MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 150

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After defeating the three major tribes in August, Sang Yu has been staying in Bahe.

From tribe to country, from dispersal to unification, there are too many things for her to deal with.

Although Shuyu is the mayor of Goddess Town, she is only fifteen years old after all, and Sang Yu is the one who is really handling things at present, and Shuyu just follows her, learning step by step.

At dinner in the evening, Yu, who never asked Sangyu the reason for his decision, couldn't help but ask, "I chose Shuyu to be the mayor at the beginning because...she is my sister?"

Sang Yu stopped the chopsticks in her hand, smiled and said, "Why do you ask such a question?"

"She is young, she has never received our education, and she is not like the group of people who worked hard with you back then. She doesn't understand the construction of tribes and towns, but you still chose her..."

Logically speaking, Yu shouldn't doubt Sang Yu's decision-making, but Shu Yu has no management foundation at all, but she is her half-sister. If Sang Yu didn't have any personal feelings, she would not believe it. .

"It's really not..." Sang Yu took the soup she scooped up for herself, drank a couple of sips, and said, "Actually, there are several reasons."

"The God Tribe was once the largest tribe in the entire Eastern Wilderness. The agent of a town I chose must be familiar with local affairs and conditions, so that in future work, it is not easy to ignore some details. This is one of them. .”

Yu looked at her quietly, listening to her continue talking.

"Secondly, this person must be facing us, and it must be easy for me to control."

Yu thought for a while and nodded: "Among the aristocrats of the Shen tribe, there are Shuyu and Chuqiu who have reached these points. But at the same time, there are many lower-level slaves. They have long held grudges against Chang's rule over the years. These people Any one of them can meet your requirements."

"Well, you're right, but at the same time I need a female leader.

In just a few hundred years, there has been a great division of labor in society. Men have stood at the top of the class because of hunting development, and patriarchal ideology has been completely crushed. To correct these problems to the greatest extent, I need to choose a female leader. "

Hearing what she said, Yu blinked, "That's half the screen."

"Have you ever thought that Shuyu's identity is actually very special, she is the daughter of Chang. Although she is not favored, according to the previous hierarchy, she belongs to the aristocratic class.

From the perspective of the slave class, she is actually a victim of the evils of the upper ruling class. But now, it can be recognized by people on both sides, and it is also the support point that can best balance the two sides. "

When Yu heard this, he finally realized something.

Now she has read a lot of military books, subconsciously, she will think more about other things, and she is no longer as single-minded as before.

Thinking of the woman in front of me thinking so far and deeply, I admire and feel distressed at the same time. I feel sorry for her brain that can never stop working, and feel sorry for her day and night toil.

But Sang Yu once told her that this is her ambition and her mission here now. So she has no way to persuade her to stop thinking about relaxing and having fun, and she can only try to help her do what she can.

So he served her another bowl of soup graciously: "Is it still drinkable? This soup is cooked according to your previous method."

Sang Yu took it, took another two sips, and finally said: "It can't be done, my stomach is full, I can't drink it anymore, let's feed it to the pigs."

Unexpectedly, Yu stretched out his long arms, picked up the bowl of soup in front of her, brought it to her mouth, and drank it in two sips.

"Okay, it's cheap for my pig."

As Yu said, he stroked his stomach contentedly.

Seeing her appearance, Sang Yu gave her a bad look, and said, "I haven't finished talking just now, choose Shuyu, of course she has to fall into my eyes."

Seeing the other party looking at her suspiciously, she explained: "Although Shuyu is young, she has a few qualities that are more commendable. When we were still in Xindi, the three major tribes wanted to give us a big blow through Montenegro. It was her." She notified us immediately, which proves that she can distinguish the situation around her, will seize the opportunity, and is courageous enough, if she were to be another little girl, she might not be able to do this step."

"And she cooperated very well in every step of our cooperation. In our tribe, only Miao and Xiang can do this at a young age."

After hearing this, Yu couldn't help admiring Sang Yu's analytical ability. But seeing that she didn't mention herself in the end, I thought about it.

