"

"So the werewolf was killed and Duan Sirius naturally damaged part of the soul,"

"Soul integration, my soul is special, it is the carrier of the heart of the sun and the light, and it is exerted through divine power."

Xie Aoyu suddenly figured out the last key point, the integration of the two major fighting skills has become more rapid.

The slain Duan Sirius was full of surprises,

He shuffled,

"Eternal Dragon Spirit!"

"The only attack is the one-strike ability brewed by the spirit of eternal dragon, and the single attack during the attack is not a big attack. Otherwise, it would not be impossible for the demon dragon and Chu Tian to think of the original. , "

Duan Sirius's eyes flickered,

The evil dragon said coldly: "It really only has such a powerful force, so what is it, the dragon spirit of eternal dragon is the foundation and the formation of the dragon's guardian is also the dragon family I most want to break,"

"That may not be so!" Duan Tianlang sneered, "If the spirit of the ancient dragons was gained by me, I could step into the invincible giant realm and break, how could I be so brutal,"

Talking, he reached down and pressed on the guardian of that dragon,

"Suck it for me!"

A huge pulling force emanated from the palm of his hand, to tear up the dragon guard,

The evil dragon sneered,

The red pupil yu tiger is like hiding in a dormant dragon to cultivate.It is also a process of self-change. It is true that it is a devil, and it is not false to say that it is a devil.

The strong pulling force just makes the mask move slightly, there is no trace of eternal dragon spirit.

Duan Tianlang frowned, swiftly moving the spell, the soul's space power became wolf claws, but there was no change in other parts.


He patted his hands on the guardian of the dragon,


The ten fingers of both hands seemed to be transformed into electric drills, slowly penetrated into them, and grabbed them to a depth of about three or four centimeters, and then violently tore, more amazing suction was emitted from the ten fingers.

The dragon's guard immediately trembled fiercely,

The light and shadow of the dragon on the mask also became agitated, and even a trace of airflow was flowing out of the mask.It can be seen by rou eyes that it is being absorbed by Duan Sirius.

"Not good, evil dragon, what should we do," Chi Hitomi Yuhu said,

The evil dragon hummed coldly: "He wants to absorb the breath of eternal dragon, that is dreaming,"

When the voice dropped, I saw its body swell up, and the blood accelerated, like a rushing river, making a rumbling flow of sound, and even a trace of pale gold light emerged in the blood. The pale gold quickly gathered and opened his mouth.

The blood of pale gold is transformed into a mist of blood, which is integrated into the mask,

For a time, the dragon on the surface of the mask boiled again, sending out bursts of dragon yin, like a resurrection, trembling violently, multiplying the power of that dragon's guardianship, and the force of the ancient dragon dragon absorbed by Duan Tianlang was forcibly countered bring back,

When Duan Sirius saw this, he couldn't help anger, and he absorbed it even more.

The two form a stalemate,

Inside Xie Aoyu, he forgot everything about the outside world.

The fusion of the three major attacking fighting techniques, the fusion of any two fighting techniques, is the formation of a flashy moment, which is the last step, so it is very difficult, and everything is the problem. The perfect integration of Japan and Japan is not so easy. After all, to integrate, it is necessary to let it reach the peak of its power. It is more difficult. After the integration, various combinations will have different effects.

Xie Aoyu is now running at super high speed.

The speed of fusion of fighting skills in memory is different.

He is hurrying,

The segment Sirius outside also realized that Xie Aoyu must be fighting for time. Maybe when he woke up, it was his most dangerous moment, and if he could seize the opportunity, he would get the type of the most powerful fighting force of Vanguard.

So the two are the speed of the competition,

Step to heaven, step to hell,

Heaven and hell, right in the line,

"There is no way but to use the spirit of the devil wolf from nothingness, which was given to me by the ancestors of the devil," a yu pen carved with the pattern of the devil wolf made a crisp sound, and it cracked open. A demon The light and shadow of the wolf fell into his body,

Without seeing any action, I saw the disappearance of a pair of mutated wolves of Duan Sirius. Instead, there was a touch of black halo, gently,

Poppy poppy ...

As far as the fingers are concerned, countless cracks appear on the mask,

The dragon's guardian condensed by the spirit of eternal dragon began to continuously release a stream of air, and the dragon's figure above it also became dim.

Duan Tianlang shoved his hands hard,


The Guardian of the Dragon shattered,

The strong spirit of eternal Shenlong also exudes,

Duan Tianlang laughed wildly: "The site is invincible giant!"

His body turned into a bottomless dong, madly absorbing the spirit of eternal dragon,

It has the Dragon Realm itself, and it only needs to be further improved to instantly reach the invincible giant level of the four souls,

Now the opportunity has come,

Those eternal dragon spirit madly rushed into Duan Sirius' body,

His momentum also rapidly expanded,

Xie Aoyu, who is participating in the integration of fighting skills, seems to have been affected in some way. He did not deliberately perceive it, and instinctively devoured the spirit of this ancient dragon.


The spirit of the Dragon God Emperor emerged on his body to form the appearance of a Shenlong, surrounding him, and the crazy whale swallowed the spirit of the Eternal Dragon.

Then there is the bloodline of the first line of Dragon God Emperor in Xie Aoyu's body, which makes Xie Teng go crazy and devour it.

He and Duan Sirius simultaneously absorbed the breath of Elder Dragon, but the result was Xie Aoyu's absorption speed. This made Duan Sirius furious, he simply stopped absorbing, stepped forward to Xie Aoyu's step, and banged his fist on Xie Aoyu's head. ,

ps: Xie Tengfei, old ~~~~ 2k novel reading network

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