MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 105

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Zuo Xian, who is shy and doesn't care about the occasion, doesn't care about the occasion when he's generous.

She has never thought that kissing is such a fascinating thing - after all, when she was young, there were good morning and good night kisses at home, although at most they were kisses on the cheek, but Zuo Xian was used to it.

Zuo Xian took it for granted, so he didn't feel anything...but it was a little different from Lu Xingxian's previous kiss.

I always want to grind it carefully and taste it carefully.

At the beginning there were some 'embarrassed' people, but in the end it was the one who hugged Lu Xingxian's shoulders, pecked at his mouth every time, and refused to let go.

In the end, it was Lu Xingxian who held Zuo Xian's **** and carried him back to the house like a child.

Zuo Xian clamped Lu Xingxian's waist with his legs, not worried at all that he would fall, and kissed Lu Xingxian with a sullen smile. He especially liked to see Lu Xingxian being helpless and willing to indulge her. look.

After posting a Weibo, Zuo Xian immediately forgot everything about it. Naturally, he didn't expect that a Weibo he posted casually would be on the Weibo most searched list the next day.

When she heard the news, she was browsing some home furnishing items on the web that could decorate the room and add some color.

After all, there were a lot of things that I didn’t bring with me when I moved, and the things I needed were not exactly the same in different residences, so she bought a lot of small things, which happened to be suitable for Lu Xingxian’s side, and it was relatively beautiful.

In a sense, she can be regarded as a very homely house girl.

Just after adding two small balcony pillows to the shopping cart, Chen Shuang called.

"Hot search?" Zuo Xian rubbed his chin, put the phone aside after turning on the speaker, smoothly opened a new web page, logged on to his Weibo account, and saw the hot search content.

#When you soak your feet, what you lack is...#

Although the title itself and Zuo Xian may not have any special connection with the public, but combined with the Weibo posted by Zuo Xian the night before... this content came out, followed by a trending search, which is # You are missing a boyfriend/girlfriend#

Netizens: "..."

Zuo Xian dragged the mouse down for a while, and sure enough, he saw a lot of people angrily smashing the full bowl of dog food he ate early in the morning, but he thought of going somewhere else—although she and Lu Xingxian were in We have been together for a long time, but it does not seem to have shown any affection very often.

Not to mention public displays of affection.

No, under the Weibo post she posted last night, there are still people who doubt it.

Zuo Xian rolled up his sleeves, and was about to 'disclose' properly, but when he was about to reply, Lu Xingxian opened the door and walked in.

She looked back, Lu Xingxian had just finished taking a shower, and was walking over wiping his slightly damp hair.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Zuo Xian crawling to the front of the computer early in the morning, Lu Xingxian asked.

Zuo Xian pointed at the screen with a smile, and said, "Didn't I post a Weibo last night...Although it has nothing to do with it, it has been trending again."

It's strange to say, although it's not like she hasn't been on hot searches before, but it's really not a lot of experience to be able to go up for no reason without any backstage operations and no promotion by the public relations team like this in her life.

Zuo Xian also found it quite strange.

In the end, Zuo Xian boiled it down to a sentence he had seen before - the combination of two immortals is invincible.

Lu Xingxian leaned over to take a look, and saw Zuo Xian's unfinished line of words:

Zuo Xianxian: Thank you for your concern, but the time we have been together is older than the age certified by your information, little brother.

Laughed, it was indeed true.

She doesn't know how many childhood sweethearts can get together in the end, but the ratio of childhood sweethearts who can get together is very small.

Although counting seriously, the two of them have not been together as a couple for a long time, but she and Zuo Xian have known each other for twenty years.

This number is already a number that many couples can't reach.

Seeing Zuo Xian pressing the send button excitedly, Lu Xingxian paused as he wiped his hair, and then got down to business, "By the way, the shooting plan has changed temporarily."

"Huh? What's the change?" Zuo Xian was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously raised his head when he pressed the OK button, blinking and said, "Did something happen to the crew?"

It shouldn't be so fast if something happens, right? The two leading actors are fine. There are so many up-and-down processes in the entire crew. No matter which link is in trouble, a few days are enough to solve it. If there is a change, it shouldn't be a big change, and it's not worth Lu Xing's leisure time. told her.

Lu Xingxian shook his head, knowing that Zuo Xian would be wrong, so he said, "The director temporarily changed the broadcast plan, and planned to broadcast it in the form of a weekly drama."

Change it to a weekly drama?

This is really something Zuo Xian never thought about.

But then she thought about it carefully, and the total number of episodes of "The Wife Returns" is not long, only thirty-two episodes in total.

The current TV dramas are still kept at the level of short episodes but high energy in the complete episodes.

The content of the 32 episodes is much more exciting than the 60 or 70 episodes of the later TV series. As a modern drama, it rarely focuses on the description of the scene including the environment, so it is difficult to delay time.

