MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2426 season finale!

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Middle sea area, bottom

Xie Aoyu came here and saw the broken Tianmang City

In this shattered place, there is a light ball floating, with one person and one dragon next to it. It is the soul of Shao Jie and Emperor Dragon God. They never died.

"Who took the heart of the Holy Emperor?"

"The Sixth Giant in the Divine World, Wei Tianshu," said Xie Aoyu, and he was not surprised at all, because before they destroyed the doomsday plan, Yun Mengyao had quietly told Xie Aoyu what would happen.

Originally not only would Dragon Emperor and Shao Jie die, but all war emperors would die too.

But the appearance of the devil, the maiden of the silver wings, broke this ending

The Lady of the Silver Wings has the ability to inspire war spirits. In this way, as long as three million war emperors can be gathered, the doomsday plan can be prevented, and they have gathered nearly six million, nearly double the amount, so no one died.

"It really is him, he hides the deepest, and ultimately success is also reasonable," said Dragon God Emperor

Xie Aoyu said: "Emotional seniors don't think I have hope for it."

The Dragon God Emperor laughed: "It's not that I don't think you can, but you are the target of public criticism. Don't forget the identity of the ancient emperor. He must have attributed the emperor's heart to people in the world, but his power has not been exerted. Come out, otherwise, the birth of the Holy Emperor ’s heart will appear directly on your palm, so even if you want to take it away, you can leave it. Those people in Lei ’s house, can you give up? ? "

"No" Xie Aoyu said

"That's not it, why don't they kill Lei's home? You really think it's because I threatened with the doomsday plan? Wrong, that's what the people in Lei's home are against you, if you get the heart of the emperor , They will immediately kill the people in Lei ’s residence to force you to surrender, so you ca n’t get the heart of the Holy Emperor ”“ Dragon God Emperor Road, ”“ the only hope you have to impact the real state of God is it ”refers to the huge Light Sphere, "Power of Doom Thunder"

There are eighteen illusive and debilitating Doomsday Lightning forces in the light sphere

Most of their powers have been destroyed, and the remaining powers are combined to be comparable to the power of a doomsday thunder.

The Dragon God Emperor continued: "Human beings attack the true **** realm, but in addition to the heart of the Holy Emperor, there is actually another way, that is, the power of heaven and earth with the level of heaven and earth and thunder. Now, this is the method discovered before the death of the Celestial Clan. "

"No wonder the Silver Winged Lady said that I would give up one of the demigod thunder and Tianwei soul, and he wanted to destroy my hope," Xie Aoyu murmured secretly. "Since this is the case, no one can be satisfied for tens of millions of years. Is it required? "

"What do you think?" Asked the Emperor Dragon God.

Shao Jie laughed: "I said Lao Xie, you can reach it, and you don't want to think about how to get it. The power of the heaven and earth thunder level is the lowest level except Liu Yanxi and Qin Yueyi. If you think about it, who can get it? Don't say that the level of the heaven and earth **** mine is the level of Dacheng Shenglei. The invincible giants dare not easily get it, and only the evil spirit around you is an alternative, except for her and Who else do you have? "

"Tianwei's soul is different. It totally depends on luck, not artificially available. From ancient to modern times, there are many people who have luck from this, but all are mediocre, even the giants can't reach it. The Holy Eucharist, only you have created it, and no one else has been able to reach it. "

Xie Aoyu heard the words and shrugged, "Then I will try to shock the real world."

"It is not a test, but it must be successful. Otherwise, all circles will be under the control of the sixth giant of the gods Wei Tianshu, and everyone in the holy city will be his slave."

Xie Aoyu took a deep breath and calmed himself. He looked at the huge ball of light and walked in.

When people entered it, the eighteen faint doomsday gods of thunder and lightning immediately found their home, and madly gathered to Xie Aoyu's Dantianai.

When Shao Jie and the Dragon Emperor saw this, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

They guard

Time is spent in cultivation

Two days, three days ...

Two years, three years ...

