MTL - Be a Human Again From Conan-Chapter 513 The Devil at the End of the Play (5k)

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   "This way, turn a little more."

   "So? Right?"

   "Okay, okay, it's finally done!"

  Forbidden World, Hidden World, this kind of dialogue happened between Nephthys and Empress, and the two girls were fighting for something other than Ji Xing.

  In the blink of an eye, Ji Xing was captured by the demon gods and entered this hidden world for more than half a month. He adopted a lying-down attitude of not resisting or cooperating, which caused a little trouble to the demon gods who took turns studying him.

  Because the living corpse duo is not very interested in him, you can't look directly at the duo and you can't get in touch with him. The participants in the research are actually the mutilated duo and the zombie duo in front of you.

Among them, the incomplete duo is relatively rough, and uses various methods to study Ji Xing's uniqueness, including but not limited to using the power of the demon **** to throw Ji Xing into a newly created small world, giving Ji Xing power, strength, beauty, etc. Waiting to tempt Ji Xing to degenerate, he does not shy away from dismembering Ji Xing to study his parts separately and inflict various tortures.

  Nefthys and Niangniang mainly use the method of "talk therapy" to ask, and occasionally add a little threat and intimidation to their words.

For example, now, just as Ji Xing's head was put back on his neck, seeing Ji Xing opened his eyes, the empress said, "It's very good, you, the various methods of those two guys didn't shake your spirit a little bit. But they seem to be getting impatient, and the number of mutilated you is increasing, and if this continues for a while, even if you are a demon, you will really die."

Nephthys echoed: "The two of us really don't want you to die, and we will stop them, but we have an appointment for one day, if they really accidentally kill you, we can only fight them at best. One fight, no one can kill anyone, and your death is really dead."

"How can you be impatient." Ji Xing sat up and said, "The demon gods have an endless lifespan and don't know how long they have lived. It's only half a month before you can run out of patience, don't want me to say it, do you?" ? It’s meaningless to say it.”

  The two demon gods looked at each other.

   "It was seen."

Demon gods do not have the desire to dominate and control, because everything in this world is within their reach. They are interested in Ji Xing because Ji Xing has a little unknown, but if they take this unknown into their understanding, they will understand it again. It was time to restore the old boredom, so they wished that Ji Xing could keep it secret for a longer time.

   "It depends on how long the secrets in you are worth our research." Niang Niang said: "Tell us at least one thing, are you by chance? Is there a life like you in the world?"

   "I haven't seen it anyway." Ji Xing responded.

   "Then let's not let you die and be generalized?" Nephthys laughed.

They got together and murmured, discussing what to do next—the demon **** is not a god, but the abbreviation of the **** of magic. They are magicians with the highest level of magic, and they are not cold and majestic things like the phase gods they created .

   While discussing, they seemed to notice something, looked at each other, and changed positions with Ji Xing in an instant, and came to an unknown corner of this hidden world, in a simple courtyard.

   "Othinus is going to regain his strength?"

   This is the residence of the Buddha monk. The mummy in the purple cassock turned his head to look at the two demon gods and Ji Xing who came, and the impatience in his eyes almost overflowed.

   "Ah, I'm afraid she will mess up."

   "It's fine to fix it after the mess." The empress responded nonchalantly.

Ji Xing was imprisoned in the hidden world for more than half a month, and the world was still actively adapting to the emergence of martial arts, so it encountered another disaster—this time it was a real disaster. The demon **** Othinus, who lost his power and lived on the earth, was looking for Back to strength.

  In the picture constructed by Seng Zheng's power, this matter has reached a critical moment.

   It seemed that he was afraid that Ji Xing would not understand, so Nephthys explained for him: "The one in the center of the picture is Othinus, who used to be a member of our demon gods, and then lost his power.

  You should know the Nordic mythology, Odin, the king of the gods of the Aesir tribe, yes, that muscular man with a big beard is her. "

'Odin' Othinus, who appeared in Ji Xing's field of vision, is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, with an eye patch covering her right eye, fair skin, wearing a witch's hat, with a cute look, and big The bearded muscular King of the Gods bears no resemblance.

   But they are indeed the same person, or this girl is Odin's real appearance!

"There is only one kind of resource that is worth fighting for by the demon gods—the world." The empress said: "There is only one world, but each of us has the ability to add and modify phases at will, and we all want to make the world what we want. Doing whatever you want will only lead to destruction, and thus we 'Gremlins' were born."

  If the world is compared to a game, the demon gods are all existences integrating planning, art, programming, etc., with different opinions and the same authority, the game will never be made, so there is the "Gremlin" team.

  After a'friendly' negotiation, they determined what the world looks like today!

"Cross religion aspect, Greek mythology aspect, Nordic mythology aspect, heaven, fairyland, goblin island, heaven, underworld... We can't remember how many layers of phases have been added in total. Othinus was a bit unlucky. At that time, I mistakenly recorded my own legend as the bearded Odin, and I can’t find it.”

Nephthys looked at Ji Xing: "In your eyes, we are all people who have added so many filters. Some legends say that I am one of the Nine Pillars, some say that I am a mourning girl, and some say that I am a mourner. I am a legendary Egyptian pharaoh, do you want to know what I am? A demon."

