MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 125

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When the clear and slightly immature voice was remembered, even the staff watching from the sidelines couldn't help shaking, and subconsciously searched for the source of the voice.

How would you describe this sound?

It's like seeing a clear spring in hot summer, or a piece of ice cream in hot summer, even if you don't drink or eat, just looking at it makes people feel comfortable from the bottom of their hearts, and they always want to take a second look.

Everyone couldn't help but turned their attention to the girl who made the voice. Although her face was a little immature, her eyes were flickering and flickering, and she looked at the villagers sitting around waiting for the doctor without any timidity.

This is not a scene where the environment can be used to set off the atmosphere and exaggerate emotions. It is just a very ordinary scene. Difficult.

But Zuo Xian did it.

Not only did she do it, she also made people who didn't know her start whispering and asking who she was.

After getting the answer, he suddenly realized that "it's her".

From the time she entered the shop to when she pronounced the first word, Director Chen was very pleased to find that she attracted everyone's attention.

This is not only explained by the word "beautiful".

The lines that are done in one go, flowing but with natural emotions, including the expression of skillful debridement without the slightest disgust, and the sweat beads appearing on the tip of the nose under the ultra-clear lens, are so in line with the current date.

Director Chen gently stroked up and down the armrest with one hand, feeling a little more at ease in his heart.

After the game was over, Zuo Xian took two sips of warm water and sat down to rest.

It is very hot inside the shed, especially in this season, when she is at home, she can't wait to run around in just a small vest, but here she has to wear very strict clothes on the inside and outside, and in such a hot day Working in an atmosphere is really not easy.

Zuo Xian looked around the field with his eyes, and soon found Lu Xingxian who was resting. At this moment, an actor from the same group happened to come over to take a group photo. One, said, "Excuse me, I'm going to find... my girlfriend."

It was the first time that these three words were uttered from her mouth.

Zuo Xian didn't know why this time, suddenly felt his heart move, and even his body trembled.

The actor next to him nodded knowingly and thanked Zuo Xian.

Zuo Xian then ran to Lu Xingxian's side with his own skirt.

"Why did you come here? Are you going to start preparing for the next scene?" Lu Xingxian took the time to glance at the shooting area.

She was seriously injured when she first appeared on the stage, and she needed to shoot the pain and **** appearance after being shot, so the special effects outfit took a long time, the makeup artist was still preparing, and there was a lot of glue on her arm , it is unlikely to make any big moves.

"Come and see you." Zuo Xian sat beside her with his chin resting on his face, smiling, and said bluntly, regardless of who was next to him, "I don't know why, but I haven't seen you for more than two hours. It feels like it’s been a long time.”

Although Lu Xingxian didn't say anything, the roots of his ears turned red quietly.

Zuo Xian really saw what he wanted to see, so he narrowed his eyes contentedly, and let out a 'hehehe' smile.

After the next scene, it was the scene where Mi Lan rescued the little beggar who was brought back by her.

The little beggar is the only remaining little apprentice in the shop in the later stage, the little apprentice who belongs to Mi Lan alone, and he is also the one who has explained the whole story to Yan Xiao played by Lu Xingxian, so he is considered a relatively important role.

In this scene, the little beggar can be regarded as an actor who has a lot of roles. Although the actor is a newcomer, he is quite good in all aspects. Zuo Xian's first impression of him is not bad.

Because the scene has to be transferred to the house, lighting, scenery, props, everything has to be reset.

In the special rescue room, the incandescent light was shining pale and pale, and there were many candles for lighting beside it. The little beggar was placed on the disposal bed, and his life and death were uncertain. His eyes were already numb and looked at the roof, as if for Life has completely lost any hope.

"What are you thinking, little beggar." It was the girl's crisp voice again, and at the same time there was a 'bang bang' sound that seemed to be made when iron objects collided together.

The eyes of the little beggar lying on the bed finally moved, and he looked expressionlessly at the little doctor who was messing with something.

"You..." His voice was hoarse, it was the difficulty of being hungry and injured for a long time, and he hadn't spoken, "What are you doing?"

Mi Lan smiled and stood up, holding two shoe mending pins in both hands, "Look for something that can sew the skin on your body, how about this?"

"Is this the Temple of Yama..." The little beggar looked like a banished fairy, but against the backdrop of this environment, his movements were like a girl who was looking for her life like a ghost, and said dully, "So I'm dead."

"You're not dead." The girl shook her head and looked very cute, "I'm robbing you from Lord Hades."

It seemed that these words suddenly touched a certain string in the little beggar's eyes, and suddenly there was some light in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the girl said, "But after I **** you back, you have to promise me a few conditions. I don't like those stupid people outside. I think you are smart, so you will be my handyman from now on. Food and drink for you, no wages, how about it?"

The Overlord Clause is straightforward, but the little beggar nodded, "Okay."

The girl just shrugged her shoulders, threw aside the two joking pins in her hand, and tore off the clothes on him with scissors with a little regret, "Young people are dying, the world is cruel, but people always If you want to live, it will be over once you die, and spend this life in emptiness. What's the big deal..."

Hearing the girl's words, the little beggar blinked and fell asleep peacefully.

Director Chen stared at this scene in the machine for a long time, and felt... an indescribable feeling.

The last line was added by Zuo Xian himself.

In "The State Banquet", Mi Lan is set as a girl who has experienced too many life and death, so she looks at life and death very indifferently.

Born in troubled times, if you see this kind of scene too much, you won't be so touched anymore.

Even when Mi Lan's only relative died, nothing changed.

She was just strong enough to clean up the matter behind the old man, walked through the scene according to the local rules, and returned to the room with a handful of soil from the grave.

But Director Chen always felt that something was missing.

He thought about it for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more he didn't like it, so he simply copied the script and went to find Zuo Xian who was taking a break.

Zuo Xian was a little surprised when Director Chen approached him.

In fact, when actors are filming, it is common for actors to play freely at a certain point, and especially for leading actors, the director is happy to let them play freely, adding more points to watch.

So when Director Chen expressed his intention of coming, Zuo Xian was more or less confused.

"The last sentence, when you said it, what kind of psychological environment was it?" Director Chen sat at the table with a sullen face.

It's not anger, but the expression that subconsciously reflects on a person's face when he is caught in a more tangled thought.

Suddenly being asked such a question, Zuo Xian was a little dazed.

She blinked her eyes, thought about it carefully, and was brought to a tangled situation by Director Chen, "Psychological environment?"

While scratching his head and thinking about how to describe it, the screenwriter who was preparing on the side also moved closer, and said curiously, "I'm also quite curious, Xian Xian is not very old, but sometimes he is very old."

As if hearing these words, Lu Xingxian, who was in front of the vanity mirror, also turned his seat and glanced over here.

Read The Duke's Passion