Ten years have passed

The Three Realms returned to tranquility, as if everything once became a legend

Only the residence of Lei's family has become a sacred place in the Three Realms. Forbidden ground, anyone knows that there are countless giants in it. It is not known in ten years how many giants were born, half giants.

But the invincible giant level has never been able to appear again.

But Yan Lingwu, Bingwu, Zhou Zhenwang, Pan Hui, etc. entered the ranks of giants with pure white souls. As for the invincible giants, they never touched the edge.

Time freezes in the tenth year, three months, and three days after the birth of the heart of the emperor

Everything is as usual

Suddenly, within the Three Realms, another vision was raised

This vision is generally the same as the birth of the heart of the Holy Emperor. Xiaguangwandao, Ruicai Qianjo, Diyong Jinlian, dragons, tigers, wolves, mice and other figures have all appeared, and a peaceful singing voice came out.

The people ’s long-lost figure also appeared above Lei ’s resident as the vision appeared.

The comer is naturally Xie Aoyu

On his left is Shao Jie, who reshapes the body, and on the right is the soul of the Dragon God Emperor.

The emergence of two people and one dragon immediately detonated the Lei family station

All people are coming

Looking at the familiar faces, Xie Aoyu's heart filled with pride, even in the face of the **** geography giant Wei Tianshu.



"Big demon, you are back"

"Old Thank you, you want to die for us"

For a while, everyone rushed forward

Everyone is excited


In the cries of surprise, I saw Bingwu running around holding a little girl about ten years old.

That little girl looks just like Youlan

Seeing her, Xie Aoyu's heart trembled, she ...

"Aoyu, master, she left Xiao Xieer and left" Bingwu anxious

"Little Xieer?" Xie Aoyu looked at the little girl and reached out and gently stroked her delicate face

Bingwu said angrily: "Yeah, Xiao Xie'er doesn't know who it is and the master's daughter. If the **** man let me find it, he must have hit him.


Zi Yan heard the words, couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Xie Aoyu's room, as if she saw someone subconsciously tighten her legs. Not done yet "

The ice dance was shocked, and then she came to her senses and gave Xiao Xieer to Zi Yan

"Relax, I'll be fine." Xie Aoyu reached out and poured ice dance into his arms. "I haven't let my ice dance have a child yet, how can it be?"

"You, what time are you, are you kidding me?" Bingwu cried

"Don't you just want to go to Xiao Xie's father, no matter me?" Xie Aoyu asked


Bingwu said angrily, "You really want to be stupid, why wait for me to have a child, hum, the master didn't leave at all, I deliberately scared you"


Xie Aoyu froze, knowing the feelings of ice dance

Just then, a thunderous sound came from Skyrim

"Xie Aoyu, beyond the Three Realms, at the top of the universe, you and I will fight for life and death"

Wei Tianshu

Xie Aoyu soared into the sky, a forceful force radiated out loud, overwhelming the Three Realms, making the Three Realms tremble. He said loudly: "I can't ask for it"

After speaking, I would like to thank my parents Xie Gan and Yu Xin who stood far away, soared to the sky and disappeared into people's sight.

Everyone glanced at each other

"Go and see"

The giants all left the realm of God and reached the universe.

I saw that in that distant place, the two figures were far away

One is Xie Aoyu, and the other is still wrapped in a cloak. Naturally, it is Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant in the world of God who has received the heart of the Holy Emperor.

But no matter what he looks like, he always hides in his own identity, no one knows

"Before the war, test you first, you know who I am" Wei Tianshu said

Xie Aoyu said lightly: "Naturally know"

Wei Tianshu smiled lightly: "Oh? You and I have achieved the true state of God at the same time and at the same time. You have no time to check my identity. How do you know what I am in your holy city?"

He obviously doesn't believe it

Xie Aoyu said calmly, "You are the master Gothic, but not him"

Wei Tianshu froze slightly, and soon the cape was untied



The giants watching from a distance screamed.

Wei Tianshu is like Gothic, he said calmly: "Why am I not Gothic?"