If I were in Shuyu's position, would I be able to do this step? I couldn't come up with an answer for a while.

Sang Yu seemed to have guessed what was going on in her mind, and said softly: "Of course, there is also you, but I think you may choose another more direct way. Speaking of it, it may be from your mother's clan." Good genes make you all so extraordinary."

Yu didn't expect to get a compliment. He was happy in his heart, but suppressed it on his face.

"Then would you like to come with me to meet my mother?"

Yingji was kidnapped back then, and her husband was beaten to death. All of this was not her intention, and everything was a disaster caused by her appearance. In this era, the weak can't help themselves, and Yu was forced to separate from her since she was a child. I can't blame her either, now that I've come to Bahe, and with Shuyu's relationship, the relationship between mother and daughter is gradually repairing.

Sang Yu was taken aback when she heard her question. She had been in Bahe for so long, and Su Riyu was busy patrolling and maintaining law and order and training soldiers. She followed Shuyu in and out, and took her to familiarize herself with various basic affairs.

But Yingji, she really didn't see each other.

Nowadays, all members of the society are civilians, and Yingji is also divided into groups with those people, and lives in the arranged area.

She lived in seclusion, and Sang Yu didn't go to see her on purpose. They had been here for several months, and the two of them didn't see each other for a while.

Speaking of which, Yingji can be regarded as her mother-in-law in the actual sense, and she should have gone to see her a long time ago, but she has been so busy during this period that she doesn't even have enough time to sleep, let alone other things.

"That's fine, you arrange it. Find a time to go back to have dinner on the weekend. It's November now. Come and inspect the new house by the way to see if everyone has moved into the new house as scheduled."

For a woman like Xiang who is soft on the outside and tough on the inside, what kind of person is her sister who can give birth to children like Yu and Shuyu? Sang Yu couldn't help being curious at this moment.

It's just a little embarrassing that Yingji doesn't seem to be a few years older than herself...

I can't help but think of the scene in modern times where a daughter brings home a son-in-law who is much older than the mother-in-law, and I can't help but want to cover my face.

"You can connect it with work when you go back to eat." Yu rare muttered, scolding her heart that couldn't stop working hard for a moment.

Going back for dinner was quickly scheduled for the following Sunday.

Before leaving at noon, Sang Yu still tidied herself up. The first impression was to leave a good impression on her girlfriend's family.

Seeing her increasingly delicate face, Yu Yu couldn't bear to look away.

Fortunately, all other collocations are low-key, not too ostentatious.

The current population of Goddess Town is more than 10,000, and it is divided into 15 districts, with nearly 1,000 people living in each district.

Each area is separated by a distance of several kilometers, and it is closer to the land divided by the area, so you can work nearby.

Yingji and Shuyu's family are divided into five groups. The house was built not long ago and they have moved into a new house.

Two bedrooms and one living room, with a small yard.

It’s the same as the Xindi side, but it’s just a rammed earth wall made of mud mixed with thatch. The tiles are fired, which is more beautiful and durable than thatched roofs, and can also prevent fire.

The yard was neatly tidied up, and the farm tools and furniture were in order.

About the return of the two of them, Yu had already told Shuyu in advance.

Because of this, the mother and daughter did not go out to rush to the fair, and waited for them to come to the door at home.

Sangyu and Shuyu are very close friends. But in the administrative center of the town on weekdays, the two are in the relationship between the superior and the subordinate. Now meeting at home, the atmosphere was really not so relaxed at first.

In addition, Ying was cold-tempered and seldom talked, and the room seemed to be frozen for a while.

Only then did Sang Yu know how Yu got her temper, which was inherited from her mother.

Yingji looks thirty-five or sixteen years old, although her skin and physical condition cannot be compared with modern people.

But in this day and age, she is indeed a beauty. Even after giving birth to two daughters, her appearance was not damaged. This silent appearance, in modern terms, is an iceberg beauty.

It's no wonder that the God Tribe tried their best to capture her in the past, and Lian Chang's two sons have coveted her for a long time.

