MTL - Battle Frenzy-v9 Chapter 243 Machinery city

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Pharaoh completely abandoned the desire to go to the higher floors to read books. His foundation is too weak. Seeing those things that are too high is actually not necessarily helpful. The administrator has a good saying. The layering of the library is very good. Exquisite, you don't have to read all the books, but at least you feel that after the first layer of harvest and progress has been greatly slowed down, go to the higher floors to accept higher knowledge, that is gradual, steady The best way to improve.

This is a week. Pharaoh is like a duck. Many of the problems that have been encountered in alchemy have always been unavoidable. After reading these comments, I suddenly realized that I felt so.

In a week, the number of people who came to the library was not too much, and almost all went directly to the upper level. Wang Zhong, who saw the swaying in the first floor, couldn’t help but look at it. After all, this guy’s breath looks like It is too weak. However, everyone did not care. After all, the ordinary disciples of Tianmen also had the opportunity to get special permission and get permission to enter. However, there were several days when the class felt the weight of Wang Zhong’s ring and nodded slightly to him. As long as you can enter the Tianzun class, you will not be an ordinary person. The members of the Tianzun class are not the idiots of the Shuwutang Barlow. This seemingly weak little teacher may not have a blockbuster possibility in the future.

Pharaoh is also hungry and eager to learn the knowledge in the collection. The more powerful the soul, the memory, the reading ability and the ability to understand are all grown up by ordinary people. To the virtual Dan realm, it is impossible to explain it in theory. God, this aspect is even stronger. What's more important is that Wang Zhong knows how to search. It is not the more the better, but the choice is useful to himself at this stage. What is useful to the people on earth, everything will be a duck.

When I came, I was calm and calm. I was destined to be a place where I often went in and out. The administrator of the natural family was very friendly to him. I don’t know if it was because of Tianzun’s class, but it was handsome. It really helped the Pharaoh a lot and saved a lot of time.

Back to the mushroom house, Pharaoh slid directly into the world of debris, and the last two pieces of Pinnacle materials that Jonas got were planted inside.

Two strains of Tianhe Xuanjing grass, six pairs of Xuanyang purple gold fruit, twelve snakes kiss red Mandola... The most precious is obviously the two Tianhe Xuanjing grass, and this is the absolute main material of Liupindan, the standard The top six spirits, the others are only seven.

Those seven-level material pharaohs are really not worried. After coming to Tianmen, the abundant spiritual pressure environment has obviously benefited the fragmented world. The entire world of debris is expanding at an extremely weak speed every day. In the year, the fragmentary world, which was originally only five or six square meters, has expanded to nearly ten square meters. The aura in the space is also more abundant. The seven materials that were used to cultivate Xuanjing continued to be confirmed have been confirmed. The effect is good, but the six-level elixir...

In the fragmented world, there is a thick fragrance of Lingcao at this time. Several pairs of Xuanyang Zijinguo and Snake Kiss Red Mandao are quite good, not only are they fully mature, but also the original broken branches and leaves. All of them have been completely repaired, not to mention the other secondary materials, but the two plants are planted in the center of the debris world.

This has been put into the world of debris for a full week, but it seems to be almost not much better than when it was just planted. The green grass that should have been crystal clear, reveals a taste of green and yellow. Baba's, yellow and yellow, can't see a little bit of water.

An excellent Dan teacher can not only wait for others to send materials to his own hands, that kind of not only can not be emergency, everywhere elbow, and the pharmacological pharmacology of the elixir has not yet reached the point of getting through, just want to become the master of Dandao ? It is simply a dream. Understanding the medicinal properties of the medicinal medicine is only the most basic requirement. More in-depth, you need to understand the growth environment, growth cycle, and even the natural enemies of the elixir, various variants, etc. Only when you can do this is the right thing to do. The elixir in your hands is well known, and in the alchemy, it is more perfect to regulate the medicinal properties of the medicinal herbs.

"Sure enough and expected." Pharaoh said to himself, but there is no loss in the voice, but there is a little smile.

If this is a week ago, Pharaoh would have to be dumbfounded, but this time in the library, he focused on the medicinal materials and planting habits, especially considering the cultivation of the six-level elixir in the debris world. There is a certain amount of powerlessness. Pharaoh also specifically looked for some data about Tianhe Xuanjingcao. At this time, the mind is already completely counted.