"Because Gottliechet fell shortly after the opening of the Holy Island of Angels. After that, you have occupied his physical body. Therefore, Master Gottliechet has worked hard, struggled, and paid for his life. Life, and you just occupied his body after he died "Xie Aoyu said

"No, at first we saw him smelting and killing the crossbow in the space world. At that time, Wei Tianshu also appeared to kill in the ancient killing field of the Demon World. What's going on?" Yun Mengyao chanted

Xie Aoyu said: "I didn't understand it at first. Later, I met Duan Sirius. His true identity is the Dark Wolf Emperor, one of the three Dark Emperors of the Demon Realm. He cultivates the soul uprising. He once told me that the origin of the soul is separate. Things, perhaps all ordinary people do is only the separation of soul power, but after the soul uprightness reaches a certain level, the origin can be separated and become two people at the same time. "

"Two people acting at the same time can naturally confuse everything. Meng Yao originally believed that you were Wei Tianshu. There was nothing wrong with it. The reason why you hide is also purposeful, because you want to create a perfect body. The ancient psychic tree used to I said that the gap between him and you is that the physical body you choose is not as good as you. I have seen Li Qingbiao ’s physical body, and he can outperform him, but it is rare, even if the master ca n’t reach it during his lifetime. ”

"Later after I had the true Holy Spirit body, my mind flashed the black dragon beast in the human world. I recalled everything and found that there is a line of true blood in the black dragon beast. The first line of dragon **** emperor's essence and blood, so before the dragon **** emperor's predecessor did not restore the memory, he always believed that the black dragon beast was my side, and you went to hinder me from killing the black dragon beast. The real purpose was to capture the black dragon beast The blood of the true spirit in the body and the essence of the dragon **** emperor, so that the physical body reaches an extremely amazing height, and the more ancient psychic tree

"Furthermore, I also learned from the predecessor of Binglieyun. He said that the creation of the guardian of the mainland was not the vision of Senior Emperor Zhao Tianlong, but you. The purpose of your doing this is to pass this. In this way, to find a person who is extraordinarily strong in the flesh, for this you have also left five gods, such as Thunder God, Fire God, Water God, Wind God, and Earth God. "

"The first one you chose was the Guardian King 30,000 years ago, but you didn't expect that the Guardian King was perverted to the point where he could forcibly consolidate the heavens and the world, so you failed, and you don't want to repeat the former, So when the master appeared, you found that the master ’s ability in fire did not seem to be better than the previous guardian ’s pervert ability in water, so you tried everything to leave the master out of the East Sea God Island.

"But you also know that if the master is so occupied by you, it will not help you to capture the heart of the emperor, so you will give the purgatory **** to the master, and secretly use the means to let the master know After the existence of the ancient psychic tree, the ancient psychic tree was later calculated by the master, so after the ancient psychic tree was injured, it could not be recovered, because the calculation you made in advance played a role. "

"Later, you used the master's identity to act against the demon, that is, the Silver Winged Lady. The purgatory gods in the killing crossbow are all guises. The real killing is the power of death concealed by the purgatory gods. The concealment of the gods has concealed her, only to be inspired when the heart of the Holy Emperor is born to fight, so that it cannot fight with you. "

Listening to Xie Aoyu's remarks, Wei Tianshu clapped his palms, "Very good, you already know a lot, but unfortunately not all"

"Of course not all. You give up the body chosen in the divine realm, the soul enters the realm of the human world, dormant for millions of years, and awakened when the soul of the divine realm was banned from lifting, then you have begun to choose the body suitable for you. Looking at Wei Tianshu, "Your first choice is Xia Guangning's predecessor, but you did not expect that Xia Guangning's predecessor, for the human world, even resolutely chose to bear 100,000 years of infamousness, and devoted himself to the devil. Knowing that you are using the nine holy monuments to temper the physical body of Xia Guangning's predecessors and meet your requirements, which may expose your identity, so you deliberately exposed the nine holy monuments and let all circles divide. "

These few words came out, watching the ice dance, Yun Mengyao and others felt their heads buzzed and almost lost their perception.