Sang Yu didn't know how Yu introduced her identity to her mother and sister, maybe it was just forced?

But she did have the mentality of a new daughter-in-law meeting her in-laws.

But she hadn't seen any scenes before, these were trivial things, after entering the room, she greeted the two of them gracefully, and presented the prepared gifts on the table.

She called her aunt to Ying, and Shuyu was still Shuyu.

Ying and Shuyu immediately bowed to her and called the king.

After sitting down, Yu took Shuyu to the kitchen to make dinner, leaving Sangyu and Yingji in the living room.

Sang Yu secretly scolded the wooden man, and threw herself to this taciturn mother-in-law as soon as she entered the door. But she still had a smile on her face, and began to gossip in a soft voice, asking them how comfortable they lived in the new house, how the farming conditions in the field were, and whether they encountered any problems.

In fact, on weekdays, I already knew about the same as Shu Yu.

Ying seemed to have finished observing her now. Seeing that she was in a high position but didn't make a show of her tone, but she was smiling and approachable, she seemed relieved, and followed her words, answering one by one.

The two of them had nothing in common, except Yu.

Ying was captured in her early years, and the only thing she couldn't let go of was her young daughter. She thought she was dead, and she blamed herself and grieved endlessly.

Now that she is still alive, she wants to make it up to her.

It's a pity that Yu doesn't lack anything now, and she doesn't know where to make up for it.

Until a few days ago, my daughter found her and said that she would take Junshang home for dinner.

She originally thought that the two had saved each other's lives as good friends, or the relationship between the monarch and his ministers. That's why this gentleman is thinking of coming home.

Unexpectedly, the eldest daughter said that this is the person she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

Ying was stunned for a long while, and finally only let out an oh to express her understanding.

So when the person came, she couldn't hold back and looked at him carefully.

To be honest, apart from not being a man, other aspects are particularly outstanding.

But Ying also knew that her daughter had made up her mind. No matter what she said, it was useless, and she thought she was not qualified to take care of it. The king of a country must think farther than herself, so she didn't need to worry about their future.

After figuring this out, and Sang Yu took the initiative to talk about family affairs, Ying also let go of other psychological burdens and talked about topics that Sang Yu might be interested in, such as some things about Yu before she was five years old, and the deeds of her biological father Meng.

Sang Yu also picked some important things that happened after meeting Yu, and told her in a playful manner.

For a while, the two had a happy chat.

When Yu and Shuyu brought out the dishes, they couldn't help being a little surprised to see the spring breeze on the face of the always paralyzed grandmother.

But I heard Ying ask: "Have you registered with Xindi?"

Sang Yu didn't expect her to make such a sudden remark, and raised her head to look at Yu who was walking over, with a surprised expression on her face.

Yu's ears turned slightly red, "I told her."

Only then did Sang Yu realize that the woman in front of her had just talked to her, and she might have been talking to her daughter-in-law. The feeling of exposing their relationship to the eyes of her parents made her a little ashamed.

She bit her lips, and then said, "Once the matter between us is made public, it will be involved in the laws of the entire country. So I am also looking for a good opportunity to tell everyone that there may be a result next year gone."

When Yu who was on the side heard her say this, his eyes brightened frighteningly.

She had never heard Sang Yu talk about their future plans. Now that it is included in next year's plan, how can you be unhappy.

Bai and Hong are both married.

Qing also found a partner in Tongzhen. It is said that after the last war, he registered when he returned, four friends. Now she was the only one left, and Sang Yu didn't mention it. She always put her first in everything, and she didn't bring it up first.

Besides, whether she has a paper registration or not is not a big problem for her, as long as Sang Yu is happy.

Now that Sang Yu has revealed her marriage plan in person, it has exceeded her expectations, so why not get excited.

Yingji naturally saw Yu's expression, and felt the emotion between the two of them. She discarded other thoughts, and her daughter found the love of her life, so she was naturally happy for her.

"Sit down and eat, and talk while eating." Ying greeted.