"Cultivating Tianhe Xuanjingcao, aura and soil are not the key, need a little special help." Wang Zhong did not rush to collect those mature materials, but directly retreated from the debris world: "Go to heaven A look at the pavilion."

Tianwu Pavilion is also in the inner door, but it is completely opposite to the library. Adding to the Tianzun class is a variety of benefits. Resources are the hurdles that practitioners can never circumvent.

A magnificently decorated hall looks like a retro color. When you step on this side, you only feel that the ban is stronger from the surrounding area. Obviously, it also has a strong protective array like the library.

The Tianwu Pavilion in Tianmen is only open to the inside. It is said to contain all the things you can find in the land, you can trade, but it is not using money.

Tianmen has never been short of money. The treasures here are only open to those who have made great contributions to Tianmen. The conditions for redemption are Tianmen contribution points. The elders of Tianmen and the supervisors will receive Tianmen contribution points when they teach in class. More Tianmen missions also There will be contributions, teaching students is only a small scope of Tianmen duties, Tianmen also serves as the responsibility of supervising the Star Alliance. Even in many special events, Tianmen’s jurisdiction is even higher than the Star Alliance, and the authority is quite large. Otherwise, the promotion of earth civilization will not be just a sentence of the Tianmen Governor.

The points of the disciples can also be converted into contribution points. Of course, it is the right to be opened after becoming the official disciple of Tianmen. Now, the first year of this batch has not decided to stay, the newcomer can not open the authority to redeem the contribution point. . However, Pharaoh is not the same. As a member of the Tianzun class, the threshold of the official disciple has already crossed over, which is equivalent to skipping this step directly.

The reception of Wang Zhong suddenly is a mechanical family, unlike the silver Titans, it takes a second to recognize Wang Zhong’s identity. Now the Lao Wang is a complete red man in the mechanical family, the law enforcement game contest over there, because the team Too much, time is dragging on, and now it is almost entering the final stage of the final playoffs. It is estimated that there will be a final few finals in the finals. As the pioneer of law enforcement games, he is also the oldest judge of the finals. Wang, right now, in the mechanical family, no one knows no one...

"Wang Zhongjue." The mechanical family's expression is stiff, but the voice is full of enthusiasm. It is quite awkward to do things. There is no waste in one second. It is said that the mechanical family is selfless and can be self-sufficient. People's obviously still have a variety of small benefits: "You have already converted your points into contribution points. Here is a list of treasures. There are no redemption restrictions. As long as you have enough contribution points and want to redeem anything, you can slowly pick ""

There is a long list of classifications in the stereoscopic projections, from the elixir to the minerals, the lingo to the implements, the rare materials to all kinds of exotic treasures, and even the technological products of various mechanical families, spaceships, etc., and even It’s just a matter of changing the planet itself to be a creation god.

Think about the fact that humans used to worry about the destruction of the earth.

However, after just opening the pandans, Pharaoh is a bit cold, let alone five or six Pindan, even if a product Dan Dan Pindan has a lot of them, but the contribution points required for redemption are also high and scary, one The minimum contribution point of Yipin Dan is also a million points to start, and his previous points plus the initial contribution point of joining Tianzun class, only a total of more than 400 points ... can not afford, can not afford to buy.

Seeing all the spicy eyes, Pharaoh also stopped his own singular heart, saved the stimulus, turned to the rare material category needed, directly entered a name search, an illusory item projection immediately appeared in front of you.

It is a jar of Lingshui with a rich energy, Tianhe source water!

As the source of the Tianhe River, the aura and vitality contained in it are unmatched by anything else in the land. This is the most precious treasure of Tianmen, and it is precisely the best tonic for cultivating most of the grass, and the price is quite happy. Such a slap-sized bottle of Lingshui will have a full contribution of 10,000. It is necessary to know that the source water in the huge lake at the source of Tianhe is almost endless, and Tianhe is always replenished, and it is so expensive. The purchasing power of this 10,000-point contribution point is more than 100,000 Venus. Pharaoh is also an egg pain. As a strategic resource, this obviously does not depend on the amount of inventory to measure its value. This is the welfare of Tianmen. It is necessary to put it outside the boundary. You can't buy the source water.