They all thought of someone

"You even know this." Wei Tianshu's face was dignified.

"I also know that the predecessor of the Emperor Moroccan discovered your identity, so you were beheaded, and the predecessor of the Emperor Moroccan itself has a line of holy water, plus its own self-explosion, which will hurt you at all. In order to make up for the wound, It ’s to make your own practice even further, so you designed the plan to encircle the god-forge giant Basilischek through the four predecessors of the Emperor Wu Emperor. Its real purpose is to capture the ten-colored **** feathers of the nine-colored Phoenix for healing. "Xie Aoyu said coldly." I was very surprised that you can kill the Fengjia station. Why can't the Fengjia invincible giants kill you secretly? The giants have no resistance at all in front of the invincible giants. Later I learned that because the dignified emperor, the emperor who saves everything in the human world, is the sixth giant in the real world. "

Wei Tianshu's face was gloomy

Xie Aoyu continued: "Wei Tianshu, your soul is divided into two, one becomes the emperor and saves the human world, nothing more than to create opportunities for you with the power of the human world; a concealed between the guardians of the mainland, constantly changing identity, Find someone suitable for you; whenever someone doubts your identity, you can conveniently cover it with another one, making it impossible to think that one person's soul can be divided. After all, if the simple soul is separated, even the emperor of war can do it. The soul is divided into four, but the origin of the soul will only be on a part of the soul, and it is impossible to separate. Only you and Duan Sirius, the soul uprightness can reach the point of being out of the ordinary, can you truly achieve the division of the soul origin, and two of you Has a soul, so it ’s hard to doubt your identity. "

"Okay, okay, very good, since you know so much, it really surprised me, but you and I are both in a real state of God, and the outcome is not yet known" Wei Tianshu said

Xie Aoyu shook his head and said, "You must lose."

Wei Tianshu said scornfully, "Do you really think that you can kill me with a sharp knife in a real state of God?"

"No?" Xie Aoyu sneered.

"Of course not." Wei Tianshu took out a divine sword. "You only know that my soul is two points, but you don't know. I have realized that the most fundamental part of the mystery of the soul is the soul three points. Some of the soul's origins are in nothingness and always hidden. By the side of the demon without letting it discover, this sword was found by me from nothingness, and was left by the first person who was forcibly admitted to nothingness. After many years in nothingness, it absorbed countless times. The life and blood of the invincible giant who entered it are made from the blood of the invincible giant. Although it is not a real god, it is comparable to the magic weapon of the real god. "

Xie Aoyu frowned

At this point, he did not expect

Wei Tianshu said: "You have divine power, I step into the real divine realm, and the same vigor and transformation into divine power, the two are equal, you and I are equal, the power is the same, the power level is the same, who can win?"

"Nature is me" Xie Aoyu is still confident

"You are really confident, then let me see where your confidence comes from." As soon as Wei Tianshu's words fell, the Excalibur shot.

They are already in a real state

The strength is back to true

Whenever a shot is taken, no trace of strength is leaked, so under the shot, there is no space to shake, and the turbulent scale of heaven and earth is like two small farts who have just learned to walk for a long time. Fancy is a showdown of power

Xie Aoyu also fought with the sword


Sword strike

Neither is broken in any way

Obviously, the Excalibur is indeed qualified to fight against the Excalibur

When they work hard at the same time, people go backwards

Stop a distance of 100 meters

Xie Aoyu's magic sword pointed at the sky, "Your divine power, divine sword, and the realm are indeed comparable to me. You and I are rich in combat, impeccable experience, and the use of the environment is the same. Then the only gap between us is fighting skills Up "

"Are you fighting? Do you really want to use it? But it may be too powerful to release some bad consequences." Wei Tianshu glanced at the distant ice dancers, Yan Lingwu and other giants.