Among the four, except for Shu Yu who was still confused, the other three couldn't help but smile from the corners of their eyes.

I didn't expect to sit down when I heard voices coming from the door.

Looking back, it was Miao Ji who came to visit with Chu Qiu's wife Fang and neighbor Min.

After entering the door, they found that there was a big man sitting in the room, and several people hurriedly prostrated themselves on the ground to salute.

Sangyu had been passed down before and did not need such etiquette. But when Miao Ji was nervous, she forgot, and in a hurry, she wanted to kneel on the ground, and she couldn't stop her.

Seeing this, Sang Yu hurriedly got up to help them.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, looking at Fang and Min who each had a big fat boy in their arms, they couldn't help but compliment the cuteness of the children.

Fang and Miao Ji's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can be calm. But it was the first time that Min looked at Sang Yu from such a close distance, and the excitement in his heart was beyond words, and even his voice trembled.

This is the Queen of the Phoenix Kingdom. She just stood in front of her and even hugged her son.

She is so approachable, her skin is so white, her nose□□lips are plump with a hint of vermilion, she is like a fairy in a dream who has come to the scene in person, it is so beautiful.

Even the breath on the body is fragrant!

On the other hand, Fang looked at her little friend staring directly at Jun, it was too impolite, she hurriedly tugged at the corner of her clothes.

Min just woke up like a dream, but she was also blushed by her foolishness.

Sang Yu asked some questions about her children with a chuckle, and praised them for raising their children well, which made them feel at ease.

Such a posture was very different from the majestic appearance of the emperor in several people's hearts. After everyone took a deep breath, they couldn't help but feel very happy.

Looking at the dishes that had just been served on the table, I realized that it was not the right time, so I hurriedly found an excuse to go elsewhere.

How could Ying not see their excuses. Although food is indeed limited now, there is no shortage of food for the three of them. So he said that he wanted to keep them, and ordered Yu and Shuyu to go to the house for two dishes.

However, the three of Miao and Ji were so shy that they refused to stay with the child in their arms.

It's one thing to look up to your lord, but to eat at the same table with him may cause indigestion.

Ying couldn't persuade them, so she had to let them go.

The three people who went outside couldn't help chattering, excited and excited.

Miao Ji had sharp eyes, and just glanced at their table, but there were only four dishes, one of which was green vegetables.

Can't help but sigh with emotion: "Back when Chang was still alive, he had to eat four or five dishes for a meal, one serving of pork and venison, one serving of roasted meat, and one serving of soup boiled in clay pots. But now the mayor's house is so frugal when entertaining the emperor."

Min said excitedly: "As expected of a person I admire, he is also likable in his work."

Fang also probably knew something about Sang Yu from Chu Qiu. Now it's no surprise that this queen is indeed different from the previous leaders, she is really different.

In the past, the Phoenix tribe could develop so well, it must be closely related to the character of this female leader.

Now that the tribe is established and the country is established, it is also a blessing for the people of the Phoenix Kingdom to have such a king.

On the other side, Ying's family of four had a happy dinner together, enjoying themselves happily.

When they went back at night, after the two got off their horses, they walked in along the path of the staff community behind the administrative center. Sang Yu looked at his girlfriend who was hesitant to talk several times and said, "Do you have anything to ask me?"

Yu's mouth completed an arc, and finally shook his head, saying: "No..."

"Stupid." Seeing her like this, Sang Yu couldn't help feeling pampered.

"I'm happy…"

Only then did Sang Yu feel that she had indeed neglected this aspect in the past, which made the little girl look over her shoulder.

She stretched out her hand and said, "Holding..."

Yu quickly grasped her hand, conveying warmth, and rarely commented: "It's so soft."

"Like it?"

"I like it..." Yu's heart surged, and he couldn't help but increase the strength in his hands a little, wishing to melt her flesh into his blood.

Sang Yu felt the heat in her heart, and didn't care about the strength in her hands. In the dark, she said softly, "I like it too."

I also like... everything about you.

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