Putting it all together, in fact, changing it to a weekly drama can be regarded as a way to make the audience's expectations slightly higher, and it can also mobilize the audience's discussion on the next episode.

"Then what's the change in our shooting plan?" Zuo Xian asked.

"The director's team discussed it and changed it to the weekly filming mode." Lu Xingxian propped one hand on the table while wiping his hair with the other hand, and said, "The director is thinking about the later stage. The audience is concerned about adjusting the connection of some plots at any time. After all, this film itself is a film about the counterattack of mainstream urban women, but it does not break away from the influence of the eternal topic of family, so the audience has to buy it. .”

After saying this, Zuo Xian understood.

But in this way, if it is a weekly filming or weekly drama, the actors will have a lot more rest time. At least in the next few days, after the previous part of the shooting task is over, they can take a good rest every day. Fan's.

However, there is also a disadvantage, that is, once it is confirmed that it will be changed to a weekly broadcast and weekly filming is required, all actors must be in the best condition at all times, and they must be ready to enter the show at any time.

This is no pressure for Zuo Xian, after all, she has experienced a lot, and she has already gotten used to it.

Of course, for the later period, the show was temporarily changed to a weekly broadcast, which is also considered both good news and bad news.

"It would be nice to have some time to rest..." Zuo Xian fell back, with his legs resting on the armrests of the chair, kicking the air once in a while, "But I haven't made up my mind about the next schedule yet. How to arrange it!"

Since "Stop Killing" was released, the jobs Chen Shuang received for Zuo Xian were basically of very high quality, and with Zuo Xian's requirements, her workload was not heavy, and she joined the "Wife" For the crew of "Return", recently, Chen Shuang only accepted two jobs for her to attend the show.

"Don't you want to go swimming?" Lu Xingxian threw the towel and said with a smile, "After I have some rest time, I'll take you there to have fun."

Zuo Xian blinked, hugged Lu Xingxian's waist from the chair, and cheered, "Okay! Ah Xian, I love you to death!"

Holding Zuo Xian's soft body in his arms, Lu Xingxian's eyes naturally fell on her back, and his eyes darkened.

But the style of the have to think about it carefully.

I haven't seen each other for one night, and everyone in the crew seems to have adjusted their state, and no one is talking about the work of the previous day.

But not mentioning the past does not mean that the past did not happen, it just lacks an opportunity to revisit the past... Obviously, in Lin Qiqi and Dai Haochuan, this kind of opportunity is very easy to find.

"What the **** is going on! Can we film it! One night passed and the state of the previous day was eaten up by the two of you, right?!" After Dai Haochuan forgot his words again, the assistant director angrily picked up the loudspeaker and directed at the two of them. Started to yell, only to throw the script in his face!

This time it wasn't Lin Qiqi who was scolded, but Dai Haochuan—but as the one of the "you two" who was brought along, Lin Qiqi's expression was not very good-looking.

Throwing away the trumpet in his hand, the director took a few sips of mineral water next to him and said, "Start again! Each group is ready—! Start!"

Staying in the crew is not too boring - after all, there will be new and different slots appearing every day, Zuo Xian is not worried at all that there will be no fun.

After nearly two weeks of continuous filming, the drama "The Wife Returns" is finally going to face everyone face to face through the screen.

Although the publicity of "The Wife Returns" itself is not that big, but the two people who participated in it are so famous that they don't need to spend money on publicity. Those few hot searches on Gouliang, as well as Zuo Xian and Lu Xing's friends in the leisure circle spontaneously helping to repost, have already opened up a very good start for this drama.

The premiere time is every Saturday and Sunday at 8:00 pm. This is also the prime time recognized by various channels. The family gathering together is also the easiest time for people to relax and the family to get together in a day.

And when the family gets together, what is the most common thing to do?

—Of course eating melon seeds and watching TV!

And especially on Saturday and Sunday nights, it is almost the most relaxing time for people all the time. Choosing to broadcast at this time will undoubtedly help the flow of the show itself in terms of data!

However, according to the urgency of the TV station, even if it is scheduled to be broadcast at 8 o'clock, there will always be a few minutes of trailers before that to get everyone excited in advance!

Zhongyou's family is naturally no exception. As Zuo Xian's die-hard siblings, the two of them have already moved their small benches and sat upright in front of the TV almost before it even started!

In a small house, a family of three is eating around the table. A simple plate of fried cabbage and a small plate of pickles, together with a few white steamed buns and rice porridge, is the family's dinner at night.

"What time does it start?" Zhongyou's mother raised her head inadvertently and glanced at 19:58.

"Hurry up, there are still two minutes!" Zhongyou excitedly stuffed a crunchy, hot and sour pickle into his mouth, and drank it with white rice porridge, looking forward intently, eagerly waiting for the first scene come out.

Finally, after the two-and-a-half-minute opening song, the official plot finally began to be shown!

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