"Since I want to use it, I have confidence" Xie Aoyu's strength no longer converges, but is completely released

Hundreds of miles away, the Three Realms were forced by Xie Aoyu's forces to move across a distance of hundreds of meters. The sword also released a violent force. The sword was three thousand miles across, as if with a gentle wave. The world can be split

Wei Tianshu raised an eyebrow

Only those who are in the real state of God can understand that they can converge their power without reservation. They are not exposed at all, because if they are exposed, they will consume some. Although they can be ignored, they can be repaired as Quite a bit, even the slightest, may determine the outcome

Xie Aoyu was released unscrupulously.

Wei Tianshu is a little puzzled

When he was puzzled, Xie Aoyu shot suddenly

As soon as his body moves, he has reached Wei Tianshu's approach. The giants who watch the game cannot even see Xie Aoyu's flight trajectory. In their opinion, that is teleportation.

Actually, it is teleport

Because Xie Aoyu wore exactly the same shirt with the ability to seal the teleportation that Shao Jie had used, which was left by the ancient emperor

Xie Aoyu hid it deliberately in order to prepare to kill Wei Tianshu

Sure enough, the degree of teleportation is also unmatched by true masters of the real world. When Xie Aoyu cut the sword, Wei Tianshu just had induction, and he could not gather all his power to block the sword.


Fight against haste blocking

The two are almost the same, naturally Xie Aoyu has the upper hand

With one shot, Wei Tianshu flew horizontally out more than a thousand miles, and Xie Aoyu also urged the teleportation, and immediately came to Wei Tianshu's approach.

It is also a teleportation. If Xie Aoyu, who has a real state of God, casts, he can achieve tens of thousands of miles.

Before Wei Tianshu even had time to breathe, the magic knife came again

"Damn, teleport" Wei Tianshu was angry

Furious, he can only passively block

This knife made Wei Tianshu's body feel pain, and his internal organs were shaken. He was again shocked by the fly, and Xie Aoyu's teleportation once again worked.

Dangdang ...

There can be a time interval between them, but the giants such as Bingwu heard it as if Xie Aoyu smashed more than a hundred knives in one breath.

Continuous crazy slashes did not allow Wei Tianshu to have the slightest chance to attack, and finally wounded and vomited blood.

"One Hundred Twenty-Three"

Xie Aoyu teleported again, and the sword was cut again.

The target of this sword is still the place where it was continuously chopped with 122 swords. There is already a gap there. If it is chopped again, the possibility of the Excalibur breaking is extremely high.

After all, the Excalibur has failed to reach the true state of God.

"You forced me"

Wei Tianshu's eyes became red, and he managed to reach the real state of God. He was really killed. How could this make him reconciled, after millions of years of deliberate thinking, he was finally killed.

He is crazy


Opening a mouth spitting blood on the Excalibur

I saw a breath of destruction in the Excalibur, as if there were endless resentments released from it, a huge black figure passed from the Excalibur

When Xie Aoyu saw this, his eyes were shot coldly, and the magic knife was slightly stunned.

The biggest mystery of rotation non-polarity is to focus the power

At this moment, the power is converging on a point of the Excalibur blade, and the bombardment is on the notch of the Excalibur.


The extreme manic power of the Excalibur exploded, and the Excalibur was smashed in one fell swoop.

And Wei Tianshu also used the opportunity of the Excalibur to restrain Xie Aoyu. He retreated thousands of meters, quickly catalyzed the momentum, recovered his injury, and used the power of his whole body. Broken the Excalibur, which made him truly realize that the Excalibur is indeed not comparable to the Excalibur. He did not stay, and immediately released his power.

"Thunder Wheels banned and killed"

Wei Tianshu brought out the most powerful fighting skills

Xie Aoyu cuts the Excalibur, the body is horizontal, the Excalibur is held high

"Instant Moments"

For a moment, the world is silent, the world is silent

Everyone closed their eyes, only to feel the force of a row of mountains and rivers forced them to retreat tens of thousands of meters backwards.

When they opened their eyes again

I saw a little bit of blood in the distance, and Wei Tianshu's remnant soul quietly dissipated like a dream bubble, completely dissipated.