  Seeing Ji Xing looking sideways, she smiled and said, "Exchange your secret."

   "Not interested, no change." Ji Xing said.


  The empress was happy: "What's the point of knowing your identity, besides, you've almost forgotten it yourself?"

Nephthys was silent and shook his head: "I almost forgot. After adding phases countless times, we have forgotten what the world looked like before we became demon gods. Because of the wrong records of images and deeds, Othinus added The phase is also one of the best among the demon gods, she lost even further, and one day she suddenly became afraid of her own power, so she lost her power."

"It's a little inaccurate to say that she lost her power." The empress added: "It's impossible to use all of her power wantonly. She does everything now with a 50% success rate. Killing a demon like you is 50%. Killing ordinary humans It is also 50%, and she is casting her spiritual outfit 'The Spear of the Lord God', and wants to take all her power back under control."

  In the screen, the casting of spiritual outfits has reached a critical point, and sudden changes have occurred.

  A man pretending to be Othinus's subordinate Thor, the **** of thunder, attacked her. His real identity is the quasi-demon **** Aureus, who was once snatched by Othinus from the chance to become a demon god!

  He injected a unique elf-transformation technique into Othinus' body, and wanted to transform it into a harmless fairy island life elf!

  The breath of the three demon gods around them fluctuated slightly, and then shook their heads at the same time.

   "Fairification will make Othinus's success rate 0%, that is, the failure rate is 100%. In other words, as long as you act in the opposite direction of the first thought, you will also be 100% successful."

   "She still got her power back."

   Then the next moment, the world is destroyed!

  The hidden world was not affected, but everything outside the hidden world was shattered. Except for a few powerful magicians who could hide in special phases, all human beings were killed at this moment!

  The world became empty, and in the darkness, apart from Othinus, only Fantasy Killer Kamijou Touma!

   "Sure enough, she is acting recklessly." Monk was very dissatisfied with Othinus's move, "Huh? What else is she going to do to Fantasy Killer?"

  Because there are too many phase superpositions, even the Demon God can't remember all of them, so there is the world reference point of Fantasy Killer, 'archive'.

   "Of course, Othinus wants to get back to the beginning and her 'understander'. With Fantasy Killer and us, we can't do it anyway."

Niang Niang watched the show with her hands in her arms: "Oh, worried that killing Kamijou Touma will host someone else, are you going to destroy Kamijou Touma's spirit? Ha, devil, and what those two guys did to you Almost."

   Ji Xing nodded.

  Othinus created a new world.

But in this new world, Kamijou Touma has become the enemy of everyone. He is wanted by all countries, Index is killed and then quickly, Misaka Mikoto regards him as an enemy, and all friends who are familiar with him are targeting him in this world public enemy'.

A miserable death in this world is followed by happiness. Kamijou Touma married a wife and gave birth to a harmonious family. Everything was so beautiful that he dared not even dream about it. He just knew that all these gentlenesses were illusions. Kamijou Touma lived a very happy life awkward.

   Going round and round, going round and round, every time he barely sees through the world and is killed in the battle with Othinus, and then enters the cycle again, Kamijou Touma's spirit is gradually torn open a crack!

  Sengzheng is ready to make a move.

  The empress looked at Ji Xing: "It seems that he is not as strong as you, do you want to make a bet? See how many times he will collapse, a hundred times?"

  Ji Xing said: "Then I bet countless times."

   "So confident in him?" Nephthys said unexpectedly: "By the way, you are friends?"

  Ji Xing didn't answer any more. Instead, what he paid attention to was not the two protagonists, the demon **** Othinus and Kamijou Touma, but the 'supporting characters' who appeared in the world shattering again and again! Misaka Mikoto, Mugino Shirley, Kanzaki... and even the familiar faces of the karate club who occasionally play soy sauce a few times!

  Their personalities, good and evil are rounded up and flattened with the reshaping of the world time after time. Who will speak for them? Aleister wanted to exterminate the demon **** not only for the misfortune of his daughter, who would want to have a group of guys who can destroy 6 billion human beings with a single thought and change the thinking and worldview of all human beings?

  But the Demon God... is actually not evil.

  He looked at the three demon gods beside him.

  Niang Niang didn't understand: "Hey, devil, what kind of eyes are you looking at? You don't mean to deny it. I think Kamijou Touma will soon be overwhelmed. If you lose the bet, you must tell us your secret!"

"It's not a denial, it's just that I suddenly thought of something." Ji Xing smiled and said, "When we watch Kamijou Touma's life again and again, isn't it like watching a 'tv series'? TV series and novels, you all understand, right? …When the TV drama novel is over, what happened to the protagonist of the story?”

   "How?" Nephthys asked strangely: "If there is a happy ending, then there will be a happy life? With a tragic ending, maybe death or a miserable rest of life?"

   "No, not anymore." Seng Zheng said suddenly.

  The instant Buddha, who was not very interested in Ji Xing, turned his head and stared deeply at Ji Xing: "Their story is over, there is no future."

  Niangniang and Nephthys were taken aback.