Fortunately, the mechanical family at the same time saw the embarrassment of Pharaoh and reminded him: "His Royal Highness, the source water can be bought by grams. If the Royal Highness does not need much, you don't have to buy a whole can. The tank is exactly 500 grams. If it is split, the exchange price per gram is 20 contribution points."

Pharaoh immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Then come ten grams..."

It is enough to cultivate a six-level elixir. It only takes one or two drops of source water. It is far less than one gram. Pharaoh is also a long-term plan. There must be a lot of refining of high-quality drugs. The upgrade of the debris world is completely complete. Uncontrollable, I am afraid that it is difficult to upgrade to the point where you can easily cultivate the five or six elixir. It is definitely necessary to use Tianheyuan water as a supplement. Buy more and put it later, and use it sooner or later.

More than four hundred points of contribution were lost in half, and the princess didn’t even look at the other treasures below. It’s no wonder that the last time Lavelle’s sister mentioned the importance of Tianmen’s points. At that time, they did not directly touch the inside of these Tianmen. The redemption system doesn't feel that it is really... now I have to know this. The last time I was in the Magic Sea world, I have to fight for the world of ten, eight, five or six bubbles, and I will redeem the points. Soft hands, now there is no chance...

Going back to the mushroom house in a hurry, I can't wait to try the effect of the source water. In the hand, a small bottle of thumb is lightly clicked, and two drops of crystal water droplets smash onto the Tianhe Xuanjing grass. I saw that. The source water slowly slides down along the stems and leaves of Xuanjingcao. At first, it seems that there is no change, but when it slowly slides down to the roots and touches the soil of the debris world.

With a bang, the whole source of water was instantly sucked up by the soil. Wang Zhong could feel the amazing aura change in the surrounding palm-sized piece of soil. The original Tianhe Xuanjing grass seemed to be stimulated. Although there is no instant to become green and shining, but the sturdy body is immediately 'standing straight'. At the same time, I don’t know if it is my own illusion. Pharaoh feels the lingering stone of the whole fragmented world. It seems to have become a little more shiny, making this fragmented world look brighter and clearer.

Can source water also improve the world of this debris?

Pharaoh is also a heart move, and drops a few drops into the soil, feeling carefully, but this fragmented world seems to have not changed just like that. After waiting for a long time, there is no movement, and the old king is also crying and laughing. I was afraid of the illusion of a moment, let him hurt the few drops of water that was just wasted.

However, Tianhe Xuanjingcao clearly shows a completely different state of life at this time. When feeling with the spiritual power, Wang Zhong can clearly feel the feeling that the inner plant life is gradually recovering.

The energy of the debris world is not enough, the source of the Tianhe source comes together, and the old king’s heart is big. A few days ago, I was still guilty of cultivating the elixir for the fragmented world, but now, this problem is at least in the short term. Will not bother yourself, but also lose the identity of the Tianzun class, you can reach the library, the Tianwu Pavilion, etc., otherwise it is difficult to solve this trouble for the current Lao Wang.

Until I received a letter from Salisbury.

Tianbei County invited Wang Zhong to refine Liu Pindan. In fact, Shariste was also a bit helpless. He was also a bit helpless to help Wang, and he was a monstrous monk, and he was a goddess. ... Why didn't this Wang Zhong move?

In desperation, Sharisett can only take the initiative. Anyway, since she knew Wang Zhong, her own principles have been constantly changing and adjusting.

As for the straight boy, he is very happy, because Sharis can give him a lot of help. The reserve of the other alchemy is much better than him, but because the material is not fully mature, the time will be slightly delayed.

The letter was sent to Yiyi, Nini did not go, she quite despised Sally, even when Sally's softness was still a distance of one meter from Wang, making Pharaoh quite embarrassed.

After two or three days, the recovery progress of Tianhe Xuanjingcao was quite good, and the growth rate was also very fast. It was almost ripe, and the mechanical family invited it to the finals of the law enforcement game contest.

This is the answer to Rod D's long ago. The long game system over there has been dragged on. If the invitation letter for this hot stamping is sent, Pharaoh will forget this.

Time is tomorrow, then look at the venue, not in the Tianmen, but in the Machinery City.


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