Xie Aoyu's hand pointed obliquely at the bottom left, looking at a scorching sun

That scene remained in the minds of the spectators forever and could not be erased

Eight words seem to reverberate between the universe

Eternal, bright and beautiful

ps: "The Emperor of War" is over, with a total of more than seven million words, which lasted a year and ten months without breaking a day. This is the longest book written without a mark and a turning point in the career of a codeless mark.

For the past two years, it has only been one book. There is a lot of emotions without traces. There are too many things happening during the code words. There are joy, pain, tears, unwillingness, fault, helplessness. The only thing that remains unchanged is the book friends. The support and unmarked insistence are taking into account the grand scene of the emperor every day. How to solve the recorded puzzles one by one, how to make people like and work hard, saying that no entertainment is a bit fake, it can be said that Regarding the emperor of battle, Wuhen really used his heart to create many times. I thought about taking a break for myself and slowing it down. But when I think of this, readers who support Wujing will definitely be unhappy. On the road, I have no support and help for me. I do n’t have a chance to relax and rest. The only thing I can do is to ensure that I give you the best feedback and to accompany my family while relaxing. I am proud to relax. Say, I did it. Three chapters per day never stopped, sometimes dozens of chapters, hundreds of chapters exploded madly. Seriously, I thank you very much for your support. No trace is remembered in my heart.

I also have parents and a wife, and I will get sick too. My little baby son was born during the period. Fortunately, he does n’t like crying. I can rest assured. In order not to delay, I only In a free time, save the manuscript and keep it in order to avoid special situations

Hey, every time I accompany my wife to the hospital in Tai'an, I just walked around, which is a good entertainment. I still think of the creation of the work and the next plot development in my mind.

This is probably the helplessness of a network writer. It takes a few hours to write a chapter, and the reader only needs a few minutes. It may even be more than a minute, and if you swipe it, you will come out and tell you some problems explained in the book. Scribble, flood, what can you say? I can only shed tears myself

Sometimes, I want to give up, but when I see that the real readers use clicks, flowers, VIP tickets, stamps, and genuine subscriptions to support them, I feel that everything is worth it. With you, what am I afraid of?

Of course, this book also has all sorts of shortcomings. No trace is seen in the eyes. It is useless. To do, that is, you must not make these mistakes in the book. The book was released at the beginning of the eleventh. I hope that everyone will be able to put the works on the shelves during the period. This has aroused the anger and unwillingness of many readers, but I really do n’t know how to explain this. Many books are on the shelves within a million words. Besides, the shelves are on This is only the requirement of the website. Invisible has also communicated with the editor many times, but in the end, it also reported understanding. After all, the website paid Invisible to the manuscript and provided works for everyone to see. A group of people behind the website supported the platform. For those who serve you, they also need to live and need to continue this platform. I hope everyone really understands. If there is no trace, there is no place to do a good job. Say sorry here, I remember there are readers Say, would n’t you go elsewhere to publish it yourself, that would be a breach of contract, and you would have to pay legal responsibility?

Finally, I summed up the "Emperor of the War", a book of more than 7 million words, with many deficiencies, no trace of shame, but no trace of assurance, the book "The Emperor of the World" will have the wonderful "Emperor of the War"

Next, let's talk about the book problem. The book "The Emperor of the World" is an oriental fantasy type. It is the longest conceived book and the most anticipated book. It will also have some innovations. It will be steadfast to maintain its passion.

The key point: No trace is still guaranteed, and the book "King of the Emperor" is introduced as follows: Juvenile Shi Feng, right-handed sharp gun, left-handed divine, hidden in the chest, holy tree, and conceived treasures, stepping into the small town on the edge of the western wasteland The legend begins in the storm of the Ten Wild Worlds

The world of ten wildernesses, the golden age, the endless genius, the genius, the wit, the immortal legends, the undefeated myths all appeared, and the mysterious refining masters came to fight, just for the eternal emperor to say ... [there is no such level in the realm Do n’t get confused as the biggest foreshadowing, well, I admit, I like to use the book title as foreshadowing] 2k novel reading network

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