   "That's right... there is no later."

  The ending of a TV series, the end of a novel, people can imagine what will happen to the people in the story and how they will live, but for the people in the story, their life is actually drawn to a halt at the moment of ending.

   And demon gods are all such people!

Magicians all have magical names, which are their ideals. For example, Stiyl is "the reason to prove that I am the strongest here", and Kanzaki is "stretching a helping hand to those who cannot be saved". Their magic name expectations are all fulfilled!

  They are the most shining protagonists in their respective eras, but the stories are all over, as if the last page of a novel has been written, it is declared over!

   But they still exist, they are still alive, so they are at a loss, have no goals, and lose their way.

"Did you see it?" Sengzheng said with emotion: "It's amazing. That's right, we want to find a standard to measure whether our actions are correct. If the world thinks we are redundant, it doesn't matter if we are coming to an end. Just feel at ease. .”

   "Hey, don't represent me." The empress retorted: "It's okay to want peace of mind, but it's okay to end, I don't want to die yet."

   Nephthys agreed, and looked at Ji Xing with some surprise, we haven't seen through your details, but you have seen through ours? !

Just at this time, Touma's torment in the front screen also came to an end. Othinus shattered and reshaped the world tens of thousands of times. Even as a demon god, his power was seriously depleted. Kamijou Touma, who was finally supported, slammed Take a punch.

  She wondered why Kamijou Touma didn't collapse.

   "I always knew what was fake! It turned out to be Tuesday after Monday, and Lang Sen wasn't there. How could it be the real world?!"

  Tuesday turns out to be after Monday.

   These words alone sounded like crazy, but Nephthys and Empress burst out laughing.

   Kamijou Touma went crazy long ago?

   "See what you've done, devil."

   "So that's it, I lost."

  Because Ji Xing inserted Ke Xue into the basic physical phase, Kamijou Touma has been in dire straits for the past half month! The day before is Wednesday, the day after is Sunday, the day before is October, and the day after is March and freezes into a dog. But everyone except him thinks it is normal, it seems that he is crazy!

  How could the world recast by Othinus be like this? Kamijou Touma caught the 'loophole'!

   Soon the two demon gods couldn't laugh anymore, because Kamijou Touma, who punched Othinus, chose to understand Othinus' deeds and became Othinus' "understander".

   Obviously everyone's fantasy killer, how did he become a person's "understander"?

   While they were upset, another strange fluctuation suddenly struck. The Three Demon Gods and Ji Xing looked up together, and saw a silver-haired man appearing in the sky holding a curved staff.

"Aleister?" Sengzheng sighed softly, read out the man's name, and said, "You have found the hidden world. It's a pity that you are too obsessed with destruction magic. If you are not obsessed with it, you may have become One of us."

  Aleister denied: "No, in order to prevent myself from becoming a demon god, I made some adjustments to my body, just because I don't want to become a life like yours that cannot survive without leaving here."

He glanced at Ji Xing, pointed forward with his staff, and the empress snorted when she saw this: "Are you here to save people or do you want to do something? Aiwass is a failure. If you insist on continuing to be hostile to us, the situation will be serious." It has grown to the point where you can't even control it!"

   What they answered was an attack.

  The magic staff in Aleister's hand is called the 'Shocking Staff', which is a powerful spiritual equipment with only one function, increasing any attack by ten times!

  In order to deal with the demon god, he prepared a blow equivalent to the Big Bang. After the effect of the staff is increased, it is ten times the Big Bang!

   This also couldn't kill the Demon God, but his target wasn't the Demon God at all, but made the three Demon Gods aim at this hidden phase with a changed face!


  The silent spread of terror.

  The entire hidden world was involved in the flames of destruction!

  In just a short moment, hundreds of millions of explosions occurred in the hidden phase, not only the nine demon gods that Ji Xing saw, but all dozens of demon gods could not help but show their heads, each of them was frightened and angry.

   After the short-term conflict disappeared, this hermit phase had entered an irreversible trend of fragmentation. The only home that could accommodate the demon **** was shattered by Aleister's targeted blow!

   "Seng Zheng! What are you doing?!"

   "That paranoid Aleister..."

   "Damn it!"

  Amidst the chaotic voices, Nephthys and Empress paid attention to the void, sighed and looked at each other.

  The home is gone, has the 'toy' also gone?


   This is the 'line of hope' that Ji Xing is waiting for.

  On the top floor of the windowless building, he supported Aleister, who had one-third of his body scorched, and said: "Thank you, your injury is serious."

"After all, they are demon gods. It's not bad to be hurt like this. They feel ashamed and have no killing intent." Aleister said: "Sorry, I encountered some troubles and went late. During this time, you wolf Have you suffered a lot?"

   "Fortunately, if you give me some time, I might be able to instigate three of them." Ji Xing laughed.

  Aleister was stunned: "Is that so..."

  He looked at Aiwass, Black Cat Witch, and Kihara Naogen in front of him, nodded and said: "I've got what I want, and the counterattack against the Demon God can begin."

   "Then first..." He turned his head and said, "Lang Sen, can I trouble you to kill Othinus who just brought disaster?"

  (end of this chapter)